' The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, September 28, 1904. i Dots from Hilton. To the Editor cf tDe Dispatch: Cotton picking, fodder pulliDg, gathering pe*vir.?- b?*v, seems to be the order of tn* iUy. Cotton is not expected to be * ??.? nop, while corn is generally good. The educational meeting which was held at White Rock last Thursday was well attended. Congressman Lever, Messrs. Bouknight, Haltiwanger, Shealy and Miss Riddle all of whom made a very forceable and. instructive talk on education. Tbey woo the e factions of all those | who attended from the able manner in which they handled the subject of education. Boys and girls take heed to what those speakers said and act accordingly. The election is a thing of the past. We stated some time ago that when the thinning season came some of the army would be chopped out. And sore enough, oh! how we do sympathize with those defeated fellows. It seems insteed of being sore in the feet they are sore all over, down, down in sorrow, while those which were left standing are smiles all over, rejoicing, rejoicing. Our advice to the defeated boys is to go to the polls in November and vote like a man and support the nominees. We ^ have no doubt but what every Democrat will gQ out to the polls in the general election and vote for the nominees of our party. Indeed it is strange to know the flimBy excuses some of our people can gather up again&t a candidate to defeat him. We have beard of combinations being formed and money in a great many instances being used. If your father or grandfather or great-gr&nd-father or mother or grandmother should have not walked exactly straight in their lives, why, a matter of fact, this is used against the candidate. > Son let us tell you right now, all those who . have ao inclination to offer for pub lie office better have a pretty clear record, if you don't want your feelings hurt. M& Editor, we do Dot know what your inclinations may be for legislative honors two years hence. Our advice to you % to take lessons under Editor Auli, of Newberry, and Koigbt^of Sumter, before you decide to seek those honors. B. September 19, 1904 Fearful Odds Against Sim. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Sucb, in brief was the condition of an old soldier by nsme of J. J Havens, Versailles, ,0 For years he was troubled with K'dney disease and neither doctors nor medicine;} gave him relief. At length be tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his feet in short order and now ^ he testifies. "I'm on the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for Liver and Kidoey troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by The Kaufmann Drug Co., druggist. democrats Must Vote. Columbia, September 23 ?General Wilie Jones, tbe Stats Democratic chairman, is now woi king on an address to be given ont to tbe Democrats of tbe State urging them to vote in tbe general election. Tbe address will not be issued until just a few days before tbe election and will be set out all over tbe State. Ia tbe meantime tbe Republicans the Seventh diatrint have not been W* WWW ? idle. The several candidates men- j tioced a few days ago are grooming ' themselves for the nomination at the district convention to be held in a few days and an address will be issued urging them to stand by the nominauou. Firm Goes To Philippines. Washington, Sept. 23.?Advices have reached the bureau of insular affairs from Toledo, 0, to the effect that a large firm in that city engaged ia the manufacture of products of various 6orts from cocoanut oils has decided to move its entire plant to the Philippines. The firm believes that it can increase its profits and add to the value of its products by making the finished products iu the Mmds rather than by shipping the crude materials to the United States. The bureau wa9 notified today that the special commission which has been at work for six moDths studying the Philippine tariff laws has made its report to the collector of customs iu the Pnilippines. The commiesiou has mads many suggestious in the line of modifying and improving the laws. The secretary of war wishes the recommendations to bs carefully examined and that suggestions be made by American shippers before it is giveu to congress for the purpose of drawing up a bill proposing the needed modifications. The Sweet Gum. The exudation you see clinging to the sweet gum tree in the summer contains a stimulating expectorant that will losen the phlegm in the throat. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein cures coughs and croup. At druggists, 25c, 50c aDd ?1.00 a bottle. Fire At Gadsden. Special to The State. Gadi-deD, Sept 23 ?This morning about 6 o'clock the gin house and the -i ill l _ enure gin ana gnat mm n&iureej utlongiDg to Mr. G. A. Kaminer and seven bales of cotton belonging to M-. H. G Kaminer were completely destroyed by fire. The fire was discovered when a bail of ignited cotton rolled out of the gin?supposed to have caught from a match in the cotton. Barrels of water and bottles of fire extinguisher were used but on account of the dry, loose cotton the blaze spread rapidly and soon the whole building was in llames. The cotton belonging to Mr. H. G. Kaminer was in a cotton house annexed to the gin house. The fire, happening in the busiest cotton season, will cause a great set back to the com- j munity. The loss on the gin and cotton is about $3,500 and tbere was ) no insurance. Post Office Sobbed. Expert safe crackers entered the post office at Kingstree, near Char leston, Wednesday night and after a short session with blacksmith tools, stoled from a nearby shop, extracted a package of $4,000 addressed to the Bank of Kingstree, $350 in post office funds, about $150 worth of stamps and jewelry belonging to Postmaster Jacobs, valued at $500. The burglars then departed, ieaving no clue. The money for the bank had been sent from Charleston on a wire order and it was supposed no one knew of the order except the bank officers and the telegraph operator. As the money had been insured the bank will not lose anything. j* Cured Thirty Headaches In one day, while distributing free samples of Nervalgine, the world's best remedy for Sick and Nervous tt?j?i xt 1 i neauauuef, x^euimgitt auu vuiuo. Every package guaranteed. 4 doses for 10c. Sold by M. Q. Hendrix. Manufactured by Nervalgine Co. Augusta, Ga. t tf Tough Eggs. Mrs. Newliwed?I really muBfc complain of those egg" you sold me on Wednesday. They were awful. Farmer?Why, they were perfectly fresh, ma'am. Mrs. Newilwed?They must have been fresh, but they were frightfully tough. I made an omelet of them for my husband and they were eo tough he couldn't eat them. Commissioner Watson's (ffort3 have so far been barren of good fruit ?that is no tangible results can be | directly traceable to his office. Tbey | may come later bat so far they are out of eight. By-the way, why should the appointment of the Commissioner of Immigration remain at the pleasure of the Governor when all the other appointive offices are nominated by the people in a primar}? Why make fleBh of one and bone of the other offices? Rev. S. L. Neese and Miss Maggie LowmaD, of Selwood, Lexington county, were married on September llfcb, 1904, in St. Michael church by Rey. 0. B Shearouseof Cbapin. J t ^ PUBEPAim* I The actual cost of the regular shades of Longman Oc Marine/, paints | when thinned ready for use, will he ?1.20 per gallon. You mix one gallon L. tfc M. Paint a ?1.7"). if. i ,i < ,i 11 t-I T _ _ T /\:i i or witn tnree-iourtn gallon. itaw innseeu wn > >. Makes one and one-third gal. ready for use paint cost S'2.10. O < v I Don't pay $1.50 or more per gallon for Linseed Oil, which you do when you buy it in a sealed can with a paint label thereon. ANY CHURCH OR PARSONAGE Or Institution supported by voluntary contribution will be given a liberal quantity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. ?For Sale by? LEE A. LORICK & BRO., COLUMBIA, 8. C. DAVIS & COMPANY, Harness and Saddlery, 1517 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. I I I 0 We parry the largest and most complete stock of this class of goods in the South. Can supply any and everything in Harness, either hand made of factory at prices to suit all. Just received a lot of Winter Lap Robes and Horse Blankets. Any single parts of harness supplied 011 call. "We strive sto please our trade and ask an examination of our goods and prices. * and business don't mix. As soon t ~ ? as you can get time from shaking hands with the '"Dear Boys," come to Columbia, or write us, and find out how cheap we can sell you first class Paints, Lime, Cement "Window Glass, Doors, Blinds and Sash. We are always glad to see I you. . . Columbia, S. C. j I (Polytics?meaning many ticks.) I _ . J *nn nimn Annm rrn imn mil n ra utuuii iu iui ; That Good Goods are the cheapest? If so when you go to BATESBURG CALL AT THE STORE OF J. O. GLOVER, WHO KEEPS A FCLL LINE OF General Merchandise. My line of Dry Gocds is compete. Dress Goods from 10 cents per yard to $1.00. Notions of all kinds and Gent's Furnishing Gcods iu great prolusion While I endeavor to clothe the body the head and feet are not neglected My line of Shoes ahd Hats are worth inspecting. I also endeavor to feed the inner man and to that eud keep a j choice line of Groceries. My line of Razors and Scissirs ar? nnsurpis?'d ?..id everv ! article in that line warranted Iu adritiou to all this I have a line of COFFINS AND j I CASKETS, ranging in price from i5 00 to S10 0 ). Prices oi all articles "orrect J ~Aiwn RPARa imtprpst when placed in a wide a-wake progressive j L*ave your Dimes and Dollars with us and j I see them increase at the rate of 4 per cent. } Per annum. Interest is payable quarterly in | JUr SAVIN!SS DEPARTMENT, ! PMMtlTO 8|K?IRUS' CO. j ' .1U LI U S [i WAl.HJ^U.V. President. j 7- vo?-.nT. j p MATTHEWS, Secretary. Should bo filled by Druggists I | HOT fiBBP Hons. , Life is too precious to be carelessly handled. This has been my work ' for l'> years, and do guarantee you pure drugs and careful work. g ! _ ANY DRUG- YOU 2TSED. ! Kinard's Horse, Cattle and Poultry Powder cures Chicken Cholera ! or 110 pav. The ideal stock food. Paints and Oils. j ! T. TXT. ZSZinsnd.. O The Licensed Druggist at. LEESVILLE, S. C. f " DBS. D. L. BOOZKB. & SONS ' M PEWf'STS.|r|^i 1615 MAIN STREET, COIJTMBIA, C, 'FHONE S30. WNI. PLATT, j r > DEALER IN Dry Ms, Millinery and Notions, NEARLY OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, ' COLXJMBIil, . - - . S. C. MAIN STBEET. , We have received and have placed on oar shelves one of the most beautiful as well as the most coniDlete iine of f FALL AND WINTER GOODS. ever shown m the city. These are all standard goods from the most reliable manufacturers and are recommended for their stylish aud nobby appearance and the beauty of pattern. A fall line of Ginghams and dress goods 01 all descriptions, as well as lovely creations in fashionable spring and summer millinery, i Come and see these goods belore purchasing. I will make it to jour interest to do so. October. 9.?3m. noir vdwii wiuioi Gaze on onr new Farniture, handsome Suites. Lounges, Sideboards, Extension TablesSolas. Stoves, Wardrobes., Couches Iron beds, Reed Kockers Tnmke, Mattretses (cotton and straw.) Dinning Chairs, Extra Oak Beds, Was-hstands, Centre Tables, Kitchen tables. Hall Racks. Go Carts of all kinds. Household goods ail new. We wi'l furnish your house fiom kit(heu to garret for cash. w. h. sowell, | 1 114 PLAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S.C Opposite Gregory Rhea Mule Co. Whiskey I Morphine Cigarettes All drug and Tohabit. | habit. habit. bacco habits. Cured by KEELEYINSTITUE OF S. C. i 1329" Lady St., (or P. O. Box 75) Columbia, S. C. Confidential correspondent; solicited. BMW FOR IT MAY INTEREST YOU AND ABOUT COTTON ?We want your Cotton and Cotton Seed ?we will pay tiignest prices. ABOUT ORGANS ?We want to show you our line of Parlor Organs, * in oak aou walnut. Tbev are beauties. ABOUT BUGQIES ?Just received a car load of up to date, stylish buggies aud eurr?-y??. Can suit young and old. FALL CLOTHING?big, nobby line of Mens' Suifc3 and trousers have just arrived. ABOUT PHOTOS?118 your picture?we will have it enlarged at a moderate price and guarantee satisfaction. WE CARRY?A big 8upplv of single and double barrel breech-loading Shot Guns, S'oves, Sewing Machines, Groceries Dry Gjods, Single and < Double Harness, Notions, Hardware, Shoes, Hats, Pictures and frames at all times, aDd will not be undersold. Bigging and lies a specialty. OUR-'Store and warehouse are full; we cordially invite you to see usWe will please you and save you money. Cirne. E. JONES, BATESBURQ, - - ' - - - S. Q. _" I^.SALE: ": LAND SA1F ^tJL Produces well. Lies well and good j location. Well improved with good bnlid- "T)V VIRTUE OF THE POWER VEST ings a a 1 pure healed building water. Good | J[5 ea ni luJuy the last xviil and test*" school and mail every day. In Saluda : UlcUt ot George Ballentine, deceased, I will county, b. C. Wui sen ch^p foj cs&ii. ; selI to the toWtaest bidder at his late resitJ ^iiii * r ! denCe* riear chiP'-tJ? s C . on Friday, Sepp ? n K . Ii _m | iewber 30 B'U4, at IOo'cIock. ail that tract 1 ^0,t / I ot land known as his Home Ptace, containi iDg acres more or less, aojoinng lands