The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 28, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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I The Lexington Dispatch | [ Wednesday, September 23,1904. j ' Skst Every Week. The Columbia State. Every Friday is hangman's day for the dogs that are caught by the dogcatcher. If these dogs are so ! unlucky as to have do owners or ! owners who will not redeem them, j they are kept ten days and then j shot. Sometimes dogs which are j well worth having are taken up and these may be bought at a small price > F :i uurcuceuicu. Every week some ten or so of the j best friends men ever bave are Bhofc and go to the dog star (where all good pups go wheD they die). Dogs are certainly man's best friends. In addressing a jury the late Senator Vest once spoke eloquently on the dog. He was pleading for damages and they were obtained too. Senator Vest arose, scanned the jurymen's faces and said: "Gentlemen of the Jury: The best friend a man has in the world .may turn against him and become bis enemy. His son or daughter i t a tbat be nas raised wua loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who L. are nearer and dearest to ns, those whom we trust with ouf happiness and good name, may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has he may lose. It flies away from him perhaps when he needs it most. A man's reputation may be sacrifioed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend that a man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog. A man's dog stands by bim in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintery winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only be may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to? offer. He will^ick the wounds and sores that come^ in encounter with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of bis pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces be is as constant in his love as the sun in its journeys through the heavens. If fortune drives the master forth an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him, to <$uard against danger, to fight against bis enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes the master in its embrace, and his body is laid away in the cold ornund. no matter if ail other friends ?? J ?- - 4 pQrsoe their way, there by his graveBide will the coble dog be found, bis head between his paws, his eyes sad, bet open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even in death." As we understand it these dogs are taken up aod kept in pound at the guard house for ten days and if not claimed within that limit and the license paid, are shot. The most of these emponnded dogs are from ' the country who doubtless followed their owners to the city and became lost, and many of them are valuable ones. Those wishing to own a good dog can donbtleBS secure one cheap by visiting the pound, make their selection and pay the cost. Of Interest to the House Wife, j A rnn fhinbina of huvinc a conk- ! o r-> ing stove or range, beating stove; needing kitchen or stove utensils, piping, sheet metal, or work in this line? See, or write, Lee A. Lorick & Bro., Columbia, S. C. If you are going to paint, they will save you money. Call when in the city and you will find many useful articles to the household that we cannot enumerate here. They are pleasant gentlemen to deal with. Want Such Immigrants. Augusta Herald. In view of the great need of the south and of Georgia for new people to populate and make fertile the old i iw i y. PBgcg wornout fields of this section, it will prove interesting reading to- note what one Italian farmer has done n our neighboring State of South Carolina duriDg the present year. This new immigrant only came to the State last winter, and he is located near Conway, S. C. Hie crop consists of seven and a half acres of potatoes, from which he will market from 60 to 100 barrels to the acre, that will net him sbout S3 perbarre'; two acres of bell "peppers, two acres of beans, several acres of peas and five acres of corn for forage, all in an old field that has been running down for 100 years and has been regarded as almost worthless. What this one successful Italian farmer has done his first year in South Caroiioa can be duplicated by hundreds and thousands of similar families all throughout the south. And this, too,- without interfering one iota with the great staple cotton crop of the south, which the Georgia State Agricultural society seems so anxious to retain for the present population that they look with dread upon new people comiDg into the State. The Greater Georgia association and the various chan b?rs of commerce throughout the State could do no better service for Georgia than to encourage a few such immigrants to locate in Georgia during the coming winter. Sucklen's Arnica Salvo has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotioo, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sore?, Felons, Ulcers, Skin Eruption?; infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Ooly 25cents at The Xaufmann Drug Co's.', druggist. Frost and Ice in Nevr York. Port Jervis, N. Y., Sept. 22.?A heavy frost up the Delaware river valley this morning formed thin ice. The thermometer was down to 30 degrees. Turkey's Debt to America. Constantinople, Sept. 22.?The buI tau luuaj glau 4rcU fiu ouuiciiuo iu American Minister Leisbman, and discussed wilh bim outstanding demands of the United States on Turkey. A Boys' Wild Bide For Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life. 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New D scovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. BrowD, of Leesville, Ind, endured deaths agonies from / asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Consumption, Poeumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for ail Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50o. and Si.00 Trial bottles free at The Kaufmaon Drug Co's., drug store. A mob at Carlisle, Ind , has chased all non-resident negroes from towD; and the pre68 dispatches report that all resident negroes will be driven out. The homes cf all negroes in the village have been visited, and partly demolished. This assault upon all the negroes of a community was incited by the shootiDg cf a white man by one negro. The largest chicken farm in the world is at Sidney, Ohio. Between 70,000 and 90,000 chickens are hatched daily, and each day's crop enters a series of ninety pens, at the end of which after moving up once a day they are ready for market. The best advice that some of us can give is, "Do as I don't." j The man in the moon, at any rate, does bis best to make light of things Tf mil ronnl^ (luHor o mor? oolr i a* it v/u?va ii'jvvvi urn ujuu uoi> , his advice. The Japanese scheme of tunneling | Russian forts in order to blow them up is proving successful. Cause of Insomnia. Indigestion nearly always disturbs the sleep more or Jess and is often the cause of insomnia. Many cases have been permanently cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by The Kaufmaon Drug Cc. tiii: gki:ati:h soitii cajhouna STATE FAIR. I The Event of i! 10 Year?Hints to 1'ios- j p<otive Exhibitors?\ Great (father- J ing of Prosperous Carolinians. , The first Greater South Carolina State Fair will be held on the new grounds recently purchased by tho State Agricultural and Mechanical Society, and which have been fitted up with all modern improvements for the comfort and convenience of both exhibitors and visjtors. This will be the thirty-sixth Fair since the reorganization of the Society after the civil war. and will be held the last week in October. from the morning of tlie 25th to the evening of the 28th. Every county in the State should be represented in the exhibits, for there is no iiumn uui \\h<il td i j ?r.-> c? > ito all the exhibitors at every Fair, the premiums being- only a small part of the benefits. A great many farmers and stock breeders count only what prizes are won. but this should not be the case, because the greatest benefits are obtained in advertising what you have for sale and in meeting with the progressive men from other sections of the State and obtaining their ideas and seeing the results of their methods. The^jnanagement of the Fair is making every effort to secure new exhibitors. Arrangements have been made by which freight charges are paid on ail exhibits from this State, free stalls are provided for stock, and free bedrooms are furnished all exhibitors who are willing to stay on the grounds all the time. Numerous restaurants on the grounds furnish meals at all hours of the day or night at reasonable prices, and feed for stock is delivered right at the stalls at the regular market prices, and besides. 1 1 1- All there are omcers who ioua <juci &.u exhibitors and see that every one is satisfactorily located. All exhibits may be shipped directly to the grounds, for there is ample side track provision for all the cars. Solid ears should be billed "Secretary State Fair, Columbia. S. C., care Fair Ground Tracks," and they will be rushed right through to destination. Some exhibitors may think they cannot make their entries properly, but Secretary Love will take pleasure in giving all necessary aid, provided application is made to him prior to 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, as the Fair opens at that hour and no entries can be made later. All exhibitors of live stock should arrive on the c ounds not later than Friday or Saturday before the Fair, so as to get the stock quiet after shipping and get them to eating well before being put into the show ring. The premium list is very liberal this year, and it is to be hoped that the management will meet with success in inducing a very large number of new exhibitors to attend the Fair, so that the Fair will become representative of every section of the State and of all the resources of Carolina. Information and premium lists will be cheerfully supplied upon application in nerson or by letter to Secretary Love at Columbia. Let all who are thinking of exhibiting, or who have fine products or stock, make up their minds right now to exhibit, write for a premium list and then make their entries at once. Join the procession that is making this State one of the best in the country. (Cmbrighi C fTJ CALIFORNIA/)! ' PFOODW I iDELICIOUS I NUTRITIOUS * CORRECTIVE 1 I ROBERT A. CAMPBELL-, M. D., writesjl After many other foods had failed Sunbrights B saved our baby. I have used it many times ? with uniform success as an infant food, also i in Typhoid and other fevers. 1 can recom- 1 mend it with full confidence that it will give | universal satisfaction, and aeree with more I t I babies than any other food on the market. I I 50C, 75$, $1.25, $3.00 Sizes. I I Sunbrights California Food Co., a Los Angeles, Cal. (' RECOMMENDED AND FOR SALE BY | S II HE IvAUFMaNN UK Uj CO.,1 J LEXINGTON, SC. 1 4 Tjrj&rjrATjyjiPjrA V^TAV^TA \ \ W M. CORLEY, * ! ij 2 ? KEW BRQOKIANO, S. C. ? J 2 ^ Agentfo rthe New Improved ^ 1 i i 5 SIXGER SEWIXG MArflIXSS S ! 2j Awarded over fifty premiums for Bj ^ their ?*.\e 'llenee ami superiority ^ Sj over other "nikes. Try this pop- Bj u'ar ma'-hine in your home he- ^ ( fore buying. Large discounts for Bj eash, <>r ninety davs. Liberal ^ I Bj terms on instalment plan. Bj ... _ 5 i ^ uiiis. ^ fct for all standard sewing mak?s. KL k Bargains. l j ^ 1 : fcx. Large lot of Old Machines of stan- L ^ dan makes in good repair. ^ VJFATjrAVjrAVjrjLTAVAVJf^k lElil Ml ! DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. ( W. P. ROOF, Cashier. DIRECTORS: A11 Irniflo W P PmaI fl M Tf.flrd ^iXOU C/ V JLi T> A , AWVWlJ V? MAI Jill* R. Hilton .Tames E. Hendrix. i EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. < Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. September 21?tf c 1 Money to Loan. TITE ARE PREPARED TO NFGO- ' \V tiate lo-?ns on improved farming lands in Lexington County. No commission. Borrower to pay actual costs of preparation of papers. Sept. 14. Cm THOMAS & GIBBES ; Attorneys p.t Law, 1227 Washington St., Columbia, S. C. a wnuaatan ggg a1 aaatangawagBanB n? ? sens n j I?HB psaa xjjtfcsa mi In Addition to the E Toledo, OLZ HOW //$*$? tfoo'^K Woyl _ _J / T? SE f 0 ill TOLEoo, omo. % - 1 _ ~ * Like a Check lil We Hne (warded $20,000.00 X' Presidential ! Fiive Lion - Heads cut irom Lion Coffee Packages and a 3 = cent j stamp entitle you (in addition to ithe regular free premiums) to one vote. The 2-cent stamp covers our acknowledgment to you that your estimate is recorded. You can .-send as many estu mates as desired. grand First Prize of $5,000.00 will be awarded to the one who is nearest > ? - a . tif 1 JI _ r?-i^ jk I correct on coin our w onu s rair anu ricoiaential Vote Contests. We also oTor S5.000.00 Special Cash Prizes to Grocers' Clerks. (Particulars in each case of Lion Coffee.) ? How Would Your Nam? Lo Everybody uses coffee. If you will use LIO\ COFFEE 1 I convinced there is no other such value lor the money. 1 w we are using our advertising money so that both of us?you a | WE GIVE BOTH FREE PRi | Complete Detailed Partii LION C IwOOUSCN SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEF cnutARn i mm i kfttwrilll# hi nvwihh^ Attorney at Law, LEESVILLE, S. 0. i OL Practices m all the Courts. A a BjH ft Business solicited. \ I || Bp For ^ou^8'858! S Bread, Cakes, Etej 5 T * ' tr m stock [Barbecues, Picnics,-Etc! \ GENE J\ f) ever seen in Ir m GO 10 THE ^ the esoecial Sold belxable baeee,} > "SUri I J. B. RIEBLINGER. f, i b t COLUMBIA. / W h: SYour orders will be promptly filled.* W 4 JuneS. 6m. 4 & HH "g ,T. H. FKICK, \ I ATTORNEY AT LAW, f ' 8 * Will practice in all the Courts. 0 Office: Hotel Marion, 4th room, second ^ floor. T_ ^ CHAPIX. S. c. C/WV% At-utis.: 6. ly Parlor Restaurant 1336 main street. f COLUMBIA, - S. C., The only up-to-date eating |l||$l| House of its kind in the City of Co- [ ? gf ? g lurubia. It is veil kept?clean linen, [ prompt and polite service and get it quickly. Quiet and order always prevail. You get ] what you order and pay only for what you ''i/\rTr get. Within easy reach of desirable sleep- ^ f I I ! ing apartments. O V J 1^' . OPEN ALL NIGHT. \ B. DAVID, Proprietor. BE5 SlROLINA ill BANK, rHE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN - I fl -I ^m r\ r\va COLUMBIA. j JXITED STATES, STATE, CITY AND COUNTY I DEMIMI. j Low Escursi Saving's department. foliowc: Paid sp Capital - ? - $200,000 ^nrplns Profits . 70, OOP Liability oi Stockholders - 200,000 $470,000 For full inft Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent Agent of the ! :er annum, payable May 1st and Novem- i I )er 1st W. A. CLARK, Prudent. I ^ Wilis Jonxs, Vice President and Cashier. | I? f><VAmhAr 4-?1 v. | | Dr. P. il. Shealy, DENTIST, CHARLES LEXINGTON, - !*. C. ?? Office Up Stairs in Hoof's Building, eguter Free Premiums I '&SB c?- r^==v 1 '--^ ' -'iZii'l. " ~=====BAM^. M^ThiS? o Zion Coffee users in our Great World's Fair Contest? 9 jople get checks, 2139 more will get them in the Vote Contest , What will be the total popular vote cast ii&MPlll^ f?r President (votes for all can- 1 ^ ^idates combined) at the election November 8, 1904 ? In 1900 election, 13,959,653 people voted ?S'^? lor President. For nearest correct esti mates received in Woolson Spice Com- H ^5?JF pany's office, Toledo, O., on or before November 5, 1904, we will give first | W Pr*ze *or nearest correct estimate, ? second prize to the next nearest, etc., 1 ijgggj05 etc., as follows: 1 First Prize $2,500.00 1 Second Prize 1,000.00 !B 2 Prizes?$500.00 each 1,000.00 5 Prizes? 200.00 " 1,000.00 $ 10 Prizes? 100.00 " .1,000.00 2C Prizes? 50.00 " 1,000.00 50 Prizes? 20 00 " 1,000.00 250 Prizes? 10.00 " 2,500.00 1800 Prizes? 5.00 " 9,000.00 2139 FRIZES, TOTAL, S20.000.00 ; ok on One of These Checks? | ong enough to get acquainted with it. you will be suited and w fben you will take no other?arid that's why we advertise. And g .s well as we?will get a benefit. Hence for your Lion Heads I&liiJftSS AND CASH PRIZES I culars in Every Package of B&i QHH 528393 38S3Q ;OH LL o I "T') lap Cash Store, i i in iof. r uing my friends and easterners that I now have ^k and tor wale cheap one of the best and cheapest line of ^ SEAL - MERCHANDISE J ene I'.ie stock was selected with extraordlnany care to meet ^ needs and demands Of this market and are np to date in $ icular. The srock embraces Famiij^ aud Plantation Gro- ? )r\ Goods. Dress Goods, th.? latest fa is in Notions, Rib- ^ C'ntbibu, Gent's Furnishings, Shoes, etc. Yoq are f ted to <' i!) and inspect this stock. I also pav the ^ ishest luarket prices tor Country Produce. Come ^ to see me and let me save you some money, ' IRENE, S. C. \ "ITT'" ""''a VIA riiERN RAILWAY >T L!NE. CHOICE OF ROUTES. Ill PULL MAX SLEEPERS and DIXIX G CARS. rs .V.L^ved at WTe9tera North Carolina Summer Ti-jaorta and Other Points. . on Tickets on sale from Lexiustor. 8- C.. as *- 7 S? an?n Tickets $37 85. K'>:ty Day Ticket. $31 (jO. ratteen Day Ticket. ?25 75. .niia'.K" or "World's Fair Literature,'" apply to any S;ur.e re Railway, or to w. hunt, Sixisisn Passsnjer Ajsnt, STOK, - - - - S. C.