THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. v * Jt Sepresentative newspaper. Savers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Bounties Like a Blanket. VOL. XXXIV. LEXINGTON S. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20. 1904. 34?" , ~~Z CLOSE DRY GOODS COMPANY. ~T At TXT. T31. MOITCZTTOIT, TIE3-, tAjf qptb iasj<> MAIN STREET, - COLUMBIA, IS. C. * Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention. Octoberit'tf You are hereby summoned j to appear io the presence of ' Lever, The Shoe Man,! - I ! for the sole purpose of witness ing the | GRANDEST SHOE lEUISfif AND . PREMIUM GIVING EVENT j ever attempted in the South. | We now have on exhibition at our store 5000 valuable premiums for the patrons of this \ store. To every customer whose f purchase amounts to one dol- ! jL lar or more will be given a | A Beautiful Present. | ) SEE OUR WINDOW. V- For full particulars call, phone, j write or send wireless telegram to < ^THE^ ATTAIN SHOE MAN. ,H,\; Mil 1613 Main St. I Uv T VI ( COLUMBIA,S.C. " Feb. 6-ly. I Bsvival Meeting: Closed. The revival meeting which has been going on for sometime in the Baptist charch in this place closed : last Thursday evening. There were added to the church thirteen members?three by letter and ten by baptism. We believe that there are others who will shortly connect themselves with this branch of the Christian church. The ordinance of baptism will be administered to can* didates next Sunday afternoon at about 5 o'clock in the mill pond by tha noatnr VMW ^WW?V? Boys, how about that brass band ? 4 ^????? J Eric T. Sligh. HBHj m ? ImMPi ygB ffjj? RHK fc?W/ ?W?]< jS?jw / ? We want the people c ^ B 600 miles from Columbia amountin I HOSIEBT. 1 Ladies" Onyx Black Silk Lisl i I Hose, high spliced heel and doubl sole, this quality you can't bu; i anywhere for less than 75c, fo ? special sale pair 40 1 We havd received a big lot o I Ladies' White Lace Lisle Hose f I new, pretty, select pattern, bu; p choice of lot at the special price o / I only, pair 49c F I We are showing the best plan ' I Gauze Lisle Hose ever brought t< >. I Columbia; three-thread heel am If toe, guaranteed fast black am ? stainless; our special price, pair I WASH SSIBTS. 1 In Pique, Brown, Linen Duel ? and Cannon Cloth, at -SI.00, $1.25 E $2.00, $-3.50 and up to $4.00. JAMES L. TA I OOLUM V Klondike s Notes. ! , To the Editor of the Dispatch: j This is the day of barbecues .and j candidates and we are going to have our share of the cues whether we i get the candidates or no. J Our friend Frye'sou July 2nd, D j j D. Smith's on July 9th aDd A Tay- | ! lor's on July 28 .h. Of courRe the j " -t ii ^ j Doys Will come 10 au Ul luene auu meet the dear people. We are having another dry sped, but crops are growing nicely. The hum of the thresher is heard in the land and now how nice to eat home made biscuits and sop home made honey or forsooth to pull the brown ribs of the fallen hog. It is said that Solomon had 500 wives and 700 concubines and then didn't get along well, but our friend Solomon Day is perfectly happy with just one girl. And nee Miss Rttoda Gantt, is now Miss Day. May they have many days of joy and gladness Prof. Rizer is now carrying the mail for Mr. Addy, who is cff with the eteAm thresher. Let ever carrier in the county spend the 4th in Columbia and have a good time tdliDg over his fortunes or misfortunes to his fellow carrier. Mr. J. Luther Smith, the contrac tor, is now putting up a fine dwelling for Mr. A. Taylor at the Fowle's place. m Mr. James Jefcoat has some cotton bolls in his field. _ Who can beat that? The Hall Brothers have made some new improvements in their mill here and are now running almost day and night. In this time Russia's submarine fighting machines ought to be monarch of all they survey. A protracted meeting is now io progress at the Methodist church here. The pastor, Rav. J E Strickland, is doing the preaching. We hope much good will be the remit. Klondike. W """ 1638 am if Lexington to visit oi iTMaiT] press on all purchases within a radius of g to $5.00 and over. NEW BELTS. e Just received a lot Black Silk e Belts, black metal buckle, good | l" quality of silk, one that has never | r sold for less than 50c. Our special | c price only 25c. each. | * Fine Black Crashed Leather I '? Belts, soft, good quality, black | Y% steel and gilt buckles, 75c. goods, f Our price. 50c. each. Black Silk Belts in crushed and 5 1 shirred girdle style, best quality !> silk, many suitable for mourning 1 purposes, only 50c. and 75c. ^ Fine Wash Belts in all of the newest materials and styles, straight, ' | crushed and girdle effect. 10<\, 15c.. 25c. and 50c. z White crushed Kid Belts, soft , good quality, steel buckles; regu- ! lar J 5c. goods. Our price 25c. each iPP COMPANY. BIA, S. C. J j # j&argai I The great msh of the spring seas taxed, to their utmost capacity to Is wait on customers. Hundreds hav and all have gone away satisfied, dull months with all merchants, bt make these months show the usual out of fully half our magnificent s ments too heavv for this season of PANTS! ' PANTS! Our assortment in this department is the most complete we have ever shown. Just closed at a sacrifice nearly 500 pairs from Sweetder & Co.. of New York? any pair at the New York wholesale cost, 88 l-3c to ?5.00. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Some of the best made in this country. 200 suits just closed ^ irom a ina.Ti uxautum nrcuni^ iuc & money at 60c. on the dollar. If \ you are hard to please and a close ^ buyer don't fail to see this lot. & Every suit is made to wear and ^ give satisfaction or your money back. High grade is a matter of & principle with us. $ COLLARS! & We liave all the new styles in ? the "Double Triangle" brand, the ^ best 15c. one on market?2 for ^ 25c. Just closed an assortment of 1200, 10c. Collars, while they last, j x 60c\ per doxen. 5 SHOES! SHOES! f If you have been having shoe ^ troubles bring them to us. We \ have one of the most complete ^ shoe stores in the State and can ^ fit any in either high or low shoes. ^ ' Our stock of Lady's Oxfords is ^ the most complete we have ever ^ shown, including Canvas Shoes ^ for all ages. 6 22 prs Men's Lea Sole Canvas 50c. ^ 36 prs Lad Pat Tip Oxfords 50c. ^ 36 prs Old Pat. Tip Oxfords 50c. I NEW YORK R i BATE8BIJRG. i 1640 Main ir store. We guaran . -- . SASH, DOORS We arestill doing business at the same old cfliee Columbia, 8. 0., and wilt always be gl SASH, DOORS Miwd Paints m tMMIWfcl * WtUVM HI WINDOW, GLASS?PLAIN, FANC ERING HAIR, ROSENDALE A] CABINET MANTELS, WITH , TILI We will be very glad to have yc call and examine onr stock. G. 0. BROW Columbii 11 Sale. 5 <011 is over. Our energies have been :eep our assortments complete and ? e visited our stores for rhe first time, jh June and July are usually lazy and ^ it we have determined that we will ? gain in sales by cutting the profits a tocks which are in many depart- ^ the year. I SHIRTS! # < Just to boom this department ^ we are offering an assortment of f about 200 of our very best shirrs ^ and make the price just 39c. ^ MILLINERY. r We put the knife here first and W cut the price to actual cost on ^ every trimmed hat in the store. ^ The assortment is sufficiently large W to enable us to suit every face. ^ Few stores offer as new and be- ^ coming styles, 0 THY GOODS! f In this department we have cut $ most hardly a bolt escaping. Thou- ^ sands of yards of new and beauti- V ful spring and summer goods cut to the actual cost. 4* 1 pes Fine All-Silk Taffrta 25c. V 0 p 36-inch Fine guaranteed Taffeta 95c. J 2 pc 3(>-inch Black Taffeta 75c. N 400 yds Fast Color Lawns 4c. ^ 500 yds Fast Color Calico 4c. 500 yards 40-inch ,15c. Madras 10c. V 500 yds 30-inch 10c. Madras 5 l-4c. $ 1000 yards 7c. check 6c. $ 10 pes Colored Organdy 12 l-2e. ^ Big Line 25c. Cotton Voile 20c. ^ 10 p?s 20c. Cottonade 15c. J 10 pieces Best Oil Cloth 18c. ^ 2 pieces 32-in White Organdy 18c. ^ 2 pes 32-inch White Pique 10c. All 15c Persian Lawns 11c. % 1 O 1 Or. T inon 1 Ar? AF I t rnpc< ( vn Wlinuii uri\a.xjCiO c. )u write us, or better still, to have you /N & BRO, 1. s. c. / I Swansea Doing's, To 1:he EJitor of the Dispatch: W. H. Hilderbracd has leased the Gantt Hotel and employed Mr a. Mays, an accomplished l*dv, to conduct the business of the hotel, and the traveling public will find a convenient and well kept inn for their relief and comfort. Oa the second Sunday the Methodist Suaday school had Chi'.drens' Day and the children acqu itted themselves well and in credit. Hon. W. H. F. Rist, the superintendent, and Rev. Dukes made short addresses. On the third Sue day R'-v. Vernou I'Anson preached a sermon in the Baptist church for the Junior Order of.Uaited American Mechanics. He = said in part that, the basal principle and structure of the order was the Holy Bible. Above this a3 a supertructure was the American Constitution, and above that as a crowning coronation, the flig of our Republic. Its motto seems to be America for Americans, and care aDd relief to any suffering member of the brotherhood. No one can join but a native born American male white citizen and eighteen years old. The order seems to have grown up in the m iddle Slates and New England from the coLflict there with the Roman Citholic3 in trying to drive the Bible from the j common schools and controlling the j funds for the schooh. Swansea has gotten one Rural mail route and now another examination has been ordered and several applicant's petitions have gone in for the route. The schools have closed and our teachers and students have returned home. Wilfred Brooker has been teaching in Bingham school, in Asbeville, N. C,LiwoodD. Corbitt at Johnston, S. C, and Miss Vivian R ist at Centre Hill and Saml. S. Derrick at Eaoree, are now in Swansea for the summer. Miss Varn from Hampton has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Iitst, and Lbia, S. C. leap as any house in Nothing but Solid Le: Every Pair 1 They are here ami oe course are beauties, bf and Low Cuts, blioks and Tans, All Leatl invited to call when in the city and insp Cohen's SI I636*MA!N ST.. I Miss Turner from Florida, has been spending some time with the family of Dr. Brooker, have both, returned home. Sallie Rast has returned from school at Williamston Female College, Lucius Brooker from S. C. College and Sallie Courtney from school at Edgefield, and E:hel Brooker having " i 'i :- ?i nnisnea me enure curriculum ui iuo J Greenville Female College has returned a full graduate and another educated lady has been added to the already large number of Lexington county. L. P. Smith is a candidate for Sheriff and hopes to be the choice of the people, and W. H Hilderbrand is a candidate for the Magistrate's office and hopes to be Judge Hilderbrand soon. Both are good men and as such deserve the support of their countrymen. Paul E. Hutto and Frank Hodge have bought two Guernsey cows and | oUves from Mr. Moore of Bennettsi ville, S. C., and are well pleased with | them. Spectator. , . 1 I _ An Old Citizen Cone. We learn from the Edieto Record, published at Wagener, that Mr. John | Garvin, of Aiken county, died at his ; home on June 14th in the 91st year | of his age. He was one of the oldest | citizens of the Wegener section and spent his life upon the farm. He was a citizen of this county before his township was cut off to form Aiken county, and was well and favorably known to many of our citizens. Canned Fruits and Vegetables. Mr. Henry Ballentine and S. F. Taylor have a canning plant in successful operation two miles from this place. They will can fruits and vegetables either for half, or cans will be furnished at 54 cents filled. This is | an excellent opportunity for our peo! pie to have their fruits, berries and I vegetables canned for winter use. J. Warren Allen. the Southern States. t Buy Your SPRING SHOES OF COHEN COLUMBIA, S. C. ather Shoes Sold and (3-uaranteed. they are Keith Konquerors in High lers, Union Made. Yon are respectfully >ect the3 goods. Qaality | gusrsnteod. ioc Store, coi umbia.:s. c.