The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 15, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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i?B??1^? The Lexington Dispatch. | Wednesday, June 15,1904. i lades to 27ew Advertisements. Barbecue?David L Smith. Barbecue?Reader Bros. Barbecue?J Frye. Barbecue?Joseph W. Meeize. Barbecue?S A- Carter. Barbecue?Sox & Kaminer. For County Commissioner?John W. Smith. j For Congress?A.. F Le *er. jj Sumner School?Macfeat. Barbecue?Josh J Shealy. Barbecue?Mitcbel! & Burgess. For Treasurer?Frank W. Shealy. Wonderful Bargains-The Tapp Co. f Clothing?WbitteD. j Barbecue?Hsltiwanger & Amick i. Dry Goods?Fi?zmaurice. ( Illinois Central Railroad?Fred D. 1 Miller. ] For Sheriff?James B. Addy. Threshers?Gibbes. For Bent. [ A four roomed cottage on Depot .J street. Apply to G. M. Harman. t i Married ia Columbia. 1 K Mr. David B. George and Miss , Margaret Owdom, were married in Columbia last Sunday evening at 7 , o'clock. The bride is one cf Greeni ville^s charming daughters, and Mr. , George is chief engineer at the ^ Oljmpia mills in that city. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and use that old and well^ tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothv ing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all piin, cures wind colic aDd is the best remedy for diarrhoea. va f?pnt,S ft bottle. It is the .Best of All. Moved to Her Father's. Mrs. Davis Swygert, who has been sick for sometime, was moved to her father's, Mr. J. W. Long, in this place, one day last week, where she 1 can better receive medical attention 1 and the careful nursiDg of her mother. ?? f Bargains in Buggies. * For advertising purposes we have concluded to sell a limited number of < buggies at a big reduction in price? 1 only one buggy sold at this special 1 ^ price in each community. First \ comes gets the bargain buggy.? Lexington Department Store. Innocents Abroad. A party of some of our most popular young men left for St. Louis last Sunday afternoon on a pleasure trip. They will take in the exposition and visit other points of interest before returning home. The party 1-1.- -# n?T. w n* i CUUMlSlt) Ui VSpiiOlU ij ?? . jiteuut x'k* P. H. Sbealy, and Messrs. F. E. Dreher, W. J. McCartbs, S. J. Leaphart, S. P. Roof aDd S H. Harman. Cured Thirty Heahaches In one day, while distributing free samples of Nervalgine, the world's best remedy for Sick and Nervous Headaches, Neuralgia and Colds. Every package guaranteed. 4 doses for 10c. Sold by M. Q. Hendrix. Manufactured by Nervalgine Co. Augusta, Ga. tf Died Friday. Mrs. Mack, nee Miss Rucker, died at the home of her husband. Dr. Mack, in Leesville last Friday after an illness of typhoid fever. Although residing in that town but a short while her gentle disposition and Christian virtues attracted the people to her and won their love. Her remaiLB were taken to ber girlhood home for interment and they now rest beside those of her kindred. 2?i&naugh's Sale. If you have cot visited the closing out sale at Mimnaugh'a iu Columbus, ^ you had better do so at once, as the time is fast approaching when this Y sale will be brought to a close and the opportunity to get bargains in all kinds of dry goodp, notions, milV, linery, shoes, etc., will be passed. j t Perhaps never again in years will j euch an opportunity be given to buy j fresh, fashionable goods so cheaply } as is now presented. Remember j that these goods must go no matter ! what the sacrifice and if you want big values for your money go there. The County jail is empty, the inmates have either been acquitted or gone to serve their sentence on the I g?Dg. [ Mother'sEarl g A WORD IN MOTHER'S EAR: WHEN 3 NURSING AN INFANT, AND IN THE 9 K MONTHS THAT COME BEFORE THAT g I SCOTT'S EMULSION | SUPPUES THE EXTRA STRENGTH AND S 3 NOURISHMENT SO NECESSART FOR ? l| THE HEALTH OF BOTH MOTHER AND jg Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, K gj 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. : 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. 54 A Fishing Trip. FeeliDg the need of a little rest ind recreation after a year of hard abor with its cares aod anxieties, we ietermined to take our usual annual vacation and spend a week in our loved pastime?fishing. Early on Tuesday morning last, eve in company with D. E. Ballentine, J J. Swartz, John S. Derrick, Henry Koon, better known as "The King Fisherman on Factory Hill" ind A. M. Harman, with Coot Mims is chief cook and bottle washer, lit out from Lexington for the pond of Mr. Brit Hutto, on First creek, a distance of about thirteen mile9. This is the old "Home Place" of the earlier Geigers and who were noted for their refinement, culture and hospitality in their day. On the way we were joined by Mr. Samuel Shumpert, whom a more - - - * 1 jovial and clever man never uvea. Immediately after arriving at our fishing grounds, we unpacked and began to eet the snares for the capture of the finny tribe but had net gone far before the rain began to fall and we had to suspend operations. Sad to relate the rain continued, the pocd became muddy and the week's sport was ruined, so that there was nothing left for us to do but to pull up stakes, fold our tents and return home after staying out one night. The catch was small but enough with some to spare, for breakfast. "Old Brit" welcomed us with a generous hospitality and did all within his power to make our stay with him full of pleasure. He is a soldier of the Lost Cause and made a good one. His reminiscences of those ~ timno oro frill nf inlorofif, Rnft LIUUCO dtb lull Ul be is a pleasant and entertaining narrator. The crops in that Rection that we saw looked fine. They have had nice and favorable seasons and the outlook is indeed encouraging. Some wheat has been harvested and the people now eat their own bread. We were glad to notice that in the Emanuel church community a great deal of attention was being given to truck farming. We noticed large fields of potatoes, beans, onions and other garden truck some cf which was ready for the market. Our people have learned the advantage of diversified farming and have turned this experience into practical benefit. We hope that other sections will follow the example of those people and plant truck. Bitten by a Snake. Mr. Tommie Leaphart was in town Saturday carrying a very bad looking baud in a sling caused from tbe bite of a highland moccasin wbicb be received on the Wednesday evening before, while shucking corn at bis place. The snake had coiled itself among the corn in tbe crib and as Mr. Leapbart reached for the corn the snake struck him inflicting a very painful and dangerous wound. It is terribly swollen yet and is but of little use to him. Everything was done for him by bis family and the doctor that could be done and it is probable to the promptness in the application of the remedies that he owes his life. This should be a warn ing to farmers who feed late to look well before grabbing the corn in their cribs. New E. F. D. Eaute. We are informed by Congressman Lever that a Rural Free delivery route from Swansea has been ordered by tLe post office department and will go into effect Friday, July 1st, with one carrier. This route has been repeatedly turned down by the department, but Congressman Lever was not discouraged but kept hammering away at it until success crowned his efforts. The establishment of this route means good service to many people. Ladies' Dress Goods and Furnishings. Staple Goods of all kinc A Complete ! Paint and Brushes. Farm Implements, Plow.> ware, Lamps ana Chimney s. A COMPLETE Carriages, SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE BUT HL_ Wedding Presents! 'j J Rings. j r^Boino * WJ.ACLXi.JLO, i Jewelry, Watches, ] Cut G-lass, ; Sterling Silver, All the numerous articles suitable for pres j : ents of all kinds, we now have illns- i trated by photographs direct from j the articles, in our catalogue ot which we will be pleased : i to send you one on request. j s. We deliver all goods free by mail, express, or irc-ight cn all orders with ) cash, and guarantee satisfaction always \ P. H. LACHICOTTE & COMPANY, 1424 Main Street, j COLUMBIA, - - - - S. C. j Barbecue. j ON SATURDAY JULY SECOND, I j will serve a first class barbecue, wi h ] reireshments. at my residence four miles ' south of Lewiedale. Candidates and e^ery- j body are invited to come. There will be 1 plenty of speaking, and music by that famous stiing band ot near Lewiedale. ( Smith, the Photographer, will be on hand | to take your picture. Come and join the ^ jolly crowd as you w 11 never regret it. ^ Dinner charges reasonable; satisfaction : guaranteed; jour money back if not sat- 5 isfied. I J. FBVE. | ? Barbecue. j I WILL F ORNISH A FIRST CLASS I barbecue, with different kinds of refresh- t ments. at my place on Saturday. July 9th. I Prominent speakers will be present. Can- ) didates and everybody invited. A good J dinner and a pleasant time is promised. * DAVIS L. SMITH. | June 13. 1904. 4w35 \ Barbecue. > WE WILL FURNISH A FIRST | YV class barbecue at our barbecue | grounds at Hilton. S. C., on Saturday, ' July 23rd, 1904. We will use our best I efforts to make the day a pleasant one j for all who attend. Everybody invited, f J. J. HALTiWANGER. | D. E. AMICK. J June 14, 1904. f>w37. I Barbecue. i I WILL GIVE A FIRST CLASS BAR- | becue at ''Nellie Springs Dear old j Saluda factory, on Saturday, July 2nd, J 1904. Music and refreshments will be served. The public and all candidates are cordially invited. Charges, for ladies 35c; gentlemen, 40c. S. A. CARTER. June 9th, 1904. 3w34. pd. Bridge to Let. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISsioners will let to the lowest responsible bidder, at 11 o'clock on June 24th, a cou'ract to build a bridge across Beach rirfiot nn the Cherokee road. The Commissioners reserve the right to ! reject anv and all bids G A. SHEATiY. JOHN W FRY. G. W. REEDER. County Commissioners. June 13, 1901. 3w34 Barbectie. I WILL FURNISH. A BARBECUE AND refreshments at Pelion on the 30th day of Juiy, 1904, campaign day at this place. Everybody is cordially invited to come ana enjoy a good dinner and have a tine time. Plenty of speeches and the candidates will be glad to see all. JOSH J. SHEALY, June 15th, 1904. 7w3b pd. Barbecue. i 1TTE WILL FURNISH A FIRST 1 \V class barbecue and refreshments at Steadman on the 2nd day of July. Every lxxly is invited to come and enjoy a g<xxl dinner. Speaking and dancing. All candidates espeeiallv invited. C. P. MITCHELL, ' H. J. BURGESS. June 12. 1901. 3\v34. i Barbecue. WE WILL FURNISH OUR ANNUAL barbecue at Edmund, ' . C.. on August II. 1904, campaign day at that place. Everybody come and hear the candidates speak and get a good dinner, REEDER BROS. Edmund, June 14, 1901. 9#40. .\ COMI oods 1 J Gentlemen's Clot hi 3TB mm Is. Tobacco, Cigars. &c Hardware an 5, &c.. Grain Cradles, Carpenter's Tools Stove WAGON AN] Saddles, Hames, Cultivators, Mowers, Reapers i'ING. L. OSWAL *??#?-???? J* * ? & * ?- ? $- * * * # * * | IRcepCoolj i ? 3? !? v * Refreshina Drinks!! t & ^ ? ^ V $ The finest that can 8 5? i'i I . he made at I | miM DRUG CD, l i I LEESVILLE, S. C. I j r: * I Full lice of Drug?, Toilet Ar- J * ticle?, Perfumery, Stationary, * ? Flavoring Extracts, Paints, Oils. ? ' ? V 1: Agents for Xannorh's Fine Can* t- dies. -S V 'i * ICE IN ANY QUAN1 Y. ? | PRESCRIPTIONS | ? Caretully Compounded. !? * I CAUL, ANI> SEE US. * z -5 ? ? $ $ ? <r ? * &- $ ? v v- v" * ^ WHILE ^ ! im DIFFER | : 1 * J ON OTHER SUBJECTS J \ ALL AEE UNITED 5 ' ^ as to the etticaey of g ~ | HILTON'S jj^j I Life for file Liver and Kidneys ^ ^ in the cure of ^ j Dyspepsio, indigestion, Minion ^ ^ and all their attending ills, such as ^ k Biliousness, Sick Headache. Loss ^ 1 of Appetite, etc. Test it by a trial ^ i ^ of a 25c bottle. ^ ^ Sold Wholesale by ^ k THE MURRAY DRUG CO, ^ k i ? c r k. v Wiuuiuia? u? vt ^ ^ For sale at The Bazaar, Lex- It ^ iDgton, S. C. g rjrj&jrATj^jtrjrjrAT^ATjjrA HERE j c r PANAMA, STRAW7, SOFT AND STIFF HATS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, MEN S HOSIERY. } SUSPENDERS, UNDERWEAR, UMBRELLAS, DRESS SUITS CASES AND HAND BAGS, j WHITE AND FANCY VESTS. r Suits lade to Order. Fit Guaranteed. J. H. Eleazer, COLUMAIA, S. C. Notice. I WILL GIVE A FIRST CLASS BARhecue on the first Saturday in July, two miles sonth ot Peak. Candidates are respectfully invited. Music and dancing for the young folks. 5w3i. G. E. L. SUMMER. >LETE Jipartminf. iccr and Furnishings. | Full line of Shoes and Notions. EOT DEPARTMENT. . Fine Can Goods. Everything good to eat. % d Crockery Department. i and Ranges, Knives, Razors, Scissors, &c., Water Sets, Dishes of all kinds, TinD BUGGY DEPARTMENT. , Collars and Saddle Pads, Whips, Lap Robes. &c. WE WANT TO SAVE YOU MONEY. D, Manager, UUmlllUI huijuiviiuvi Colgates fl 0WM FINE SOAPS M f e$EuM and PERFUMES, iTtomctl ?M?*f W&tt&.i VIOLET TOILET JL'Vi'-J POWDER. -?sgi The name Colgate stands for the Best. We are re&dy to perve you. THE KAUFMANN DRUG CO., LEXINGTON, S. C. ' KUBBER STAMPS ^.re mv long snit. I make any kinds except the bad ones. I famish a Name and az indelib.e pad lor marking linen lor 4.0 cents. I have some other good things. T . TXT ILSO 1ST GIB3ES, TYPEWRITERS, OFFICE SUPPLIES, ETC. i:::u main street, - Columbia, s. c. We have closed from a manufacturer at a discount of to 33 per cent, several ots of Summer Clothing and until the same is closed out will retail clothing at iust about what we would have paid for the same goods earlier in the season. The joods are all strictly high grade, absolutely correct in style and perfect in lit. Pants! Pants! Over a thousand pairs. Every size from the very largest to the smallest. Priced close to make selling rapid. z&vfXLiLiiLTEirsr. The most complete line in this part of the State, with the very highest touch in tvlc and prices cut fully 23 to 30 per cent. < )ur money has been made on this department for this season and our entire efforts have l)eon directed to closingout the emainder of the stock. -i\ i orirnm n rwi/\ NEW YUM KAllvLJ MllKt, J. A. WHitton, Manager, ti vtksiu rg. - - - r. MONEY GROWS ANO BEARS INTEREST placed i'J a wide-a wake progressive Leave your Dimes and Dollars with us and / see t*leni increase at the rate or 4 per cent. lljffihfflW A P*r ananm. iLieresi is payiu e (juarwsrjv m ui savings department. wSff PALMETTO BHNK2ISI CO. WlWk^TT^-rnW COLUMBIA. S. C. | I Wm. H IYLES. President. * ' JULIUS B WALKJfcR, V. President J. P. MATTHEWS, Secretary.