? MMBMMMM??B The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, March 30, 1904. k Index to XTew Advertisements. g Proclamation?By The Governor, j Dry Goode, &c.?W. P. Roof. S Hats?The James L. Tapp Co. S JDXTTXiTE SERVICES. st. stephxk's Lutheran church. Rev. J. G. Graichen, Pastor. Mfc 3s:. Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. Hr 2nd. Sunday 11 a m., Lexington. f 3rd. Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. K Sunday school service every Sunday f morning at 9:3o. appointments of rev george s. bearden. I Nazareth, j3 Ln theran, First Sunday. ISt Joh.u E. Lutheran, Third Sunday. Provide-.ct, E. Lutheran, Sunday. His add \>ss is llu9 Elmwood Avenue, Columbia, S, 0., svhere parties wishing to correspond vith ;tim can address him. lexington cits-jit m. e. church south. Rev. O. N. Bonn tree, Pastor. IstSundf 7 11 c m.. Hebron. 1st Sunday 3 p. m., Shiloh. 2nd Snndav 11 a. m , Horeb. 2nd Sunday 3:3 j p. m., Lexington. 3rd Sunday 11 a. m.. Sbiloh 3rd Sunday 3:30 p. m , Hebron. 4th Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. 4th Sunday 3:30 p. m., Horeb. J The Dispatch Job PrintiDg * ? Office is prepared to do any * 5 kind of printing at short notice. * * We guarantee work first class j* i at reasonable prices. Give us ? J a trial order. J * sM Notice Voters. Hap The Bosrd of Supervisors for this Ww county will be in session on the first B Monday in April from 9 a. m. to 3 p. Bl m. The Board desires all those who wish to register, a transfer or a renewal to meet them on this day. Poultry PoodEggs are scare*. Buy your Poultry Food at The Kaufman Drug Co. ^ Midway School Closed. The school closing at Midwr.v last evening was a very enjoyable affair. ^ The programme was interesting and onnWfa/1 tVlomcolTTOC I IrJUt) BUUUiaiO PVjUIUCU . UV1UUV. . WW splendidly. The audience was a large and appreciative od8. Misses * Erin George ard Lillie Smoak ar" the teachers. Miss Smoak will teach a two months' private school on. Wiy Do We Die. Vital Rtatistics classified show the respiratory organs to be the feeble point in man. Diseases of the lungs are out of all proportion in fatality. Take Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein for coughs, colds and consumption. At druggists, 25cM 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. 21 4 Easter Services. r Rev. J. G GraicheD, pastor of St. Stephens Fvangelical Lutheran chnrch, will deliver an appropriate sermon in that churcty Easter Sunday morning, after which the Lord's supper trill be administered. In the evening there will be appropriate exercises in the same church by the JP ladies of that congregation. Ask Your Dealer for Allen's Foot-Ease. ^ A powder for the feek. It cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet, Corn and Bunions. At all Druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Ask today. 24 An Accident. A few weeks ago we called the at* taction of the County Commissionf ers to the unsafe condition of the roadway over factory pond and warned them that unless something was soon done to make crossing safe | for' animals acd pedestrians the j couDty might be called upon to de- : fend a suit for damages. A part, at j leant, of our prediction' has come to j fc pass. Last Wednesday afternoon ! wF MtkHn Annoncl in V?cnlinrr rrnr*rTc frnm i rWLUC CU^agc-i iu ii'iunu^ , the depot to the Lexington Depart- | ment Storp, a horse belonging to this company became frightened at j something and before it could be j m brought under control, backed off I j the upper edge of the brige carrying : wagon, driver and all with it into the waters below. Fortunately the wagon came uncoupled and the ! horse swam with the two front ; wheels to the bank, the driver man- j aged to extricate himself from thede- i bris aDd managed to reach land more | frightened than hurt. The body and f other parts of the wagon were re' covered several days later. We do ! not know whether or not a damage j i 1 Ms Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, ana produces SICK HEADACHE, ?. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheumatism, Sallow Skin and Piies. There is no better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove. Take No Substitute. A Matter of Business. Iq the future no paper will bs con1 J ?1/T r>rAm rit nQvincr HUlifU fAUCjJl' UU Ul<-? ^'Uiupv ?? subscribers, and then only when notified to do so, unless the subscription is paid in advaDCf: We regret to drop some we are now running but we cannot send the Dispatch without some payment. Those in arrears will take due notice and if they wish to continue to receive the weekly visits of the Dispatch tbey must either call aod sett'e or send the money to do so. Death. Batesburg Advocate, March 23. Mrs. H. C. Bodie, of Emory, a sister of our townsman, Mr. I. Edwards, died at her home, last Friday at 12:00 o'clock. She was sitting in a chair talking to her sister, Mrs. Q Corley, when she was puddenly stricken. Mrs. Bodie was 53 years of age, and is survived by her husband and one son. Revs. Copelaud and Padgett conducted the funeral services which took place at her home. Parser Club. Some of Judge Parker's enthusiastic friends are making an effort to organ:ze a Parker club in this place. A petition is being circulated and is numerously signed calling for a mass meeting cf the Democrats of this place, to be held in the court house next Saturday afternooD, for the purpose of organizing a club in the interest of Judge Parker's candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the Uoited States. Pensions. It is probable that persons who are entitled to draw a pension from the State, will get their money earlier this year than they did last. It will be necessary for the State to borrow $200,000 to pay the pensions as appropriated by the legislature this year. A number of applications have been turned down by the State Board for various reasons, conse quently some will be disappointed. Hew Trial Granted. Tbe Supreme Court has given Mr. R. W. McDaniel a new trial. Mr. McDaniel was coDvicted of killing Mr. Neese, tbe policeman at Swansea, last Christmas a year ago, and was sentenced to tbe penitentiary for life, upon recommendation of the jury. His is a remarkable case and is interesting to tbe legal fraternity. The Tezas Cotton Crop. Houston, Tex , March 29.?Reports from all over tbe state indicate that tbe cotton crop is nearly all planted. Good rains have fallen and the weather is perfect. It is expected two hundred thousand bales of new cotton will be put on tbe market during August owing to early planting. Water From Congaree Creek. j Tbe plan to utilize the waters of Congaree creek in this county to supply tbe mill district of Columbia with pure drinking water is assuming shape. A corps of Engineers representing the American Engineer iDg Company, is in Columbia looking over the field for the purpose of devising the best plaDS for securing an adtquate supply of drinking water It is possible ttiat CoDgaree creek will be utilized for this purpose. It is proposed to lun a pipe line from the creek to the mill district of Columbia. Paint Year Buggy for 75c. roifh Tlottncra r-rlnco florriorro T^airif M 4VU ? Vy V U 1 V L U i IJ V It weighs 3 to 8 ounces more to the pint than others, wears longe?: and gives a gloss equal to new work. Soli by The K^ufm-nn Drug Co., I ? To Cl I Take Laxative Bro I Seven MHfion boxes sold In post 12 LOOK! p kii (J CAPITAL w ' the i i p The verv best no p o to conic 011 soon. ^ Groceries, Fim H* Cooking Cte i we on I ?1. ! ???? Subscribe in Time. Persona wbo desire to subscribe for tbe Home and Farm in connection with tbe Dispatch, at $1 25 for both papers, should send in their names with the casb at oDce. Any of our paid up subscribers sending ua twenty-five cants will receive the Home and Farm for one year. All names should be in by tbe latter part of May. You Know What You are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula i9 plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. 21 lla sHi aijvertisemtT WANTED?Salesmen with horse and buggy to sell oil, grease, paint and white " "i 1. j lean, on very noerai terms. orajucn i house at Augusta. Exclusive, territory. ' Address General Office. The Noble Refining Co., Cleveland, O. Wanted?Car load, or less, good eating sweet }X)tatoes. Name variety and prices F. O. B. your station. R. E. Allen & Bro. Co., Greenville, S. C. NOTICE. A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS II against the Estates of Mary A. and Elizabeth Keisler, deceased, will present the same, properly attested, to the undersigned, and those indebted to said Estates must make payment on or be- j fore the 30th day of April. 1004. SAMUEL B. GEORGE. Admr. March 23, 1904. 3w>2. Notice. All persons having demands of any kind against the Esfate of Jacob Keisler, deceased will present same properly attested, and those indebted will make payment on or by the Is day of May, J9U4 to the undersigned as Executors of said Estate. g. f. kfisler, p. c. keisler. March 12 1904-3w21pd. Fishing Forbidden. Notice is hereby given to all persona, without any exception whatAlio* fljliirif? in tnu TViNrt nn Rlftotr CTC4( UUCftV UOUtug Au *MJ JM-v ? >% v?. Creek, lormerly known as Jones' Upper , Pond. is hereafter positively forbidden. The law will be rigorously enforced against all persons trespassing upon said premises in any manner whatever GEORGE C CLARK. March 8. 1504. 4w21. PROCLAMATION. State of Soutii Carolina. Executive Chamber. WHEREAS, INFORMATION HAS been received at this Department that an Atrocious murder was committed J in the county ot Lexington ou or about tbe nineteentn day ot Febraarv, 1904, upon | the body of John W. Meetze. by party or j part'es unknown and that the said party cr | partus have flrdlrom justice: Now, therelore. 1, D C. Feyward, i Governor of the State of South Carolina, I in order that justice may be done, and the majesty ol the law vindicated, do hereby offer a reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the apprehension and delivery ot the said party or parties to the sheriff of Lexington coun'v. Lexington, S. C IN TESTIMONY, WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and [L S.] caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Columbia. this 26th Day of March, A. D. 1901, and in the one hundred and twenty-eighth year ot the Independence of the United States ol America. D. C. HEY WARD. By the Governor: J. X. (iAMTi, Secretary of Slate. lw?21. ire a Cold in On mo Quinine Tablets. months. This signature,^* BEAD! $20,000.00. ^ >16 NEW STOR . EVERYTHING NEW , ods on the market and the very lowe, see. Watch this space ev< UR BIG MS< Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, ( \4 3w21. te Day ft:^ 1, /5nj on every I , box. 25c. I JF READ! LOOK! H j Department Store | i I i ? 38a? (Incorporated) E JUST OPENED! $ j & VXD IT-TO-DATE. @ st prices. Don't take our word for it. come and Q ?ry week for notice of ? i 30UNT SALE & I I Nothing, Ladies and Gentlemen's Furnishings, Tobacco, Cigars, Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, ddles, Farm Implements of all kinds, Cutlery ^ W S ON EVERYTHING, g | WILL BE WELCOME. ? ? I D, Manager, j ST, S. C. | FINE LINE, nil mm m ?????m???? Note Paper, Letter Paper, PEN AND PENCIL TABLETS BOX PAPER, ENVELOPES, ETC. THE mm DRUG CO.. . iLE^in>ra-T03sr, s. c. H FITZMAURICE.M ;gS?: WHOLESALE AND RETAIL M Dry Goods, Etc f? A\a> Dont yea kaow that the best place in Columbia ft DRV GOODS AM) CLOTHING I Fitzma"riee's You will get MORE REAL ,-C^Af. BARGAINS here than anywhere eiseahere. Probably >ou have heard this time ana ^#5s* again, yet it is a fact as our custom- vl?v?r eis ^ave exPe"eHce(^* ygy? ?? NEW GOODS ft lor Spring and Summer. We are selling them at the same old pricos as when cotton was 8 cenU We offer 50 pieces tine quantity of check Nainsook a 5c. 31 piecs New Stripe White Goode at "<^V* at 5c. M) piece Fine Check Ginghams 6]. ' 5,000 yards ^ Island Homespun at 5 cent 2 Cases of the Rest BleachiDg at 7.V and 84 100 3Cj>> p eces of 10c. Cheviyts for 8^. 20 pieces leather. I,ic^iu2- regular price 20c. Our Black and Colored aDd Dress Goods ara alwavs love aud can afford what is good. Y^u can tind anything you want in our stock. We offic a --IB-inch Black guaranteed Tiffita at $i 0J real vilue SI 50 Our new clothing for men and boys will far ,kU<. surpass any effjrt we hive pat torth in th9 past. We welcome everybody to 898 oir spring lines. vVa># Our laces and embroideries are the best we have Aa^. ever seen Great birga'n; awiit you aud vou git vnnr monsv's worth Whilesale and re ai:. WHAT? niAT m w & VWTP. WTT.T.T A M&_ JL JL&.X2L JL JLA v w IR^K, S. ., iVill sell you goods just as cheap as you can buy them anywhere. His stock embraces) everything in General Merchandise. His line of r* / \s\T\n ra Tin A iTnriT"njTT UMSS tiUUUS IS HMlliriU md cheap. An inspection will convince you he promises you nothing faulty WHLONEST WEIGHTS ANI) FULL MEASURE, jh Country Produce Bought and Sold. All Business on Cash System.