The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 25, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, May 25, 1904. Billy's Budget. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Tb<ej mail boxes have come and already more patrons are being served and getting their mail nearby. J volume of mail matter continues crease and we have been reliably med the business done on thi.3 exceeds that done on either of three routes emanating from h. This speaks well for our ce here when we take in the rai surroundings. One of the h routes has been in operation w for about three years, if I mistake not, aDd ibis one took effect April 2d, 1903 Our people are an appreciative people and a reading people. Yesterday was Ascension day and a; goodly number of young folks and old ones met at the John J. Smith old mill pond and etjiyed the day with a picnic, boat-riding, music, courting, etc. The day dawned bright and no fleetiDg clouds obscured the sky and the sun smiled down upon a crowd of gay young lovers, who, in the vision of tbeir youthful fancy, seemed happier tban the bright "Alay day of unclouded felicity. Here and yonder could be seen little groups of 2's and JV, sometimes less and sometimes more, who were possessed with a novelty cf feeling that caused something to glow in their youthful miDds that Had a bewildering and bewitching cffoni. Iinr.n their facilities. Here fhey sat and stood by the rippling waters beneath whose waves swam the finDy creation and chatted of things only known by themselves, while the tiny minnow played upon the bosom of the crystal waters. Soon these youthful dreamers will awaken to the realities of a married iife. (?) And realize that life is real and life is earnest. The annual picnic, the occasion of Children's day, at Red Bank, will come off this season on Saturday before the first Sunday in June. The big hearted, whole gouled Superintendent, T. Hayne Williams, ask me to say that the public is cordially invited to be present. The Sunday Ecbool will have exercises in declamation, songs, etc. There will be some cool drinks and plenty fo eat? But you carry your basket well filled. Billy Felix. GasfcoD, S C., May 13,190-4. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be please to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sciecce has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive care known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, reqaires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient Strd&glh by building np the constitution and assistiog nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney '& CoToledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Geo. Bell Tiznmerman, Candidate for Solicitor of 5th Circuit. "What an Edgefield paper says: The readers of The News this week have Captain George Boll Timmerman as the first and only candidate who asks for your suffrage as a candidate for Solicitor of the Fifth Judicial circuit to succeed Solicitor Thurmond, who is not a candidate for re-election. He is an old Edgefield county boy, born and raised here, and he is running unopposed from Lexington county, which has never had a Solicitor, but has helped to elect Edgefield men for 32 years. He is a eon of that good old Confederate soldier, Dr. W. H. Timmerman. He has had experience with the Solicitors work, having acted in that capacity at five terms of the court while the present Solicitor was unwell, for which he received no compensation. He is capable in every way of making the district a good solicitor, and his habits are the best and he can be depended upon at all times to be at his post and do his j duty. He asks for your support and | promisee: "An honorable campaign ! and a faithful and fearless discharge ! of the duties of Solicitor if elected.7' j ?Johnston News. Klondike's Letter. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Yes, this is fishing time now and ! we have wondered why the Editor j 8nd Uncle Jake have not been on the JSdisto. Some one suggests that Klondike's big eel has scared them j away. Now let me suggest that if the Editor will bring "BillieV long handle squash to put bait in and grease his hand with combustible molapges, and learn to pronounce all tbe Russian names foUDd in tbe new*, papers and bring along Editor Bayly's bottle that be tries to treat preachers out of, be need fear no barm from my I fish.? [No! Brother Klondike, you are entirely out of it. But like tbe once entrappe d bird, scared of the loose leathers around, so the fi?h scales have driven us away to other waters where tbe relished j*ck, crispy trout and fat mollies await our tackle We never get bait out of a bottle and catch fish out of tin cans.?Ed. Dispatch J ' FeJix", you know, means happy, '"ROlia "FT'div" mnal ho wwfuliv auu x/ai?V7 x \ i<u u* mwv w v. ?..j happy. Now I.want to warn Btllie that notwithstanding Mrs. Felix is oDe of the beet women on eaitb, the won't stand much of that bouquet work, and returning to sporting aayp I speak with autboiity. But 0 me! I've been wanting to say tbe very same nice things about my patroDS Billie has said of hi-, but I was afraid tbev would think I was slyly asking for more But now all my people can fail in line and treat me and mine as yours Billie have treated thee and thine. 0, its so nice to get the picdars if you have to use the cat's paws to get them cut of the tire, like the monkey. The unsaid is now said; put iu more and many thanks. Klondike. Cures Blood Poison. Cancers. Ulcers. If yea have offensive pimples or eruptions, ulcers an sd.v part of the body. achiDg bones or j ants, falling hair, mucous patches, swollen elands, skm itches aud burns, sore lips or gums, eating, festering sores, sharp gnagiDg pains then you suffer from serious blood poison or the beginning of deadly cancer. You may be permanently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B) made especially to cure the worst blood and skin diseases. Heals every sere or ulcer, even deadly cancer, stops ail aches and pains and reduces all swelliugp. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood troubles, such as eczema, scabs and scales, pimples, running sorer, carbuncles, scrofula. Druggist, $1 00. To prove it cures, samples of ! Blood Balm sent free and prepaid by , writing Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. The Free BridgeTo the Editor of the Di^micb: J You sav you believe the late County Convention made a crave I blunder in mixing politics acd free bridges, &2. Possibly you are right, j but we have waited in deep silence to see if our brothers in arms aDd office would rescue us, or help us until we have become faint heart* d and thought we had better turn cur cry in another direction and we know of no more just way than let the qualified electors say whether or not, they are willing to help their neighbors across the river by building a free bridge across Saluda. Now, Mr. Editor, your solution jaat meets our demand. Let the County Commissioners proceed at once to erect the bridge and see then if some one else won't have to do the kicking not me. We also feel it a duty long neglected by the people of Lexington and Richland counties to build a free bridge across Ccr^sree river. We help to bridge smail streams, wLy not large OD63. I feel it is our duty to help build these bridges by taxation, 3nd the sooner we can get our miDds made up to help, the sweeter our sleep will be. G. M. Adams, Batesburg, S. C. Whether a girl is far or not depends 011 whether she i< describing herself or somebody else. EMBS. CECEUA stowe^^ Orator. Entre Nous Club. fk L7G Warren Avenue, hii' Chicago, Ile., Oct. 22,1902. Kg ! nearly four years I suffered ft| 1 ovarian troubles. The doc- B| insisted on an operation as the || ' way to get veil. I, however, eft j ng!v objected to an operation. |i i husband fell disheartened as |[| ? cii uj I, I'Ji. ::u >>itu v* 31 Civ Kg 88 woman is a disconsolate place at e| 1 0g lest. A friendly druggist advised |p g Li ui to get a b A tie of Wine of |g | B C'ardui for me to try. and lie did so. I* I began to improve inafewdavsand |?5 jjjjg iny recovery was very rapid. "With- Kj'M in eighteen weeks I was another fiB j g? He Mrs. Stowo's letter shows every B '{M wouiaa how a home is saddened by B| M feiuaiewcakn vsandh<)wcor:ipletely B B Wine of Lkirdui cures that sick- E IB xi-^ss an i brings health and hanpi- 1| B r.c'ss again. Do not go on suii^r- fl |w ing. t.?o to your druggist today B B and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine B IwiM&CftOTuJ "When ths Sap Rises Weak lungs should be careful. Coughs j and colds are dangerous then. One j Minute Cough Cure cures roughs and ! colds and give.- strength it<> the lungs. "Mrs. 11. E. Id iiner. (-1' Marion. Ind.. j says. "1 sull'ered with a cough until I run down in weight from 1 is t lbs. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and rest on (1 me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold b* all druggists. An officeholder needs little push if he Das a jmii. Whiskey drowns a little trouble and fituirs a lot more. "Whooping Cough. In the spring of 11)01 my children had whooping cough." says Mrs. I). W. Capps. of fa pi ?s. Ala. "I used Chn.nberlain's Cough Remedy with the most satisfactory results. I think this is the best remedy I have ever seen lbr whooping cough." This remedy keeps the cough loose, lessens the severity and frequency of the coughing s]>ells ami counteracts any remit ney toward pneumonia. For sale by The Kaufmaim Drug Co. Every girl on earth imagines she "would make an ideal wife. Two can play at the game of love, but three make ir hard work. Exposure to cold draughts of air. to keen and cutting winds, sudden changes of temperature. scanty clothing, undue exjiosure of rlie throat and neck after public speak ing and singing, bring 011 coughs and colds. Ballard's Rorchound Syrup is the best cure. Mrs. A. Barr. Houston. Texas, writes, January* 3i. 11K)2: "One bottle of hml's Horehound Syrup cured me of a very had cough. It is very pleasant to take." <N)C\, 50c. and SI .00. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Ge ^ Egotists haven't much to boast of. It is easier to get a poor wife than a good cook. Growing Aches and Pains. Mrs. Josie Sumner. Bremond, Texas, writes. April 1."). JIM>*2: "I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment in my family for three years. I would not be without it in the house. 1 have used in on my little girl for growing pains and aches in her knees. It cured her right away. I have also used it for frost bitten feet, with good success. If is the best liniment I ever used." ooc. o()c. and s] .00. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Marriage is a failure only when the wedding altar isn't used as an altar for mutual sacrifices. One woman dislikes calling on another almost as much as the other dislikes for i .. .i JltT lO UU IV. All Druggists do not hesitate to recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to their friends and customers. Indigestion causes more ill health than anything else. Ir deranges the stomach, and brings on all manner of disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you ear, cures indigeston. dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. Kodol is not only a i>erfeCt digestantbut a tissue building tonic as well. Renewed health, perfect strength and increased vitality follow its use. The three Clil'ton mills that were wrecked by the flood of June. 1 })():>. have Veil rebuilt. This country is a great producer of Coal, but our eggs and ixmlrry are ?!?().(MM).ooo more valuable. An Open Letter. From the Cbapin. S. C.. News: Early | in the spring my wife and 1 were taken with diarrhoea and >o severe were the pains that we railed a physician who prescribed for us. bur his medicines fail...1 t.. .rlv.. mhv \ friend who had i '11 ,w ; ! a bottle Di < *haml>erlai?'s Colie. Cholera j a Jul Diarrloea Remedy 011 hand yave j each of us-a dose and we ar once felt j rh>- effects. I procured a liorrlc and he- j fore usiny the entire contents we were entirely cured. Ir is a wonderful remedy and should he found in every household. H. C. Ilailey. Kditor. This remedy is for .-ale by Tile Kaufmann Drny ' 'o. Senator Hanna'< funeral cost the 1 yovernnienr Sxo.uio and liie nuhlieatiou | of tin- uloyi* < delivered will brinir the Total n:> 10 a: our s'oo.coo. SicJ; h? niaciie r? >u!ts from a ?lis*?rd- 1 . red sromaeh and is <|uieklv eared by | < 'han.eerlain"s So-much and Liver Tah- I l>ts. For sale hy The Kaufmann I)rn*y j 4 'o. . ? , ,. I T]it v h;n! t\v?? rival iv puniican con- j v??nri?viis the <>tIf t day ;<r Welch. W. ! Ya.. Ix.rh the chairman -.i which were { kilh ?1 in r!ic hi-hr. i <)?: > of the urt afe>r bles.vili^s a modest I man e;m wi>h for is a reliable -or j of Jewels. 3i' w<n are nor rhe happy j possessor of >uch an ?mtfit you can j i*reufly improve rhe ct'tieiencv of those i ymi have by rhe judicious use of <'hum- j berlain's Stomach ami Liver Tablets. | They are pleasant to take ami agreeable ' in ert'ect. Per Mile by The Kaufmann ! J)ru?r Co. I ""*~r: rr~ r*~3F$\" < ~~'. '-- ? ' -v>5* *. ' ' ~ " ' ' '.':t- .' " j-i' 1 | . - - - ? J' " " "jV vh P 'J i :, Hi I ?., V, . t,(/ v.? *3?4$gM& fil ?rl | ffi M' I a W> . m? 1 ?g^ J?|?t-2A ^ ^ 4 ||^j L J||| / vV^Jl k it"'t 71 J Ve ae table ?#gf jv ^<\m1E^ it**. !>#? t - ..... w& r? k 1 " ft > TT AT *( ^ Oi<f?V T*5 i ^ * d A"%S /O^C? & '-? ? V-> W?r ^CM?? <** %?V w~*? Vif5??fc* it? *??_* K *- Tt0' | -.* V," f er^ * v>^ C vS* 1 "s rs ' /. ; i A* ill * Q C.rt;'! /OT T^^r17^r t***. .o/'ro;- ' : *3 &/ZA ?jJ V^-'OJ V^? v/ * *3ft ^ ^ V ***** iJ? ..# * #>?. -' :; (y^T vvr.cson cc . 3Avam::am oa. 1 \ agsv * - . \- ' .* ."V j >. tl > .? -' ;' ' \ \ ,: l$522^-" t i PS El M IFiIfk'fifil!'At' Sit IF PS i IIAMIVIAItE, E 30 GEOCEEIE3, g? S3 Field and Garden Seeds ?3 fjfcf , ? - -".T - V. We carry one of tbe largest and most complete lines tQ?9 of these goods to be seen in this section of the country, jDujjj and are determined that we will not be undersold, taking quality of goods into consideration. If it is GKOCEggj KIES you want, FANCY OF- STAPLE, g?l ?3 WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, ?S it will pay you to come to see us or write us for prices. S3 CHEWING TOBACCOS. ?3 &9k a\ta b at?o nr\ ato r\rrrtnlia ofnrtlr a f laflOA A a a rl j ta av? aaco ^p\ t ? C IJQ VC QUI ouyi LUUU^ CtL?V;i\ V-?l lU^OC ^UUUO IU lyUUUOU rpj f (N from, tbe popular brand?, which are in such great demand ; the kincl that gives solid ccmfort in cheering. . ' Our prices on tobaccos are right, either by tbe plug or ?05 box. fP LORICK & LOWRANCE. B? | WW (Incorporated.) ?? Columbia, S. Co ?? T. HAYNE WILLIAMS,! DEALER IN General Merchandise, IRENE, S. ., I I take pleasure in informing my friends and customers that I luve decided to make a present to each and 6vtry person for every purchase of Dry Goods and Shoes amounting to S2 00. These gifts consists of tine gilted glassware and are useful as. well as ornainen tal My goods are the best on the market and my prices are the very lowest. All that I ask is to be given a trial and I guarantee satisfaction. All Kinds of Country Produce Bought I will pay the highest market prices tor all kinds of country produce. Give me a call and I will do my best to please you. || ?the? tj? II \J J V ' \W |?F \J ^ \V Vf\\ I 1 8 i | COLUMBIA, S. C. I I CLOTHING, I i MEN'S FURNISHINGS, 1 ?jfe IE3I ZT<=l 0K I BOY'S STYLISH CLOTHING, || 4 WORD ABOUT CLOTHING. rc-p esent several manufacturers ot &1J \'n HIGH GtiADL ClothiDir and carry iu stock at ull tiujc^ an assortment oi ^VJ r.W ^riiDiu. stvlish garments that will be to please. We guarantee ,-atis Hj# taction and satisfaction is the one word that expresses the secret of success. ZflJ 1 ,A We t-xttnd to nil an invitation to our store and ue would deem it a Mm gr<-at coortes\ on > our part, and on our part we hope to impress you with /))] pjW the excellency nt our goods and with courteous treat merit so that your first ^j|J Wf/ x\i 1 not prove :<? he ^our 'est. We welcome jcu either as looker or Hm buyer. ' * m I THE BAILEY-GOPELAND GO, I l<il9 MAIS' STREET, OPPOSITE TAPP'S. Wj! ! C. M. Efip.d. F. E. Dkeheb. Bp EHRO & B3?HER. I ^EH ! Attorneys at Law, m LEXIWGTQN, C. H., S. C. H TTf ILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE j|S| VV Courts. Business solicited. One ff|| member ot the firm will always be at office, [tjjgra Lexington. S. C. uno 17?6m. Hffig EDWARD L "ASBILL, 7 ; Attorney at Law, j LEESVILLE, S. 0. i Practices in all the Courts. Business solicited. | Sept 30? 6m. Albert M. Boozer, I Attorney at Law, COLUMBIA, C. Especial attention siven to business enI trusted to him by his fellow citizens ot Lexirttton county. [ Office: I31.'5 Main Street, upstairs, oppoI si e Van M?-tre'sFuruituie htore. j Februarv 28? tf. I .S. IS. KRICK, ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice in all the Courts, i Office: Hotel Marion, 4th room, second tloor. CHATIX. s. C. .AfcUUht (>. ly. immw CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, - - - - S. C. PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND Federal Courts, and offers his professional services to the citizens of Lexington County. ' October 18?ly. Id" twm muras n m. Will Practice in all Courts9 KAUFMANN BUILDING, LEXINGTON, S C Od the 18th day of October, we formed a co-partnership for the practice of law. We will be pleased to receive those having legal busine-s to he attended to at 'vir of- , fice in the Kanluiann building at a<_y time. \ liespecttuliv. | '.J. Wm THURMOND. ' G HELL HMMEKMaN, October 22. 11)02.?ly. | DR. O.J. 0LIVER0S, ' specialist on KiR' XOSE Thtoat aiBd Lun^, GUARANTEE Gftice and Residence, FIT OF GLASSES M24and 1426 Marion. St, March 15-ly. COLUMBIA, S. C. Br, P, H, Shealy, DENTIST, LEXINGTON, - S. COffice Up Stairs in Hoof's Building, W. M. C0RLEY7 ITfew Brookland, S. C.r Agent for the New Improved Singer Sew i ing Machines. Awarded over flt'lv prwmiums for their excellence and superiority over other makes. Try this popular machine in your home before buying. Larg* discount for cash, or ninety days. Liberal terms on installment plan. ! Needles, oils. Ac., for all standard sewing ' macQilics. BARGAINS. Large lot of Old Machines of standard makes in good repair, at prices from < '! up. ORGANS: ORGANS! Also carry in stock the celebrated sweet toned Clough it Warren Organs, which we sell at reasonable prices for cash or on time. Catalogue mailed on application. Nov. 2't?Gm. ENGINES boilIrs. Tank* Btacka, Itaad Pipes and Sheet-Iroa Work; Shaftiae. Pulleys, Gearing, Boxce, Rangers, eta. Mill C&stlags. H^Caet every day; work 200 kaada. MHHABD IRON WORKS * HV?7LT C > JAMES HARMAN, S?HGEOiT LEXINGTON, S, C., (Office in rear of tbe Coort House.) I' NFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE will be :u Lis office t-very Friday for the I purpose of doing dental work in all ita | branches. ^ i March Hi. 1902. ly. 1 Dr. IS. J. Eiiieredjie. I SITKiEO.N DENTIST, LEESVILLE, S. C. Office over J. C. Kinaid A* Go's., Store. [ Always <m hand. ! Februarv 12?tl j Surveying. ! To the People ci Lexington County: T AM NOW LOCATED AT LEXIXG! JL ton. >. C., and will be glad to do any i surveying for the people. 1 can do such I work in a competent manner and will j obev anv calls with promptness. J. F. LYLES. April 10, leu-i.- 3m. I