i ^ ' ^ ' : ' & Bepresentaiioe Serospaper. Boeers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Bounties Like a Blanket, VOL. XXXIV. LEXINGTON, S. C? WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1904. o] ' ^ GLOBE DBY GOODS COMPARY, . [ ifr "w. zz.zMCO^rcmTonsr, rse., lOifO MAIN STREET, ------- COLUMBIA, W. O. 'A 1 Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention. October istf \ j GRAMD ! pRFMIUM $Alf13eautifiil Presents ( FOB YOU. ' This store has no fHvorites, sll people are treated alike and we appre- ; . ciate a castoiuer who bins very little ! L. j as well as the one who bujs largely. ! . & SEE OUR SHO WINDOWS Hfflr We have at oor store one thousand B premiums consisting ot rocking j B j chairs, parlor lamps, jardinieres,'tea rj sets, go carls Umbreua slam, pictures. toilet sets, b-rry dishes, water j Pitchers, Waiters china celery dish- j ( 68, brown glass tumblers and a beau ^ ! tifol assortment of Opilescent ware, ] B consistmg oi rose j irs, salad trajs, 858 j jellv dishe\ caka iray* and various |B other shapes in live colors viz: blue, canary, dint, green and pink. m HOW W? 03 ST. i |B To eyery customer whose pnr F chase amounts to Uue Dollar or more i ! will be given a ticket ui a sealed em I velope. The above premiums will l be divided into ten lois or ten num- ' | j bera. Customers will be given choice j j f of premtums from the lot number ! correspv>ding with the tickets they J hold. Yon get >onr premium before | you leave our store There will be , lots of money saved by wise folks. I ISP0TCASI1-X0 APPIOBITIOK | | ! -r^THE^ ATTAn SHOE MAN. 1 j6 v 61.i6i3Mainst XJV I VI ? COLUMBIA,S.C. ! Feb. 6-ly. THE HE-LSOIT Tour Stomach trouble has not been cured, is becauseycu have been taking mediciues that only alleviate the symptoms, giving only temporary relief. Try Hilton's Life for the Liver aud Sidneys* for a permanent relief aba cute, in all disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys. CONSTIPATION, the great cause of ill-health, i8 quickly relieved and soon cured by us use. It cures any irregularities of the kidneys, and by us regulating effect on the system gives vigor and strength to the body. f When run down in health and ' need a medicine rhat will build you up, t8ke Hilton's L'.fe for the Liver and Kidneys 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles. Sold wholesale by the Murray Drug C >, Columbia, S. C. on 1 a of tK/i Ponriior T.cTinrtf r?r> JL U' oaic av kuc uaoaai t xuUAiugtuuf S. C. nihiiim? irr?n?ti jj| l^oluiiibia J Q H Soring Offerinc J We have the grandest stock **>1l)ibt to the Oarolinas. Yoi it \ou don't see what Tapp sh Aoor attention to the magnific: p Tapp Leads in To our out-of-town custome: cial s des people have been dets der>, and lrom the time they a package the most catelul atten fjjt:k ?r building up a wondefnl ma a cause aside from having the pi P tractive pi ices, we take such g Tj?-t ns have \onr orders p.t one Biautitn] >lessaline iu a goo wide, very handsome, highest Brocaded Feau de Sole, ham aod n good run ol colors Ea 27-inch India Silk, black, w] shirtwaist suits. Easter week 0F, Fine line colored shirtwaist I \*idth stripes, 32-mches wide, v ell. Sold lormerly at 39c. a Hf! the yard 29c. Our showing ot in the Mate You should see i J.'atnask that bleaches perfectly W1 heaviest and best shown at 7oc IgPjg the vard, o9c. ^ We prepay freight: mail or f. &> a radius of 600 miles ot Colun over. 1 THE JAMES L. 1 COLOMBi Brookland Hippies. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Many of our handsome beaux and lovely bells have been enjoying the pleasure rides on the flying trappees for the last few weeks. It runs day aod night. Several of our lively business men are enjoying hunting and fishing, and putting in good time too, for to their sorrow the hunting season will soon close. There are many fine bird dogs here, but Mr. E W. Shull has the champion bird dog in town. Mr. Ernest Wingard, and wife, of 1 a of 7i ro/^o T7 UUUUtO VlUC^ opuiib look xuuiouaj night with Mr. M. H. Witt and family. Misses Hattie Hawes and Annie Moak, two of our loveliest young ladies, have opened a full line of millinery. Everything is beautiful to look at, and we wish for them ibundance of buccgss. Also another oew millinery store has been opened in the large store of Mr. Mott Gunter, by two young ladies. We have not been able to learn their names, but trust they will be successful and remain here. Report says six or more soda fountains will open up at an early 3ay?surely we will have cool drinks snouffh. 9 Mrs. J. L. M. Oxner, and her little son, Dow, are cff on a visit to relatives and friends at and near Leesvilie. Mrs. Adam Brenhemer and Mr. W. A. Moody, have returned home from the Columbia hospital much improved in health. Mrs. J. M. Gunter is still there but improving. Mr. P. J. Weseinger is able to attend to his daily business again to the pleasure of his many friends. Two of our jolly young men, the Meetze Brothers, have decided not to take charge of their brother's farm at the old Lorick place, a few miles above here, but remain here and r? \end to their own affairs, they are L 'ustrious and go-a-head boys. Last Monday our military company marched to Columbia in a body for examination and gave satisfaction in health and beauty. We have a company to be proud of. We are sad to state the death o | rcatest Ctore. pf |s from Tapp's. #j of new Spring Goods ever a won't sea the best in styles <4^ ows. Especially do we call % :nt array of Millinery we have. 5$^ i Hat Styles. JEj rs we wish to state that speliled to take caro of your or,re received till we express the tion is given your wants. We .il order business simply beroper goods at the most at- $7^ ood care of the orders sent us. d run ot colors. 2) inches sheen, price the yard, $1.00. Isome and stylish, in white ster Sale, price per yard $2 25 aiteand all colors, good lor .00 will load your bu< y with all the new Spring Novelties, as are always the lowest on the rihhons, all shades, at prices to lying double follow me. No. 40. Ue. per yard. Worth double. D SLIFPEES and lit the feet. Richland Streets, W. D.SATE3' Masager. ' The grain crop has improved a great deal. Wheat looks fine but oats are thin. Mr. Hamp llaufc has a smiie on his fdce as broad as a twelve inch board, It is a girl. Oar {Sunday school at St. Peters has organized with W. D. Huffstetler as superintendent; J. W. Mayer nHRinf-qnt. cnnf TVIdifi Print spntr Let as all join in aDd have one of the best Sunday schools in the cotinty is the desire of a Scribbler. March 28, 1904. Mothers! Mothers! Mothers! How many children are at this season feverish aod constipated, with bad stomach aod headache. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children will always cure. If worms are preseent they will certainly remove them. At ail druggists. 25cts. Ssmple mailed free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. 24 * ? ? Visited Newberry. Herald and News, March 29. The Hon. John Bell Towill, of Batesburg, was in Newberry Friday and Saturday the guest of Col. E. H. Aull. Mr. Towill is a newly elected member of the dispensary board of control. He i9 a former newspaper man. Mr. Towill is a young man of energy, business ability a:ad pleasant address and made many friends in Newberry who will be delighted to see him here again. Letter to T. H. Caughman. Lexington, S. C. Dear Sir. A gallon saved i6 $4 or $5 earned. Two gallons saved is $8 or $10 earned. Three gallons saved is $12 or $15 earned. Four gallons saved is $16 or $25 earned. It costs $3 or $4 a gallon to paint, besides the paint; as much to brushon a gallon of worthless paint as Devoe. Mr. Ezra Rathmell, Williamsport, Pa,, always used 11 gallons of mixed paint for his house; Devoe took 6. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe &, Co , New York. P. S. The Kaufmann Drug Co., sells our paint. Nothing but Solid Le Every Pair inoy are nere una ot course are oeaunes, o and Low Cuts, Blacks and Tans, A.II Leat invited to call when in the cit}- and ins] Cohen's $1 1636 MAIN ST.. Dots From South Lexington. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Well, Mr. Editor, I guess that you think that I have forgotten the Dispatch and its Editor, but I have not. I have been busy in my work at school but it is now cut and I can send in a few items of news. Everything is quiet along this border to night. U-uano putting out ana corn planting is now the work of today on the farm. Mr. Simon Lucas and his wife are now smelling the sweetness of the flowers in the land of the sunny south. The plum and peach trees are in full bloom. The sweet perfume of these bloom3 are delicious. So soon will bob white sit on the fence and make his voice sound through the air. The Sunday school at Smith Branch is now beginning to flourish as the weather gets warmer. HP h or a mac a Snn^ac Qf>l-ir*rv1 nrnran. LUWiO TV MO (* OVvUVU* V/&guu~ ized at Florence church Sunday, with Mr. Marion Rieh as Superintendent. The school at Smith Branch has come to a close after a most successful term of five months and a half, under the skillful management of j Miss Sue H. Corley. She is one among the best teachers in Lexington county. She has taught three terms in succession at this place. Miss Julia Shealy, who was attending school at this place, has returned to her home in New Brookland. Mr. D. F. Sbumpert is doing a flourishing business at Pelion. Miss Clara Rieh is clerking at Pelion Mr. Henry Lucas is now in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derrick, of Lexington cotton mill, have moved back on Black Creek. Well, Mr. Editor, I am watching the dogwood bloom, they will soon | be out and then come down and let s I look in some of those dark holes in Black creek. God makes my life a little light, "Within the world to glow; A little flame that barneth bright, Where ever I may go. Wishing the Editor and the readers of the Dispatch a happy time, I am, Birdie. ) Buy Your SPRING SHOES OF COLUMBIA, S. C ather Shoes Sold and Guaranteed. aro Kftifh T\ arifiArnrc in TTich hers, Union Made. Yon ar respectfully )3ctthe;e goods. Qulity guarsnteod. hoe Store, COLUMBIA,"S."C. I