The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 23, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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mmmmmmmtmmammmmmmnmmm?? PSOFBSSIOITAL CASUS. G. If. EFIRD. T. E. DEEHEE. ;x dfikd'& dreher,. pj "t-- attorneys at law, lexington, c. h., s. c., Will practice in all the Courts Business solicitxL One member of the firm will always be at office, Lexington. B C. Edward l. asbill, attorney at law, leesville, s. c. Pract1*oes in all the Courts. Business Solicited. . T H. frigk, attorney at law, . chapin, s. c. ~y Office: Hotel Marion, 4th Koom. Second . Floor, vvill practice in all the Courts Thurmond & timmerman, attorneys at law, will practice in all courts, *? Kaufmann Bldg, LEXINGTON. S,C, On the 18th day of October we formed a copartnership for the practice ? f law. * e will w5 pleased to meet those having l^gal business to be attended to at our office in the tttUfnr. aim Building at any time. , Respectfully, J. WM. THURMOND. C. BELL TIMMEBMAN. A s A LBEET M. BOOZER, A. ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, S. C. m times: 1S16 Main Street, upstairs, opposite W Van Metre's Furniture Store. p Bspec*al attention giv^n to business entrust ed tohim by bis fellow citizens of Lexington canty. w. A. CLARK. WASHINGTON CLARK. QLABK & CLARK, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS, A No. 1233 Washington Street, COLUMBIA. - - - - S. C. George r. rembert, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1221 LAW RANGE, COLUMBIA, S. C. Z will be gl*d to serve my friends from Lexington County at any time, and a ? prepared to practice law in all ctate and Federal r Conns. ; A NDREW CRAWFORD, A ATTORNEY AT LAW. COLUMBIA, S, C. Practices in the State a??d Federal Courts, and offers his professional services to the citizens of Lexington County, Law Offices, 1 ( Residence, comer 1200 Law Range > < Pickens and Pendle ) ( ton Streets. ?BOYD EVANS, .LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR. Columbia, S. C. ^ Practices in State, County and City Courts, and in United States; Circuit and District Courts in Litigation between private parties or corporations. DR. P. H. SHEALY, DENTIST, LEXINGTON, S. C. Office Up Stairs in Roofs Building. TAMES HARM AN, J DENTAL SURGEON, LEXINQTON, S. C. (Office in Bear of Court House.) Informs the pubh'cthathe will bo in his office every Friday for the purpose of doing dental work in all its branches. TVR. E. J. ETHEREDGE, JJ - SURGEON DENTIST, LEESVTLLE, S, C., Office over J- C. Kinard <fc Co's. Store. Always on hand. TiR. F. C. GILMORE, V DENTIST. 1510 Mnin Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. Office Bodes-* 9 a. zd. to 2 p. m.. and from S to 6 p. m. DB. C.J. OUVEROS. speciau8t on KfE, EAR, NOSE ^ 1 Tbroat and Langs, GUARANTEE Office and Residence, FIT Of CLASSES 1424 and 1426 Marion. St, March 15?ly. COLUMBIA, S. C. PARLOR RESTAURANT, B. DAVID, Proprietor, 7 1386 MAIN, COLUMBIA, S. C. TheoDlyup to date eatinr house of its kind in the City of Columb'a. It is w- II kept ?clean linen, prompt and p?l te service. Tou get what you order and pay only for wbar you get. Within easy reach of desirable sleeping apar? merits' ? OPEN ALL NIGHT TAX NOTICE. I WILL AlTEND THE FOLLOWING mentioned places for the purpose oi receiving taxes tor the fiscal year 1904: Lexington C H, from the loth of October to the 7th of November. 1904. Hilton, Wednesday evening, Nov 23. Spring Hill, Thursday morning, Nov. 24 Peak, Thursday evening, Nov. 24 Cross Roads, Friday morning, Nov. 25. Obapin. Friday eveniDg, Nov 25 Josh Shealj's, Saturday morning, Nov. 26 it J.. : vt eta viuuw o otuir, muuunv cvcuiuy, iiuv. co E. H. Addy's. Tuesday morning, Nov. 29 G. F. Keisler's, Tuesday evening, Nov. 29 Bed Bank, Saturday evening, Dec 3. The balance o* tne time at Lexington Court House nnul December 31st, 1904, after which time the following penalties will be added by the County Auditor and collected by the County Treasurer: On January 1st, 1905, 1 per cent, penalty will be added to those who have not paid. On February 1st, 1905, an additional 1 per cent, will be added to those who have not paid, making 2 per cent, tor February. Still an additional 5 per cent, penalty will be added on March 1st, making 7 per cent penalty to be paid bv those who have nt: paid by March 1st, J 905. Tax books will close March loth, 1905. The hours lor closing the tax book will positively be at 11 o'clock for the morning and 4 o'clock lor the afternoon appointments. LEVY. For State Purposes 6 Mills. For Ordinary County Purposes.. .5 Mills. For Constitutional School Tax 3 Mills. Total 13 Miii8. Special School Levy District No. 1&-3 Mills Special School Levy district No. 37-2 Mills Special School Lew lnstnct No. 34-2 Mills Poll Tax. " SI 00 Commutation liond Tax $3.00. payable fro*n October loth to March j?t, 1003. Parties owning property in more than one township must so state to the Treasurer. When writing lor inforr tion confer 3i?g taxes always give nav in full. FBANK W. SHEALT, Treasurer Iiexinj.1011 County. | WM.CORLEY, I | NEW BROOKlAND, S. C. I 1 I Agent fo rthe New Improved a* i i SISGER SEWING HA BISK I I . 1 eg Awarded over fifty premiums for 9 SJ their f?xe llenoe and superiority 0 (E fveroth r akes. Try this pop- A jg u ar ma- hine in your home l e- |g fij fore buying. Large discounts for 5j jl cash, or ninety da\s. Liberal jS 9 terms on instalment plan. m I i f Needless, Oll.-s. Etc, , g i *: for all standard sewing makes. ? | Bargains | Larg*> lot of Old Machines "of stall- k P daro makes in cood repair. p eSSSSSSSeSSSSSSSeSSSSSSSSS 5 For Your 8 |Bread, Cakes, Etc J iBarbecues, Picnics, Etc| Jj GO TO THE ? Sold reliable bases,S | J. 8. RI'DLINGER. | X COLUMBIA. X *Your orders will be promptly filled.* 3 June 8. 6m. 3 mil Mm pi THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN COLUMBIA. UNITED STATES. STATE. CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITOR). Saving's department. Paid up Capital - $200,QOt Surplus Profits - 70.0TK Liability of Stockholders - 200 000 $470,000 interest allowed at tfce rate of 4 pei cen >er annum, payable May 1st and November 1st W. A.. CLARK. President Wiles Tone8, Vice President and Cashier December 4?1 v. Alfred J. Fox, Life and Fire I Insurance and j | , ItfUU Washers and Wringers. The most perfect Washer ever | invented. I can sell them at my ! store for less than they will cost you i ordered direct from the factory, j Write fof circulars and prices. j T. S. i 1804 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, 8. C. { April 1, 1903. 3m As Old Time Boaedy. I Murray's Hortthound' Mullein and Tar I has in it the purest of drugs. All of j which were used by our parents and ! grand-parents. It is a combination .so j put together that it enrols a cough right i oil. Nothing is Ix-.tter for babies. It is a most reliable cure and all oases of I coughs. Ask your druggist for it. They j all have it. Get a bottle now and have ! it ready. Oasts only 25c a bottle?extra j largo bottles?regular 50csize. Komeiaj her for " Murray V and rake no i otic r. A Heal Estate l mmmmmMmmm?mMmmm?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?mmmB \ j Agent, Lexington, S. C Only First Class Companies .Represented. i Mvscompanies are popular, strong ; and reliable. No one can give your j business better attention; no one can give you better protection; no one can give yon better rates. Prompt and careful attention given i i to baying and selling Real Estate, i both town and country properties. Correspondence respectfuiy solicited. SEWIN6 MACHINES! Wheeler & Wilson Xffo. 9. BALL BEARING Marvelously Light Banning and Noisless, (a No. 100 spool cotton thread for a belt will ran it).- One-third faster; one third easier than any shattta machine. Save aboat ONE DAY IN THREE. A GREVT FAVORITE WITH DRESS MAKERS. AND BECOMING MORE POPULAR ALL THE TIME. NEEDLES FOR ALL MACHINES. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. WORK GUARANTEED. ATTACHMENTS, SHUTTLES* ETC. In bringing Machines to be repaired it is only necessary to bring the head?-Leave the table at home unless it needs repairing too1 AAA The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, November 23,1904. Sad STot Heard of G-od. Pitiful Plight of Three Children Formerly of Walterboro. Charleston, N >v 18 ?Three children, Hiittie, Auna and Irene Benton, ibandoned by tbeir father, or grandfather in Savannah, will arrive here in a day or two to become charges of the Episcopal Church Homeon James Is'and. According to the siorv, some weeks ago the children were t? ken o Savannah by William Benton, a Confederate soldier, formerly of Walterboro Shortly after arrival Benton . _ J i :ii __j l aim cuiiuieu unsauie niauu wtio beui> to tbe St. Joseph's hospital whfre they were cared for sad nureed Benton recovered before tbe children *Dd was discharged from tbe hospital, when he left tbe city and has not since been seen or heard from. The children recovered and the Sisters of M^cy were then forced to place the children, for a hospital was not tbe home for them. A number of charitable women cared for the little ones and arranged for their return to Charleston upon Bev. A E. Cornish consenting tc receive the children at his institute on the island. Benton is said to have gone to Florida. When tbe children entered the St. Joseph's hospital they had not heard of Gad and knew nothing about Christmas or Thanksgiving, their early Christian education having been much neglected. If the Baby is Catting Teeth, Btf sure atd use ibat old and wt-iltried remedv, Mrs. Wiaslow's Sooth ing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allay s all p*iD, cures wind colic aDd is the beat recnedv for diarrhoea. Twenty fire cents a bottle. It is ?he Best of All. A Half Southerner Saddened Rather Than Angry by Attacks from the South. Wa&hiDgton, Nov. 18?Col. John S. Mosby received a few days ago, a letter from Judge Iimlhac, of Birmingham, Ala, commenting on the attitude of the southern people toward the President personally. Col. Mosby sent lhe letter to Oyster Bay as be thought the sentiments expressed in it by a Confederate veteran would be gratifying to the President. He received a reply which be did not publish during the 'campaign as he felt that the President's motives in writiog the letter would be misconstrued. The letter is as follows: "Oyster Bay, N Y., Sept. 10,1904 (Personal) "My Dear Col. Mosby: "That is a fine letter cf Roolbac's and I appreciate it I have always been saddened rather than angered by the attacks upon me in the South. I am half a Southerner myself; and I can say with all possible sincerity that the interests of the South are exactly as dear to me as the interests of the North." "Sincerely yours, (Signed) Theodore Roosevelt, j Col. John S. Mosby, j Department of Justice, Washington D. C." ! Has Stood The Test 25 Years. The old, original Grove's Tasteless Chili Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a ! tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50c. Farmers' Alliance Case. j All of the appeal papers and arguj merits in the Farmers Alliance case | in the suit brought by H. E. Brookflhira havA hAAn wrmtttrAri t'nr ?ron ~ ?* r ~r ? ? ?? | ment in the supreme court and the ! case will be beard some time in tbe | early part of January. Thie is an apI peal from the decision of Judge Gary j on tbe disposition<&tbe fand amounting to about $18,000 aDd & decision will be awaited with interest. i j Another case of interest to tbe rail| roads, and to Charleston especially, i is that of Riley against tbe Charles| ton Union Station company. This j case is set for December. Goad Wkitewsh. : baif ? bo6Dei of lime, slake j with bailing watej, covering during | tbe process ro- keep tbe steam in. j Strain through t hoe ei**e aDd add | ox^e pt-cfe cf sai-. pftv^nitsiy well die 8j vtrd 1 Li Waie ; itiie-i p uini- ii?e b filed to a tbio paste and stirred in boiling hot; one balf pound Spanish whirinp; or.e pound nice glue which has been previously dissolved by soaking it well, and then banging if over a slow fire io a email feet le immersed in a larger one filled wbb water: Then add five gallons of hot water to the mixture, stir well and let it stand a few days covered from the dirt. It should be applied hot This wash is 9aid to answer as well as paint for brick or stoDe, and is much cheaper. Coloring matter may be used if desired. Colorado Strike Ended. Denver, Col, N -v. 17 ?N >tic'8 have beeo postfd at five b'g mines in the Telluride region that eight hour rule will prevail in the mines. It was the demaad for this concession that precipitated the strike that caused the bitter strife between unionists and mine owners at Telluride and Ciipple Creek regions. The minimum wage promised under the new arrangement is S3 a day. At one time the Western Federation of Miners.offered to accept $2 75 It is understood that no discrimination will be made against the employment of union men. Russian Arsenal Destroyed. Tokio, Nov 18?A telegram from Moji reports the destruction of another Russian arsenal and magazine at Port Arthur. The Japanese discovered, it is said, the location or the arsenal and centered their artillery fire upon it. After dropping 200 shells in the locality they succeeded in blowing ifc up. The Japanese are widening their saps and are usiDg them to mov9 their guns forward. The Russians continue their spirited sorties, u?iog hand grenades in their attacks upon the saps. Dra-srs the Color Line. / Spokane, Wash., Nov. 18?"The story that I have agreed to fight Jack Johnson is not true,17 said James J. Jeff ies today. "I will never fight a Degro. I am entirely in the hands of the press and the people. Any white man they may choose I will fight on six weeks notice. Uoless this is done before a great while I will retire from the ring and be t?e only retired champion." The Sparrow Nuisance. Country Gentleman. Here in Kentucky, where we have good whiskey, we have tried with entire success the following plan: We take a small quantity of wheat, kaffir corn (white) or hemp seed and soak in whiskey for 12 or 18 hour*; then spread the seed out on some shed roof, and let the birds come and celebrate. la a few minutes they have more on board than tbey can carry, and tumble to the ground, where anyone can kill them. If any song bird gets the soaked grain and falls, you can simply lay him on a shelf out of the way of Mr. Thomas de Cat until he sorter sobers up, so that be can find the way home. Japanese Were Repulsed. St. Petersburg, Nov. 18.?A dispatch from Lieut. Gen. SakDaroif dated today says that during the night the Japanese attacked the Russian position in front of Po'uliloff bill but were repulsed. i The trees of Finland are the money j I bags of the people. A peasant even j makes hie shoes from birch bark and ! ! thatches his roof with shavings. He j 1 virhiftHv livftR nn ttrnnd. . . .. J : Hobckeo bos * woman who con- j j sumed 110 beers at one Bitting, and j I then quit only because of fear that | further indulgence might be looked j upon as unladylike. iiiiisii. DEPOSITS BECEIYED SUBJECT TO CHECK. I W. P. HOOF, Ca?Iii?r. j DIRECTORS: j Ulan Jonas. W. P. Koof, C. M. Eflrd, K. Hilton. James E. Hendrir. j EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. ! Deposits of $1 and upwards received and ; interest at 5 per cent, par annum allowed, i payable April and October, i September 21?ri j - - j ! jjj CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS j?j | M Btet Cough Syrup. Tastes Ccod. Km n<l Use la time. Sold by druggists. BJ i HJ PS ! W 1 i i THE PRICES TELL. THE QUALITY SELLSJ. B. FRIDAY & CO., "Wholesale and Retail GROCERS, FLOUS, FEED AID 6RAII, SEED RUST PROOF OATS. We Want the Merchants, Planter* and Farmers of Lexington County to Call and See Us Before They Maize Their Purchases. We Can Fill Your Wants and Save You Money. 1823 aod 1825 Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. ? Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions & Gent's Furnishings. COLUMBIA, S. C. It will pay you to examine our JaTge stock of merchandise before you buy your Winter supply whether iarize or small, we appreciate jour patronage. IBH^ZbTZE^ET SPBCIZLST 10 pairs Blankets, 10-4, Grey, at - - 59c. 10 pairs Blankets, 11-4. Grey, at - - - . 74c. 10 pairs Blankets. 11 4 Grey, extra heavy, at $1 24 10 pairs Extra Heavy White Cotton B'ankets, 114 $149 10 pairs Ex'ra Heavy White Cotton B'anktts 114 - - - $124 10 pairs Extra Heavy White CottoD BlersketH, 114 - - - - 9*o 50 pairs All Woo] Blankets. 10-4 and 13-4. prces irom $2.59 to $5 00 LADIES' UNDERWEAR, i MEN'S UNDERWEAR. i 50 dozen Ladies' Fleeced Bibbed V. sts j lft different styles in Mea's Fleeced and Pants only 25c : Bibbed V. sT and Drawers, only 4(>c. and 49c. 50 dozen Ladies' Fleeced Bibbed Extra 1 Wright's Wool Fleeced Shirts and DrawHeavy Vests and Pants. 50c. ; ers. special valne, SI 00 5ft dozen Ladies' Bibbed and Plain Vests ; 5ft d< z^r< All Wool Vests and Pants from and Pants from 75c. to SI 25 j SI 0) to S2.50 BOY'S, MISSES AND CHILDREN. 150 dozen Vests, Panta and Umon Suits for the Little Folks, s-z^s trom 2 ye^rs to 18 years, at only - 25c. Ask to see oar 50c. line lor the Be. * and Girls. UMBRELLAS. j HOSIERY. 10 dozen 26-inch Umbrellas. 4!>?. ! ?101 5?5S' Do?ble Kaee and Soic 10 dozen 23-iut'h Umbreliaa, 7-5o. j He ea 9e' -iG10 dczen 2i-inch Silk Glorias, at 98?. j' 100 dozen Boys'or Girls' Heavy Hose, 5 dczen 28 iDch Silk Glories, at 9Sc. j pnj,. ^ 2 dozen 26 inch Silk Glorias, special A L . T at jig* i Abont o00 aozeu Ladies Hose, prices 10 dozen 28-iDeh All Silk, special, $1.50. ] from 20~ t0 Fj)a- P*r Palr5 dozen 32-inch Farmer Son end Bain j Men's Hose, all prices, from 5c. np to Umbrellas, lor 98c the best money can bny lor 5'Jc. N N. A. YOUNG. & /> bp* sn* w SI w YTfc a Wfc dT% fi Y ? f ^ iMffl H BOY'S CLOTHINQ, | PANTS. BATS AND SHOES. | CALL OX J T IIIvi miiiR j 11 lmiiiju ff iujuihiuaj, i r IRENE, ?. f A GOOD & | RESOLUTION ' m j | I ?like a crying baby in church?should j be carried out. If you've been intending to pur- j chase a new pair of shoes for that boy j : ?or that girl?don't delay any longer, j* Come while our assortment of j ! styles and sizes remains unbroken, j We always carry many styles, and j j lots of tiiem. a Just now we have an extra quan- I ! tity of styles?ancl more youngsters' f | shoes than usual. J There are prices to fit e^erypock- j : etbook, and there's one pair of shoes ] in particular that we wish you to see. ! THOMAS A. BOYNE, , i ! <Oi'PO*I IE POST OFFICE.) | ' ! 1736 Main Street. Columbia, S. C. For Sale. Money to Loan. T WI ?hLIiJo!iiN Tl:.KS!>A V ' ,. nK; TXTE AliE PKEFAIiED TO NEGOX comber 6th, 1004, my entire jxr>oii?il yy tint* loan.* on improved farmingproperty consisting ot tor,, farming m?- . ;rtn<is Jn Lexington County. No eommisplements, wagons, nuggie;., e??\\ sj0n. Borrower to pav actus! costs of and calf, household and Jutclo.n farm- proration of papam. turn and such like. ' St p:. M. Gai THOMAS & GIBBES 1). 1. llAK.vtAN-. Attorneys at Law, Rftcky TV ell. S. < .. Nov. u?. I'K'-l. '' Vi. 1217 TVHS.b'.Ji!>to:i St., C ilumbia . tv C.