The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, July 20, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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The Lexington Dispatch., Wednesday, July 20,1904. PENCIL AND SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here ana There by a Dispatch Man. Ice and lemons for sale at the Bazaar. Good seasons have greatly benefit the crops. Mr. Scott Hendrix is having his Btore repaired. Candidate's cards printed cheap The County campaign opens at Batesburg today. at the Dispatch office. Mr. Junius Roberts is recovering from a severe illness. Several communications carried over to appear next week. Lexington Lodge of Masons will meet next Saturday evening. We regret to learn that Captain Austin Roof is quite 6ick. Keep cool these hot evenings by patronizing the Bazaar fountain. The best buggies made at the lowest prices at W. R. Roof's. Some more candidates are seeking the suffrage of their fellow citizens. Mr. Belton Clark has moved into bis new residence on Depot street. We are indebted to the Eon. John -Bell Towill for aerate of fine peaches. Mr. Halsey Fox, of Batesburg, visited relatives in town Sunday and Monday. Mr. C. F. Lindler, of Wessinger, is now one of. the Dispatch subscribers. Six new candidates and the announcements are closed. Prepare your ballots. Mies Lilly Smoak has returned home after a pleasant visit to friends | in Swansea. * : Real enjoyment is had when reading that clever magazine?The Smart Set Miss Lena Harman has returned from a pleasant visit to friends in Bishopville. Dispenser Simon Caughman has returned from a short sojourn in ''the land of the sky." Mr. W. P. Roof has bad a water ing cart built for tbe purpose or sprinkling the streets. The Joint Sunday schpol convfn ticn will meet at Mt. Olivet, in the Fork, July 2P 31. MisB Henrieta Towill, of Bate&burg, is at White StoEe Lithia Springs in Spartanburg county. Col D T. Bare and Mr. C. H. Livingston, of the Adair section, c ided in our office today. The date for Frick's barbecue at Chapin has been changed to campe;gn day, August 17th. Mr. A. J. Fox, cashier of The Home Bank in this place, is visiting the World's Fair at St. Louis. Yon can buy a high grade Buggy, cheaper at the Lexington Department Store than anywhere else. We are glad to know that our old friend, B. Cal. Moore is doing well in bis new home in Greenwood. t Mr. F. C. Mitchell, holdiog a prominent position at Newport News, Ya , sends his renewal to tbe Dispatch. We are indeed sorry to learn of tbe illness of Beba, tbe little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. E. M. Smoak. We have several papers concerning the Leesville reunion, which will appear in a later issue of the Dispatch FOB SALE?One house and large lot in Lexington, S. C For particulars write to, E. H. Bawl, Charleston, S. C. Mr. W. A. James and daughter, of Bishopville, came up today to spend sometime with the family of Col. D. T. Barr. Rev. G. W. Kelly, who bas been on a visit to his bod, O'Neall, iu Alabama, has returned to his home io Irene. Col. John Bell Towill was in town Monday on business. He will go up to White Stone Springs Saturday for a short rest. Several days' services begins at Providence Sunday. There will be two sermons each day. The public is invited. Mr. Rufus Smith, the popular teller of the Lexington Savings Bank, is at his desk after a brief absence on ac count of illness. Mr. Sid Wessinger has placed a new flat at the Counts old ferry bite and is prepared to accommodate ihe traveling public. G. P. Logan, Esq, of Columbia, a candidate lor Solicitor of the 5th Judicial Circuit, was in town Saturday and called to see us. Miss Helen Bradford, who is attending a business college in Columbia, came over Sunday and spent the day with her parents. Prof. Sidney J. Derrick, of Newberry College, and wife are spending the vacation at Mrs. D. F. Etird, the sister of the latter. Dont forget that you can buy the Waiter A. Wood Mower at the Lexington Department Store?recognized all over the world as the best. Miss Kate Derrick has returned from a visit to Miss Jessie Risinger, at Leesville, and Miss Jessie is now visiting Miss Kate at this place. Tbere was a fine crowd and gcoa speakiDg at D D. Smith's barbecue last Saturday and everybody seemed to have had a pleasant time. My buggies are built to last. They are made out of the best material?, by the best workmen, and they cost no more than a shoddy buggy. TV. P. Roof. The Editor will attend the campaign meetings in the interest of the Dispatch. He will receive new subscribers, and receipt for money due the paper. Miss Mary, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Graham, has returned home from a pleasant visit to her school chum, Miss Rosa Segel, at Beaufort. The communication concerning the marriage of Mr. George K. Davis and Miss Ollie Elizabeth Geiger, which took place on June Btb, 1901, will appear later. See change in the advertisement of W. P. Roof. This is one of the largest mercantile houses in the State outside of cities, and he keeps everything at the lowest prices. On account of the annual meeting of the State Dental Association at White Stone Lithia Springs, Dr. P. H. Shealy will not be in bis office July 20th, 21st and 22nd. We have been requested to say that Dr. James Harman will not be in his office next Friday. Those having dental work that needs attention will take due notice. ? i L A shipment ot surge oats just received at the Lexington Department Store. The line embraces blue, black and champagne. These are the very latest styles. Lexington plays Batesburg today on the diamond of the latter. The boys have gone to play good ball, and will probably come home wearing the scalps of the Batesburgers. Capt. Jake Bickley, Colore! commanding the cbaiugang, spent Sunday with his family in tnis place. The gang is now located near Irmo where it will be for two weeks, when it will come over on the south side to mix clay and sand. Messrs. Joseph Smoak, Abner Derrick T. C. Campbell and Willie Hicks were ordained deacons of the Lexington Baptist church last Sunday morning. The sermon was preached by Rbv. Mr. Norria of Columbia, his subject being ''Deconship." FOR SALE?A desirable four acre lot with dwelling and all necesssry out buildiDge, in the town of Irene, adjoining the company property. Also household and kitchen furniture. For particulars, apply to Rev. G W. Kelly, Irene, S. C. Mr. Lawrence A. Sease, President of the Prosperity Cotton Seed Oil Mill, is visiting his parents in the Hollow creek section. He was in town Saturday and made us a pleasant call. We are always glad to meet Lawrence for you can always deDend on him. '* I Barbecue. T WILL FURNISH A FIRST CLASS JL barbecue at my place known as the Fowle's Place, 6 miles south of Gilbert, on July 2Sth, campaign day. Music will be furnished by brass and string bands. Mr. Smith will be present prepared to take pictures. Candidates and the public generally are cordially invited. So won't you come and spend the day with me. A. TAYLOR. June 10, 1904. 5w37. MOMHim FOR CONGRESS I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for toe 59fh Congress from the Seventh Congressional District of South Carolina, and pledge myeelf to ab de the result of the primary and to support the nominess of the party. A. F. LEVER. FOR SOLICITOR-FIFTH CIRCUIT. I herebv announce myself a candidate for the office of Solicitor for the Fifth Jud c al Circuit, subject to the rales of the Democratic parte. G. P. LOGAN. The manv friends of CAPTAIN N GEORGE EVANS announce him as a canditate for the office of Solicitor of the Fifth -Judicial Circuit, and pledge him to abide the result of the Dcruocaatic primary and support the nominee of the party. I hereby announce mjself a candidate for Solicitor ol the Fifth Circuit, subject to the action of the Democratic partv. GEORGE R. REMBERT. I announce myself a candidate for Solicitor of the Fifth Judicial Circuit. I pledge myself to conduct an honorable campaign, j to abide tLe result of the Democratic pri iUlli V <VUU IA7 U y '? t VU V* VV4. Respectfuliv. GEORGE BELL TIMMERMAN, Lexington, S. C. I oni a candidate lor Solicitor of the Filth Judicial Circuit in the coming election and will abide the result of the primary. S. McG. SIMPKINS. FOR STATE SENATOR. I hereby announce mjself a candidate { lor . enutor irr-m jL^xioyiuu uouuiv. j find pledge myself to abide the result of the primary election. D. F. EFIRD. Having done the best I could for one term in the State Senate, I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to said position, and 1 will abide by the result of the Democratic primary election and sunI port tLe nominees of said election. W. II. SIIARPF. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Knowing the responsibilities and feeling that I am competent to represent the grand old connty of Lexington. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary election. PAUL E. HUTTO, Swansea. S. C. JACOB H. FRICK is hereby announced as a candidate for the House of Representatives from Lexington county, and is pledged to abide the result of the Democratic piirrary election. T herebv announce mvself for the Legislature and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. T. C. STURKIE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for theHonee of Representatives, subject to the result of the Democratic primary election. E. J. ETHEREDGE. J. BROOKS WJNGARD is hereby announced as a candidate for ra-f lection to the House ot Representatives from Lexington Conniv, and will abide the result of the TV:m.rif?*!?tif? nrirriflrv Alpetinn. I am a Candida for the Hnnse of Representatives. subject to the conditions o 1 the primary. E. U. SHEALY. I. M. F.PT1NG is hereby announced a candidate forth* Hereof Representatives, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. FOR CLERK OF COURT. We are authorized to announce SAMUEL R GEOItGE as a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court at the ensuing nrimarv election, and pledge liim to abide the result thereof. FOR SHERIFF. L. P, SMITE is herebv announced as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Lexington county and we pledge him to abide the result of the primary. FRIENDS. The many friends of JAMES B. ADDY ! announce him a candidate for the office of I Sheriff of Lexington County, subject to the rnles of the Democratic primary. I hereby anoouDC? myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Lexington county, subject to the rules governing the Democratic Primary PUeetion, P. HENRY CORLEY. I hereby announce mvself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Lexington county, aud pledge myself to abide the result of the nriroarv. T. H OAUGHMAN. . FOR COUNTY TREASURER. FRANK W. RTTEALY is hereby announced as a candidate for re-election as Ccnnty Treasurer ofLexinoton county,subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. . FOR AUDITOR. The friends of MART.DN D. HARM AN announce bim as a candidate for Coanty Auditor, snbject to the rules of the Democratic party. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Auditor, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. M. PICKENS LINDLER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office o 1 County - Auditor, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. ' G. A. DERRICK. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. We are authorized to announce LOUIS J. LANGFORD as a candidate for the office of County Supervisor at the ensuing primary election and pledge him to abide the result thereof. Upon the solicitation of friends I have consented to make the race for County Supervisor in the cominp primary election and pledge myself to abide by the result of the same and support the nominees thereof. SAMUEL P. SHUMPERT. J After being earnestly solicited Dy my manv friends I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Supervisor of Lexington County, subject to the rules governing the Democratic primary election. E. AUSTIN SMITH. I announce myself as candidate for County Snperv:sor of Lexington and pledge myself to abide by the rules governing the Democratic primary. JOHN W. FBI*. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, ISAIAH HALLMAN is hereby announced a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the rules of the Democraiic primary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner and pledge myself to abide by the result of the primary. E. A. GARDNER. Knowing tho ability of MR. OTIS 0. DRAFTS for the office of County Commissioner. his friends announce him a candidate for that office and pledge hirn to abide the result of the primary. FRIENDS. I herebv announce myself a candidate for the office of County Commissioner and will abide the rcsult'of theDiimary election. JOHN W. HENDRIX. New Brookland. The friends of A. M. THORNTON, ol Steadman, announce him a candidate for County Commissioner and pledge him to I abide the result of the Democratic primary. The many friends oi \\ A.ULiAL>rj :v LORICK announce him a candidate for the office of County Commissioner from the Fork of Lexington County, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. At the solitation of iny friends. I have decided to announce myself a candidate lor County Commissioner and will sbide the result of the primary. JOHN W. SMITH. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner of Lexington county, subject to the lules cf the Democratic primary. JAMES W. SHEALV. At the solicitation of my friends I announce myselt a candidate for County Commissioner. W. NOAH LUCAS. At the solicitation ot my many friends, I I hereby announce mjselt a candidate for j County Commissioner, subject to the rules ot the Democratic primary. K. H. BAUGHMAN. J FOR C0R0N0R." I hereby announce mvseif a candidate for re-election to the oflice of Coroner of Lexington comity, and pledge mjself to abide the result of the primary. A. 0. WILSON, j As long as they last we will s at $35.00. Only or We have the largest and mos gies in the THE "OLD HICKC First in the Hearts of C GREGORY-RHEA MUL] REMEMBi WE SELL EVER R I PI ?5 ? ill * A # I * I VV K f* f V i I n i Lexington FOR SUPT. OF EDUCATION. I -The many friends of J. E. HAWL j t A A AT KYZER announce him as a candidate for j j \ ? ' 8 gsj fl I County Superintendent of Education, and i j ^71. \J( V/LtI pledge him to ubide the result of the pri- j mary election. VOTERS. j 1 I hereby announce myself a candidate j |j|, II B I i1 for re-election to the office oi Superinten- | j ihwAJFo* \/XJ f dent of Education of Lexington county j subject to the rules of the Democratic \ ..... primary. JOHN S. DERRICK. j ?HJKe a Cry FOR MAGISTRATE--4th DISTRICT, j be Carried JOEL I. HARSEY is hereby announced Xf as a candidate lor Magistrate for the 4th ^ District of Lexington county, subject to [ cnase a ne" the mles of the Democratic primary. j ^ j-i , . I am a candidate for Magistrate lor the j XllcLu ^] Fourth District, Lexington county sub- j OOffiG ject to the rules of the Democratic pri- ! mary. W. K. HILDEEBKAND. j StyleS aild i \KT a a 1 tt* For Magistrate?6th District. j " ^ ^ w MR. HENRY C. SCOFFILL is hereby j lO'tS Of tliei announced as a candidate for Magistrate of j _ the 6th District, which embrace Black J US L 110 Creek township, and pledges kimsell to j abide the result of the primary. "tl'Sy Ol C. R. RISH is hereby announced as a candidate tor Magistrate for the 6th district i ollctll which embraces Black Creek township, J sobjeel to the rules of the primary election : ? 1101*3 0 j ol the Democratic Darty j _ = t | etbook, an< FOR MAGISTRATE?5th DISTRICT, j in particill I My candidacy tor the office of Magistrate I i at New Brookland for Ccngaree township, j is hereby announced and respectfully sab- . j I?I 111 initted to the people, subject to the rules ol j -1. J- V / -.' the Democratic primary. A. B. BACK MAN. j I respectfully announce myself for re- j "l "\/Tq i election as Magistrate for the Fifth Dis- J. / OvJ -iVAcXri trict. Lexington countv. New Brookland. ; . - .. . subject to the rules ot the Democratic pn- j pQp MAGISTRATE FO inarv. J. M. MARCHANT. ! S. J. KIDDLE is hertOi | candidate for Magi-trate m FOR MAGISTRATE?:!st DISTRICT. ] #n<J ?? p!?J?ebii. tne pnuiarx. MAM C. S. BRADFORD, subject to tb, rules . Kll0win? ab?Ut.. of the Democratic primary. cu m ot K. T. KaCCH ? I hereby aunounee myself a candidate | nominate him tor Magistral for Magistrate for the 1st District of j townships in the Lu^k ind Lexington county and pledge myself o j ubide the re.-oit ?i thy pnu abide by the result ol the Democratic j 'lib primary. A. D. MAKTIS. j I announce nas-Ii a catnl - ! istratc for tne Pork ot Lex FOR MAGISTRATE?3rd DISTRICT. j subject to the rules or :h~ I I announce ruyseli a candidate for Mag- j mir>- *' MARSHAL istrate, Third Lexington county District, | I am a candidate for Mm and pledge myself to abide the result of I'ork District Lexington ( the primary election. to the rules of the I'emocr JASPER S. DERRICK. K.J I tL_ rM\ r j ell the above BUGGIES LG to customer. >t complete line of bugState. ? >RY WAGONS." , \5 >ur Countrymen. v [ Of) COMJMBIA, S. C. VTHIlVft JL JL XI.JL11 \J\ j 1 eats Full. i inner I IVVI . L, S. C. DTION It ing baby in church?should | ~ i_ UUL. ve been intending to purw pair of shoes for that boy ! irl?don't delay any longer. ! while our assortment of sizes remains unbroken. rays carry many styles, and m. wwe have, an extra quanrles--and more youngsters' | usual. t,re prices to fit e very pock- ; ( i there's one pair of shoes ; ar that we wish you to see. IAS A. BOYNE, .OPPOSITE POST OFFICE.! ^ n Street. Columbia. S. C. rx district I Barbecue. ,j ' tSTSSS* I 1 WILL FURNISH A FIRST CLASS , ,i ^ ^ 11 if nf ! barbecue, with refreshments, at luo result ct , t i x , i vkif\DS 1 Crout s Store, on July 21st, 1904. lieing . " ! Campaign Day at that place. Everycentrat !o- . jKX|v js iUvifr?l. Prices for dinner reae' 1 sellable. JAMES KOON. e ot the three T p'edgehimtoj " s fries'".s. | Barbecue. ii-lar* tor Mag- j j WILL FURNISH A. BARBECUE AND iiigtou county, j J_ retreshments at Pelion on the 30th day fl )eujocratic pri- i , f Juiv, 1904, campaign day at this place. * ,L SHEALY. j Everybody is cordially invited to come ana '! ristiate of the i (njotf ft good dinner and have a hue time. 'ounty. subject j h t nty of speeches and the candidates will atn- primary. be glad to see all. JOSH J. SHF.ALY, . (J lihVEK. i June 15tn, 11KM. 7w3h pd. i