The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 19, 1904, Image 1

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THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. As. ? Bepresentatiue newspaper. Sewers Bexington and the Borders ai the Surrounding Bounties tike a Blanket. rt v * _ ?_? ? VOL. XXXIV. LEXIJVGTOJN, S. C.. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 19, 1904. 50. ~ GLOBE DRT GOODS COMPANY, 7 M "W. 22. ^O^TCICTOnsr, TIES., 3iv!E^-2T^.a-E23, mflf 1<5*S<> MAIN STREET, - - - - - - - COLUMBIA, S. C. "MM Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention. October istf i TRUTH 1 POETRy. 1 We have Shoes for the farmer's son To run across the fields, In leathers black and glossy, With both hard and robber heels. We have Shoes for the pleughman And bis mate who draws the hoe. And Shoes for the sportsman * When on a pleasure trip he goes. We have Shoes for*every season And in styles that can't be beat, And Shoes at popular prices To fit the different shapes of feet, ^ We have shod the feet of Columbia For some twenty years or so, And we hope to have this pleasure Pnr at la&at that many more. Whenever you are ia need of Shoes Come in and take a peep? Oar goods are known from Podding Swamp . To the banks of Rafting Creek. f . LEVER?iheshoe man,I / # I COLUMBIA, S. C. Iff Men's Fall Furnishings ' ?.' ; " ' MY STOCK IS NEW AND COMPLETE \ . IN Neckwear, Gloves. Underwear, Half Hose, Handkerchiefs, Shirts. Knox & Stetson's Soft and Stiff Hats Suit Cases, and Hand Bags. White and Fancy Vests. SDffS MADE TO ORDER. A FIT GUARANTEED. J.H.Eleazer, 7 i HABERDA? IER, loU MAIN STBEET COLUMBIA, S. C. i THE CLO COLUMBIA, .... K i NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS AND ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. State of South Carolina, County of Lexington Notice is hereby given that an election will be held at the several precincts es tablished by law in Lexington County, on , Tuesday. November 8, A. D. 190L for Member ot Coogress from the Seventh Congressional District and for Presidential Electors, pursuant to the Constitution and the laws of the State of South CarolinaPolls at each voting place will be opened at seven o'clock a m., and closed at four o'clock p. m The following named persons have been appointed Managers to conduct said election. to wit: _ _ Lexington. C H?John J Taylor, J Frank Kleckley. W M Caughman. LeesviUe?F H Hendrix, A P "West, W J P Kinard" n n rr n (\ VJiWIUU?UttS li. x uuuuj x/ xx vxuiV) w \/ Goodwin. Ireno - J H Counts, Jno K Leitner, T H Shnler. Chapin- Jno D Farr, Noah E Shealy. W P Betchman. T J Drafts' Store?J L Hallman, T P Drafts, D F Price. Lewipdale?J F Leaphart, R L Craps, Lewie Haliraan. Laird's Mill?W Q Jackson, Willie Laird, CC Justus. Ballentine-P D Metz, J L Derrick, Jesse Bonknieht. Efjrd's Store,?D Luther Koon, S C Fulmer. S C Epting. P-at^Station?T W Amick, J A Eargle, J F Mabaffa. Hiiton?J C Fulrner, C W Smith, B J Derrick. Bitesburg?J M Malpass, J A Sawyer, G L Fink. lied Store?Henry M Assman, DC Gates, Jno J Wolfe. Brookland?A D Shull, Walter Addy, J S Mnfie. P W Shealj's Store?J Fred Sh*aly, W D Croat. J 8 Reader. Samaria?W RGunter, Job Hallman, J S Burgess. Swansea?C C Gantt, Charlie Rast, J C Reynolds. H.fiman Burnt Mill?S R Smith, W A Rish. H E Jefcoat. Spring Hill?R V Eargle, S W Amick. G H Koon. Folk's School House?J M Meetze, Jno D Derrick. J H Derrick. Brook?A B Mills, Sam Shealy, D L Taylor. Edmund?J C Reeder, Raymond Shealy, D 0 Spires. Crout's Store?Jno B Dreher, Scott P tthiwoB Snmnnl QQQOU kJauiuyi v,rvu^w? DeliDgo - Belton M Boff, D Pickens Roof, A -vjilie Shuil. Red Bink?Homer Woods, J H Bailey, J la Jostus. St Andrews?T B Hoffman, A S Nonamaker, G F JLeitzsey. Pelion?A M Hutto, J B Sharpe, W H j Scoffield. Steadman?A B Qaattlebaom, Haskell > Gantt. R H Hall. On the day of the election the Managers innst organize by the election of a chairmaD; a clerk may be named if necessary. The chairman elected i? empowered to administer oaths to the other managers and cl*rk. The Managers have the power to fill any vacancy, and if none of the Managers attend, the citizens can appoint Managers irom among the qualified voters, who. atter beinjr sworn, can conduct the election. A 4- ?Vks-v n !n->A fkz. A AAfiAn fVin \fonO/>fl*C At 1 LLC V*! VX VUO O cuvx^/u vuv u | mast proceed publicly to open the ballot j b >xes and count the ballots therein, and j THE CLOTHES SEARING THIS LABEL! ' --- -ARE GUARANTEED ; j| j|j|&ggf|||| ..... ; - I I MARSHALL,! THIERS. s. c 4 continue without adjournment until the shme is completed, and make a statement of the resale there of and sign the same. Within three days thereafter, the Chairman of the Board, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commissioners of Federal Elections the poll list, the boxes containing the ballots, and signed statements ol' the result of the election. The first named Manager for each precinct must call upon the Board of Commissioners, at the Conrfc House Saturday. Ncv 5, 1904. to receive ballot boxes, poll lists and instructions and to quality. S D. B. Lever, H. A. Spann, J. E. Saylor, Commissioners of Federal Elections. M. P. George. Clerk. Newberry College Opened its present session on the Ol Url' mAritli TTjifW mnnh lifo ul instl uillutu nmu ujuuu #i>w and interest throughout the halls and campus. The many improvements around the college seem to be an incentive to work among the students. The number of new students at the opening was strikingly large. The total number was seventy against fortv-one last session. Or eepecial significience to Lexington county is the fact that she has a representation in the walls of Newberry College of fifteen or twenty bright young men. Newberry is proud of them, and it means much to Lexington cnunfcy. On October 31st, Luther Day, the magnificient Dew building known as Holland Hall, will be dedicated. The students and professors are taking much interest in the preparation for that day. Dr. R C. Holland of Charlotte, will make an address, also Dr3. Cromer and Scherer will speak. This building, modern in every particular, costing more* than twenty thousand dollars is a credit to the College towD, and the Lutheran Churcfr. Swansea's Doings. To the Editor of the.Dispatch: The farmers are busy gathering in the bountiful harvest of corn and cotton. The pea crop is below the average and the hay crop is the poorest for years. Oar public school expects its initiation next week, but owing to the scarcity of labor the commencement my be small. But in our prosperity?alas I we are in the midst of adversity. The smiling angel has been in our K4-i>1.n tAmn on/1 nininifir o n rl hie rifiite illUC LUH U OUU I1UIUIVJ uuu uiu 1 >v>?v have in time left grief and sadness to us ail. Mrs. Sasan Qjattlebaum, wife of our fellow-citizen, Andrew J. Qiattlebaum, after a long, hard Struggle with gastritis, surrendered her life to death's unyielding demands and has crossed over the river t(5 rest in neace on the other shore. She leave* a beloved family to miss the cares of a faithful companion, considerate mother and Christian exyiwnr, m ir mm tfriiTT 1i mirifii ^^nri wiMnniim i DECIDED ELEGANCE IN MEN'S CLOTHING What the artists have accomplished in their production of Clothing this season, proves that we have the most Ul ^ ?*-v ,1 +l\of HUU ltiOUllSUfek/XC; twuo luai New York makers have ever sent out. Young, middle aged or old men will do well to look into the merits of our many styles and prices. Il its a nobby BESIIMiiimi that you want we have it. Then at and S15.<>:) we have the top notch of style tor any occassion. Trousers, fancy vests. New Hats, Shirts, Neckwear. Underwear, Night Shirts, Fancy Hosiery, ail these and more to be seen at 1523 Main Strast, ampler. Her remains were carried 1 to -Batesburg and dow rest. b'eide her kindred to await tbe summons. Thi* week tbe borne of our townsman, Ecvin Hal), was invaded and Lillie Rocker, bis youngest daughter, i < ?1-_ i J I was also taKen irom icose wuo iuv*-u her most and who will miss h^r greatest. A little infant only fuur da?s old preceded her fc) the spirit lied Lillie was in the bloom of early womanhood, and rn earlv life pined the Baptist church, and has lived striotly up to the life of a Christian girl, woman and wife. Oa Thursday eveniog she was placed by kind hands in the grave in the Swan sea cemetery. Spectator. Danger of a Cough. Pneumonia, grippe, cold, bronchitis and nearly every other dangerous sickness of this kind is usually the development of a slight cough. Too many people are laid up and too many die from diseases where they could so easily knock that first cough in the head. Murray's Horehound, Mullein and. Tar cures colds. It just drops the bottom out of a cough. Every druggist has it for 2oc. a bottle. Ortw/vmVvAt* v'' anrl T:f\ 1 x'A Ui 1 UJ o bUAkV AAV/ j other. Regular 50c size. Half Rates to Columbia. | And Return Via Southern Railway, j The Southern Railway wili s -II tickets to Columbia and return from all points in South Carolina, including ! Augusta, Ga. at very low rateR on account State Fair, Columbia, October 24 28. Special trains will be run oo all branches of the Southern Railway October 2G and 27th. For Military Companies and Brass Bands twenty or more on one arbi I traries per capita. Tickets will be i sold daily October 24th to 27?b inclusive and for trains arriving Columbia Noon October 28:h with final limit of all tickets October 30th, 1904 For full information apply to any* Agent Southern Railway, or write f R. W. Hunt, ' Division Passenger Agent, Charlestoc, S C. Death of Mr. Stokes. We are saddened to learn of the untimely death of Mr. J. B. Stokes, one of the most prominent merchants and influential citizens of Batesburg. It is not koown at what hour the messenger of death summoned him j to the grave, but it was apparently a death without a struggle as his body was found Sunday morning in peaceful repose by his wife. He whs ! m good health aud spirits all day ' Saturday, but in the afternoon of i that day he worked hard in assisting | in putting out the fire at the Kerna; ghan House and over exerted himself | and it is thought that the excitement f incident to the fire produced hea:t ! fauure. Jy' iT'Vu I /I. A! iii , 1I Jfe .A^lj The" YORK" ^t0 Sack Suit HI I) } Clothier. COLOMBIA, S. C. MgljilMiiWlttiABMIIij'Jif iHHWilMBMJilf IIi > ".li1 Am1 r^mrtgTrwVAfriilA Trttlfi angrSKflfflW?il^i^ I County Fair. Y^sterdav was me opeuiDg diy cf [ the County Fair and tbe crowd in attendance exceeded that of the first day la-*t vear b/ a large number Tbe exhibits, too, are more numerous and the eoecioien* finer than at any of its predecesso'8 All of the various departments are full with tbe exception of that of the Needle and Fancy work d-partment which while tbe exhib ts are v-ry merrifeorious and shows a great deal of artistic skill in there design and construction, are not as numerous as at previous fairs. There are numerous siQ9 shows -? - -. - ? 1? peanut stanas aDa quiie a numuer ui other amusements lo entertain and entereat the visitors. The horse display and the poultry exhibit ia excepriouaily fine. O j the whole, this fair is the best yet held. The L xingfcon brass bind is furnishing the music and the boys are acquiring themselves with credit and *ra iargelv contributing to the pleasure of tie occasion. . To Cure a Cough. Tho coughs so prevalent these days I usually develop before yon realize what lias happened. Now the best thing to take is the most reliable cough cure you can get. None better than Murray's J Horehound Mullein and Tar. It is made : of the purest ingredients and can be ! given to infants as well as grown people. Above all else IT CUKES. You will find it at druggists. 25c a bottle?extra large bottle. The 29th of October. All of otir Ioatiiurioos for orpbaoe j have agreed to ask the good people i of the State to devote one day in October to the cphate. Y jung and I old, rich and p o: alike are asked to , give tfce proceeds of one dayh work l to their little fatherless brothers and | eisters. The day for the Thornwell j 0 pbauage. Clinton, ie the 29th of i Octo^r There are 200 orphans in | the Insdfn ion. Send 70ar gift for , I there orph to Rjv Ws. P Jacob?, Clinton, S C. i An Old Time Remedy. Murray's HorehouncV Mullein and Tar has in it the purest of drugs. All of which were used by our parents and grand-parents. It is a combination so put together that it cures a cough right off. Nothing is better for babies. It is a most reliable cure and all cases of coughs. Ask your druggist for it. They all have it. (.let a bottle now and have it ready. Costs only ^."ic a bottle?extra large bottles?regular .>(>. size. Remember to ask for Murray's" and take 110 other. i I S i ^ 18 A New Depar Born Thi WiM name it "Jewelry v ami giv< j Like all departments in our store ii ; sist of every thing usually carried i | not premature as we have been stir j getting in touch with the best man If you want a (-told Watch of the | the first water, a Hold Necklace. Ch j ware or anything in that line at ah j profit, give us a call. Kvory articl j as our own personal guarantee to bi Our New York representatives ar ! us every (lav that has ever landed i | no time to write advertisements. eo cheaper than any store in the Statu i BATES 151 i Biuenthal <V Kuse]ihauin Ili^h ( ; Stetson, ('rossctt. "Walk Over" >h( j Brand shoes a re 1 >ei Jer. i White Eock Whittlings. To the Editor cf the Dispatch: Oar parsonage is being painted. The water famine threatens to be serious The Doited Thanksgiving service of Bethel pastorate will bo held at the parsonage November 1st. This is done so early because for two years the weather has been cold on the national Thanksgiving day. Dr. L. A. Fox, of R)anoke College, is to make the principle address. Splendid public missionary services were held Sunday. One in Mt. Olivet churcQ at 4 p. m.. and one in Mt. Hermon church at 8 p. m. Besides recitations hy the members, inspiring addresses were made by Rev. A J. Bowers. D. D., of Newberry College. Similar services are to be held in Bethel next Sunday at 3:30 p. m, and the fifth Sunday in Mt. Vernon at 11 a. m. At the former addresses are expected from Rev. 0. B Sbearouse and E. IT. Sbealy, E*q ; at the latter, one by Hon. C. M.Efird. Rev. 0. B Sbearouse, Rev. B. D. We68inger and Dr. J. W E-*rgle are attending the Tennessee Synod near China Grove. N C. A public Children's D*y service is to be held in St. John's church near Hope next Thursday. Tne last quarterly communion is to be held at Alt. Olivet next Sunday. Msj. J. E Fuimer is delegate from Bethel pastorate to the convention of the South Carolina Synod, which meets in Orangeburg, November . t), next. S C. B. Shingle Mill Completeoutfh for sale at a bargain?including engine, boiler and shingle mil); two large mules and wagon. For terms, &c., apply to, Cbaa. E Corley, Lexington, S. C. If the Bah j is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and welltried remedv, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. It is the Best of All. Next week Columbia will be in a UlnnrA rtf /YIA-K Tho will UIOXj-3 Ul g'WIJ. AL)V I-Ulliu U1VJ ..... be decorated witb flags, bunting and festoons, 8nd tbe merchants free festival will be some of the features of the week. A dpw section house at Gilbert is in course of erection. ^If!8 tment is to be s Week. f S it the front place in our house. I i will be full grown and will con- " :n a first class jewelry sfore. Its dying the matter for two years, ufacturors in this country, best make, a Diamond Ring of larni. Locket. Brooch. Pin. Silverout one-half the usual jewelers <> li-K tlw? lii'innfoi'tnv^iv wnl I ? I | i < ' VIA\ I i I Vll Vl>' < < > 1 > > V 1 i :> ns wo represent, e shooting the hottest bargains to in a town of this size. We have mo. and ho oonviiurd that wo soli. KG, C. Jrado Clothing at Cut Prices. x43. fjueon Quality and Star