fBB[fcarelessness. Cure that case of Consti^^B^^ /nf pation and Indigestion ere it's chronic. Try V^H\ . 1( 1 AND tonic Pellets?a remedy that assistsJJSjgJ ^ For sale by C. E. Corley, G. M. HarmaD, KaufmaDD Drug Co, and W. I P. Roof, LexingtoD, S. C. i ^ * ~ wt ~ ~ * ~ * ^ * *r ~ 88 Q 55 5g ! CllI Mil UK. Alfred J. Fox. THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN i ZTTI " I i Columbia. ! Life and Fire k OITED STATES. STATE. CITY AND COUNTY , i depository. , Insurance a,nd i Saving's department, ????? _ ? Paid up Capital ... $200, %0 ' Real Estate * Snrplus Profits - 70. OOP J j* Liability of Stockholders - 20O.0CC j 1 L $470,000 I AfJGITt, Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cam i 9 per annum, payable May 1st and Novem- , T CS P ber 1st W. A. CLARK. President. i JjCXIIlg uOIl, Q. V-/ WilieJonbs. Vice President and Cashier. t . . December 4?lv. ! Only First Class Companies Repre LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK. | i business better cattention; uo one can DEPOSITS KECEIYED SUBJECT TO | give you better protection; no one can I CHECK. ! give you better rates. __ _ i Prompt alld careful attention given f W. P. ROOF, Oasmer. t<> bnj.^ and w||jllg K(.a, Estate_ DIRECTORS: , both town and country properties. Allen Jones, W. P. Roof, C. M. Efird | : Correspondence respectful v.solicited. - R. Hilton. James E, Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. 1 - Deposits of $1 and upwards received and If mAir f n I ./>? 1? interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, lUUIIttf IV JjUclIU payable April and October. "\\TE ARE PREPARED TO NEGOTb September 21?tf VV ar i loans promptly i*> sums of S30C > > i ? ..?.j l^?,i . ana upw&ra* uu impruvcu laiuiui^ iUUN ID PARKER'S Lexington oonty. LoDg time arid ea?} HAIR BALSAM terms. No commissions. Borrower pay* ^laiSSnf"gSJrth!*** actual exxjenses ot preparation o< papers. Hover Fails to Be store Gray THOMAS ?fc GIBKES. Hair to its Mouthful Color. n * Cures scalp diseases Jt hair failing. OCiUHlOltt, S. O, goc.?nd'd Kidney Curp, which I recommend to all, especially trainmen who are usually itiular afllicted The ivory plant has recently been discovered in California, but the nut it produces in its wild state is of . 1 3 II t. 1_ _ cmenor quaiuy auu win uot uiaae good buttons. The navy department recently decided to try open air treatment for consumptives, and a camp has been established for this purpose near Pensacola, Fla Stop It. A Deglected cough or cold may lead to serious bronchial or lung troubles. Don't take chances when Foley's Honey and Tar affords perfect security from serious effects of a cold. The Kaufmann Drug Co. Generally it is the man that leaves rubbish on the sidewalk to trip up people that damns the railroads for their lack of consideration for the, public. A girl is always sure she is having a good time when two men ask her 1 to go out aDd she goes with the one she dosen'c want to go with to make the other odo mad. A child of ten years should weigh sixty-six and one-half pounds, having a height of fifty-two inches and a chest measurement of tweaty-six inches. Many Children are Sickly. I Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Coildren, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, break up colds in 24 houre, cures Feverishness, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders, and Destroy Worms. At all druggist, 25c. Sample mailed free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. 12 - ? When lovers sit in blissful silence it may be owning to' the fact that there isn't room between them to get a word in edgeways. In 1861 the total amount of American steel produced was 653,164 tone, while last year it was 18,821 307 tons ?the greatest amount ever produced by aDy one country. Waves travel faster than the wind which causes them, and in the Bay of Biscay frequently, during the autumn and winter in calm weather, a heavy sea gets up and rolls in on the coast twenty- four hours before the gale which causes it arrives, and of which it is the prelude. A Vest-Pocket Doctor. ' ' A. L1 - I ? in ever in me way, no iruuuic tu carry, easy to take, pleasant and never failing in results are De Witt's Little Early Risers. A vial of these little pills in the vest-pocket is a certain guarantee against the headache, biliousness, torpid liver and all I of the ills resultiog from constipation. They tonic and strengthen the liver. Sold by all druggist. An Indian out West broke in and ; robbed a postofSce of a few hundred dollars and he was sent to the penitentiary for a good term. In Washington the gang robbed the postcflice ! of nearly a million dollars, but none | of them are in jail. The Indian j | committed robbery, but the Wash- j ! ington gang gave an exhibition in I "high finance." There need be no ups and downs ! to travel. Good roads is the remedy. I , Uive us good roaas. A Life at Stake. i If you but knew the splendid merit ! of Foley's Honey and Tar you would | never be without it. A dose or two i will prevent an attack of pneumonia I or la grippe. It may save ycur life The Kaufmann Drug Co. cm atm8n Dr. T. A. Slocum, the G-reat Chemist and Specialist Will Send Free, to the_AfilictpH. Fnnr T.srp-p Sa.rrmlps of His Newlv Discovered. Remedies to cure Consumption and all Throat, Chest and Lung Troubles. Nothing could be fairer, more philanthropic or carry more joy to the afflicted, than this otter. Confident that he lias discovered ail absolute cure for consumption and all pulmonary complaints, and to make its great merits known, lie will send his Complete Treatment, embracing four large samples, to any reader who may be suffering from coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchial, throat and lung troubles or consumption. Already this "New Scientific Course of Treatment" lias pvrmaneiitly cured thousands of apparently hojieless cases. There will be 110 mistake in sending?tin* mistake will be in overlooking the generous invitation. Free to AIL To obtain these FOUR FREE PREPARATIONS that have never yet failed to cure, all you have to do is to write Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, 98 Pine Street New York, giving full postoffice and express address. The four FREE remedies will then bo sent you at once, direct from laboratories, wit h full instructions for use in every case. 4wlM. I nun Pit I son I UUn S"ALL AND Willi Ml SHOES I j I i is now ready for our Lexington Friends to inspect. We know that we have ' i jast the kind they want. We were v<-ry careful in having this season's goods made. 'I hey have SOLID INNER and OUTER SOLES and GENUINE LEATHER COUNTERS. They can't help from giving good wear. j PRICES REASONABLE. [ E. F. & F. A. DAVIS, 1710 KAIN STHEET, f . j COLUMBIA, - - - S. C. { 1 jt SOUTH MoDl MH WORKS -mw A tr mx orr /"1 ?" fi*TTl r t hS 4^ l/U/ lUiiill 3 1.) CJ. V HThe Largest Ketail MARBLE AND GRANITE Dealers South. We use the best grade material in manufacturing Monuments and Headstone* ami guarantee oar work and fiinish to be the best. When you hear a man complaining that he can buy so much cheaper from some little fellow who is anxious to sell anything, you can put it down that he will get ch?ap stock, cheap work, and ol course a cheap job. We can compete with any fair dealer 1 in thi* country, but we cannot say we wall sell as cheap as some as we do not care IRON I WIRE FENCING, GRAVE LOT COPNG, ETC, for pale. Write to ua or see our ME. P. B. EDWAEDS, LEXINGTON, S. C. and we will eee that you are treated fair.j SOUTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS. September 144?tf I'THE^HOME^BANKrI KM (INCORPORATED.) m LEXINGTON, S. C. ?] i MIES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, $ ||g CAPITAL, 8:50,000. Mi (]jS Safety deposit boxes for rent. Interest paid ou savings deposits. Mr) jlw Fire proof safe and vault. Burglar insurance. Bonded $}{ J officers. Yonr account solicited. $K W F.W.OSWALD. GEO. BELL TIM MERMAN. ALFRED J. FOX. ($] ?]K President. Vice President. Cashier. tf\) ilk DIRECTORS*: \u F. W. OSWALD ALFRED J FOX. J E KAUFMANN. i/A\ JW GEO BELL TIMMERMAN, E. W. RuBERTboN, H L. OSWALD WIS | tn .o?l ?! pi? Migie in, JL in reference to the assessment and Uxa- l r wtuntil*\r n tion of property the Auditor or his a-sis- i LEXINGTON, S. C. taut, vill be and attend the following J LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AMD CLASSfnamed places for the purpose of receiving 1 o?. pniipoc tax returns for the fiscal year 11W4, and in j l/UUnot. I order to meet the next appointnnDt the j NLXT SESSION OPEiSS SEPTEMBER 7 j hour will clot-e at 11 in the morniug and at 1 -,T , 4 o'clock in the afternoon: taxpayers will I ^?cal and Instrumental Music, therefore, be prompt in meeting the ap- j Blocutton. ; pointments so as not to cause delay. ; College TrtiD' d Teachers. Tax payers will please come prepared to | .>00 1? , j . ' 0 ' give the name of their township ami mm- 2J3 S,Wdeott Eoroted last Wm. J ber of school"district wherein they reside: j Lxpenses per bession cOO to bSU. ?,.Tinrr Hill. Wednesday evehing, Jan. 27 I S?Lid for Catalogue to I Mrs. Busby's. Thursday morn'g, Jan. 2S O. JL) I Bdlletitine, Thursday evening, Jan. 28. p ' , lrnjo, Friday all day. January 2'b T . on ,(iAO * 11DCiPaij Robert Hook's. Satnrdav morn'g. -Tan 30 July - J, lJUo. Ab Hendrix's Store, Monday morning, front's Store. Monday evening, Feb. 1 CHICHESTER'S ERCLfSH E. H A.idy'a. Tuesday morniug. Feb. 2. jqp'e.rwpx***dp**s a a %>. u ^ G. F. Kei?ler's. Tnesdav evening, Feb 2. S^p W SIP til c 011 a V LexingtoD, C. H.. Ftb/;. 0* "xfrfW p Irene, Saturday evening, Feb 13 All other da\s not included above at ^ I L. W *,f Lexington, C. H.. to the 20th of February, G?? l^4, ly aft .r whu-kVinie the 50 per cent, penally *. ?Jj> I A MH..h|.. , a.H?. n-,?pirt for I will b:- added aecorning iu nt*. , Ages snhject to poll Ux 21 to (30 years, 2!?Vd ?*"* *?**** ,K4M| *:*1 ^ *