The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, March 30, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Ths Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, March 30? 19C4-. E. F. D. Notes. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Owing to the continuation of the popularity of our route; a number cf boxes have been ordered. Oar good people on the route seem well pleased with the service Uncle Sam is giving them. We take up our pen here again, And leave the box of Sharpe, F. M. Come to the box of W. D. Pound, As noble a boy. as can be found. Then we'll onward go as you will see. To the box of our friend Craft, D. E. He is jolly, clever and honest with the rest, And will be in the campaign again I guess. Leaving here, we proceed on rue way. To the next station of Smith, John J. An honest good man, a cripple for life, !Now lives on the hill with a second wife, Then down the hill and pass the mill. We come to a lx>x which we often fill. With mail as you can readily see This is the office of Prof. Smith. J. V. Passing onward as we glide We come to another bv the road-side, Thi s is the box of Smith, J. L. Who lives at home and is doing well. Then to the box of an honest good man, As can be found in Dixie-land, This noble man is Smith, W. D., Don't you think with me you'll agree? The next at which the carrier you'll see, Is at the box of Hammond, E. D., He stays at home as you will find, Has a little "wife and a merry good time. Just down the road with our steed-er. We come to the home of J. W. Reeder, xae i?> wcvw, J-IC m nw, He runs a farm and merchandise. Onward from here without any fear. The next place which we find near, . Is that of Mrs. Rlioda Cook, Wears an honest face and a clever look. Away from here the truth I'll tell, The next stopping place is Roisters, M. L. He is honest but he's not "sassy," He married a girl by the name of lassy, (ie.) Then by the big road without a lane, You'll find the box of Sharpe. James, His' beard is red, his hair is too, He has a pretty girl?oh that'll do. Passing over to the station of Sharpe, A. B. I think with me, you all will agree, He is honest, true and kind, As any man you may chance to find. Just on the way as you may see, We find the box of Taylor, Z. An excellent man who does no harm But stays at home and toil on his farm. .Not far away we come to boxes, two, Sharpe and Hammond, both honest and true, Comes out here and gets their mail Take it home to read without fail. Hammond, J. F. and Sharpe, J. T ^Who are honest for their debts they pay Tbey owe no man, need 110 grace, They can look you in the eye and the world in the face Then to the box of Fallaw, M. H. Who never expects to become rich, X V/ LUU JUUi W4 V a v wv ?' - ~ ? We have been thinking for sometime that we would pen a few lines to your valuable paper in behalf of the farmers. This is the season of opportunities. They are knocking at our doors. It is the accepted time?the time of promise. Ic is the opening of a new avenue in the stretch of life?the epriDg time. It is the passing of the old and the beginning of the new. He keeps 110 cow, he has 110 calf, Oh! My! You just ought to 'hear him laugh. There are others, but we will leave their names As we are not writing for wealth or fame, But we will simply leave them out, As we pass over this R. F. D. Route. To you Mr. Editor we'll humbly bow, In the most graceful manner we know how, Don't get "skeart." don't you '-holler,'' When for the Dispatch, you get that dollar. Billy Felix. Gaston, S. C., March 18, 1904. Catarrh Cannot he Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly gd the blood-and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack mediciDe. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting diretly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonies free. F. J. Cheney & CoToledo, 0. Sold bv Dru^sjistp, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Sound Advice to Farmers. fKo P.lifrtr /if fVio Tiiflnato.h: "Where we failed before we may low take on hope afresh and renew our efforts, for Dature is unfolding and holding out the hand of promise. New life is now beginning to pulsate in things that have been sleeping the sleep that nature ordained for them till the c cming of the new season and the return of the warm sunshine and the spring showers. We will not attempt to say what this year may bring forth. We may say for the last ten years there ht-.Yi been many changes. Improved cultivation and improved farm implements and also improved methods of improving the *soil. For the last three or four years we have all wit ?j o 1 i tt uesseu ouulij LU l/l O ocf/tuiaiij the cotton crop. We must confess that it ha? doubled in price, trebled in many instances. Well, we must all confess that tho small or short crop has been a blessiug to us. Xow, let us say, are we going to let well enough alone run the whole business i again by planting the largest crop on record? If we do, and it is a gord crop year, we will hear next fall wailing and gDashing of teeth and rnaDy a penitential tear will flow from our eyes. Just reflect soberly and candidly for a few minutes. If we jump into debt by buying guano and planting all our land in cotton with the idea crammed into our heads that we will realize fifteen or sixteen cent3 for our cotton, and we make a fourteen million bale crop, as already predicted, we say look out for four or five cents cotton next fall with ruin that we will not get over in twenty years and many Dever will. Guano has advanced from two to three dol lare more on a ton this year, so we would advise our farmers to piaut plenty of corn, raise their own bog and hominy at home and make our cotton a surplus crop. Then will be peace and joy at hand and we can come home and meet our dear one and little ones with smiles on cur faces and imprint upon the cheek of that dear angel kisses of love, peace and prosperity. Halt! halt! and act for our eternal good. Lo?k out nest fall, if we make that fourteen million bale crop, for the bailiff and the sheriff who will clean us up root and branches atd !eive us destitute of honor, brerd and clothes and the darling little ones will be crying for bread. Poor angel! heart broken! no bread, darling, to give you! Ob, our fellow farmers; let us come together as a unit that we may better our condition. Give our closest attention to our farms and it will not be long he fore we will be an independent peoi-klo "R Uio. Proper Treatment of Pneumonia. Pneumonia is too dangerous a disease for anyone to attempt to doctor himself, although he may have the proper remedies at hand. A physician should always be called. It should be borne in mind, however, that pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of the grip, and that by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the threatened attack of pneumonia may be warded off. This remedy is also used by physicians in the treatment of pneumonia with the best results. Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala., who is also a druggist, says of it: <kI have been selling Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and prescribed it in my practice for the past six years. I use it in casee of pneumonia and have always gotten the be3t results." Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Cj. Death. Died March 8, 1904, Martha Ardelia Wessinger, age 31 years and G months. She was married to William Wessinger in April of 1887 2 sons preceded ber. She leaves a husband and 1 daughter to mourn her departure. She was a member of the Baptist church. She was an earnest Christian and we trust she is now at rest in the sweet homeabive. J. A C Dangers of Pneumonia. A cold at this time if neglected is liable to cause pneumonia which is so often fatal, and even when the patient has recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of consumption. Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and prevents pneumonia. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Over=Work Weakens Your Kidneys* Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your s blood purifiers, they filil . , ,, J I ter out ine waste or / impurities in the biood. If they are sick or out cf order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheumatism come from excess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidneypoisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their beginning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fiftycent and one-dollar siz- BgSPjH cs. You may have a? sample bottle by mail Homo of swamp-Root, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N..Y. , . \ News from Near Peak. To the Editor of the Dispatch: We are havirjff fome eorinj? daT8 ~ ? - n " jl c v and good bard roads to travel, and we are proud to see warm weather, for it has been cold a loDg time. Hon. A. F. Lever spent Saturday night and Sunday at home with his father on his return to Washington from Col. Croft's burial at Aiken. Frank is the same little fellow yet. Mr. T. E. Addy's good old family horse that got crippled about five weeks ago, is getting so it can begin to do some little light work around the place, but it will be some time before it can go on the road. Mr. A. M. Sease is visiting at Mr. D. I. Sbealy's. Miss Bell Jacobs is home on a visit. Mr. James B. Addy's little boy that has been sick eo long is improving. Mr. J. K. Summer is doing a big business in his store. T 1 i * 1 T1 i 1 1 L jlook ouc giris, uonn daam oas got him a Dew wheel. He means to run something down and I believe it is a girl. Public school is about cut at Peak. Mr. T. E Addy made a business trip to Columbia last Saturday. Well, I see in Billy Felix:s latter, he says that rural mail carriers has | no business to carry aDy mail except | United States Mail. Not even females nor males, and I think he is right for I know they get tired of being bothered. The people ought not to look to them to do so much but be satished to receive their mail j at their doors. Bill. Colds Cause Pneumonia. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated on the luDgs, causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. ^ 1-1 T-* * T 1 (jertrude Hi Henner, luarion, ?na., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Case. She says: "Tbe coughing aDd straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy j cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by all druggists. President of Filipino Republic. Manila, March 24 ?Macarie Sakay, the so called president of the Filipino republic, and fifteen followers, were attacked and killed by a force of constabulary and scouts under Captain De Witt and Lieutenant T>; f n oi7 JL * The ITame Witch Hazel. The name Witch Hazel is much. E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, are the inventors of the original and only genuine Witch Hazel Salve. A certain cure for Cute, Burns, Bruises, Eczema, Tetter, Piles, etc. There are many counterfeits of this salve, some of which are dangerous, while they are all worthless. In buyiDg Witch Hazel Salve see that the name E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, is on the box and a cure is certain. Sold by all druggists. ii i A. T ^ rftBh 5HB^ ?5?$ ngnnain* pmaaf? % % * v * * v* v * $ $ fjf $ # $ * * * * * * * * * a a a * a .a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a .a .a a a # a I COUGHS. 1 2k *-? 2k Murray's Eorehound, Mullein and Tar is composed of the most effective 2k 2k remedies known for the curing of cough, coids, la grippe, sore throat and all 2k 2k affections dn? to Infiammed and irritated condition of the air passages. It is 2k 2k prompt in affording relief and certain in its effect of hastening a cure. 2k %r 2k | Murray's Horehound, Mullein and Tar | 2k may be used to advantage in eases where other medi'dues have failed^ It is 2k 2k pleasant", purely vegetable and absolutely safe for old and young Nothing 2k 2k like it in all the world. It should have a place in every house, ready at hand 2k 2k when needed Parents will lind its effcrs magical in eases ot <*roup. It has 2k 2k remarkable virtue in controlling the paroxysms of whooping cough. 2k % Price 25c. Guaranteed satisfatory to every purchaser. AT DRUG STORES. :? 2k Prepared by the Murray Drag Co., Columbia, S. C 2k a -a * a $ ijt a a .a .a a- .a a $ a a a a a a # .a $ a * .a a -a - $ .a .a - a a $ $ g. $ $ $ -a fi a a .a a $ a a & & Vx WTlwr TTcry Hf^-nTr \KIrivAo "fn X oW "VfMf Tll^f * fp YY 11/ UOC luail/ VVUIUO tU 1WJJL A U U A IJLMrlr fj * * }i The Best j}i 5 FERTILIZERS - Sj JS-&. On Earth 5: * # ^ ARE MADE EY J: ? The Virginia-Carolina J: If Chemical Co. ^ * * if . * * 1 * * They have the Best Facilities, use the Best Materials, ft 1 ^4-U /* UlrrUocl r/?rw<f0 -finn fry aHQ UlaHllain luc IU^ucoi i^uwuuu *?i ?$ " evenness and value of their Fertilizers. ? i * ~? t ^ Virginia-Carolina ChemicEl Co. ^ -> CHARLESTON. 5. C. G9G96t9^969daG9Cd?!9G? S^^a I GROCERIES. 1 aa Start the New Year right; and let us furnish you with gyi f)? ( x -r c > o o ries, ?? ea , _ . . . m We carry one of the largest and most eouipleie lines of these goods to be seen in this section of the country, and are determined that we will not be undersold. taking Is*!?? quality of goods into consideration. If it is GROCE- gTs? gg RIES you want, FANCY OB STAPLE, |~P m WIlOliESALB Oi! RETAIL, eg it will pay you to come to see us or write us fcr prie^. 3 CHEWING TOBACCOS. i .(J> We have an enormous stock of these goods to choose ^2^ from, the popular brands, which are in such great $JQ| demand : the kind that gives solid comfort in clieenng. Our prices on tobaccos are right, either by the plug or ffitS box?g LORICK & LOWRANCE. ?g SJQ (Incorporated.) ?0 ?3 Columbia, S. C, |fj 4 C. M. EFIRD. F. E. DREEEB. ErIRD & BIEHER, Attorneys at Law, J a- > flg LEXINGTON, C. K? S. C. ; j i tttill peactice in all the m VV Courts. Business solicited. One Mm momber 01 the firm will always be at office, ?i uexmgton, s. C. Kj| une 17?6m. EDWARD L ASBILlI Attorney at Law, 1 LEESVILLE, S. 0. 1 Practices in all the Courts. i Business solicited. 1 Sept 30-6m. A k Tar . -I ajLRrorL in. xwuzer, Attorney at Law, I COLUMBIA, N. C. ^ Especial attention given to business en? crested to him by his fellow citizens oi Letting* on ccnnfy. Office: 1SIG Main Street, upstairs, epposi e Van M^tre'sFurniture Store February 28 ?tf. a .1. II. FR1CK, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, J Will practice in all the Courts. Jjj Office: Hotel Marion, 4th room, second tioor. ''flf chapix. ------ s. c, m atuu.M 6. ly. ^ ANDREW CRAWFORD J ATTORNEY AT LAW, 11 COLUMBIA, - - - - S. C. , Vf PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND iS Federal Courts, and offers his profes- ^ sional services to the citizens of Lexington fli County. M October 18?1 y. WILLIAM W.HAWES, Attorney at Law, NEW BROOKLAND. - - S. C, . Will P?i i n a ir? nil iVin P/miwto ' xia i lll au uic uuunoi x luuipu w attention given to Collections. Business solicited. 1 September 1G?Cm. mm I iiifimi, ' I1T0MSTS ?1 111, Will Practice m all Courts, KAUF3IANN BUILDING, LEXINGTON, S C Cn the 18th day of October, we lormed a co-partnership for the practice of law. We will be pleased to receive these having "j legal business to be attended to at ~ur of- ' tice in the Kanlmanu building at atime. Kespectfullv. J. WM teurmond, G. BELL TIMMERMaN, October 22. 1902.?ly. dr." cjToTiveros, specialist on EARt "W ' Throat and Lungs, GUARANTEE Office and Residence, FIT UF GLASSES J424and 1426 Marion. St, March 15?ly. COLUMBIA, S. C. Br, P. H> Shealy, DENTIST, LEXINGTON, - IS. C. Office Up Stairs in Hoof's Building, W. M. C0RLEY, 1 Brookland, S. C.5 Agent for the N?>w Improved Singer Sewing Mci?'hin*?s. Awarded over fltiv premiums for their excellence and superiority ,"i over other makes. Try this popular machine in your home before buying. Large discount for eash, or ninety days. Liberal terms on installment plan. Needles, oils, Ac., for all standard sewing ma chines. BARGAINS. Large lot of Old Machines of standard makes in good repair, at prices from i'i up. ORGANS! ORGANS! / Also carry in stock the celebrated sweet; toned Clough & Warren Organs, which we sell at reasonable prices for cash or on m time. Catalogue mailed on application. % Nov. 25?6m. AND fcnwnta boilers. Tank* Slacia, Stand Plpei and Shest-Iron Work; 3fcaftin|. Pulley a, Gearing, Bcxeo, Rangers, etc, Mill Castlnn. S?"Ca?t every day; work 200 hands. ^ AO 3d BARD IRON WORKS A 8UPPL* 0? % AUGUSTA, G2OA0LL. V JAMES HARMAN, IDZEaTT-A-Zj STJZx.GfSOZ^T T.TT.YTVriTrW sf! ifi (Office in rear ot the Court House.) 1 INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE 1 will be in his office every Friday for the purpose of doing dental work in all its branches. March 19. 1902. ly. Dr. E. J. Etlieredge, SIKGEON DENTIST, | LEESVILLE, S. C 1 Office over J. 0. Eina*d & CoV., Store. * Always on hand. 1 I