The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, May 11, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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MMMBBBBM?H?ggfpwi jj J i?wrwrnwum Ji The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, Way 11, 1904. The Soldier's Dream. v 1 dreamed a dream last night, wife; I thought they'd called the roll, And I saw the soldier's "fall in line," As tiicy used to do of old; It was a solenm sight, wife? Their locks were white as snow, "While an angel gave out badges And a shining cross you know. The badges were lor passports, uear. To cross a sullen stream That wound just like a serpent 'Round our 'eampinent in my dream; I heard the angel calling, "Ye vet'rans fall in line!" And I saw our columns moving Like they did in olden time. Far out within the gloaming. Upon the bloody plain, I could see the whit med tombstones Of the men whom had been slain; The smoke it seemed had clared away From the field, heath cloudless skies, And I heard the angel calling To the dead to now arise. Deep trouble came upon me. For the angel from on high. In giving out the badges, J 1 1 1 1..-. it seeineu iuui mv . My eyes were sore w ith weeping-. For I saw death's waters gleam, And I knew I had no passport To bear me o'er the stream! And others, too, were weeping? One had a precious wife, A sou and other children, He loved more than his life; And others carried bags of gold, Their forms all bending low. Thus weiged with life's treasures. That they could not cross you know. But I ran and called the angel: "Please help me o'er the stream!" For I heard the waves now lashing, And could see death's water gleaming. Then flew the angel backward: "Why laggest thou I pray? Did'st thou not hear the order To fall in line today? Then gave he my passport, And my joy now did seem So very great?unutterable? That it waked me from my dream. I've been thinking o'er this matter, wife, Since the dawning of the day: You see our forms are bending And our locks have done turned gray. Our feet are sore and heavy, dear, And our eyes are getting dim. But, as we totter down life's pathway We will put our trust in him; We'll not falter at death's waters, We'll not trouble at their gleam. For God will send an angel, To bear us o'er the stream! $100 Reward^lOO. The readers of this paper will be please to learo that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has beeo able to core io all its stages, RDd that is Citarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is the ooly positive care feDOwn to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, reqnires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting directly npon the blood and moeons ear faces of th9 system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by bnildiog up the constitution and assisting nature in doiag its work The proprietors have so much faith in its carative powers, tbat.they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. * Address, F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. G-aston Items. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The weather in our part continues dry and cool, but ere long me thinks you'll hear them say its wet and hot; then such another battle you have not seen as there will be with Gen. Green. We notice in places the peach treeB are full of fruit and soon we will be feasting upon peach piee, flavored with new honey, and hear the cfficeseeker talk, and see him spend his money. Early corn is looking well, and the stands of later planting are much better. Wheat is maturing nicely, but a much needed rain would improve mattets much cow. We are looking iorward to the happy time when we can feast on apple dumpliDgs and blackberry pies made from the new crop. The two atory kind will cans: the Editor to wrsb he, too, was a countryman, living cn the farm in ease, comfort and pleasure. A big crop cf blackberries is new evident. The dogwood ha3 been in bloom for some time, but we have not heard of the Editor's annual tishiDg expedition. Maybe since the almost fatal experience of his last year's trin on Black creek, which wa3 so graphically and pathetically sketched by "Klondyke/' has taught him Dot to venture there again. For the information of those inquiring 8bout the new supply of mail boxes ordered for R. F. D. No. 1, leaving from GastoD, that they have been t hipped since April 4th, and are expected at anytime. They have been delayed by the railroad some where. We have been informed that others sre coming in and accepting the services on thi3 route. Mr. Editor some of the best people on earth, yea, the salt of the earth, are on this route. Why, Mr. Editor, you just ought to go the rounds a few times, you would be inclined to smile a "srnolev wide and grin, a.grin deeper than that ODe you put on I when you got that dollar. The dear ! girl! Well, I ought not to mention j it, I guess, but then Mrs. Felix will have no objections, I know, but there are other mails collected from some of the boxes.other thsn letters, etc Bouquets, nosegays, flowers, oh m}! It reminds me of the once happy by gone days when Billy was in his sportiDg element and I would not object for those days to return, just for a short while at least. And after awhile it will be fruit and melon time and, ot! m}! it makes my mouth sugary and watery like now, to think of those U. S. mail boxes containing those nice edibles. Many thanks, dear girls. They are highly appreciated by the recipient and may heavens blessings smile upon ycu. The concensus of opinion now seem in favor of Judge Alton Brooks Parker for President. Parker is a clean conservative maD, a farmer, and should he receive the nomination and be elected, will make a President of whom the people will be proud. Billy Felix Sunday School Convention. Tne Lexington Baptist Suncb y school convention will meet with tl e Smith Branch Sunday school, > t Smith Branch school house, on Fri dav before the bnh bUDday in May, 1904: Friday, 10 to 10 30 a. m , devotional exercises and organization. 11 a. m , Convention sermon by Joab Edwards or M J Kjzer. Recess, one hour for dinner 1 30 p. m.. First querj: What are tre best methods to secure the cooperation of parents iD Sunday school work? by S. R Smith or W. A. Rish. Second quen: Resolved, That it is to the interest of the Sunday school to hold a Sunday School Teachers' institute, by the Convention. Q lery box opened. Miscellaneous business. AdjDurnment. Friday, 10 a. m., Prayer and soDg service. 10.40 a. m., What is the best method for Sunday school teachers to hold the attention of their cla&set? by Benj main Sorgee or W. B Fdllaw. 11 a. m., Sermon by Evans Hall or S J. Riddle. Recess for dinner. 1 30 p. m., The home influence on the Sunday school and Sunday school influence on home, by J. Gr. Failaw or S. F Derrick. 2 30 p. m , Fifth query: The evil of intemperance in all of its forms upon the young people and how to counteract it, b? Albert Rodgers or J. F. Failaw. Query be x opened. Miscelt m i laneous business. Adjournment. Sunday, 10 a. m , Sunday school mass meeting, by Macom Gunter or W. B. Failaw. 11 a. in, Missionary sermoD, by N A. Hemrick or Leroy Lucas. We hope to have a full delegation from all the Sunday schools and full reports by letter from the same. Oi'ganizs and send your delegates to the convention and then run your schools steady until the next convention and see the good that will be done. H. V Risb, Secretary. Cures Blood Poison, Cancers, Ulcers. If you have offensive pimples or eruptions, ulcers an any part of the body, aching bones or joints, falling hair, mucous patches, swollen glands, skin itches and burns, sore lips or gum?, eating, festering sores, sharp gnaging pains then you suffer from serious blood poison or the beginning of deadly cancer. You may be perm OTLrHr nnro^ krr t olrin/v ^ t tu/ V U?|J V/iiHTU v-rj laaiU^ JJ J1 OU1L Blood Bairn (B. B. B) made especially to cure the worst blood and skin diseases. Heals every sere or ulcer, even deadly cancer, stops all aches and pains and reduces all swelliugs. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood troubles, such as eczema, scabs and scales, pimples, running sore?, carbuncles, scrofula. Druggist, si 00 To prove it cures, samples of Blood Balm sent free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. For Parker. Connecticut Democratic delegation wiil go to St. Louis instructed as a unit for Parker. The Alabama delegation will also push the fight for Parker. ) B. B. Burton was killed, and his sou. L. M. Burton was wounded reeetitly at Monet ta by M. W. Tiirailkill and Iris son. Clan-ucu. neighbors ok tin* Bnrtoiis. Tiirailkill and his son have surrendered to the authority's. Tlio shooting. it is said, was the result of a quarrel that began between the two families a month ago. when a revolver was borrowed from Tiirailkill by a negro and yawned with the elder Burton. The Burtons were unarmed when shot down. Whooping Cough. "in tiif spring ol l'JUl mycMluren liaa whooping cough," says Mrs. D. W. Capps. of Capps, Ala. "I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with the most satisfactory results. I think this is the best remedy 1 have ever seen for whooping cough." This remedy keeps the cough loose, lessens the severity and frequency of the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. For s<ile by The Kaufmann Drug Co. The South Carolina Grand Lodge < f t ie Knights of Honor at its concluding session held in Columbia voted unanimously ill favor of admitting women to membership, and so instructed its delegates to the Supreme Lodge, of which the Hon. John C. Sheppard, of Edgefield, is the Supreme Dictator. ' A Sure Thing. It is said that nothing is sure except death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. King's New Discovery fo- Consumption is a sure cure for ail lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B. VanMetre. of Shepherdtown, W. Ya.. says: "I had a severe case of Bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard of but gof no relief. One Inittle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cured me absolutely." It's infallible for Croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Consumption. Try it. It's guaranteed by The Kaufman Drug Co., druggists. Trial bottles free. Regular sizes 50c. and $1.00. At Dallas. Texas, drillers in the T. F. Driskill oil well, when they reached a depth of 1.000 feet, encountered a trunk of a tree. Large pieces of bark and wood of clear grain have been brought to the surface in a perfect state of preservation. The W(X)d is very hard, and the tree was three feet in diameter. When the Sap Hises Weak lungs should be careful. Coughs and colds are dangerous then. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds and gives strength to the lungs. Mrs. G. E. Fenner. of Marion, Ind.. says. "I suffered wtli a cough until I run down in weight crom 148 to 92 lbs. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by all druggists. In the last twenty years, according to the figures of the labor bureau at Washington, there have been more than 22,- j OCX) strikes, involving a loss to employees j and employers of over >$400,000,000. The loss to the workmen themselves has been more than twice that of their employers. Heroine will overcome indigestion and dyspepsia; regulate the bowels and cure liver and kidney complaints. It is the best blood enricher and invigorator in the world. It is purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. and should you be a sufferer from disease, you will use it if you are wise. R. N. Andrews, Editor and Manager Cocoa and Rockledge News, Cocoa, Fla., writes: "I have used your Herbine in my family, and find it a most excellent medicine. Its effects upon my self have l>een a marked benefit. I recommend it unhesitatingly." .">0c. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. The shrewdest financier of the age "s Ed Kelly, of Chicago. He was arrested and released on a ?2.."KM) bond. He put up the cash. He failed to appear in court and the Ixuid was forfeited. On examination of the l>ills he pur up they were found to be counterfeit. ????? Ladies and Children who can not stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups and cathartic pills are es]>ecially fond of Little Early Risers. All persons who final it necessary to take a liver medicine should try these easy pills, and compare the agreeably pleasant and streiiathi niny effect with the i nauseating: and weakiny conditions j following tin- use of other remedies. Little Early Risers cure biliousness, eonstipation. sick headaciie. jaundice, malaria and liver troubles. Sold by all druyyists. It's very easy nor to Indieve in divorce if you've never Iwii married. t _ n ice cneui ui oitepmy m octis. Is the contracting of cold, which often results seriously to the lunjrs. Never neglect a cold, hut take in time Taylor's j Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and J Mullein?nature's fjreatcou^h medicine. At drujfjrists. 2~>c. ~>0c. and $!.00a l>ottle. 'k ^ 8 i A NkM^ ^ -*- _ _ ?1? D jplgfieVegeiable jj ^ ' " pat fj| Superior to all otHersfJl W&3 Ellis sold eTer^-whereH (jj&j WESSON CO. SAVANNAH <3fl. I'^l] ,,.. r, '> ^~~ ~ ? -? r~ ?Ui t_ Ajca w.'^A -^Wfc I GROCERIES, i 0^ Start the New Year right and j&gf let us furnish you with IS G:roce:rie?, |S ^\V carry ooe of the largest and most complete lmes of these goods to be seen in this section of the country, ?5^? ijrjl m and are determined that we will not be undersold, taking -zapf qn?lity of goods into consideration. If it is GHOCECg KIES jou wart, FA2TCY OB STAPLE, Slg | WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, g it will pay you to come to see us or write us for prices. ^ S3 ~~ iwvwm^TAMnnos S3 Jig VJLLU W AJLSU Jig We have an enormous stoek of thfae goods t? ebciopc ^iOj from, the popular brandp, which are in such great ?5^$ demand ; the kind that gives solid comfort in cfieenug. Our prices od tobaccos are right, either by the plug or f3@ box' LORICK & LOWRANCE. f? (Incorporated.) ?2 Columbia, S. Ce ?? 68 C^@Qc5c5B5c5c5C8c5gB T. HAYNE WILLIAMS, DEALER IN General Merchandise, IRENE, S, ., I take pleasure in informing my friends and customers that I hxve decided to make a [ present to each and 6very person for every purchase of Dry Goods and Shoes amounting to $'2 00. These gifts consists of tine gilted glassware and are useful as well as ornamen tal Mv goods are the best on the market and my prices are the very lowest. All that I 5i]K the excellency ot our poods and with courteous treat inen' so that your tir>t %11 j visit wil not prove to he your last. We welcome you either as looker or ! MM buyer. /]\| ; | THE BAILEY-COPELAND CO, |j | Ntf KH9 MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE TAPP'S. i j ask is to be given a trial and I euarantee satisfaction. All Kinds of Ccwtry Produce Bought I will pay tbe highest market prices for all kinds of country produce. Give me a call and I will do my best to please you. |j ?THE:? j| i ? * a}]! i COILTTMBaLA.. S. C. I j 1 CLOTHING, ?! 1 MEN'S FDKIISHIN6S. 1 | HATS, i I BOY'S STYLISH CLOTHING, I 'fe A WORD ABOUT GLOTHING. We represent several manufacturers ot | /h WIGH. GRA1>L Clothing and carry in stock at all times an assortment of dM snappy, stylish parments that will be sure to please. We guarantee satis- /)) >]$ faction and satisfaction is the oue word ".hat expresses the secret of success ^/jjJ !A We extend to all an invitation to visit our store and we would deem it a Jw-1 LM preat courtesy on your part, and on our part we hope to impress you with /))>] ' C. M. Efird. F. E. Ekeheb. EFiBS & DBEHER, .Utoraevs at Law, LEXINGTON, G. H? S, G. \X r ILii peactice is ael the f Courts. Business solicited. One aiombor oi the firm will always be at office, Lexington, C. uno 17?6ra. frwarr i asrhi ffTl saicf Kk a Attorney at Law, LESSYILLE, S. 0. Practices in all the Courts. Business solicited, Sept 30?6m. ilbert M. JBoozer, Attorney at Law, COLUMBIA, N. C. Especial attention given to business entrusted to him by his lellow citizens cl Lexington county. Office: 1310 Main Street, upstairs, opposi c* Yau Metre's Furnituie btore Febmarv 28 ?tf, J. II. FRICK, ATTORN EY AT LAW, Will practice in all the Courts. Otuce: Hotel Marion, 4th room, second tioor. CHAPIN, ------ S. C. .a^uasc 6. ly. ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, - - - - S. C. "PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND X. Federal Courts, and offers his profeesional services to the citizens of Lexington County. October 18?ly. Hi i mm, iramis?in. Will Practice *n all Courts, KAUFMAXN BUILDING, * LEXINGTON, S C On the 18th day of October, we formed a opartnership tor the practice of law. We will be pleased to receive those having Rgal buvine-s to be attended to at ~ur office in the Kaulmann building at a-y time. Respect! ully. J. WM THURMOND, G BELL TIMMERMaN, October 22. 1902.?ly. ,40%mk D!?* C,J* 0LiVER0S> SPECIALIST ON -q, Sj 1 11.. b.?K, Thi<iat and Lungs, GUARANTEE Ofdce and Residence, FIT OF GLASSES 1424and 1426 Marion. St, March 15-ly. COLUMBIA, S. C. Dr. P. H. Shealy, DENTIST, LEXINGTON, - S C. Office Up Stairs in Roof's Building, W. M. CORLEY, New Brookland, S. C., Agent for the New Improved Singer Sewing Machines. Awarded over ftfiv premiums for their excellence and superiority over other makes. Try tiiis popular machine in your home before buying. Large discount for cash, or ninety days. Liberal terms on installment plan. Needles, oils. Ac., for all standard sewing machines. ^ BARGAINS. Lartr? lot of Old Machines of standard makes in good repair, at prices from $3 up. ORGANS! ORGANS! Also carry in stock the celebrated sweet toned dough & Warren Organs, which we sell at reasonable prices lor ca*h or on time. Catalogue mailed on application. Nov. 25?(>m. pGINES BOILERS. Taakn. Btacka, Stand Plpei and Shaet-Irea Work; Btaftla*. Pullers, Owing, Boxed, Baugora, ota. Mill Caatlaga. IwCaat rry day; work 300 Bands. MMBABO IROK WORKS * 8VPFLT OS AUOUSTJL, axoAacA. JAMES HARMAN, IDEZSTT.A.Xj srr^a-sciT LEXINGTON, S, C., (Office in rear of the Court House.) INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE will be in bis office every Friday for the purpose of doing denul work in all its branches. March 19. 1902. ly. ^ Pr. E. J. Etlieredge, Sl llGKoy DEMIST, . LEESVTLLE, S. C Odlce over J. C. Kinaid A*. Co's., Store. Always on hand. February 12?tl "beeswax wanted IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES ttte will pay the highest MAR- W VV ket price tor clean an i pure Bees- ^ wax. Price governed by color and condition. THE BAZAAR, M