r THE' LEXINGTON DISPATCH. " ? gjeprasantatiua Kawspapar. 6nvrars kaxingtan and tha borders of tha Surruuudinp fjlxxuntias fcika a Slanhat. \ 1 VOL. XXXIV. " LEXLSGTOK, S. C., WEDNESDAY. MAV 18. 1904. 28. ^?gg?MPS?B?iMi^^a?a???IM?i????|BBWM?i??^BB?MBMII r GLOBE DBY GOODS COHFAKY, . A ' TX7". II. MOITCKTOIT, TIES., ZMZ^ZLT-^Ci-EIEe, m ^ ppflk l&m*MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, N. C. 'JlJi Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention. _ October I3tf Summit Items. To tbe Editor of tbe Dispatch: A much needed rain feJl hfere Saturday evening. It is thought that tbe grain crop of this section will make a good average yield this season. Mr. Sidney S. Sbealy has moved in town aud is working with Messrs. Hartley Bros. j4 1 Communion services at St. James were largely attended last Sunday. Mr. Jacob M. Boukoigbt, of tbe Pond Branch section, was in town a snort while last Friday. Mr. Jefferson Taylor and wife of Delmar, attended services here Sun^ day and spent tbe afternoon with Mr. D. T. Hare. Kev. and Mrs W. H. Roof are spending a few days with relatives in Columbia this week. Mr. Geo. W. Bishop, of the Southern Railway Company, was here on business last week. The Saluda Free Bridge question is being discussed on all sides and nm oil rvnint.B nf vipw. Wfl hftVfi ? UVM. W f" heard several different opinions in regard to it, but as for ours, we hardly know what to say. Messrs. Arthur snd Scott Barman, oL Lexington, came up Sunday rooming, attended divine services here and returned home by the late evening train. ^ It seems that prospective candi-* f dates are slow in announcing. themselves, but perhaps they know best, at any rate we are not going to shake any bushes. Voters should bear in mind that we need the most compertent man in each office?the best of men to keep the county government running on a good baais at the very least cost. Beware of men who want an office for a side-line in their business, or the men who have hitherto done so A man cannot serve . two masters! Mr. F. G. Hartley, who was confined to bis room last week, is up and out again. Mack May. May 16, 1UU4. rNext week is commencement week, and the hearts and homes of ail Lexington will be thrown open to the visitors. Eric T. Slig-h. *, # * / We want the people o ^ TIIE GREAT m Plltl B"K AUIfll r | rUK-FLUW?! | MAY 24, 24, 21 M . .* This will be the greatest event of the will be an occasion of grace and pom] before known in the Old Palmetto Sta x Prepare Yo |P?| ^3 Get in readinet-s now. Come, every f must have an evening dress, evening f fc ns for them. Let cs know what you " store was never so well stocked. Ord | "MEET MEj Let this be the watchword everywht jfc everybody you want to see?to meet y city make straight for Tapp's. Cars pa. ^ ORDER I yK We will prepay freight, mail or exp] 600 miles from Columbia amounting ' ITL 1 -1 j James COLUME % . Our Men's Ready fit The "INTERNA! will please the i BOY'S KNEE Do not buy before Largest line of SI I GIVE US A TRIi 1638 an >f Lexington to visit o1 COLUMBIA J R CARNIVAL | 8, 27,28,1904. | I kind ever held in South Carolina It ^ p, iun and enjoyment such as never te- fgij j nrsslf Blow. body and have a good time. It yon gloves, op clothes of any k nd. writeWe will save you money. Our AT TAPP'S." | -re. Tell your family, your iriends ? <* ou at Tapp s. boon as you get to the /jg iLg price, iu-~ per yard. 5000 yds. Insertion to match. 2 to i ::i L-- wice. purchasing pric-e, 5c per yard. 5 pi ces Lonsdale Cambric to k:.oek cotopetition, '.).]< per yard. 5000 yds white goods Laecettec: merceri/rd. 1!) cents per yard. 10 dozen Hnck Towele. ?>:> inch long an : 22 inches wide, bleached with red border, 10c. 50 dczen ladies embroidered Fi m ik-r vh;?:. k.\::!> kvxk, 5 cents. 50 dczen luen's iincn finished Hundkereh-.-U. km? x ot*t am. others 5 cents. iter- T ALlv A J 5 O X: rJT 1? JC 13 13 C) IV ! j&g All silk Talfetta No. 60, No S ' ami No. I?h.i. in cents. ^f^Y'ou paid more. Ladies Ready to wear Hits, latent xlv'.rs. iate-t shades, latest material and latest prices. 50 cents up to $3 oO. Ladies Black Shirt Good-. ???^V?"e >eii them for less. Men's Staaw Hats, worth 50 eel:*..- just for glory, 25 cents. Ladies Slippers, all sty hs pnRerz> competition. 75 cents a pair. Mens Shoes and Low Cuts. b~>! r_ak>- at prices to suit the purse and lit the foot. Every pair guaranteed. I Shirt Waists?We offer the be.-t line you ev-r saw at 512.00 to $35.00, 500 samples to hoes. Big reducar, Work Shirts, SATISFACTION. ibia, S. C. heap as any house in Nothing but Solid Les Every Pair ( They are here and of course are beauties, be< and Low Cuts. Blacks and Tans, A.11 Leathi invitee to call when in the city aid insp3 ( o lien's Sli j t636 MAIN ST.. Peak News. ! To the Editor of the Dispatch: Rev. S. C. Ballentine filled his regular appointmeut at Mt. Hermoti , Sunday, and preached a most excellent sermon. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Swygert aud Master Eageoe Stuck leive tomorrow for Charleston to attend the Reunion. Miss L'zzie Y-irborough and brother David, of Jeubiusville, vte-ited their sister, Mrs. J. H Buehart, Suodnv. Mrs. M. E. Stuck visited her mother, Mrs. Louisa Wessinger, yesterday. Mr. R. E. Connor spent Sund*y in Peak. Mr. Walter Summer, who has l>een quite ill for sometime, is improving. Mrs. Mamie Kirkland, of Augusta, visited relatives and friends in town last week. Mr. Pitts, of Newberry, is relieving section master Daily, who is sick with fever. Mr. Hale, of Clinton, is registered at the hotel. Mr. Lester Webb, of Columbia, was in town Friday. M. J. Tells of Ambushing. Washington, May 12?Tre War Department received from General Wade, commanding Uuited States forces in the Philippines, a cable report of the ambusuing of the de achment of, Co. F. Seventeenth Infantry in Mindano. While on reconnaieance to locate Datto Ali, who had been sending threatening messages and trying to stir up trouble, a detachment of Co: F. Seventeenth Infantry, consisting of 89 men was attacked by the \loros near Lake Liguasan on the 8 h instant. First Lieut. Harry A. Woodruff, Second Lieut. Joseph H. Hill and fifteen enlisted men were killed and five enlisted men wounded. The names of the killed and wounded will be cabled later. General Wood ordered the troops to proceed and recover the bodies and arms of our killed and puoish offenders. No further details have been iec.ived. Fewer gallons; wears linger; De^oe. / J. w arren Allen. the Southern States. Buy Your SPRING SHOES OF COLUMBIA, S. C itlier Shoes Sold and 3-uaranteed. wise they are Keith Kmq lero's in Hii*h eis, Uniou Made. Yon ar.- respectfully A T/1. Jj (\ I J I f IT /Tn I *i1 ll 4/\ A/^ NJt IUOJC gyuao. taiibj gu(uiuvc?Ai. ioe Store, 501 U.V1BIA. S. C.