\ v*: v v>" " wy\ c ;ggjgf. -v-;: ^ _* V- - * % > . ? ? $. Eepresematiue newspaper. Steers kexingtan and the Strders at the Surrounding? bounties Like 6 Elanhet. VOL. XXXIV. LEXDiGT0>. S. C? WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1904. 40. A "W. 2S.S ^O^TCZCrO37, TB., 4ftf? tex><> X3LAJ.T* STREET, COLUMBIA, *?. c. ^Mjgb Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention. ?> 0"!?ii?: *.stf 1 I 1 I THE " i ! ? j WORD OF HONOR. V ' | j Goes with every Shoe we sell. ; When you bey Shoes at this store you do not have to ieel that you must be constantly on your guard or ! yon will have something imposed on ! you that you do not want. Our Shoes are made by menufac- j turers who have acquired a reputa- i tion for the j BEST OF FH0EMAK1XG. | jwMormjMMjL If. by chance, an. unworthy pair should ever find their way here, it is YOCJB fault and not YOUK loss, j The maker will be glad to get them j back, and we will be glad to give J you another pair or refund yoar money. \ Men's Shoes Sl.OO to I^e.oo. W ho211 en Shoes Sl.OO to ^4r.OO. Any store can quote these same I prices It's the Shoe that tells the , I story, not the price. Come, see the Shoes. X I AFAP SH0E mHa I I j|| \ |J 1613 Main St. | UV I Vl I COLUMBIA.S.C. j Feb. 6?ly. Men's t Fall Furnishings MY STOCK IS NEW AND COMPLETE ??IN Neckwear, GIpves. Underwear. Half Hose, Handkerchiefs, Shirts. Knox ^ B we haI SOME REAL ? in second hand Beds, Bureaus, o _ .. & Don't miss t i JONES & pz 1208 Main Sfc, opp COL U3IBIA, - l i ini JU J I IIIV IVIEIIVK!VI | u TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ?3?* Miss Russell, of Baltimore, in C The latest styles and newest material shown in New York and Baltimore are reproduced at prices fully a third less than prevailing city prices. The assortments to keep abreast the times and the great progress of our town necessarily surpass any previously shown. From a small stock six years ago in a small and sleepy town we have grown, one with the other, into a Mammoth Department Store in a Hustling and Bustling little Electric City that is being talked and written about over the entire State. Our policy of money back, if you want it, safe-guards you here and after all, is the best sort of a guarantee. A guarantee that has won for us the estimable part we play in the great prosperity of this town that has made this store the integral of the shopping interest of the entire community. This is a Store of [deals With today's doings better, than yesterday's. Tomorrow's better than today's. Ever on the alert with the hard 1 1 ? t KAKO nn C8.SH tO SCOOp 111 nil,) uargaiua EVERY DEPARTMENT IS LOADED And bubbling over with irresistible bargains that equal any offered by the Great Metropolitan Department Stores. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, LACES AND TRIMMINGS. In these departments you will find every fad an fancy for ladies wear from top to toe. Everything that is new in Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets and Trimmings. "We know what's stylish and have it. We will be more than ] BATESBl ^Interesting Heading in K"ezt TFeek's "AD." ND STOVES. ABE on fttr S /-) fjM ??Sii BRACK,| |[J [jl ??? / . / ??-?! r* tfi iUl jU liUCi CU^C 4 \J IJ 1 V UUL A U11VA4 give him a majority of its polled votes. Dr. E beredge and hia friend3 are greateful t > tbe citizens of L-xiDgton for their complimentary vote.. 0. Star Routs With R. F. D. Hod. A F. Lever through his ultiriug tifjrfd has secured a daily service oa Star Route 20313 from Gilbert, to Dupler, with free delivery alon? tbe route. Said service com 0 menced Monday 19.b. Gen. ShailenbergVr, Second Assistant PustmaBter^GeneruJ, Las always shown a desire to give our people just and ample mail service, and we appreciate bis kindness and in recognizing the claims of our worthy Congressman, who is now absent in the discbarge of like duties, looking alter the interest of his constituents. Chocolate for cakes, at the Bazaar.