The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, March 02, 1904, Image 1

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f ) $ Representative Newspaper. So vers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Bounties Like a Blanket. VOL. XXXIV. LEXINGTON, S. C? WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904. 17. "W- B. M0ITCST02T, TIES., 2v?j*?2>T^L.<3rttEZ, ^ wao MAIN STREET, - -- -- -- - COLUMBIA, ?. C. Solicits a Share of Your Valued Patronage. Polite and Prompt Attention. October istf -weight Prices. j GRAND i 1 PREMIUM ?*l?. : * I Beautiful Presents i FOB YOU. j This store has no favorites, all peo- ' j pie are treated alike and we appre- . ciate a customer who buys very little | ' as well as the one who buys largely, j ( SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS ; We have at our store one thousand , premiums consisting of rocking j 1 chairs, parlor lamps, jardinieres,ftea ^ i sets, go carts. Umbrella stand, pic- 1 > tures. toilet sets, berry dishes, water i Pitchers, Waiters china celery dish- 1 es, brown glass tumblers and a beau i tiful assortment of Opalescent ware, ] consisting of rose j irs, salad trays, j jellv dishes cak? trays and various : other shapes in five colors Vviz: blue. i canary, flint, green and pink. ( HOW WE DO IT. To every customer whose pur- i chase amounts to Oue Dollar or more : will be given a ticket i n a sealed en- ! ' i velope. The above premiums will . be divided into ten lots or ten num- ' < bers. Customers will bo given choice j : ot premiums from the lot number correspoding with the tickets they i hold. You get your premium before j j you leave our store There will be j lots of money saved by wise folks. i SPOT CASH-XO APPS03 \T10X < ATT All SHOE MAN. | I 1* . ! | .?v 7 GULU3V?B1A,5.G. J Feb. 6?ly. DR. F. C. GILMORE, J ZDJEjSTTIST, ] Located at no. 1510 main steeet. over Husemann's Gun Store, Colum- ' bia, S. C.( where he will be glad to see his former as well as new patients. ' Dr. Gilmore will be at Kaminer Hotel in < Lexington on Tuesday* and Wednesday, . March 8th and 9th. to accommodate ' patients who find it inconvenient to call at , his Columbia office. January 23, 1901?tf. ' ( . OUR WAY ; THE GENTLE WAY. ' The feeling and the edges of the colla rs are respected, shirts are restored to their 3 owners free from the rip and tear that some laundries seem to think necessary, cuffs a- ) worn out as little as maybe. As I a result the linen last longer and done bet ter done at the LAURENS STEAV5 LAUNDRY. 1 LAUBEXS S. C. | DO YOU KN You can buy a ready made bait at the price a dress ma! make jnst a plain ordtna SUEELY CAN, for we wilJ sp! da\s our hue $10 Suits for : |fP Cheviot Suits which sold t $12.50, our bargain price fi half price. ?| DON'T YOU W, j|jj Sunday Silk Cap Bif buy it now from us a 60c., in pink, blue and whi from 2 to 5 years of age. iff WE ARE READY WITH Y ^ Wash and W< MTWA .TAMEST, T yjg - ? ? - X Dcpartmci ^ 1642, 1644 AND 1646 ^7 ' Court. The Common Pleas Court is still in session. I*, should baveopenBd on the 22ad, but that day beiDg a holiday nothing was done. Tuesday ' morning the jurors were present, but Judge Gary did not arrive until in the afternoon. The court was organized and the trial of a nurse bill af Mr3. Lizzie Wessinger against the I Bstate of Mrs. Harriet Seay for ?2,000, was called and the jury emnnn/vllni^ Tkn twinl nroo InnrttllT? Q n r? jaucucu. 1UC lillBI naa Jcuf;iuj nuu resulted in a verdict of $400 for the plaintiff rendered Friday morning. The next case tried was that of . Jacob M. Boone vs. Southern Railway Company for damages by fire. The jury assessed the damages at " mo. The next and last trial was Mrs. M. C. Nunamaker vs. Western Union relegraph Company for damages for ;he non-delivery of a telegram, at :his place, about two years ago. She was awarded $100 damages by the iury. The jury was discharged and Judge ^ 3rary returned to Columbia Friday afternoon. ; Monday morning the court was jailed at 10 o'clock and the jurors answered. Judge Gary was not on band and as the Clerk and Sheriff bad not heard from him, the court was held open until after the arrival of the mid day train. It was report- j ad on the streets that the Judge was in Columbia sick. Yesterday morn- ' ing he was on hand and the court regularly opened. The case of John T. Taylor vs. The Seaboard Air Line Railway was taken up. This is %n action for lamages for personal injury brought by Messrs. Nelson & Nelson, Sharpe and Graham. Messrs. Efird & Dreber and J. J. McMahan represented the lefense. The jury after being in the room nearly all night returned a ver* 3ict chis morning of - S2,000 for Mr. raylor. The first case taken up this morning was that of Dr. F. R. Geieer. of r> r? / Irmo, vs. S A. L. Railway brought by Graham & Martin and Nelson for damages in the sum of SI,950. McMahan and Efird & Dreher represents the Railway Company. , FRESH GARDEN SEED AT THE BAZAAR. I0W THAT I SK > Man-Tailored Ladies. ker will charge yon to try dress? YES, YOU I sell for the next ten 55.00 and oar Silk Lined he season through for /H or 10 day?, $6 25?jast m m 1ST A S2.00 jgj for the Baby? |jj W. t the Sacrifice Sale at yy ite. Will fit anv child 53s m :: a N OUR NEW GOODS IN ^ 1 aol Fabrics. J &FP COMPANY, $ Wi it Stove, m > MAIN STREET, & i Lsta Si GI H ?l Do You Want to Prosper in 1904? If so, you will visit THE FOUNTAIN CORNER MAIN AND RICHLAND STREETS, * Columbia, - - - S. C. FOR YOUR I)n Goods and Shoes. LADIES' Ready to Wear Hats a Specialty. We contracted for all our cotton goods when cotton was low. The Fountain, Corner Main and Bichland Streets, 30LTTMBIA, S. C. V7. D. BATES, Manager. AT SWANSEA, S. 0. I have a ?6,000 stock of goods and they must be reduced to ?3,000 within the NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Now in order to convince one and all I ask you to call and see that I mean just what I say, for instance : 22 yds. white homespun. '. *. $1.00 20 lbs. standard granulated sugar, .* $1.00 12 lbs. good green coffee. '. $1.00 LOO lbs. table salt '. '. '. 50c 1 boxes, 10c star lye, .' '. '. 25c Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, &c., to no end at and below cost. Come and be convinced. YOURS FOR SIXTY DAYS, S WA1TSEA, S. C. ^ I New Hoods! New Socle! || $ que mr whitten has been ransacking the north- ml ekn markets for the pa^t two weeks and fly jffl now we are offering new goods at ?/|j i BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS. | ljj$ Every train is bringing us New Goods of the Latest style for every fy1 I\{\ department, Every new fancy and lad conceivable by the styJe [jl fW purveyors. We have made a lleputation lor giving more tor evtry >|j[< JjW dollar spent at this store than any otner concern in this part of hb y.'A the State. We are going to emphasize this reputation by making \\\ Su/i prices unusually low. &!< rH MO ADVANCES HAVE BEEN PAiD flV M NONE WILL BE ASKED. $ flv> We plaie on sale the greatest 5 and 10 cent assortment ol j| EMBROIDERIES |j l/r> ever offered in this part of the State Our special sale of 10 and |//jl rJW 15 cents Kibbous have been the talk cl the entire community, pW {lift Hundreds of people are taking advantage of our Great sale of jfiv 1 PANTS AND CLOTHING. I The entire lot of S3000 must be sold to make room for Now /cl1 Gjods. Come and 100k whether you buy or not. JdV ||| Y0TJB3 FOE EED HOT BARGAINS, 1 1 WHITTEN'S:~ J Peak 2Te?/s. To the Editor of the Dispatch: .Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Balientine, of | White Rock, were in town last week. Mr. Henry Parr, of Newberry, spent last week in Peak. Messrs. Scott, Brigleton and Whitcomb, civil engineers from Boston, Maes , are here for a few weeks surveying for Mr. Henry Parr at his place on Broad River, a few miles above here. Miss Cora Dominick, of Newberry, spent a few days with friends here last week. The entertainment given by the ladies of the town in the school building last Wednesday night was a decided success from a financial, as well as a social standpoint. It was a very pleasant affair and netted a nice little sum for furniture for the school. Other entertainments of a similar nature will be given later and it is hoped that a library fund wili soon be started. Miss Yarborougb, of JenkiDSville, visited her sister, Mrs. J. H. Bushardt, last week. Miss Elizibeth Diminick went to her home in Newberry on Friday and Bpent a few days. Mr. W. H. Saber spent last week in Lexington attending court. He was on the jury. Mr. Will Hedgepath, Section Master, whose ankle was dislocated by a piece of timber failing on him last week at Bookman's, is still in the hospital in Columbia. Mrs. Betsey Setzler, an aged lady, is quite ill at her home in this place. Mr. aDd Mrs. James H. Hope, of Lexington, came over Saturday on a visit to the family of Mr. J. C. Swygert. Mr. Hope returned home on Sunday and Mrs. Hope will be here until Friday. Mr. Sturkie, of the Lexington Bar, was a visitor in town Saturday. Mr. A. B. BoDey and family left last week for Florida, where they will make their future home. Mr. Boney recently resigned his position of Section Master here. Dr. Ott, dentist of Ridgeway, is here for a few days on professional business. i Tko lurlioa nf ?Vip TVrisfiinriftrv So O. UU iMUiVU V VM W J V ciety of Mount Bermon Lutheran Nothing but Solid Le; Every Pair ( We have a larger stock than ever before. A We give a pair oi $3 50 shoes every Saturc ing lucky numbers, gi Colieu's SIi 1636 MAIN ST., < | church are observing this week as a f Week of Prayer and Self Denial. Mrs. Brooks Murdoch and Mrs. ! Sue Moss, of Columbia, are visiting | relatives here. ! Mr. J. B. Dsal, of Columbia, spent J Sunday in town. Mrs. Joe Shell is visiting relatives in Wbitmire?8. i Mr. Jesse Shealy spent Sunday at Pomaria. Dr. W. A. Dunn, of Pomaria, was in town on Monday. 1VTr Tioo P.nnnnr (.nfint Snnrlav at. ***... w V. J -home. Mr. Batler, of Carlih!<=?, is the new Section Master here. He is boarding with Mr. Bates Counts. Mr. John Mayer spent Sunday at Monticello. E. February 29, 1904 Dangers of Pneumonia. A cold at this time if neglected i3 liable to cause pneumonia which i3 so often fatal, and even when the patient has recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of consumption. Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and prevents pneuimnia. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. A Wealthy ftlan Dead. Mr. William T. Murtin, a prominent business man of Cjlumbia, died at his home in that city last Saturday afternoon after a week's illness with pneumonia. ? ? A - ? m rt n o o JJtir. 1U.&IULI UULLi'XiCUUCU Xlic no ca printer at which trade he worked for years, with his earnings he started a small store on Taylor street out of which business he made a success and became to be one of the wealthiest men in that city. At the time of hia death he was conducting a wholesale grocery store on Assembly street and did an exceedingly large business. He owned considerable real estate in this county among which were eeveral valuable plantations. He was a friend to many a poor man in this county who will sadly miss him. Easter falls on the 2nd day of April this year. Buy Your WINTER SHOES OF f COLUMBIA, S. C rther Shoes Sold and guaranteed. Coupon given with every 2i cents purchase, lay night until Christmas to parties holdDod when presented at loe Store, COLUMBIA, S. C.