? ^ Weakness^||k Mvo, strong drugs, use a gentle Treatment^?g\ | & Toxic Pellets will help the natural forces / r / \?m^\ to restore perfect health, feed the blood and*185/ For sale by C. E. Corley, G. M. Harman, Raufmann Drug Co., and W. P. Roof, LexingtoD, S. C. I ft fitzmaurice.M AVTTOLESALE AND RETAIL I II Dry Goods, Etc# * vwr Dont you know that the best place in Columbia B :^w?: to buy ; t m DRf GOODSAND CLOTHING m Fitzmaurice's. You will get MORE REAL BARGAINS here than anywhere elsewhere. Probably you have heard this time" and ;>^s\^Js again, yet it is a fact as oar custom- :\)jr :?w?: eis have experienced. gg NEW GOODS gg for Spring and Summer. We are selling t )em e t '. y&r^3 36 inchas Sea Island Home?pun at 5 cent Jjr. W ^ases ?* t'3e ^est Bleaching at 7.1 and ki 100 pieces of 10c. Cbeviyts for J. 2C"pieces i'ealher. Ticking, regular price 20c. v4j^rOur Black and Colored and Dress Goods ara ">k 5^ ! always love and can afford what is good. A7on i can hnd anytning you want in our stock. We *-^>v?^> rffar a 36-inch Black guaranteed Taffeta at $1.00 ( real va'ae SI.50. ~ f Our new clothing for men and boys will far surpass any effort ?e have put forth in the past; 4 *>$Ss4 We welcome evtrvbo^y to see our spring lines. jCjfr Our laces and embroideries are the best we have seen Great bargains await you and jou get your money's worth Wholesale and retail. MS. D L. BOOZER & SONS 11 DENTISTS. 1515 MAIN STREET, | | COLUMBIA, 8. C. | 'PHONE 230. PRESCRIPTIONS f r ^ Should be filled bv Druggists \ HOT Gre|w Horns. Life is too precious to be carelessly handled. This has been my work (for 13 years, and do guarantee vou pure drugs and careful work. ANT DRUG YOU NEED. Kinard's Horse. Cattle and Poultry Powder cures Chicken Cholera or no pay.' The ideal stock food. Paints and Oils. T. T77". min-surd.. The Licensed Druggist at, LEESVZLLE, S. C. Mil 15 IK, | ?,gines boilers. THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN , ..... Plpat and Shast-Iroa COLUMBIA. Jfor* Bfcafttaf. Pulleys, Oaaring, Bozsa, Hangara, ?ca Mill Coatings. UNITED STATES. STATE, CITY AND COUNTY *?rk400 MK1ABD I ROM WORKS M BUrfLV OS DEPOSITORY. AUOU8TA, OBOMLl. ?o? Saving's Department. ? ' Paid up Capital - - - $200,000 ? c i?a - 70non lAMPi; MAPMAN W7Ui ptuo Jb * VMVW . ^ ^ 1 ^ g # w m Liability of Stockholders - 200.000 ' sUtRO-EOIT $470,000 LEXINGTON, S. C? Interest allowed at the rate of 4per cent (Office in rear of tbe Court House.) Der annum, payable M\y 1st and Novem- yypORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE or t rf. p v- J- will be in his office every Friday for the WjlteJonbs Vice President and Cashrer. 6 oS doi dental 4ork ^ ail itfi December 4-1 y. branches. I March 19. 1902. 17. I mm wm in. m- cj' ~ ? A?W&^ 'h tlK, EAR. SOSE H DEPOSITS BECEIVED SUBJECT TO TllIoat a?u LunBLim to the spirit land. He was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran church. He leaves a wife, six children, one grandchild, five brother?, three sisters and many friends to mourn his loss. J E Steele. The great home medicine, Horehound, Mulleio aDd Tar, cures that cough and cold. Murray Drug Co. Tannopoline is guaranteed to relieve blind or bleeding piles and will cure where no other remedy like it will or can do so. Murray Drug Co. In 40 countries the Salvation Army . now has 7.500 separate societies, 14,000 paid officers, 451,780 unpaid officers and 17,170 bandnien. The banana and jxitato are almost identical in chemical composition. Acute Rheumatism. Deep tearing or wrenching pains, occasioned by getting wet through: worse when at resr, or 011 nrsu moving the limbs and in cold or damp weather, is cured quickly by Ballard's Snow Liniment. Oscar Oleson, Gibson City IU.. writes, February 10. 1002: "A year ago I was troubled with a pain in my back. It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me." 2.1c.. ado. and $1.01). Sold by The Kaufmann Drag Co. A coroner's inquest on the death of 10-year-old William Black, of Philadelphia. who recently smoked his first cigar, has shown that the lad died in convulsions at a hospital after having given and emetic which brought to light the stump of a cigar. The boy recovered consciousness shortly before lie (lied and said he had swallowed it accidentally while attempting to smoke for the first time. Cures Old Sores. Westmoreland, Kan., May ), 1002. Ballard Snow Liniment Co.: Your Snow Liniment cured an old sore on the siu.e 01 my I'lim iniii v> a?? r>ut in bo a cancer. The sore was stubborn and would not yield to treatment, until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work in short order. My sister, Mrs. Sophia J. Carson. Allensville, Miffin Co.. Pa., has a sore and mistrusts that it is a cancer. Please send her a cOc. bottle. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. - ? Bishop Turner, of the African Methodist church, says all men witc created black. Nowadays when a man does a mean ' thing and gets caught he sets up a plea that he was hypnotized. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Better Than a Doctor's Prescription. Mr. J. W. Turner, of Truhart, Va., says that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done him more good than anything he could get from the doctor. If any physician in this country was able to compound a medicine that would produce such gratifying results in cases of stomach troubles, biliousness 1 ? ** * 1 1 v or constipation, nis wnoie time wouki re used in preparing this one medicine. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. The largest quantity of strawberries was handled by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company recently. In one week there were refrigerator cars, making twelve trains, all of which were loaded with strawberries and ve^etabh s from Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. en rout?' North and West. TV**4- Tiriftd *??,ec*TincrT mto ia*WV W ***W?k tfta w . If you are languid, depressed and ineajipble for work, it indicates that yoni liver is out of ordt-r. Herbine will assist nature to throw off Jieadaehes, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore tlit.* energies and vitality of sound and perfect health. J.J.Hubbard. Temple. Texas. writ< s. March 22. l!K)i: '"I have used Herbine | for the past two year.-. It has (kmc me j more ^ihkI than all the doctors. When i 1 feel bad and have that tired feeling. 1 take a dose of Herbine. If is the best medicine ever made for ehillsand fever." .")t)c.. a 1m?ttie. Sold bv rl:e Kaufmann Druu Co. B?g?B?B?? B??B?53BB??i Both Lost Heavily. London., May 27 ?An unconfirmed report states tbat the Japanese haxe also taken Kinchow and have driven the ItossiaDs from the heights which they occupied and forced them to withdraw toward Port Arthur. Another report says the Japanese are now attacking Dalny. Both armieB are said to have lost heavily during the fighting of the last five days. Miss Mell K^minsr, a descendant of a long 1ms of good old Lexington p?ople, was elected Queen of the Columbia Fun Flower Carnival. Wall Street Hard T7p. New Yjik, May 27?Owing to depression in tbe sleek market and an almost complete stagnation of tusine'p, Wall street brokers are reducing their cflice force. Over 2.500 clerks have been discharged during the past two weeks. Liver spots have spoiled many pretty complexion?, and Dothing so completely removes tbem as Ramon's Tonic Rsgulator. JuBt a mite of this pleasant vegetable powder on retiring paint3 the bloom of health on the cheeks. Large tin bos 25c. Jap Amies Unite. Rrme, May 27?It is reported from Tokio that the forces of Gen. Kuroki and of Gen. Okoare now combined, making it impossible for Gpn. Knropatkin to attack them separately. T h?y are joined along the Ft-n Wang Cieng road. A Wise Version. Senator Gorman says, in one of tbe few Sunday school classes I ever addrensed, I was nonplussed by a j miss of six summers. I was telling j the girls the e!:ory of the five wi^e and fire foolish virgins, and I ask what we might learn from the beaut- ] iful story, when a little blossom in ! blue replied; "That's easy enough; ! learn to keep car eyes peeled for a | bridegroom. Tanuopolme, the great pile remedy i cures ell kinds of oiies, and you can I * ... ... , j have your money bacii U not relieved. ; Try one can. Price odc dollar. Murray Drug Do. i a bluff about its being too late j to got tickets.) Have you got the tickets, dear? Slie?No, not ret Is it too late? lie?I'm afraid it is. (Here's where j I make good. It will be just the same as if 1 took her.) I happen to know there isn't a seat left. She?Have you been inquiring? lie?(Gee whiz! She suspects 11 -f going off myself. Foxy!; Cert;.... v not, darling. I heard Smith say so this afternoon. He tried all over town to get seats. (Here's where 1 get in my line work.i What in the world did you suggest such a thing for? She?Why? Would you go if you , could? He?Would I go? (What a chance she has given me!? Why, sweetheart. I'm dying to ?ro. What did you mention the theater for any way ? 1 hadn't ; j thought about it until you spoke. Hang ; ' the luck! I feel just like having a good ; time?with yeu. Oh. then we'd j have a nice little supper. Oh, why did I you mention it? It makes use sick. j Now we'll have to stay at home and j mope. I fool just in the mood. Oh. if [ we only had a couple ol" seats: She (clapping her hamls.i? Yau dear! j We have! We have! j lie?(Heavens! Am I eaujrlit?) What | ilo you mean? She?I mean this: This niornin.tr early : I reserved two line ones over the telej phone, ('oine. deal : there isn t a moi inent to lose. Smart Set. If Lorahcund, Muiletn and Tar failH to relieve that cough, cold, or ; even pneumonia, we will refund your ! " oney. Any druggist wid do this j Murray Drug Co. MBMMMMBBMWUBBMneMMCTBBaM?????1 TXTIE AES GrIL AAID TO INFORM OUR PATRONS OF LEXINGTON COUNTY THAT WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW QUARTERS 1427 Main St., Columbia, where they whl find one of the largest stocks of ai nmiuivi nriTmni r*rrrk*'r?iiiffTi'rin l'Amr/H'n nm/i i'Luinii\u, mmiim, m lion, south of I> iltimore. This is the distributing point of on* of the largest wholesale Louses in the East We have two departments, stpa ate and distinct, Wholesale and Retail. The Ketail Department is s-ipplied from onr Wholesale Department, giving von the opportunity of buyiog your ClotbiDg, Etc. at retail at wholesale prices. Doa't forget tho Lumber, 1427 Main St., where you will find an old Lexington friend to serve you -John M. Stuart: Yours very respectfully, Ijp ill Jm These u-nntirg Pianos and Organ of best quality are advised to visit or write MlLONE IS MUSIO HOUSE opposite Y. il. 0. A., aad near State House, Columbia, S. C., Icr ratal gue.y prices ami terms. A)ay 15-ly. 110 (J00 yards new soring flnfj . Jmd summer iaces in Bands ?5a v'als' d8 CQ i;';^ /'Irv /f \ /|h /'IN /fl , / f * /H \ ^aris. &c . sold in many SL^fj jlaces at 'Joe. the yd, onr sHfrig &? & )rioe 5e thejard. wW t^L 5 O'JOyds videEmhroid- -- ||l ^ies in short leng'bs at ffiflg InSlS Jlf )0" ^d'' wort^ mucil ill! ^ la Bffl ^ne *ot Children's Caps? si ~jfr\ fim ?$1 in D HQC* *awzi hiwn. Z f? ? li m M ffli m licely liimmed- specislat ?s mm II MII !5?-e3cl1- ?a ^!cr VSffi/ggfl ga One lot very tine Chil- ^"g"^ iren's Caps at 50 cents i *One lot No. 40 all Si k ^ raffia itibbon at 10c. the HFfll ^ a*25 dozen Ladies' lull Q9 f& t&ttl ffla/*S m dtflfflh ^2f?S?dv bleached Cotton Undermttk WM?8 B?? M JP8& pest at 5 cents each. m*& ???^ m[ |? ?S IjLia One lot No 4t) all Silk S5?8 iw II M *8&Bff?8 rat in Taffeta Kibbon at flLjL& M li m Hjg 'WLM l?c-the yard- 55^ &S ?jy g* w|?Mp rafeSair 15 dozen Ladies' regn- C-HJy ^JZa^ ar 25c.CottonUndervests it 10c. daring this sale, y^ji 10 dozen Ladies' Crush *][? tfWfc leather Belts, the 50c. ^jn| h tind. at 25c ;i^ ^ Sag G dczen Men's Regular 9fTT^ ^ 50c. Leather Belts at 'Joe. Que lot Ladies' Fine Oace Hose, black, the ouc. ICO gross Pearl Buttons, ill sizes, at halt [-rice ^-ak-f 3 1210 IAIN ST., ?$*?& 3 Our price 4?c ^yqsffl OPPOSITE GPERA HCUSE.