The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 02, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Oar stock has baen replenished witl for a visit. Suits and Cloaks to fit am carry everything from the child's piair that are always the lowest. Matting 1 la Woolen Underwear you will find h? quality and price. We have the bigg< kdiee' neckwear, belts, combe, faEcy f -walkiDg hats from $1 00 to $ 10 00. S nntil jou see them. J. L. : The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, November 2,1904. ~7EA^TSCISSORSWayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. We are still having dry weather. Potato digging is still progressing. Ntxfc Monday is November's salesday. The days are short and the nights j ore long. The woods are lovely with their v&riaged hoes. Poverty is a man's saftest amulet against a woman's charm. Men and boy's ready to wear pants cheap, at Meetze & Son. Have your dollar jingling when the Editor comes arbund. Miss Eog nia Hendrix is visiting relatives and friends in Leeeville. We will have more space to give to oQr.correepondents affce this week. It's easy enough to love your 2eighbo56 if you can make use of v ihem. There are several valuable pieces of property advertised for sale next Monday. Miss Ida Beeder is teaching quite a large school at Pine Hill, near her home. County Commissioner G. W. R9edar was in town yesterday and gave us a pleasant call. Dixie Lodge of Odd Fellows will hold a special business meeting tomorrow evening. ? B. F. Seagel, of Hickory, N. C., is visiting at the home of Mr. aiid Mrs. J8S E. Hendrix, in this placeWhen farmers want the tip top market price for their cotton they bring it to Lexington. The free public echct' term opened at* the Palmetto Collegiate Institute last Monday. The Bell Telephone people are putting in an exchange system in the town of Leeeville. The Holland Hall of Newberry College, has been dedicated with imposing ceremonies. 10c per bale ferriage for all cotton that comes from the Fork section across the river. W. P. Roof. Evangalist Tar borough closed his interesting meeting at the Methodist church last Sunday evening. ' A lodge of the Knights of Pythias was organized at Leesville Monday. Eighteen members were initiated. We are in receipt of an interesting communication from Mr. James P. Dooley, who is now at Marshall, Ark. Store house and lot on Main street for sale or rent. Apply shortly to. X at Dispatch Office. Mr. Edwin L. Crouch, of Leesville, has gone to Spencer, N. C., to accept a responsible position with the Southem railway. The best and largest stock of fashionable shoes, for ffien, women and children in Lexington can be seen, at Meetze A Son. Are You Coming? All yonr neighbors are Coming. . It not beiore, they will be sure to be here Fair Week. If you are not coming read this aloud *so friend? can hear you. If you want anything fr?r a rrote nf nv fnr rnn y own use. don't buy it before looking at our Stock ot JEWELRY, | DIAMONDS, SOLID SILVER, j GUT GLASS, ENGRAVED GLASS AND ART GOODS, We have the largest selection and have only solid goods. Absolutely no plated ware of any kind in our store, so when yon buy Iroin us. you can feel sure that it is just as good inside as it looks outsiie. Everything we sell is guaranteed, and if you will lavor us with a call you will soon see that our prices are lower than others will give yon lor the same class of goods. Be sure *nd come whether you want anvthing or not. i SYLVAN BROS,! JEWELERS, j 1524 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. * ? MIMJi A i all the latest novelties from the finest d please the most fastidious. Ladies! 1 stocking to the fancy silk hose. It w from 12A cents up to 40 cents a yard. >re in endless variety and at ail prices, est stock in the State. In shoes we cai >ins, etc ? we are showing an extensive ] lee our line of children's hats from 50 < Mimxiaug ! Our young liiend, J. Waiter Bite, I is dow connected with the electrical [ works of The W. M. Perry Electrical Company of Columbia. One new Light Running N Home-Sewing Machine for sale cheap. For further information enquire at this office. The tax collector will be at Gaston next Tuesday afternoon. A Dispatch ; man will be along with him to receive subscriptions for bis paper. J^JBridge Toll to every purchaser of Five Dollars in Dry Goods, at Bull's Bazaar, 1628 Main street, Columbia, S. C. Don't forget that Tuesday, the 8th day of November, is election day. Be found at the polls voting for and working in the iutereet of the Democratic nominees. Mr. Walter Jacobs, of near Peak, this county, has purchased the livery stable business of A. T. Brown in Newberry and will take charge the 1st of December. A l&r*ye number of students of ? 0 - Newberry College attended the State Fair last week. Prof. Sidney J. Derrick, of this county, chaparoned the young men. T. W. Woods Sods the well known seedsmen of Richmond, Va, have been awarded the grand prize, the highest award made, at the St. Louis Exposition, on the seed exhibit. We will be with the T. 3asurer on his rounds and we want to see every subscriber to the Dispatch when we are their neighbor. If we don't see jrou look us up. Prof. S. S. Lindler fas moved with his family from Ella to Gilbert. Prof. Lindler has taken charge of the school at that place and has been assisted by bis daughter, Miss Lilla. WANTED?Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for a firm of $250,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year and expenses; paid weekly. Address M. Percival, Lexington, S. C. The Republicans are having a campaign meeting at this place today. Rev. C C. Jacobs of Sumter, colored, candidate for Congress against Hon. A. F. Lever, is one of the speakers. The takiDg of testimony in the case of the three Fork townships vs. the Bondholders of the Columbia, Newberry and Laurens railroad has been resumed before Referee John J. Earle. When you go to vote on the 8ih of November don't forget to take your last year's tax receipt, as well as your registration certificate to the polls with you. Both are essential to vote. Mr. R. H. Ldmunds, a prominent and well known merchant of Columbia, and who in his boyhood days resided at Leesviile, died 8t his residence in that city Monday after a brief illness. The little three year old child of Mr. L. P. SteadmaD, of Leesviile, fell into a tub of boiling water, which was being used for scalding a hog, on the 29th and died from the injuries Sunday. Miss Clara Sawyer, of Trenton, spent last Friday in the Palmetto Collegiate Institute inspecting the teaching done there. She expressed herself as highly pleased. She was the quest of Miss Mary Wingard. 1 T VIXI IT A ATT" All \ m IIUUA, Dealer in all Grades of FURNITURE & STOVES, full line of STOVE REPAIRS always 011 hand. 933 Gervais Street, - COLUMDIA. S. C. Housefurnishing Goods, All for cash at lowest prices. Will appreciate a liberal share of the trade ot my Lex J" T tA OCltlC _ mgiun riieuus. i ^utniuucc iv/ jjuo .wvi.j taction, "Warning. VOTICK JS HEREBY (41 YEN TO i\ all iM-rsirtis not to hunt, haul wood. ?>r trespass in any manner whatever, upon the lands of the undersigned. The law will im> eiifc>rced against all Trespassers. S. E. BERRY. , Estate ELIZA BERRY. Oct. .(i. !JmM. 4w4|m1. designers in Ametica. Four floors fille Ready to Wear Garments. A beautiful ill pay you to look over this stock. 300 No item of wearing apparel adds more ! These goods come in cuts and styles fc anot be excelled Supreme strength anc line. If you want a stjlish bat combini jents up. For really pretty baby cap3 w h & Co., ] All records broken. There never was a mans shoe sold at $3.00 that would match our Victor. Every pair are welt eole9 that means they are smooth ioside, no tacks or seams, they fit right and hold their shape. They sre made of Calf, Box Calf, Vtci and Patent Colt. We koow tbey are the best wearing, best looking and best fitting shoes on tbe market for we have tested them. Eighteen new Fall styles to select from at S3 00. On Honor?That is the way these shoes are eoled and told by us. EHRLICH'S, 1643 Main Street) OAT JT1IDT1 P f 1627 Main Street f Wil LJIiMilj 3. t. Sept 20-ly Don't Yon Need Some new silverware for yonr table? You might as well have nice service on your table now and eLjoy it while you are young especially when you can buy it sc reasonably. When in Columbia come in and talk silverware with us, or, if you can't come will send you our catalogue. We are opening up a nice fresh stock of watches and jewelry just received. Next week (before October 15), we will have an entire new line of handsome clocks at very attractive prices. Keep ns in mind and come to see os whenever you want goods in this line. We save you money. P. H. LACHICOTTE & CO., JEWELERS, 1424 MAIN STKEET, COLUMBIA, S. C. JUST A WQBD TO FARMERS: IDE li WAREHOUSE CO., of Columbia, S. C., is prepared to ; Store Cotton in Standard Warehouse and to arrange proper cash advances if you desire to hold your cotton. Details will he gladly supplied if you address I Tiir niiinii lirnnninfinr nf\ I tit Mil MtflUIBt CO., COLUMBIA. S. C. i I Law (Offices. f y Residence. corner 12<)0 Law Bailor Pickens and Pendle v ' :i?i! Stivers. X\T BOYD KYAXS. W .LAWYER AXD COUXSELLQil. S'OI.S MI'.IA. S. < \ ; Practices in State. County and City Courts, and in United Siato('ironif and i District i Yiurts in Litigation l?crw.en private parties ??r corporations. d to ovat flowing with the newest merchandise. Our C< k line of suits in all the new efiVcts. Be sure to see our short lengths in Carpet, yard square sample* 25 ceuts eaci to a woman's appearance than a well h'fctng Corset. This >r men, wotaen aod children. 0 lr prices on bars should in J supreme style are two points that we would call your attt eg elegance of material aod exclusive pattern come to see i re think our iiae leads everything. Our lice of dress good: Main St., Colvu Bl That's the way things look packed full. Some goi] and new stoc Another C OLD HICKORY WI FIRST OF NEXT WEE GREGORY-RHEA MO AT SAME 0 C?^-T-*3L-i -^-ZLSTID S!?jIE Tin Lejringfc Mii f'orifK? Jjl 3rar)d I Grove's Taste I has stood the test 25 years. Average, I bottles. Does this record of merit appe* 8 Enclosed with every bottle is a Tea Cent . Suit Rnd Millinery Departments will well repay you 8^8 OS Skirt in browD, tlu? ?D<i Oxford. In Hosiery welssS ti, worth double the price. Rage, Art Squares at prices Brag ifl the kind we sell. The best makes at popular prices. Bra| iterest you. Come and see u?. we can fit you in style, gj H ?ntiou to io our Men, Women and Children's Shoes. IuB|h| our milliners. We are showing the most up to dafeflSK s surpass anything ever seen in Columbia. Don't buyflgH IGGIES COMING. I : at our place. A big house ag out that are sold M ik coming in. H 3ar of the m mm tu mm i jHKI K. COME TO SEE US. W 1 LE CO.,co,raBiA s e I JOHN W. CONDER, and XreaK1'|j LD STAND. [ j urn gpg to? gnj * 5i csv MS on, S. 0. gj "Griffon Brand" I i foprwiafc 9 \J t \J1 tUlllU xugm !Not only repre-8 sent the highest ideals in style. but are tailorecjH specially witlJB an eye to com-71 There is nothing better II I ||\| as our Outdoor Comforter M 1113 than a "Griffon Brand" fl jr^ Overcoat Now is the II E. G. Dreher & Cog less Chill Tonic JH Annual Sales over One and a Half MilKcHHH d to you ? No Cure, No Pay. SCHgrag package of Grove's Black Hoot* Liver Pills, BMjjjflB