The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, March 16, 1904. Swansea's Doings. To the Editor cf The Diepatcb: Since the return of friend Ogilvie j to The Dispatch office your humble ecribe will send you some items of life and doings here and the country around, as Mr. Ogilvie has had some bitter experience in trying to translate this scribe's scratching for your readers. w .1 o -i.:i i i?~ ? en, owaiisea is aun uoidbuu w^u in experience and the farmers around this year are plum full of bad luck, but by another year of prosperity we will forget the dead past. Mrs. James E. Gantt is in from Pulatki, Florida, where Jim is now hotel keeping and Madam Rumor says is doing well and all the family pleased. W. B East has contracted to rebuild a large colored high school academy at Denmark, S. C, which was lately burned by fire. Mr. Burfort from Swansea, a very competent architect, is his "boss carpenter." The graded school will close after another week's teaching. The trustees bad to take a large portion of the school fund for this session to build a school house since the burning of the old one. The three lady teachers who have conducted the school this year have made a success of it and Mi6s Isabella Brooker and Miss Thome as co-principals, and Hiss Owens as assistant, deserve the thanks of the patrons. Mrs P. E. Hutto has added a nice line of new millinery goods recently to her stock. Mrs. Cykes, lately from Blackville, has opened up a new store of millinery and also dressmaking, an additional interest in Swansea's trade. Dr. Langford has finished and moved into his new drug store. Mr. J C. Reynolds has gone into mercantile business here also and is doing a good trade. Hon. W. H. F. Rast is again able to give his time to bis business. Mr. George Bell TimmermaD, of the Lexington Bar, is in town looking after his interest. Jb'ilteen cents cotton is an inspiration and many an old lank face now looks many years younger, and many hearts brighter for it and some breath naturally who for some time only caught long breaths, but our skies can't be almays cloudless nor can our suns shine always bright. But today we behold a day of push and prosperity never equalled by America before and even now there are calam- j ' lty howlers. L. P. Smith still sits as supreme judge of our court to settle the dis- ! putes of his neighbors and keep the lawless under subjection. Spectator. Catarrh Cannot he Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not ! j a quack medicine. It was prescribed j by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. ' It is composed o* the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting diretly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingred- j ients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney Sc Co, Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. a. "wCcroft. Washington, March 10.?Col. Croft died at 7:30 this morning from blood poisoning. mi 11 "1 r J j xne Diooa poisoning was ;;auseu, | primarily, by a splinter in a linger of ! the left hand. This brought forth I an abcess and a result of it was that blood poisoniDg set in. Col. Croft was much better up to a day or two ago and it was confidently expected that he would soon be out' again. The following sketch is given of him in the Congressional Directory: "George William Croft, Democrat of Aiken, was born in Newberry county, S. C., December 2Chb, 1846; his early education was at the common schools in Greenville, SC. In 1863 he entered the Srnth Carolina Military academy, at Columbifl; in 1864 the cadets of that institution were placed in the Confederate army, and continued to serve until the close of the civil war; in 1S66 and 1867 Mr. Croft attended the University of Virginia; he subsequently lacp linear flnvprnnr B. F. ni UUIVV4 4M " MM V?x/? vn v Perry, at Greenville, and was admitted to the bar in 18G9, and in 1870 located at Aiken, where he has continuously practiced his profession. Mr. Croft has been a member of the South Carolina senate, and served two terms in the house of representatives of that state; was aUo twice elected president of the South Carolina bar association; was married to Florence McMahon, of Alabama, April 17, 1874; was elected to the fifty-eighth congress, receiving 5,134 votes to 247 for W. S. Dixcn, Republican." / Col. Croft was a most eloquent man, and lawyer of great success in the advocacy of cases he undertook. The most important criminal case h? hftR heen en^a^ed in recently was as ? o n ? _ - - . ? the leading attorney for CjI. James H. Tillman, charged with the murder of N, G. Gonzales. He and Col.Tillman were law partners and personal friends before the tragedy, and Col. Croft threw his whole soul in the defense of Tillman. He had not filled out his first term in Congress having been chosen in the last election. He would have been a candidate again this summer and would have been opposed by L J. Williams. Governor Heyward today sent a letter of condolence to Congressman Croft's son. The law in regard to a successor says that the Governor shall issue a writ ordering an election for the people to state their choice. Tnis, of course, has not been done yet and will not until after the funeral. Both houses ofCoDgress adjourned in respect to the memory of the dead congressman. The following committees were appointed to accompany the remains to Aiken for interment: On the part of the House.?Messrs. Fmley, South Carolina; Aiken, South Caroline; Johnson, South Carolina; Lsgare, South Carolina; Scarborough, South Caroline; Lever, South Carolina; Loudenstager, New Jersey, Pattersou, Pennsylvania; Richardson, Louisiana; McLiin, Mississippi;Houston, Deleware; Sibley, Pennsylvania; Weisse, Wisconsin, and Jackson, Ohio. From the Senate?Messrs. Tillman, Latimer, Fulton, Clarke of Arkansas, and McLaurin. French Army Scandal. Paris, March 10 ?A non-commission officer has been arrested on the charge of trying to sell secret information about the French navy to Japan.. A woman is said to be implicated. The government denies the story. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor | _ and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kidne^s are out ?* or<^er ,n| w-A /if?~ or diseased. _ Kidney trouble has " w become so prevalent \] that it is not uncommon -. // ior a child to be born /ylV\vHrtJ afflicted with weak kid(J i[p~ neys. If the child urin[ ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition cf the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miserable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold cent and one collarg|j sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Homo of Swauip-Root. ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Some people instead of praying for grace should pray for grit. "War on England to Come From Bussia. Berlin, March 10.?The Tageblitt today asserts that, the conviction prevails in government circles iu Russia that war with England is inevitable, as a result of the present Japanese war. Russia is actively preparing to strengthen her defenses on the Baltic coast. The minister of matine has asked the inhabitants of the Finnish island Kallin to leave the entire island to be prepared for fortifications Prince Uchlomsky, the cz^rs confidential adviser, is quoted as saying that a Russian attack on India is imminent. Proper Treatment of Pneumonia. Pneumonia is too dangerous a disease for anyone to attempt to doctor himself, although he may have the proper remedies at hand. A physician should always be called. It should be borne in mind, however, that pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of the grip, and that by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the threatened at tack of pneumonia may be warded off. This remedy is also used by physicians in the treatment of pneumonia with the best results. Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala., who is also a druggist, says of it: *T have been selling Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and prescribed it in my practice for the past six years. I use it in cases of pneumonia and have always gotten the best results." Sold by The Jlautmann urug uo. The advisability of placmg boards of control and dispensers among the list of officers to be nominated in the primary election, is being mooted in certain quarters. "While we realize the great danger in mixing politics and wiskey, yet as we are living under a democratic form of government where it is presumed that "the voice of the people is the voice of God," we ee9 no very objectionable reason why the people could not be trusted to select their own county board of control and dispensers. If they are unfit to select the first it follows as a natural sequence that they are unfit to select the other State and county officers. If not why not? Invaluable for Bheumat ism. I have been suffering for the past few years with a severe attack of rheumatism and found that Ballard's Snow Liniment was the cnly thing that gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate my pains. March 24tb, 1902, John C Degnan, Kinsman, III. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. A *1 _ . 1 among toe Dames mennoDea m connection with the seat in, Congress made vacant by the death of Congressman Croft, are the following: L. J. Williams, ex-Governor M. B McSweeney, H. H. Crum, W. J. Talbert, D. S. Henderson, S. G. Mayfield, Robert A1 Irich with a whole host of others yet to hear from. The woods are full of prospective candidates and there will be no lack of congressional timber as the supply exceeds the demand. Colds Cause Pneumonia. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated on the luDge, causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion, Iod , who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Case. She says: "The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight | from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until J used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy i cured me entirely of the cough, i i strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and I strength." Sold by all druggists. The Mob Bepuised. ! Carbondale, 111. March 10 ?A mob j from nere made an attack on the ! county jail at Murphrysboro to lynch ; a nepro who assaulted a school teach! er. The mob was driven back by the j sheriff's posse. The Best Cough Syrup. | S. L. Apple, ex-Probate Judge, | Ottawa Co., Kansas, writes: "This | is to say that I have used Ballard's | Horehound Syrup for years, and that j I do not hesitate to recommend it as I the best cough syrup I have ever used.;' 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. % Why Use Many Words to Tell You That $ * t J The Best j % FERTILIZERS f %On Earth 5 $ i |i ARE MADE BY f# 5 2 a: fc* 'Tl _ 7- >?? _ ^ ^ IK ~ it 1/ 1110 v irginia-Vytti'uima ^ ? Chemical Co. * 0 * * * 2 {? They have the Best Facilities, use the Best Materials, ?J( $? and maintain the highest reputation for the $ ' evenness and value of their Fertilizers. & * * ^ - 17: Co. ^ %3/Jk* V U glilia-vyai ? ^ ^ CHARLESTON, S. C. $ TfflT? ,\ n a /^Twra -n a rmwe BuypTmtr ?.TTisTe T VPinri^tt xA, W W w>, tw ^ g, u w 41 w, ***** *e v m*V GUNS. WINCHESTER REPEATING SHOT GUNS. AH kinds of Rifles and Air Guns. Shells loaded with the best black ?nd smokeless Powders. Our $5 single Barrel Guns, 12 guige are the best out. They i re bored for long distance shooting Hunting Coats. Caps. Leggings. Shell Belts Powder, Shot. Wads, Caps, Cutlery, Phonographs and Records. Gun and Locksmith. ItT OTICIE. We give a chance on an $850 00 Automobile with each ca'.h 50 cents purchase. Ask for them. W. F. STIEGLITZ, PME 1508 MAIN STREET. COLUMBIA, S. C. 1 GROCERIES. | aa Start the New Year right and | let us furnish you with 13 G:rooe;:rie^, |S M . .... ^ 6JQ We carry one of tbe largest and most complete lines of these goods to be seen in this section of the country, ftflj and are determined that we will not be undersold, taking quality of goods iDto consideration. If it is* GROCEgg 1UE3 jou want, FANCY OS STAPLE, gg it will pay you to come to see us or write us for prices, 8 CHEWIM TOBACCOS. i We have an enormous stock of these goods to choose from, the popular brands, which are in such great 52IS demand ; the kind that gives solid comfort in cheering. Our prices od tobaccos are light, either by the plug or ?? StS C3 LORICK & LOWRANCE. ?? &9 (Incorporated.) CJBI |3 Columbia, S. C. |3 A HYMN 0F praise Si IP Of im?" elcomes our excellent PIANOS and SS\ /M ORGANS every time they are sounded. ,c^ 15?lv. f l!UJil)ER ST A3 IPS Are my long snit. I make any kinds except the bad ones. I lnrni>h a Nam" and an indelib.e pad lor marking linen lor 4(? cenis. 1 Lave some oiher good things. T. ILSOU O-IEEES, TYPEWRITERS, OFFICE SUPPLIES, ETC. i:s:? I JIAIX STKKET, - COLUMKIA, JS. C: ifT HJB WBBCXBMKBBaMJXiMKjMiMmatnmmm i C. M. EFIRD. F. E. Freeze. EFIRP & 9REHER, Attorneys at Law, LEXINGTGH, G. H., S. C. | j "nrriLL pbactice in all the J V Courts. Business solicited. One * uieruber 01 the firm will always be at office, \ Lexington, S. C. nne 17?6m. EDWARD L. ASBILL, Attorney at Law, A | LEESVILLE, S. 0. 1 Practices in all the Courts. } Business solicited. | Sept 30? 6m. I Albert M. Boozer, 1 Attorney at Law, ? 7 COLUMBIA, ft*. C. Especial attention given to business entrusted to bim by Lis lellow citizens ol Lexington county. Office: 1310 Main Street, upstairs, opposi e Van Metre's Furniture btore February 28 ?tl, ^ .J. II. FRICKj 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice in all the Courts. If Office: Hotel Marion, 4th room, second ;M lioor. CHAPIX. ------ S. C, V A#uast 6. ly. ANDREW CRAWFORD J ATTGRKEV AT LAW, 4 COLUMBIA, - - - - 8. C. J PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND 1 Federal Courts, and offers his profes- fl 3ional services to the citizens ot Lexington n County. 1 October 18?ly. WILLIAM W.HAWES, Attorney at Law, NEW BROOKLAND, - - - S. C. A Will Practice in all the Courts. Prompt ^ attention givtn to Collections. Business ^ soltcited. September 16?Cm. \ HimiHI HOTKEYS H lit, J Will Practice m all Courts9 1 KAUFMANS BUILDING, J LEXINGTON, S C H On the 18th day of October, we formed a co-partnership for the practice of law. We will be pleased to receive those having fj legal busine-s to be attended to at '-ur of- ^ tice in the Kanlmann building at a-, time. 'i Respectfully. J. Wm THURMOND, G. BELL TIMMERMaN, October'22, 2902.?ly. OR. c. J7 duverqY, E*E. EAR, xose TBiroat and Lungs, GUARANTEE Office and Residence, |f| FIT OF GLASSES 424 and 1426 Marion. St, ^ March 15?ly. COLUMBIA, S. C. * Dr>? P. H. Shealy, DENTIST, LEXINGTON, - S C. Jk Office Up Stairs in Roof's Building, | H. iU. lAHMJUI, New Brookland, S. C., A treat for the New Improved Singer Sew 4; ijig Machines. Awarded over fitiv prem- ^ iums for their excellence and superiority ( <>v