r ,==== =, Tie Lexington Dispatci. Wednesday, November 16,1904. Me lades to New Advertisements. Trespass Notice?H. F. Campbell & others. For Sale?D. C. Harman. Sale?J. W. Coogler. Window Glass and Putty. We bare a supply of Glass and Putty. We sell cheap. The Kaufmann Drug Co. ' ? ? ? - Bridge Toll ' ? TV- TV>.ltA?a To every purcnaser 01 x?iv? Ik in dry goods at Ball's Baz*ar, 1628, Main street, Columbia, S. C. Cheap Bates. The Southern Railway will sell very low rate tickets from all points in South Carolina, including Augusta, Ga., for the Famous Fall Festival and Sing Cotton Jubilee at Charleston. L Pictures. Decorate your home. We have Pictures for every room. The price is right, too. The Kanfmann Drug Co. Call Accepted. - Rev. Paul B. Leddin, a member of the South West Virginia Synod, has been called to the Lexington charge and has accepted. Brother . Leddin will begin bis work here on the first Sunday in December and will preach that day at Nazareth church J , J. E. Bawl Eyzer,. Sect'y. Lexington Charge. t^Bridge Toll to every purchaser of Five Dollars in Dry Goods, at Bali's Bazaar, 1628 Main etree , Colombia, S. C. A Card of Thaaks. I take this method of thaakiog my friends for the handsome vote they gave roe in the recent primary election in my race for Sheriff Toe handsome majority I received was truly more than I expected and I pledge myself in advance to strive to attend to the duties of the office in such a manner that four years L. hence I can lay my commission down unsullied. P. H. Corley. Visit Sis Store. Have you seen the beautiful line | of winter dress goods and mdlinery carried by Wm. Plait, Columbia? If not, you should certainly call there when in the city and see his stock. Mr. Piatt is from this county and is well know* here. His rule is f' to carry the best goods in his line even if he can't sell as cheap as the cheapest, but he gives his word that every piece of goods he sells is standard io quality and is worth a little more than the purchaser pays for it * ?. Leg Amputated. g^. John Boyd, a colored well digger, while cleaning out a well on Mooday evening last, for Miss Dana Bish, ! near Fredonis, started down in the \ 1 well and the rope broke and he fell ! 55 feet to the bottom of the well. He was unconscious for sometime and his left leg was so badly broken that amputation was necessary. D?. D. M. Crosson, assisted by Dr. W. A. Bysrs, amputated the leg just below J the knee and is doing fairly well under the circumstances. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Eva, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tt. A. iiemcfc, to Mr. J. S. Caugbman. The happy + event will t|ke place on Wednesday afternoon, November 23rd. 1904, at the residence of the bride's parents is this place. Miss Estelle, daughter of Mr. W. A. Harmas, left Monday to fill her ^ engagement as assistant teacher of the Athens school near Swansea. Mr. J. V. Smith is the principal. Miss Estelie is a bright, studious and intelligent young lady and the trustees have made a wise selection in securing her services. Mr. P. H. Coriey, constable for *? * j i? || Magistrate .Drauioru, iwaicu iuucc I Dreher, an escaped convict from the I , chain gang under a five years serI tenee, near the Newberry line aid 1 * went lor his man and returned Sat* | *?rday. Hose is now doing work ftr I the county under the direction of | Captain Jake Bicktey. | You can depend on Ayer's Hair Vigor to restore color to I your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops Hair Vigor I fallingofthehair,also. There's | I great sansracuuu m you are not going to be disappointed. Isn't that so? " My hair faded until it -was about white. It took 3"?t ouo bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor to ! restore it to its former dark, rich color. Your Hair Vigor certainlv does what you claim for It.** ? A. M. Hoggxx. Kockiugbam, 2i. C. fill .00 a "bottle. j. c. aver co.. MMMMMHMHMMi f Ol" Fading Hair LEXINGTON MARKET. OORBBCTKD WEEKLY BY THE JTEB CHANTS Bacon Hams, per lb 44 Sides, 44 44 S 44 Shoulders."... 8 Butter, per ft 20 Bergs, per dos. 20 Turkeys, per lb 8 aio Geese, per pr 70 a 80 Chickens, per head 15 a 20 Beeswax, per ft a 20 Beef, per ft 10 a 12K Pork, 44 44 .. :o a 12% Tallow, per ft 4a 5 Lard, per ft 20 Flour, per cwt sso a 300 Corn, per bu ? Peas, 44 44 85 Oats, 44 44 55 Fodder, per cwt 90 100 Sweet Potatoes, per bu Bice, per lb 3 a 5 COTTON MARKET. Lexington,?Middling 9X. Trespass Notice. A LL PERSONS ARE FORBIDDEN il to trespass in any manner whatever upon our lands. The law will be strictly enforced against all persons violating this notice. JEREMIAH SHUMPERT, G. A. SHEALY, \ W. NOAH LUCAS. November 9, 1904. 4w4pd. Final Discharge. \TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL JAI persons interested that I -will apply to the Hon George 8. Drafts, Judge of Probate in and for the County of Lexington, S ate of South Carolina, on the 28th day oi Nov.. 1904, for a final discharge as Executor of the estate of George Ballentine, deceased. , W.J BALLENTINE, Nov. 26, 1904. iw2 Executor. Administrator's Sale. ON NOVEMBER SEVENTEETH, 3904 beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., at the late residence ,of J. West Earman, in Lexington county, I will sell at public outcry* to the highest bidder the personal property of the said J. West Harm an, decea ed, as follows; I horse 2 mules, wagons, buggy, cattle, hogs, cottonseed, field crops, household and kitohen furniture, etc. TERMS OP SALE - C,i8h. MRS. LAUR\ 8 HARM AN. Administratrix of J. West Harman, dei ceased. 4w2. i i FOR ?IRISTJMS fl Piano. ) A regal gift! There is nothing I J more desirable, nothing so 5 > indicative of refinement, ? ? and nothing that appeals < ? " ho nf ?rn. S A ULVlV bV V^V iivwu V VA T? V / > man. Why not take < ? her into yoursecret s \ and let her choose 5 > for herself? <[ I On Chistmos ]i 4 morning, she ? will be just as.sur- <| < prised and more j 5 pleased. The piano <[ ? may be selected now \ s and delivered when yon ji > say. Parents may be c arranged confidently be- \ [ tween ns. Pay by the ]> ? month, quarterly or otherwise. < I Call or wTite ns for catalog, \ t Pr*ce8? } > Malone's Music House, j | Op. Y. M. C. A. Columbia, S. C ? j Pianos and Orga.ss. < For Sale. T WILL SELL ON TUESDAY, DEJL camber 6tli, 1904, my entire personal property consisting of food, farming implements, wagons, buggies, hogs, cow 4a/\? * /A!/4 /irt/) IA 4-r\Vu tv auu uaix, liuu^iiuiu uuu autouwu JLUI.UAture and such like. D. C. HARM AN. Rocky Well. S. C., Nov. 16,1904. I*tv3 Col. G T Graham, and Mr Norris, assistant superintendent of the Lexington mill, have gone to Colleton to join friends there on a deer drive. We expect to enjoy a saddle of venison when they return, even if it is purchased id Columbia. IP 1 DRESS SQODS, 1 E wf I READY MADE SKIRTS, I t J I CLOAKS, | ? 9 { MOTIONS, I J ? M I * I a ? Harvesting Machinery, I ? I Hardware, 1 ? M | Buggies, 9 ? W I Wagons, I ^ Hames, 8 * I m I Saddles, |? I f | Buggy Robes. | E Ask about the Free Stove, Free Wat ihtimm??a?a?a?m A New Department is to be Born This Week. * " 1 ^ * ]e as we represent. Our New York representatives are shooting the hottest bargains to us every day that has ever landed in a town of this size. We have no time to write advertisements, come, and be conv'nced that we sell cheaper than any store in the State. WMtten's N.!. Racist Store, BATESBURO, ?. C. Bluenthal & Kuschbaum High Grade Clothing at Cut Prices. Stetson, Crossett, "Walk Over" shoes. Queen Quality and Star Brand shoes are better. WE ARE FORGING AHEAD AT A RAPID RATE. WHT? Because every man and toy who has had any dealing with us speaks well of our business methods. ' ??-> -rr. icrf-r*- ? lSt. .DeCHUSe \Y? uto?^ resent or exagerate in making an ' J 2nd. Because we carry a line of AND BOY'S CLOTHING/ Shoes, Hals, Shirts, Underwear, Gloves, Neckwear and Hosinot surpassed by any house in ADDED THE SECOND STORY ' Crd. Thousand square feet' of I floor space for the exhibition of STTPPE2THEIXBE A* visit to ourstore will con vino.' 4 jjBjjj and equipment for rapid service. 1001 GERVAIS ST., COLUMBIA. S. C IF YOU WANT ANY JOB PRINTING DONE give us au order. The Dispatch Job Printing Office. (oaB* s m Wrf *3 iOVERGGATS, 1 Q Ij I CRAVERETTES, | m 251 i ^ D J CL0TH18G, I y j| 9 FURNISHINGS, i if I id 2d i N . j|j GROCERIES, J ^ j g 8 CANNED GOODS, I M "3 | CARDIES, 1 pa I meirnt | wunvnhiivf ^ 5 I COOKING STOVESt ? Li er Set, Free Clock and Free Spoons. I BEiDUFHOl M! I I ENHANCE ITS VALUE. I t OUR STORE IS HEADQUARTERS FOR J | FAINTS, 0IL8, BRUSHES, ETC. I | We sell all good materials | 1 and will meet competitive 9 I LET USGIYE YOU OUR ESTIMATE | I THE KAUFMANN DRUG CO., I I LEXINGTON, S. C. 1 FOR IT MAT INTEREST YOU AND CfftuA ?^si iiavo vuu iTiuiioji ABOUT COTTON ?We want your Cotton and Cotton Seed ?we will pay highest prices. ABOUT ORC*NS ?We want to show you our line of Parlor Organs, in oak and walnut. Tnev are beauties. ABOUT BUGGIES ?Jnsfc received a car load of up to date, Btyli^h buggies ana surreys. Can suit youDg and old. FALL CLOTHING ?A big, nobby line of Mens' Suits and trousers have just arrived. ABOUT PHOTOS?Bring us your picture?we will have it enlarged at a moderate price and guarantee satisfaction. WE CARRY ?A big supply of single and double barrel breech-loading Shot Guns, S'oves, Sewing Machines, Groceries, Dry Goods, Single and Double Harness, Notions, Hardware, Shoes, Hats, Pictures and frames at all times, and will not be undersold. Bagging and tiee a specialty. OUR ?Store and warehouse are full; we cordially invite you to see usWe will please you and save you money. Come. E. JONES, BATESBURC, . - - - - S. Q. /r fa> Buy Your WINTER SHOES COLUMBIA. S. C. Nothing but Solid Leather Shoes Sold and Every Pair Guaranteed. They are here aad of course are beauties, because they are Keith Konquerors in High and Low Cuts. Blacks and Taus, A.U Leathers, Union Made. You are respectfully invited to call wneu in the city aad inspect these goods Quality guaranteed. fa lie n \ KIiaa Star a ' UVHtH ^ KJI1 Vt kl IVI i 1636 MAIN ST.. COI UMBIA. S. 0.