J Js. Bepresentatiuc Beutspaper. Soners Eexmpicm and the Borders the Surrmiiidinp bounties kike a Blanket, k VOL. XXXIV. LEXLNGTOX 8. WKPMftDAt. OCTOBER 12, 1904. Bay I illll III ?W M >i !+*/ IM FtH MJHI?illMCnnMB?aM*WWM'lMI1U1MP.'.. U'JJ V> T* onif. ! I CtibiUii. II yuu v?aui n i.hjuu| J | or a stylish pair of shoes, fried bosom ; shirt, or a dandy, tie see them. They are Lexington boys and deserve a ! portion of your trade. See what \ they say in their advertisement. \ ? Grove5; I has stood the test 25 year i bottles, . Does tMs record * g Enclosed with every b &3LAKSIIALL| ) THIERS. WANT YOUR TRADE, WE OFFER VOL* 'IHE REST MAKES j OF | CX^OZTZEZZZTO- | at the most moderate prices. Voir,' Editor stiffs if if on trill mil on ns and see } TIIE 1 5 AM ( * AI A S ! We offer th:it we will double our l?n>iness with tin-ptopie of Et xiu^tou. olit I'/tK'its.i it/ ;incur The Some to All. u ' . A 1-;:' iiir of ' ?' (>tis ni.irk**n j GENTS' FURNISHINGS. >?j ME*N~AND YOUTHS SI*ITS Irui.i i-r, (,;? to <>. BOYS' SUITS fr-iin On tl;ii!il?in and $ Augusta. \Vt- h< . 11 cvt-ryrhiu^-. \W have jn>t unloaded three solid $ cars of Fnrnirniv. Wo can snir you in anything in Hiis line at prices Jfo dp rhar you will appreciate. More mi.I h-.-rrcr and cheaper Clothing r'nan ^ & ever oftVivd before. Si:o' >. Hats. Dry t ?*oods and Motions to no end. ? && If yon see rhfju you will *t ay. A special and complete line of Fancy jk & Drv (5(x?d.-. Kvcryiiiiiii: new. Sr**nT8| ^ ()ur i-r?'V: V-. ;u*s < i'.-U(>'vvici'f(i our rusroirsTs lias uiven ^ W us he ?-xtk wiii",1: has e: ahlea us r<> select tin iuuueiise slock W ^ thar \\a-ai^ :io\v opening. We bought ar prices rhat leean money ro V* ^ C'.iv.. c:!)l t',,r wJui* vtm We will see tl:ur rlie. prices ^ nri- ill] Hviit. .niythiui; what you haw rc> sail 1'ricjj vi>nr Ournn sT \ EST W.- haw the vt-ry kind of Buyyy you have been looking tor. ^ The Oid R;.-k?>ry Waynu tho r and last thr luny.-sr. CI :;- this //J > j* \ i ;*l ! / '3 & Vi- 1 season, rrov^ tSnt ?e bav- most A j/j 1 j reliable* uo?l l i-- tro-vl- that I IW7 i ^-?"*/'' ' Iy , J New York linkers h.-.v* ev.-r >,n: out. fjS A jj - .mg.'jfc) I Youaf/. uu.l.i:. a^.i ?>r ohl Mvn \vji: ,: look into th?- nj-ntsol unr many vf j | I j j stylos ami nri<-.-s. It ;t?. ;t nol.t.y \\ '; > ; j j*'/ I BWEMTTM li'lill Vi ! ' ! i i { ?i VMl Ithat vou w.iiit !.,(V? \t / ij j :W .-* . v- !,,v* '"! -- /The'YORK" f uot?*li ??!' *t\l? oer^b*:. j'i inc 1 j Thcis* rs. !ai;?*y v-.-ts. N? v. Shirts. " - ?& SdCR Sliit. ' Nrr kv,vur. lj,d>rvi>;:r. N i-_"!r SL.,r;-. ^ ?? | M. L liINARD, 1523 Yio.iT. Street, CQLUlilBXA, S. C. Return to the Old Lzv:. ! - i Forty dollars is all tbat is left of | tbe miDv thousands appropriated by J 1 j tbe last Legislature for tbe expenses ; of special courts in tbe counties of | tbe State, and there are still severs! j Judges to pay. The trouble with : the machinery is that we have too j many lawyers who have to be sup- j ported at the public expense. And j it is a known fact tbat our courts is j tbe most expensive of our machinery [ of government that the taxpayers | have to bear. There are various tea- | sons why this is so. Without going j into detail we mention that there is j too lruch leniency on the part of Or- i cuit Judges towards attorneys and j litigants in the disposition of cases, j In other words, there is too much | waste of time, chief among which we ( mention that in many instances, the j business of the Sessions Court* is j finished in a short time?a day or j two, say. Yet under the present law j the Court of Common Pleas adjourns j and the jury panel is dismissed, j This is a hardship upon the jurors for i as a rule, they make arrangements to | stay away from home for a week and 1 ' to do so they have gone to consider- j able expense, in besides the county > ; and Stite is put to expense of plying salaries between the adiournment of the Court of Sessions and the convening of the Common Pleas 1 Court. The law should be so amend- 1 ed that the Common Pleas Court can he called immediately after the adjournment of the Court of Sessions *? nr.lar tha nlrl 1 AW Then the ~ ? I same jurors can proceed with the j. business without any loss of time. Considerable time will be saved by ^ this change, back to the old rule, which would expedite the business ; n and lighten the burden of taxation. THE PRICES TELL. J. B. FRID. Wholesale an GROCERS, FLODR, F1 SEED RUST PF We Want the Merchants, Plan hufton Count if to Call and Sec Purchases, lie Can Fill Ytn Monetf. 1S23 and IS do Main Strfi ^3 ^ Nri'Zs?^--' y II Fair Week i$. m It''St 8 i SOME T M AT THE FAIR VOF WIL y& \\ ILL L(VK iO Some Othc Yen wiil sue without urn! will -iw m STOCK OF i SHOES, HATS AND ME For .-alt- ;it t! Ft A MM Will GKRVAIS ST., C EMIIHITED Sl'EC'I.U, KI'l'l'EKHEHIEl Unclaimed Mail. Li?t o? unclaimed Ic^jh for the south of September, DO J: ?Jhl-6 Colly, Anderson. K'.lisou, Toepv. G liners. J F. Hick?, Cinlo-y. Johnson, A J. Long tV y,jD. Little, JiHon Murphy, J Y. Potpibel^, Hnrdy. Powers, F B. Smith, D. T. Sreveuson, It 31 care F. 31. B-own. Tibial!. ft ft William?, H*?ry. FernaDs. Oraip, Mr? Win Fartiek, Mrs. Daisy Mclean. GolmHP, Miss Hatti?. K :cf, Mr* 11 Y. S. J. L'^phart, Pom master. Shingle 2JLi 11 CompWeont tit for ssb* a bar*8 i l?including engine, b .-iU-r unci ihingie rail): two Drge mnies find vagou. For lerm?, A: , ' [ oly to. Chas. E Corlev, L-xing:o". S. C. Miss Ethel Cnmpsty, <>f Cs>arobia, s the teaeber of lino primary departuent of thr Swansea Gr-uD-i school. If the 3aby is Cutting Teeth, T-?j Liira or il 1126 tllftf. H'i\ nftil VUJ-li A J 7 OU1 \> the bnsr remedy for diarrhoea. ? wen ty-five cent? a bottle. Ir. i? the Best, r.f A5' THE QUALITY sens. ay & co., (1 Retail bed and drain. iOOF OATS. iters and Fanners of Lexis He fore The if 2 heir or Wants and Sa re Yon et. COLUMBIA, S. C. Jj 1 'A V i i > s?E AN D il|, I K 2?iON 1" \M *.?.J'li'SM?*?>, bT Tilings may. < * 111M I*' mum.;' tin- !:;tt?-r is tli? 3L0THING, :k's furnishings. )< stoi't