The Lexington Dispatch, G. M. Haitian, Editor and Publisher. Circulation, 1,8-^5. ?_____ i Wednesday, Novemeber 2, !3G4. j Oar readers should inform themselves cortvrpT^t* the proposed amendment* t ? ?m> Scute Constitution upon wojt-n r;ey ?re expected to vote in the cum?* &.? Heciien so that! they can vote m;eiigently. These j proposed ameDdmeots will be found | in the notice of election for State aDd County officers. The first beiD$ a proposition to ampnd SectioD 9 cf Article III of the Constitution, so as to provide for biennial sessions of the General Assembly. We believe that the biennial scheme will prove false economy. All the appropria fcions of the State government are made aoDQally and to make the change will necessitate a change of the entire machinery entailing a heavy expense to do so, all for no good in the end, consequently the voter should vote "No" on this proposition. To Amend the Constitution so as to Permit the General Assembly to Enact Local and Special Laws on the Subject of Laying Out, Opening, Altering and Working Roads and Highways, and as to the Age at Which Citizens Shall be 8ubj9ct to * Road or Other Public Duty. The road law needs to be changed so as to give each county the right to adopt laws that will be best suited to local conditions. Oj this amendment our neonle should vote "Yes." """ " r 4r Tbe proposition in reference to municipal indebtedness has reference to tbe City of Greenville alone, and if the people of that city want tbe amendment adopted, it should be done, though tbe limitation of indebtedness of tbe constitution is a wise safeguard. Our people may, iD this instance, vote "Yes." According to a bulletin issued by tbe census office there have been ginned up to October 15, in 668counties located in the various cotton producing Spates, 5,776,565, as againet 3,455,082 bales reported for the pome date last year. Of thi9 number 913, 477 were ginned in South Carolina. An order has been issued from tbf war department specifviog that al> troop9 serving in the Uaited States army, with tbe exception of the artillery , shall wear the olive drab as a service uniform. ^ Ger. Wilie Jones. Chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee, has issued an address in which be urges the Democrats of *be State to go to the oolls on the 8 h , inst, and vote tbe Democratic ticket. Notwithstanding Clemson put up ?:j; i u. ! ft pretty game on toe gnuirou at, lilr in Columbia last week, yet sbe was defeated by SewaDee. It is the , concensus of opinion, however, that Clemson outplayed Grady ear, not enough being collected to meet the necessary expenses of the government. Meet him promptly while out on bis rounds in the county Cadet Oscar Derrick, of Clemson,. and Student Yv, Pickens Roof, of Newberry, while visiting the State j Fair last week came over and spent [ a portion of tbeir vacation with their parents in this place. There is a Blight change in the fchedule of the Southern railway, tffsctive Sunday. The train for Augusta will leave Columbia at 12:01 p. m., thereafter instead of 12:50 as heretofore. Thi3 is the only train affected. R*v W. D Quick has been quite ill for the pnst several d*\s, but late ' ~~ * indicate reports nuiu uio uuwwmv tijeit bis condition is rnueb improved. A special prayer was rffered for his speedy recovery at the Methodist church last Sunday morning. Tom Waring, an aged colored man, died at his home in this place Satur- j dav and was buried Monday. Tom j was quite prominent in politics dur- \ ing reconstruction aud was at one \ time a Trial Justice at this place,; but was removed by Governor Moses i He received a paralytic stroke some j years ago aod has ever since been a ! cripple. \ \ MW?1?B?M If, ? ? Congressman Heekison Suffered Wi His Endorsement of Pe=i r'W-WW'** V "V ^ W 'f his party in his section of the Slate. * j Only one flaw marred the otherwise complete success of this rising statesman. Catarrh with its insidious approach and tenacious grasp, was only unconquered foe. For thirty years he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy. At last Per una came to the rescue, and he'dietated the following letter to Dr. Ilartman as the result: of Peruna and 1 fee1 greatly^. < benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head. I feel encour ) ? aged to believe that if I use it a short time longer I will be fully > S able to eradicate the disease of thirty years1 standing.1'?David ( < Meekison, ex-Member of Congress. J Over fifty members of Congress endorse Peruna as a catarrhal tunic. Men of prominence the world over praise Peruna, Harness from \ Repairing Pkovpt y STATE oF SOUTH CAliOLlMA, ?8.50 up ( and neatly done. COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. JIT OWTTT"PU Con"01 Ccnimonp]easV fj J. ?IX' William K. Monckton, Jr., Plaintiff, * * ' against ?33 Garvais St., - - COLUMBIA, S. C. , Paul E. Hntto. Defendant .foreclosure. TN OBEDIENCE TO THE DECREE M^\ ^ 1 of the Court herein, feigned by Hon. R. i jJr " O. P^urdy. Presiding Judge, and dated Sep/t i\ tembcr 23rd, ltKH. I vjj] wfc]i *0 the highest u bidder at public outcry, bef.?re the court N| lJ~?house door 111 Lexington. S, C. driring the I \ rVTaC^'* ^8*1 h airs ot side, on the first Monday in l \\ //\)k/ November, ISO! > J )\ }{ jIt < '; (1) All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, ljing and being in the county and Citate aforesaid containing forty (.4U) acres, more or less, bounded on the north by Dealer in ^lrs. Frank Wilson, on the east GeorgiHARNESS. anna Pomdexter, on the south by GeorgiS ADDLE^ anna Boozer, and on the west by Frances Boozer and ,M C Corbitt, end. also. LAP ROBES. (2) Ail that tract of land situate, lying HORSE BLANKETS. aE^ being in the county and State atoren'o ttjo ddt^t lv< -dttc said, oontaiuin^ thirtv-one and one-ha f v\ HIPs. BRIDLES, BITS, (3a, acte,, more or li?. i.nd bouuded oa *nd all things found in a First Class the north bv A. Hook, on the east bv the Har iiess Shot). Estate lands of Mat tie Williams aDd Rulus Williams, on the south bv Thomas Jones We Make all the Harness of* 'SZL* ?|ft Call to pay lor papeis We 06il. SAMUEL B. GEORGE, tderk ot the Court. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, , ati* County of Lexington ! ? By George S. Drafts. Esq., Probate Judge. ' STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, VTTHEREAS. LIZZIE KaMINER j COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. VV made suit to me, to grant her Let- rr?H m P:w? ters of AdminLtration ot the Estate of Common Piew. ? ' """ ? I Van! V HnfTA P' -A i T* 11 ft" and effects or das. w. Hammer. | *??? ?. ??? ? These are, theretore, to cite and adman- I against ish all and Singular the kindred aaJ i j, j Sf(. Deieadant creditors ot the said J as, W. Ka miner, deceased, that they be and appear, Partition ot Leal Estate, before me, in the Conn ot Probate, TN OBEDIENCE TO THE DECREE to be held at Lexington, 0. H., b. C., on the J[ of the Court herein, signed by Hou 10th day ot Nov*tuber, J,H)4, alter pubh- Garv, Presiding Judge, and dated cation hereof at 11 o clock in the lorenoon, 3^*}^ x wiii 8ell to the highest to show cause, it any they have, why the bidder at public outcry, betcfre the court said Administration should not be granted. house door in Lexington, b. C., during the Given under uiy hand, this 2;>th day ol i^gai hours of sale on the first Monday in October. Anno Domini 1904 November 1SH?4GEORGE S. DRaEIS. [L. S.] "* All that piece, parcel cr tract ol laud T> jr!b!te J?a^:.LeTU8t?D,P0UnVT*^ ?Un*te, lying and being in Lexington Published on the-(?i.h day of Oct, 1.104. j COunty, state atoresaid. containing fiftyin the Lexington Dispatch. -^52 j five acres. more or less, and bounded on j the north by lands ot J. T. Jetcoat, east LS y, o 1 t ti ctoll d T*0*0 by h. .Jetcoai s 'unds. on the south by J. 1J.1CL1 X/loC/licXT 3C/. lands or J. D. Jones and on the west by NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL lands cl Wesley -Jetcoat, known as the persons interested that I vill apply to Levium Jetcoat. lauds, the Hon George S. Drafts, Judge of Pro- TERMS OF SALE?Cash. Purchaser bate in ani for the County ot Lexington, j t0 PHy lor papers. S ate of South Carolina, on the 28th day ot i SAMUEL 1? GEORGE, Nov.. 1904, tor a final discharge as Executor Clerk ot tLe Court, of the estate of George Ballentine. deceas- Lexington. S. C., October 15th, 1904. ed. W.J. BALLENTINE, A. D. Martin. Plaintiff's Attorney. Nov. 20, 1W4. Iw2 Executor. ~ _T To Cure a Cough. Law Notice. T, , , , . lint coughs so pro valour these day* rpHE LAW FIRM OF CLARK, ELLI- usually develop before you realm- what JL ot & Clark having been dissolved by lias hapjxuiod. Now the test thing to limitation, tbe undersigned beg if ave to an- take is the most reliable; cough en re you nonnce that they will continue tbe prac- got. None tetter than Murray's tic a of law under the firm name ot Ciark Horehound Mullein and Tar. It is math' & Clark. Attorneys at Law, No. Wash- of the purest ingredients and can le ington Street, Columbia S. C. given to infants as well as grown fieople. WASHINGTON CLARK. Above all else IT (-URKS. You will W. A CL.lRK. find it at druggists. 2">e a tetth?extra October 1, 1904. 3wo2. large terrle. t ith Catarrh==Rvi : ru=na. ATONIC is a medicine lh:v?* lone to sonic pert, of th. - -:< : J There are different- kinds of ion: . . i the tonic most needed in this j' where catarrh is so prevalent, a ? : thut operates on the mucous ni-n ! . ! Peruiia is a tonic to the mucous ! .. . ' hranes of the whole hod v. It -j,: *. < I : to the capillary circulation whicn t ! stitutes these delicate membranes. | Per una is a specific in its operate r; : ii^wxn Uvi rw? 1 f j U1V ?4 u I minute blood vessels and the t?-j I | nerve fibres. Catarrh cannot exi-i ; i where Peruna is used ir.ieliigvn:1 v. I j Peruna seeks out catarrh in aii the 1 .i.| den parts of the l>ody. A. M. Ikerd, an employe of the r. j A <.1. It. R., West Burlington. la., w: i "I had catarrh of the stoma-h > ; small intestines for a number of year-. I went to a number of doctors and <_ . i no relief. Finally one of my do.t--; sent me to Chicago and I met tim i fute. They said they could do r. g ! for inc, that I had cancer of the st.ur.-:. | and there was no cure. I almost :h< j tiie same, for my breath was s?.>me:i.; awful. 1 could hardly stand it. if v..1.4 so offensive. I could not eat anything without great misery, and i gradually grew worse. - ' i a. e - \ 1. .. .. i rmauy 1 goi om? oi your s concluded J would try Peruna. ami i :?- !. '< -j Cod, 1 found a relief and a cure he cured by pepsin powders <;r any other temporary relief. The on y cure for real dyspepsia is a removal i the catarrh from the mucous mem m ane of the stomach. This Peruna wili d??. I This Peruna has done thousands ami i thousands of times. I Congressman Botkin, of Kansas, was j cured of catarrh of the stomach of many | years' standing. Hundreds of other j casts have been reported to us ihrou-h ! irnsolicited testimonials. Peruna js j only internal systemic remedy for ; tarrh vet devised. Every one alTlico-tl with catarrh in the slightest dvgred i ought to take a course of Peruna. ! 1 f you do not derive prompt and sa! isi factory results from the use of Peruna, | write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a . full statement of your case and he v. ill i he pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, Preside:: of ' The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, | Ohio. B is a warn CAPITAL, FOUR PER CENT. per annum, payable quarterly on Saving? De i BOUNTY MiOTOWN DEPOS f f 'f -P ?P 'P *P -I* 'P 'P ?*? " *' T -f ' * 7?". *'* ^ ' * | i FARMS F08 SALE. | I V* *? j %? 500 acre farm, with tbree small # | dwellings, barn, etc , tbree miles i? from Gilbert. S C., for S'2,500 * 220 acre l'atm. \*ith new four? room dwelling, small tenant house, ^ * goodi>aru. tobacco barn, one and a * ^ "J 3. half miles from Gilbert, lor SI,*250. -n5: 113 acre farm, rich land, with ^ 5r dwelling, tenant houses barn, three X? and a hall miles from Leesvilie, S. ? C., lor 83,000. ~ V $ Ho acres of woodland, three miles -5 ^ from Steadman. S. C.. lor $300. % i & Three unarter acre lot, with nice ^ i $ five-room dwelling at Gilbert, S. C , & | ^ for S5CO. ^ 3& lU acre lot, with nice two story 3* I T$C ^ $. dwelliug, bam. etc., at Gilbert, lor ^ ? ii rM- t * 90 ?ere larm. with small house, -a? 1 * - . n:iv,.k | ? barn. etc . one n:i;e irnin vaiiucn, # j g Jor $7(0. g j g GOOD TEHMS. % 11CHAS L. KELLY, | 11 REAL ESTATE AGENT, % i 1408 Main Street, ? i | COLUMBIA, - - S. C. I ! vr ? j # # # # V # ? # V V # V V V ? V y v V V V V V ? ? i &E0. R. REMBERT; ATTORNEY AT LAW, 112-21 LAW RANGE, COLUMBIA, S. C. ' I v.-A\ foe to s irve my friends trotn ; Lexington Oonuty. at any time, and am 1 prepared to practice law in all State and j Federal '"onrt.s. 1 Sept. 2i?lv. To Cure a Cut, Sore or Wound ' apply Kamon's Nerve & Bone Oil promply. Itis 1 antiseptic?stops the pain andcauses healing by ; firstinteiitiou.i'r?caudraoneybackifnotsatistied | | Still Selling at Lowest | ? $ Prices | 1 G-oods to everybody, every- ^ j xwhere, every day. Why can't Jj i we sell to you ? Si | We Buy !?y the Car Load jj J \ and give our customers the ad- \ j % vantage of the extreme low 5 f r prices. Whenever you trade r | \ with us you get your money's \ ^ TTT^-r?i-"h c,rirl trrm yxrill nnmp &cr?\iT\_ ^ IV V V./ JL Ull IX/XXVX J V/ VA VV XXX v^wxxxw WQ v-v??. Remember please, we sell every- ? , thing, furniture of all kind, bug- % f gies and wagons by the car load, y in fact come and see the many 5 great bargains we will give you x 1 in all lines. # J To arrive fhis week a car of k 1 "OLD HICKORY" W101 I 1 -Remember, too. we buy every- % thing you have for sale and give ^ S I you the highest prices. ^ ^ |j i ' I 1 5WS1 _ ^ 5 DfjATTHEWS-yOUKNIGHT (JO.. J? \ | \ LEESVILLE, S. C. J ~ HOME BANK I LEXINGTON, S. C. j i $30,000.00. I I TWO PER CENT, Jl posits. J per annum, payable quarterly on <_nvCKmg aeposus on mimiuium amount ot *-AA-ilTSRY. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION GUARANTEED.-?* ? 1'- C. Pri'-f. ^V. E. Cau^hman. Aclothinu 1 111 Fair Week Visitors. j|B ^ #1 SOME THINGS 1 HI " AT THE FAIR YOU WILL PAY TO SEE AND M ^ WILL LOSE iOUE MONEY. Some Other Things j j You will see without cost and will sive money. CHIEF among the latter is the | STOCK OF CLOTHING, J t SHOES, HATS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. j i ; ? For sale at the store ot i P, C, PRICE & CO,, i 1001 GERVAIS ST., COLUMBIA, S. C, ' EXHIBITED SIEOAL-IU'ITEKIIEIMEH'SCLOTHING, ROMANIC SHOES. I