The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, February 10, 1904. PENCIL AND SCISSOESWayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch RSan. Look out for a comic! Cold, rain, sleet and grow. Sunday is St. Valentine's day. Court will convene here Monday. See the Valentines at the Bazaar. Fewer gallons; wears longer; Devoe. We bad a heavy down pour of rain kBt Sanday night. Mr. Ned F. Bradford ie visiting io this place. Cotton is coming down tbe ladder very fast. Only 12? to 13 cents now. Freeh garden seed have just arrived at the Bazaar. Mr G F. Leitzsey, of Lower Fork, > called in to see us Monday. Call at the Bazaar and buy you a nice or comic valentine. \ I ! Miss Lidia Senn, of Swifzerneck, j is visiting Mrs. T. E. Campbell in town. The Republican Convention for this county will met at this place on ihe 17tb, inet. t Mrs. Estelle Biume, of Columbia is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs 4 Marlra in t.Hia nlamt If you enjoy a good smoke you will find fine cigars, pipes, and rooking tobacco at the Bazaar. Bev. J. L ^ay, the beloved pastor of Lexington Fork Circuit, was id town Monday and Tuesday. . Mr. Joe A Epting, one of the indisposables of Hilton, and a jovial fellow, made us a pleasant call last Saturday. Mrs. J. J. Litner, while in town Monday attending to other business, called at our office and renewed her paper. Bakers Bresd, fresh cakes and crackers, candies of all kind aDd froits, a!way8 at the Bazaar. Oa account of the legislative proceedings and other matter in type several communications are crowed oat of this issne. Brooks J. Wingard, who is pur suing studies at the S. C. College in Columbia, spent Sanday with his parents in this place. FOR SALE?One-six horse power j portable engine and boiler. For par-1 ticulars, apply to Lewie Hall, Lexington, S. C. 3wl4pd. The payment of one dollar road tax expires on the first day af March Those who wish to pay this tax had better attend to it in time. I Mr. J. A. Keisler, always prompt, did not forget the printer last Saturday while in town, but added a dollar to the press wheel. Walter Wise, the Barber, ask those who attend court that may want anything done in this work to give him a call. First class work guaranteed. Rev. Becj. Wessinger was in town Wednesday evening and made us a pleasant call. Be is an able young a j j -i UBYiue BUU vtsr^ pupuiariu u:s uuarge. The Sheriff has only one prieoner in jail, Gould, a white tramp, charged with breaking into the depot at PeiioD, robbing the money drawer, etc. Remember when you start from home for court next week to bring your dollar to the Dispatch. Those that don't come can send by their neighbors. Camp Steadman, No. 668, United Confederate Veterans, will be held at this place tomorrow, 11th inst. It is earnestly desired that a full attendance be present. When you go to the city of Columbia to purchase a wagon, buggy or anv vehicle, call on T. B. Auehtrv & Co. Tbey also will sell you farming implements at the right prices. Tax payers now pay two per cont. penalty. Next month, from 1st to 15th of March, they will pay seveD per cent. After the 15th books will be closed and executions issued. Miss Mary Lowman, returned to her home in the Fork yesterday. She has been attending the Palmetto Collegiate Institute for sometime, but on account of her failing eyes, she had to stop her studies, and return home. Capt. J. H Couats, one of Irmo's beet citizens, a good farmer and solid gentleman, called in to see us yesterday and paid for bis paper another year. Mr. T. Hayne Williams, the popular and clever merchant at Irene, was in town Wednesday, and dropped in to 86e us. We are glad Hayne is doing well as he deserves success. Mr. Wesley Crout, oDe of Boiling Spring's honest and upright citizens, remembered his obligation with the printer, and called in to see us last Wednesday. If you wish to secure a fine variety if Texas Red Ru3h Proof eeed Oats, call or send to T. B Aughtry & Co, Columbia. They have a car load but .1 ?11: : Jl? mey are seruug rapiuijr. Miss Bessie Corley, neice of Mr. W. P. Roof, has accepted a position as one of the dry good clerks in Mr. Roof's oommodious store and will be glad to serve her many friends in the future. j i Tannopoline, the great pile remedy ! cures all kinds of piles, and you can I hav8 your money back if not relieved. Try one can. Price one doilar. Murray Drug Co. It was our pleasure while at Brookland Saturday to enjoy the hospitality of Mr. Ed. Shuli and his kind lady. They have a comfortable home conveniently situated for the business of Mr. Sail. MrJas. Rickard, a natural born machinist, now with the Lexington Manufacturing Company, has made a - - ? ? i-1 cute little eDgiue, running reversals as well as forward. It is a gem and neat piece of mechanism. Horehound, Mullein and Tar re lieves that hoarseness and prevents an attack of LiGrippe and pneumonia. There is nothing like it. Large bottles only 25 cents. Murray Drug Co We regret to learn of the illness of our friend Mr. R. B. Hilier of Hilton. Bob is a clever fellow and a fine business man, and we trust he will soon be able to give bis personal attention to his extensive business. Prof. John E. Hood is now teaching at Easely, Pickens county, S. C, and is well pleased with his change. He begs to be remembered to the teachers of old Lexington and wishes them abundant success. Constable P. H. Corley last night lodged in jail Will Caswell, white, on a charge of assault and battery with high and aggravated nature, and in^nnl A kill An nno TI a r\ f t! c ? lliiUUV vi/ aiit) uu v/uu L/uuvxiivv Herron, of Irene. We are pleased to team that onr young friend Carl L. Sox has accepted a good position as bookkeeper and stenographer in the office of the Excelsior Knitting Mill at Union, S. C. Mr. J. D. Nunamaker, Mr. M. L Kinard e efficient book-keeper, and Mr. Ollin F. Nunamaker one of Uncle Sam's prompt mail servants, on Irmo R P.D, were in town yesterday looking after the Estate of Mr. I. H. Nunamaker deceased, and made us a very pleasant call. The case of the State vs. E. L. Asbiil for carrying concealed weapon and entry after notice; and T. C. Sturkie charged with entry after notice, was to have been heard by C. S- Bradford, Esq, yesterday, but the prosecutor failed to appear and the case was dismissed against these gentlemen. Pension Notice. The County Pension Board will meet again on the 22nd day of Febu ary next. All persons uavmg any claims will meet tb? Board on that day. S. M. Roof, Chairman. Feb. 1,1904. Notice. I HEREBY WARN ALL PERSONS NOT to hire or harbor Albert Kanidy's boys, as they have hired to iue lor this year, [190-1 ] JOHN P. CORLEY, February 8, 1901?4wpd. Notice. All persons indebted to the Estate of John T. Lowmau, deceased, will make settlement and those having demands against said Estate will file them properly attested for payment to the undersigned, on or before the 15th day of March, 1004. J. H. SHEALY, Administrator. February 8, 1004.?4wl7 ?utaS'4 Early Risers The famous little pills? I i J i The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. \\ roncr feeding is o o loss. Right feeding is profit. The un-to-datc farmer knows A what to feed his cows to fret o the most miik, ins pigs to get the most pork, his hens to .ret tlve most eggs. Science. .} oo J5lit how aboiu tUC Ciliicirc 11 . \ re tlicv fee! according to o science, a bone food if bones arc soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food; the Cod Liver Oil in it j makes flesh, blood and muscle, j the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard I scientific food for delicate | children. r Send for free ^Be sure that this picture iu |jfea KHl the form of a label is on the Jjsjteg^gjpP^ wrapper of every bottle of Scott&Bowne CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $1; all druggists. Several of our young gentleman and ladies took in the "Florodora'7 play in Columbia laet night. Your Stomach trouble has not been cured, is because jcu have been taking medicines that only alleviate the symptoms, giving only temporary relief. Try Siltcn's Life for the LiTSr aod Ki&neys, for a per maueut relief ana cure, m all disorders of the stomach, livfr and kidneys. CONSTIPATION, the great cause of ill-bealtb, is quickly relieved and soon cured by its use. It cures any irregularities of the kidneys, and by its regulating effect on the system gives vigor and strength to the body. When run down in health and need a medicine that will build you up, take Hilton's Life for tbe Liver and Kidneys. 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles. Sold wholesale by tbe Murray Drug Co, Columbia, S. C. For sale at the Bazaar, Lexington, S. C. Those Who Trade AT Leesville AND THOSE WHO SHOULD TEADE THEEE. Will watch this f-pice every week and tbey will learn the edvaniages. We handle Drugs and Standard Medicines of all kind. Perfumery and Toilet Articles, And a lot of things useful and necessary lor everybody. BUY OUE GARDEN SEEDS If yon wish satisfactory results. Stock all fresh and guaranteed. Call and see ns, and onr goods and prices will do the rest. . | Cresson Drug Co., Lcosvillc, S. C. Jan. 27?tf. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Court of Common Pleas. Harriet P. Koon, Cnry S. Koon, Henry F. Koon, Laura E. YVessinger. Hattie P. Hipp and J. Andrew Friek, Plaintiffs, vs. i T.->?T rvu,/-... T-k 1 rjiill'ftl JJ. J'11' A, u. niv-A, i i4i ttiv. ! Eulila Frick. Jolm G. Flick, Essie Blanche Flick, Ethel May Frick. J. Floyd Frick aud Lucius B. Frick, Defendants. To all and singular, the creditors of S. D. Koon, deceased: You are required by the order of Judge Ernest Gary, to lile with, and establish before the undersigned, all claims i against the Estate of S. D. Koon. deceased, forthwith, so that the same may be reported to the next Circuit Court, SAMUEL B. GEORGE, Sjiecial Referee. February 1, 100-1. ; Efird & Dreher, Attorneys. 2wM , G rego 3ry = K ii ! J We wisli you a perous New Yea you for valued i the past. We hoj ance of the same value for your mo We are now "wi and will begin bug Qfl Head of Hoi'! I A! 03 BUGGIES AN G regc > iryr 1115 PLAIN STBEE' February 14? ly. 0 CALL TO SEE US : J W. P.F .LiHiLlJN 1*1 I A GOOD | RESOLUTION M ?like a crying baby in churchbe carried out. p If you've been intending 1 m chase a new pair of shoes for tl Jr ?or tha o girl?don't delay any L g| Come while our assortm y styles and sizes remains unbrol TX7"^ oItttqttc opittv ma.nv St.vli VV t/ Ci?A V V u/J ' WV.U J. J. J J ? _ ^ _ ^ lots of them. jji Just now we have an extra y tity of styles?and more youn shoes than usual. & jj| There are prices to fit e ven etbook. and there's one pair oi iijji in particular that we wish you | THOMAS A. BOY! fV\om /M?I7T^P \ (U1TU61 Jl 5 i'UOi v>JC t'j.) H 1736 Main Street, Columbia, wWMW 7 7 3 ?a ,gl-^1ffl" "iTrespass Notice. jy0fj All persons are hereby notiiied not to linnt, fish, haul wood or trespass in any i LL FERSONS IN manner whatever, on our lands adjoining I J\_ Estate of T. W. each other with separate lands and the law j will make payment (n will he enforced again*! all trespassers. I March, JUiH. aud thoi Signed : ^ J acij kiu,i against said J. J Mailer, W. }{ Mailer, them properly attested M. L. Baker. (t herd Mailer, ! for payment. II L. MnlUr. .U C. G.igejr, i ' MRS. T. Levinia Geigor. Jan. 20?4vrl4 pe for a continu3 and guarantee ney. de open" for 1904 iiness with sesl Mules. QQ xEr Nffiy sD B WAGONS, 93 I [ "i i 0ci ]VIulc Co. r, COLUMBIA, S. C. BEFORE BUYING r i ^' i , 1 1 i tOOF. ? ON, S. C. 8 ! Wedding Presents! f ^ Chains, should fi Jewelry, ^ I "Watches, ;o pur- m Cut G-lass, latboy j? Sterling Silver, All the numerous articles suitable for pre*PTi*fc of* m ents ?*^nds, we now ^ave ^ trated by photographs direct from r :en. m the articles, in our catalogue of which we will be pleased es, and p to send you one on request. :jaj| We deliver all goods free by mail. express, or freight on all orders with <%> cash, ana guarantee satisfaction alwtty^. quan- m O-QlprQ' HI H. LACHICOTTE & COMPANY. to? 1424 Main Street, L COLUMBIA, - - - - S C. r pock- | : shoes to see ^ t * * | TYPEWRITER 3 HEADQUARTERS. $5j| If you hove a sick typewriter, S H <$- consult DR GIBEES. V T Cures Guaranteed. i If you want to buy a new CG* typewriter, or exchange your DEBTED TO THE one, consult Gibbes. Snminer, deceased, I lAIIS AAU PIDDTO or by the 1st day of J. WIL?UN UllllltO. je having claims oi na: _ _ 7 Estate, will pr-sent Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps, 1 to the nndeisigne i Office Furniture. "aSS.. 1334 Maia St. Columbia, S. C. . * I