Tiie Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, May 25,1904. Business locals will be inserted in this department at the rate of five lines and under for 25 cents, all over five line?, the rate is five cents a line. PENCIL AJTD SCXSSOBS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Hot and dry. Fewer gallons; wears longer; Devoe. | And now the barbecue season has opened. T. C. Sturkie, Esq., is announced for the Legislature. Osborne's Mowere, Bikes and Binders, at W. P. Roof's. Dr. E. J. Etheredge is seeking legislative honors. Judge Watts will preside at the June term of court. Mrs. Sarah Shuler, of Batesburg, is visiting Mrs. C. M. Efird. Call at the Bazaar fountain if you want a cool and refreshing drink. From nearly every section comes the complaint of "dry" times. E. F. Strother, Evq, of Batesburg, was in town Friday on professional business. Read the annual report of Frank W. Shealy, County Treasurer, in this issue. The candidates are getting a hump on themselves and are fast coming out of the woods. Curtain polls, window shades and hammocks at Scott Hendrix's. Call and see them. J. Brooks Wingard, Ecq., is announced for re-election to tne House nf Representatives. M. L. Rister, of Gaston R F. D, remembers the printer with his renewal by mail. Mr. M. H. Witt, of BrooklaDd, has been elected loner Guard of the Grand Lodge of K. of P's. Mr* N. W. Wolfe, from Sandy Run, sent up a dollar and had his I !-l! K.l name aaaea to our suDscripuou nst. Dr. Killian A. Price, of the PriceTille section, was in town today and and gave us a pleasant call. Mr. Paul Mabus, one of Chicquepin best citizens, sends us bis dollar for another year's subscription to the Dispatch. The hour for services at the churches of which Rev. George S. Bearden will be changed to 10:30 a. m., after June 1st. The Rev. George S. Bearden will preach at Pisgafcf next Sunday, at 11 o'clock, a. m. Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock. D. J. Taylor, one of the best farmers in Boiling Springe, was in town Saturday trading and called in and renewed his paper. Hon. D. Frank Efird was a delegate to the Grand Lodge Koights of Pythias which recently met at Greenville. Mr. Jce Caughman, of the U S. A., stationed at Sullivan's Island, who is at home on a furlough, took in the commencement. The commercial men are still continuing to flock to Lexington and all of them are as polite and friendly as a "French dancing master." Miss May Meetze, daughter of the late Willie H. Meetze, has accepted ] a position as stenographer with Col. \ George Bell Timmerman. Those having farming lands for j sale or those who wish to buy lands | will do well to communicate with j Charles L Kelley, Columbia. In writing to the Dispatch renew- j ing bis subscription. Rev. F S. Hook, j says he is well pleased with his j pastoral work at Warrenville, S. C. The fall term of the Fifith Circuit | will be called in the Supreme Court 1 on Monday, the 9th day of November, i 1904, and will continue for five day?, j We are indebted to the very effi- ! cient postmaster at Pelion, Mr. J. D. I Haltiwanger for sending in a Dew j subscriber for the Dispatch, Mr. TV. j I. Hutto. j Mr. J. Hart Fulmer, of Kightwel), J in remitting us a dollar for the Dispatch, says, "he can't do without it.*' Hart knows a good thing when be sees it." Rev. O. N. Roundtree, pastor cf i LexiDgfcon Methodist church, South, preached an excellent sermon in St. Stephen's Lutheran chuich Sunday j night. ? I Several Lexingtonians who now : reside in Columbia came over this | week and took in the commencement exercises of the Palmetto Collegia e Institute. Horehound, Mullein and Tar relieves that hoarseness and prevents an attack of LaGrrippeand pneumonia. There is nothing like it. Large bottles only 25 cents. Murray Drug Co. Mr. W. Q. M. Berley is building a handsome residence, between the old Berley Place, on Leaphart street, and the new street which has but J recently been opened. One day last week Mrs. James J. Leaphart killed a large sized weazle near the front gate of her jard. It is thought that it was on the hunt for chickens and turkeys. Mr. John W. Fry having served one term as County Commissioner, aspires to go up higher and has announced himself as a candidate for County Supervisor. The managers of The Home Bank devote their time, skill and capital to promoting the welfare of the bank and its customers. This accounts for the rapid growth of this bank. "Meet me at the Fountain in Columbia,M has became a familiar expression with Lexington people, because it is the source of all bargains and our people go there when in the city. We had the pleasure bf shaking hands with Samuel McGowan Simkins, a distinguished member of the Edgefield Bar, and who by the way is a candidate for Solicitor of the Fifth Judicial Circuit. Union county iB leading Lexington this year in first class barbecues. But then we are not despondent for we are sure we will pass it on tho homestretch. All things come to him who has patience. Mr. Horace D. Crosson, one of Uncle Sam's efficient and popular R. | F. D. men whose route leads cut from Leesville, was in town Monday taking in the commencement and attending to legal business. The negro Ivey Thomas, of near Cedar Grove,, who absconded a few weeks since in company with Jake Lingford's wife, was arrested last week io Columbia. He and his lady are now in Lexington jail awaiting trial on the charge of adultery. ?Our News Letter. A Dead Body Found. Last Sunday morniDg Mr. West Roberts found the body of an unknown man on his fish trap just below Wyse's Ferry, on Saluda river, and Coroner A. O. Wilson was at once notified of the grewsome find. The body had evidently been in the water for some time as it was badly decomposed and his face and intrils had been eaten away by buzzards cr some other cormorants. The body was clothed with shirt, suspenders, and pants of small checked pattern j in the pockets of which was a pocket j book containing 11 cents in money j and two fish hooks. It is not known j whether the body was that of a ne- j gro or a white man, as the body was J so badly decomposed as to be un- j recognizable. His right foot had also been torn cff There was no j visable signs of foul play. The ver- ! diet of the Coronors* jury was as j follows. ''That the unknown de- | ceased came to his death from causes unknown to the jury."' The jury was undecided as to the color of the deceased. The Coronor had the body j buried near the banks of the river. ^ _ i . . i Latter to "W. Q. Berley. Lexington, h>. C. Dear Sir: The cheap paint to buy j is the one that covers more than you i think: the cheap one to wear is the one tfcat is young when old. Mrs Moore, of Kelsey, X. Y., ! bought 1G gallons Devoe to paint her bouse two coats; her painters said it would take that. Had <1 gallons left, j Mr. James AckleyV house, in Cairo (Catskill Mountains,) X. Y, way! painted Devoe; It wore 14years: and j the paint was in good condition ' then. He was going to paint, the j last we knew, though. That's the I way to preserve a house repaint when there's no occasion. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe k Co., New York. P. S. The KaufmaDD Drug Co., | sells our paint. J M?? WIU ?P? I" I Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There are many S'n\*locks now, the convalescent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it?take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they +Vir> wli r>l/"> l->nrl \r I IUO M liVAX-, For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion lias been the crrc-at caver of human flesh, o O We will send you a couple of ounces free. / SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 4Q9-4-15 Pearl Street. Now York. 50c. acc Ji.oc ; uii Uruggists. There were so many visiter* in attendance upon commencement that it is impossible to mention them. All announcements under this head will be charged for at the rate of $3, positively cash in advance, for the Round Trip. The cards to be confined to a simple announcement. FOR SOLICITOR-FIFTH CIRCUIT. I hereby announce mjself a candidate for Solicitor of the Filth Circuit, sutject to the action of the Democratic nartv. GE0F.GE R. Ki MBEftT t announce myself a candidate IbrSoliei lor 01 tne riirn judicial circuit, i pieage myself to conduct an honorable campaign, to abide the result of the Democratic primary and to support the nominees thereof. Respectfully, GEORGE BELL TIMMERMAN, Lexington, S. C. 1 am a candidate lor Solicitor of the Filth Judicial Circuit in the coming election and will abide the result o) the primary. S. McG. SIMPKINS. FOR STATE SENATOR. Having done the best I could for one term ia the State Senate. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to said position, and 1 will abide by the result of the Democratic primary election and support the nominees of said election. W. H. SHARPE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I herebv annoitnce myself for the Legislature end pledge myself to abide by the ( result of the Democratic primary. T. C. STORKIE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for theHouse of Representatives, subject to the result of the Democratic primary election. E. J. ETHEREDGE. J. BROOKS WINGARD is hereby an- . nouncedasa eaudidate lor re-election to the House of Representatives from Lexington County, and will abide the result ol the Democratic primary election. I am a candidate for the House of Rep resentatives, subject to tne conditions 01 the primary. E. U. SHEALY. J. M. EPT1NG is hereby announced a candidate tor the House of Representatives, subject to the rules ol the Democratic primary. FOR CLERK OF COURT. We are authorized to announce SAMUEL B. GEORGE as a candidate lor the office o.l Clerk of Court at the ensuing primary election, and pledge him to abide the result thereof. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the cilice ol Sheriff ol Lexington county, subject to the rules governing the Democratic Primary Election. p; HENRY CORLEY. I hereby announce mvself a candidate for re-election to the ollice of sheriff' of Lexington county, and pledge myself to abide the result of the primarv. T. H. CAUGHMAN. FOR AUDITOR. I hereby annonuce myself as a candidate lor the office of County Auditor, subject to the action ot the Democratic primar*. M. PICKENS LJNDLER. 1 hereby announce mysell a candidate lor re-election to the office ot County Auditor, subject to the rubs of the Democratic party. G. A. DERRICK. FOR SUPT. OF EDUCATION. I hereby announce myself a candidate " lor re-eltetiou to the ofiice ol Superintendent ol Education ol Lexington county p subject to the rules ol the Democratic e primary. JOHN S. DEKKICK 0 i< FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. " At the solicitation ol my many friends, b I hereby announce myself a candidate tor u County Commissioner, sill ject to the rules a ol the Dtinocriitic priniar>. U. H. BAITrHMAX. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. j I iiunouuce ruysell as candidate lor Conn- h tv Supervisor ol Lexington and pledge my- li self to abide by the rubs governing the Democratic primary, JOHN W. FRY. i We Have Just R "They are not as RRPr.nRY.finrA M A A&AAAJJra. 1IA TO OUR CUSTOM HAVE MORE YOU PEOPL SEEN ARE OUR USING LINE D. M. OF CSBOR NEW & CO S DRESS FARM GOODS, IMPLEI SHOES. MOWEI ... rmmrr\ haib titamd this motions. year complete than in ever every befor respect. why? becau they alway give sat? s f see our stock and be convii In* "Rtnon* Vioo inaf rcfnrnorl frnm fVio ^Jnrfhorn / U1 JlJ Jk J V'A uno JUOU & VWU?MVV? ** vw ?.UV v* VWVA M ?v.. , We are alwnj HAZE OUR STORE YOUR HE W. P. ROOF, ! A GOOD RESOLUTION ?like a crying baby in churcl be carried out. If you've been intending chase a new pair of shoes for ?or that girl?don't delay an? C\r\-rn& Txrl-iilA rrnr QQc:r?vU V-/ V-/ JLJLA \^/ V V X-LJLAV-/ V/ U1 V. styles and sizes remains unbr We always carry many st lots of them. Just now we have an ext tity of styles?and more yo' shoes than usual. There are prices to lit e ve etbook. and there's one pair in particular that we wish yc THOMAS A. ]SO> lOPrOSlTE PO. at :bl* r?.% . . ,i , * <-.m rm ! -.10 r_ ,? t?. 5 11 TKfiM'AN* MMIt I.. j A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY ?011- [ For .Mjrther iuiorzut ri_ bidden to trespass* upon my lands by | dr^ss. PRE-TOLN shing or in uoy maimer whatever. The Rock Hill, 8. 0. iw will be enforced. A/.RIAH TAYLOR. May Y-r?, 1904. 4w32 pd. BUY GARDEN SE eceived a Car Load[H f v ? high as" they were. J7V n ne\ ? ULt UU., to,''M,"A's-c- ^ IERS AND FRIENDS, 1 give pl| E us wMm a call. mbs bef?re e|1s| ne buying fl|99| groceries. eh| we jkbbmh ments, carry *s? a Wgm complete hmbb line 9^9 of ?|k| heavy and 19 E. FANCY J?? GROCERIES. se mmm s aSMI ACTION gigra ^CED. ^ ; where he has bought our spring stock. Call and see them. 8 glad to see you. ADQTIAKTERS WHILE IN TOWN. ~ i 9 i j Wedding Presents! Jewelry, ^ i?should Watches, Cat Glass. : to par- ! Sterling Silver, I tllElt boy i All the numerous articles suitable for pres1 rrOT* I clits ot kinds, we now have illus- ^ 7" iOll^Ol. j trated by photographs direct from V rn?i~wf" H"P i the articles, in our catalogue ot .] 'lllt^H ^ ^J- which we will be pleased 'Ol?0n ! to seud you one on request. We deliver all goods free by mail, i o i-i rl ' express, or lreight en all orders with yies, CLllll cash, and guarantee satisfaction always* i 4 | P. H. LAC1IIC0TTE A: COMPANY, 1EI CI 11 ail- 1424 Main Street, HP ! PAT T'MIiTl ? ~ L 1 oT shoes ! High Grade! u to see. Low Prices! 1 GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DR? , I i\ lli, GOODS, SHOES, HATS AND W GENTS' FURNISHINGS. 1 a. S. C. | Leading Brands of Fertilizers. Ageat ?????| for the New Home and Wheeler A Wilson a .^,TrtT .j Sewing Machines. Osbomes Disc Har- <<^8 OLLEgL >< HOLAli TM . _ ) EVfK\N< E FX \Mi- r0W;S. Chattanooga rlows. American Car- W *m:narion :<-r :he award j riatie Company's Buggies. Gate City ^ aps in Winthrop Coilege ! Stoves. ? S c^rh " " Frl j ?HIGHEST? i. in. Applicant ^ruu>t Priroc ! ~lU > " .ri f.'I AC-. Y> UCI1 i - ***** *w* WWbWVM ,'?! ???&? i,'? ! iad Csuatiy Produce. -lamination. Scholar- | jr-?~Give me a call. Ht ami irc?- tuition. The i :sr:K J. S. WKSSLVGliR, 1 ?? Ghapin, S. C. EO AT THE BAZAAR. February 3 ?tf I / *