A Family Reunion. To the Elitor of the Di*patcb: Oq Sunday, March 19th, 1904, I bad the pleasure of attending the birthday dinner cf Mrs. E. C. Hallman, (widow of the late Davis Hallman) at the old home place. The event was the celebration of Mrs. Hallman'* 62 birtoday The entire family being pre** m on this occasion not only added to ihe pleasure of mother, but to all who were present? both brothers, sisters and friends. It was indeed a pleasure to be with this large family, and see the fcindness of the mother for the eaildren and in turn the children for the onrt kindness motner. uu*y mo -? shown at this reunion add another ray of sunlight on our live9 to help us remove from our minds and hearts the many disappointments that we so often meet with while passing through life's dusty way. Another feature that added to the pleasures of the day was the music, both striDg and instrumental, which was rendered in a very pleasant way by her sons, grand8008 and many granddaughters. The sweet chords of the music was not only pleasing to the ear, but caused us it think of him who gives to all every good and perfect gift, how thank 'ul we should he to him for his kindness. Mrs. Hallman is the mother of . twelve liviDg childret; grandmother v> ? of 51, and great grandmother of 1. Of these three of her granddaughters have recently launched out on life's matrimonial sea, and have taken upon themselves the cares that pertain to their future happiness. -We wish them success and a bright and prosperous future. While it was indeed a pleasure for her to have her children, grandchildren and great grand-child gather around her it can be said that the greatest pleasure to her was the presence of her mother, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith is near, if not past the mile post of fourscore years. Truly she has kept the fourth commandment. 5 I Now all of us uaing filled with the | pleasures that satisfies the mind there was yet one thing lacking to complete the enjoyment of the day. JBut when 12 o'clock came it was necessary that a table be made in the yard where ail could gather around and partake of the delicious ' ' 1 " ? 4 /-v /inm. inings mac were utucoooij iu wiuplete the enjoyments of tbe day. May he woo doetb all thiDgs well spare oar lives so that we can meet again and ei j ?y many more such oc casions, is our best wishes to all. A Friend. ? Best Cough Medicine for Children. When you buy a cough medicine for young children you wart one in which you can place impiicit confidence. You want one that not only relieves but cures. You want one that is unquestionably harmless. You want one that is pleasant to take. j Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all of these conditions. There is nothing bo good for tbe coughs and colds incident to childhood. It is also a certain preventative and cure for croup, and there is no danger whatever from whooping cough when it is given. It ba9 been used in many epidemics of that disease with perfect success. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Lever for Parker. Washington Post Representative Lever, of South Carolina, received word yesterday that the first Parker club has been in Viih Vinmft countv of yigc.u.?v? ? LexiDgton. Mr. Lever has been very anxious that th-3 conservative element of the South Carolina Democracy should control the election of delegates to the St. Louis convention, and he expressed himself as very much gratified that the Parker movement should first take tangible shape in his home county, which is just across the river from the State capital. A few days ago Mr. Lever gave out an interview on the possibility that the south might, present a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, and he was quoted as having said that Senator Bailey and Judge Emory Speer, of Georgia, were stroDg men, either of whom would make an acceptable candidate. Mr. Lever intended to say that either Senator Bailey or John Sharpe Williams, the minority leader in the bouse, would make a strong candidate. Good for Children. The pleasant to take end harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immediate relief in ell cases of Cough, Croup and LaGrippe because it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the iLfiamatioD, heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabling the luDgs to contribute pure life-giving | and life-sustaining oxygen to the I anA h'ianofl One Minute UIWUU C?UV? itwwuuv w ? ? Cough Cure is pleasant to take aDd it is good alike for young and old. Sold by all druggists. Important Bank Decision. Among the decisions filed by the State Supreme Court last week there was one of decided general importance. It came up from Beaufort in connection with the Bank of Beaufort, which wasOowned by the late Mr. Lockwood. The bank failed, and then a contest for the deposits began. H Q Davis, county treasurer, had $4,1ST 39 on deposit, and George Gagable in cash direct each Wednesday Irom head offices. Hoise and carriage fnrcished when neces sary. References. Encio.se sen addressed envelope Manufacture's a^d Whole- ( saUrs. Dept. 2, third floor 234 Dearborn ?>t , Chicago 26 SEWIMS MACHINES! Wheeler & Wilson! No> @. BALL BEARING Marveloueiy Light Running and Noisless, (a No. 100 spool cotton thread for a belt will run it). One-third faster; one third easier than any shutile machine. Save about ONE DAY IN THREE. A GREVT F WORITE WITH DRF.SS ! MAKFES. AND BECOMING MOKE POPULAR ALL THE TIME XEEDLES FOIL ALL MACHINES, | REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. WORK ' GUARANTEED. ATTACHMENTS, SHUTTLES, ETC. |. In bringing Machines t6 be repaired it is i _ ouly necessary to bring the head?Leave tne table at home unless it needs renaming too. 1900 ~ Washers and Wringers. | The most perfect Washer ever j invented. I can sell them at my store for less than they will cost you i ordered direct from the factory. Write fof circulars and prices. t. is:. eee ies-st, 1H04 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C April 1, 3903. 3m I Alfred J. Fox, 1 Life and Firej Insurance andj Real Estate 1 r Agent, | Lexington, S. G Only First Class Companies Repre- j sented. Mv companies are popular, strons 5 and reliable. No oue can give your J j business better attention: no one can ; give you better protection; no oue can ' | give yoa better rates. I Prompt and careful attention given j I to buying and selling Keal Estate, | both town and country properties. j ?correspondence respecttulysolicited. I Money to Loan. "TTTTE ARE PREPARED TO NEGOTI- , W ate loans promptly in sums ot $300 J and upward-i on improved farming lands in i Lexington county. Long time and easy j verms. No commissions. Borrower pays I actual expenses ot preparation ot papers. ; THOMAS & GIBBES. Columbia. S. C, I November 1, 1903 Cmo. j M= M: , * w- ?* *.( :- v:\a-. W)?? . Mjg ! J. P. ABLE, | H ^ DEALER IN" I | D?TG; jpC HARDWARE, M i TIX AMI WOODEWVARE, ETC., 1 'M LEESVILLE, S. C. W" I I izWU m ' mft ft W, ..,, w DEALER IN ^ Drv Ms. Milliner: and Notions. 527B J CVBiUiiiSUMVH J wvhssw Ml ??kvkxi?^ ^ USABLY OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, COLUMBIA, - - . S. C. MAIN STREET. We have received and have placed on oar shelves one of the most beantifnl as ""veil as the most complete line of ever shown in the city. These are all standard goods from the most reliable manufacturers and are recommended for their stylish and nobby appearance and the beauty of pattern. A full line of Ginghams and dre?s goods of all descriptions, as well as loveiy creations in fashionable spring and summer millinerv.i Ckmie and see these goods before purchasing. I will make it to >our interest to no sc. October. 9.?3m. We Have j " RECEIVED OUR i SHIK ill) SHIR SHOES I * and are now recdv to serve onr Lexington friends with the best shoes at the ] lowest price they ever bought Thros (3; points we were careful in select- ; ing this stock: j STYLE, COMFORT AND SERVICE, We will only show you Good Solid Leather Snoes and guarantee every pair. > E. P. & F. A. DAVIS, | 1710 MAIN STREET, | J COLUMBIA, - - - S. C. ] * | YOUNG'S I i I DRY ROODS 1 A M and. ^ GM | NOTIONS. | HfB Dress Goods and Dress Trimmings. Ladies Ribtxxi ^ Under1 vear. Hosiery. Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Rib^ bons. Lace, Corsets, Embroidery. A big line of all p* |p wool Blankets. Some rare bargains in Comforts. J HI ?MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS? SP >>v- This department of onr business receives our most careful attention and we are sure we can show you goods in this line equal to any ever shown. pi| We are not equalled in onr line of Men's Shirts, Collars, ^ Cuffs and Ties, Suspwiders and Hosiery, Gloves and UN /Ju Night Robes. I ? __ ? m <$ * A | Underwear. | 4 ;4> 0 V Wc carry u full lino of Umbrellas. Trunks?Trunks? ^ Trunks. We invite you to call 011 us while in tin* city. ^ Hjjg | XT. -A*. TO "CTXTO, | M 1633 Main Street, Lever's Old Stand, ^ i COLUMBIA. - - S. C. 1 .V ' ,"V BSmmM 4