The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, February 3, 1804. * * * The Dispatch Job Printing J ? Office id prepared to do any & J kind of printing at short notice. J * We guarantee work first class * * at reasonable prices. Give U3 % J a trial order. * * & ? $ $$ * * $ * * p o ry .-1 q r t IT?r?t An X' Ui oca id aw IIUC uatiaai ( jjcA.ugiwu) s c. Those Who Trade AT Leesvilie AND THOSE WHO SHOULD TRADE THERE, Will watch this ypace every week pnd tbey will Irarn thy advantages. We handle Drugs and Standard Medicines of all kind. Perfumery and Toilet Articles. And a lot of things useful and necessary tor everybody. BUT OUR GARDEN SEEDS If you wish satisfactory results. Stock ail treeh and guaranteed. Call and see us. and our goods and prices will do the rest. I Grosson Drug' Co., j Leesvilie, S. C. ! Jan. 27 ?tf. i | TYPEWRITER ! MFAnOliARTPRS. j llktri v \ +y 1115 PLAIN STEEE' Febrnary 11 ?ly. CALL TO SEE US: BUGGIES Wagon II mm W. F\ LEXOGTOiV, 1 A GOOD I RESOLUTION jp ?like a crying baby in clmrcli? be carried out. Ifif If you've been intending i chase a new pair of shoes for tl P ?or that girl?don't delay any 1 jjgjj Come while our assortm y styles and sizes remains unbrol $$ We always carry many styl JR lots of them. p Just now we have an extra y tity of styles?and more youn w shoes than usual. y There are prices to fit ever ^ etbook, and there's one pair oi jfj in particular that we wish you | THOMAS A. 150 Yi (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE.) p 1736 Main Street, Columbia, Notice. Not ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO 4 LL PERSONS IN A the Estate of Miss Christina Cor- 11 Jwtatr of Mrs. ley, deceased. will make payment and ceased, will make } those havinjr demands against said Es- having demands a$*i?: rate will iile them projxTly attested tor die them properly at' pavmenf within thirty days from date, within thirty days fr with. GEO. W. COR LEY. JR.. GEO. Executor. | January ] '. IWL?lwlu. j January L\ 1901. ea Mu le Oo. happy and pros- < ir and to thank > J )atronage of the >e for a continu3 and guarantee ney. de open" for 1904 dness with T'flll Af>( 0^ Helmut?*. ?j|j a D WAGONS, 93 1 ea Mule Co. flj r, COLUMBIA, S. C. H BEFORE BUYING? ? m wm m m w?a ? ROOF, ^ 1 ^^83 U/nrlri inn DhaaahIa f M M&JPj | Tfcuumy iiuaciua; M should ^ j Rings, V P | Chains, * :o pur- P Jewelry, latboy ?j J Watches, m onger. W \ Cut Glass, m ent of ^ i Sterling Silver, w :en. m \ K I All the numerous articles suitable for pres- V| es, and m i ents oi all kinds, we now have illos- il|g| trated by photographs direct from Wjj the articles, in our catalogue of 3 o -n which we will be pleased qUail- to send you one on request. 1| , i We deliver all goods free by mail, .gSt6rS express, or lreight cn all orders with W& CAS^' a guarantee satisfaction always. r v./->oV ^ I5- H. L.ACHICOTTE & COMPANY, f pOCK- 1424 Main Street, f shoes <$i COLUMBIA, - - - . S. C, to see. ^ 3*1 NTE, 1 # STATS OF SOUTH CAEOLIHA, s. c. t COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. jF, W. Shehane. Plaintiff vs. Andre* ErHliry* 1>ofemiant" ' Magistrate Court?Summons. To the defendant in the above entitled j /ip cause of action : ' ~XT OU AltE HEREBY SUMMONED AND iDEBTED TO THE X rtqnired to answer the complaint in Nancy t'orloy, do- this action, of which a copy has been filed uivim'nt and those with the Magistrate at New Brookland, S. ink said Estate will C.. aud if yon Jail to answer the complaint rested for payment within five d iys the plaintiff will apply to rlntf whh the Court for the renef demanded in the- * M ('()RT FY complaint. F. W. iSHEIIANE, Plaintiff. Executor. Now BrookUnd, S. C., Dec. 22, lOOJ. -4wK5. Ow-lU.