The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 16, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, December 16, 1903. Indos to New Advertisements. Cierk's Sales?Saml. B. George. Mortgage Sale?Walter Senn. Shoes?M. R. Hartley & Co. New Shoe Score?Thos. A. Boyne. For Sale?Lee Muller. Trespass Notice?Stack and Metz. Trespass Notice?G. D. Franklow. i Sale?Mrs. J A. Muller. Holiday Pressats. Remember The Kaufmann Drug Company for Xmas Presents. ' The Markets. The following is yesterday's quotathia marbefc whif?.h 1R MUUO OAUCpv buio ? today's for turpentine and cotton at the places named: MIDDLING COTTON: Augusta, 12? Charleston, 12. Columbia, 12. v Lexington, *11J to 12. Turpentine?Savannah, 56. Wanted. ' Persimmon, Dogwood, Hickory, and Holly Ljgs. Freight paid on carload. James Cockshott, Cnarles7 ton, S. C 14. t A * Masonic Notice. < There wiil be an extra meeting of Pomaria Lodge, No. 151, A. F. M., in \T iannl/1 JTa li D bU UC UOiVi IU 1U t^UUlVJ UKU) iuuuvivj night, 28-h December, convened to confer the W. M. degree. Jno C. S*ygert, W. M. % Death. Mr. Mike Sligh, formerly of Boiling Springe eeotion, but for the past month, resided at the factory here, died last night after several weeks illness. His remains were buried in the cemetery here today. Fruit Cake Ingredients. Ladies, remember that you will . find your fruit cake ingredients, icing % sugar, sugar plums, etc , for making and decorating your nice Christmas or wedding cakes, at the Bazaar This is a specialty with us and you ; can get ail the ideas by asking. ? Christmas Tree. There well be a Coristmas tree at Smith Branch school bouse, Black Creek, on Thursday, Christmas Eve. Exercises will begin at 1 o'clock The public is cordially invited to at* ? ? tend. Start in Clear. Every one should settle their dues they owe before ihe new year begins and we would be-pleased to have all of ? our delinquents call or send the amount they are due U3 for subscription before the new year of 19GI. It not sooner. /* , , / I A G-ood Souse. Mr. Jacob Roberts has "jiDed' the "Knights of the Grip'' and was in town Monday soliciting orders for the well known, old reliable and pop alar house of Lorick & Lowracce, j Columbia. From his pleasant smiles be muBt have met with success and will "call again." Property Fouad. Two bales of cotton recovered from CoDgaree river during the spring and shortly after the breaking of Paoolet Mill dam. Any party or | parties having claim to this property j are requested to communicate with, j ..rT m 11 r? _ iir> "JtL. IV?I>OX OO, 6pd New Brookland, b. C. ! Married. On December 13tb, 1903, at the residence of the brides father, Mr. Calvin Ballington, Mr. Ber j F. Harman and Mies Ella Ballington, Rev. A. R. Taylor officiating. On December 13th, 1903, at the home of the bride's grand-mother, Mrs. Ann Wingard, Mr. George Barman and Miss Annie Clark by Rev. A. R. Taylor. ^ v . r? L i r\no l T> un l^eoemoer i?kd, ivuo, vy jlvbv. N. S. Younginer, Mr. John A. M6etz and Miss Hafctie Coogler, of near # Irmo, this county. Buy your CbriBtmas presents of furniture at Maxwell & Taylor's, Columbia, S.. C. They bave a pretty t v ?tock of everything you need. Methodist Appointments. Tbe following are the Methodist appointments of most interest to our readers: Pinopolis, in Charleston District, W. E. Barre. Greenwood and Abbeville mills, J. M Lawson; Kinarde, J N. Wright; Bath, I. N Stone; Batesburg, E. E. Hodges; Columbia?Washington St., M. L Carlisle; Main St., W. I. Hefl( bert; Green St, B. S. Truesdals; Granby aDd Richland, VV. J. snyaer; Brookland, W. S. Henry; Leesville. W. B Justuf; Lewiedale, J. E. Strickland; Lexington, 0. N. Rountree; Lexington Fork, J. L. Ray; Columbia Female College, W. W. Daniel, preeident; Johnsville, W. M. HardeD; Dillion station and mills, J. D. Croufc and J M. G^equc; Waccamaw, Allen McFarland; Bamberg, M. W. Hook; Swansea, G W. Dakee; Gaffney? Buford street, J. M Steadman; Spaitanburg?Central, E O. Watson; Southern Curistian Advocate, W. R. RichardsoD, editor, G. W. Waddel), assistant editor; Jefferson, Saml. D Bailey. Happy Marriage. The marriage of Miss Emmie Fox, daughter of Mr. John J. Fox, and Dr James J Wicgard, son of Hon. S P Wmgard, all of our towD, on the 8 h inet/int, mentioned in our last is^ue, was a most pleasant occasion. The ceremony took place at the old homestead the residence of the hnd#-'? narpnfr. in the nreaence of a ? t ' r -- few of their nearest friends and relatives. The pailor and reception rooms were handsomely decorated with southern smilax, ferns and palms/ The beautiful and accomplished youDg1 bride was gowned in a stylish traveling suit of castor cloth, with hat to match. Rev. E. Toland Eodges, formerly Presiding Elder of the church of which the bride is a member, united the happy couple. After the ceremony, an elegant repast was served Immediately after (he bride and groom left on the north bound train for. Washington and Baltimore They will make Lexington their future home, where Mrs. Wingard as Miss Emmie Fox, was one of our most popttlar youDg ladies and Dr Wingard is a well known and prominent physician. Death of 0. Cromwell Able. We were grieved to learn of the ' ? ' ? J */T_ A A tragic aeam or our irienu air. Able, of Leesville, who was killed by the down traio, almost in front of his residence, on Sunday afternoon abjut 6 o'clock. Mr. Able was a promiuent j citizen of Leesvtlle, having lived there ! for years> He was actively and successfully engaged in the mercautile business. He wal about fifty years ol5 and leaves a large family connection and a host of friends to mourn bis untimely death. Among the latter class the Editor numbers himself. It has been our privilege vto know him for years and we shall j miss his pleasant greeting when we shall again be permitted to visit our sister city Leesville. To those of his family we extend the sympathy of the Dispatch and we trust that the soother of ail troubled souls will give consolation to this grief stricken family. Slightly Injured. Mr. Eugene Hiller, the eldest son ? t> r? tt. 11 _ ? Tr.ii. oi ii?r. x>. x> xiuier, ox xxihuxj, uue Dight Inst week accidentally bad bis left hand badly injured by the explosion of his gun.' Mr. Walter Eieazer, of Spring Hill, met with a similar accident while out buntiDg rabbits, about the same time, shooting himself in the wri6fc and shoulder. Both of these jouog men are clever boys and we are glad to learn that they are doing very well. 2Tew Shoe Store. Thomas A. Boyne, a well experiienced man in the shoe business has opened a new shoe store in Columbia, opposite the post office, and invites the people of Lexington county to call and see him when in the city. He has a new and up-to-date stock I <%n/4 /)or>nnt Ka ofr?o]inrl in nrinoa T , - To Cu I Take Laxative Broi 3 Seven Mfifios boxes sold in post 12 n Letter to W. P. Poof. Lexington, S. C. Dear Sir: Do you want to seil Devoe lead and-zmc for your town and eountn? The whole doctrine ol it turns on thtse three points: | (1) It is all paint aDd true paint; (2) It is the strongest paint: (3) It is lull measure. Because it is all paint, true paint, pro- | portioned lor strength and lull-measure, (1) It takes least lor a job; (2) Looks best all the time: (3) Last longest; (4) Gathers the trade, s.nd holds customers. There is no such argument for any other paint: there is no other such paint; there is nothing but talk for any other paint Devoe is the paint, if yon want tho facts on your side. The coontry is full of experiences to bear cn your trade, if you sell Devoe. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co.. New York. Mr. J. C. Shealy and his daughter were in town Monday. While Mr. Shealy was attending to business bis daughter was shopping. They paid our office a pleasant call. 1 In order to cut of Shoes we are ] tions in prices of ] Children's Shoes. BARGA aOTIIIK, HITS I c Lexingt< K HEADQUARTERS FOf | Under |g| for Men, Women x All wool, wool i p cotton garment ||| drawers for mer i All wool, wool H cotton, fleeced P knit garments ^ drawers for mei ^ Wool and cot1 ^ pants for wome: m for women. Mi if dren's "Oneita" & all wool Balmc pi Underskirts. L m Sweaters, red, jH and black. ^ Money saved i p We save yon m< | 1ST- -A-. IT ^ 1603 Main Street, I |jj COLUMBIA, re a Cold in On< no Quinine Tablets. ^ t Kmths. This signature, ^ '* The Old Reliable, in Prices and Quality. Drugs that are pure, tlresb and properly made, and are guaranteed. Years 01 experience assure it. ZF-iLlLTTS J&.1T2D OILS. Anything iu the Drug line. See my line ot Tooth Brushes. T. W. KINARD, The Licensed Druggist, LEESVJLLE, - - S. 0. Trespass Notice. j Notice is hereby given that all persons | are notified not to hunt or trespass in any ! manner whatever upon the lands of the undersigned. The law will positively be enforced pgainst all violating this notice. Geo S iSwyfert, Rebecca Bickley, J. K. Swygert. Jno. A. Dreher, Job A Swygert, B.L. Dreher, J B Hyler, H. R. Dreher, J. L Shuler, J. W. Dreher, Catherine Jumper. Tbos. S. Shuler. December 8, 1903.?4w8pd | FOLIYSKIDNIYCUM Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right 0 % Shoes! 0?f down our stock . cnaking big reduc- j Men, Women and INS IN in IHNIWHL ) on, S. C. L EVERYTHING IN g wear I and Children. ||| leeced, heavy M i s in shirts and jp fleeced. heavv & ribbed and H = , shirts and ^ ion shirts and :<& a. Union Suits m C sses and chil- % brand. Ladies ^ irals. Outing |g , .adies all wool white, navy M t is money made. S [ pt7 I i7 * 2W 'OTT3STG-, 1 over's Old Stand, ^ s. c, U u _________________________________ ti bhhhhhhhh^ tl s Day 1 <77/ & on every 1 /rj?yrvtsi**> box. 25c. I We extend to all our friends and patrons this Happy Greeting. WE Also invite all to come to our store and look through our stock of HOLIDAY G-OODS. We have lots of nice goods suitable for presents. mttn it i tthi r i i t~i t t\ t\ tt aj /m r\ ii euiAi nit, i, LEHIira-TOlT, s. c. 3. C. Able. John P. Able. ABLE & ABLE, LEESV1LLE, 8. O. nov nnnnc unnnuc cnnm um ouuuoj raununoj onucoi FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Tinware and Woodenware, Etc. iVe carry an elegant line of Fine Dress Goods and Domestics. A select variety of Notions, such as Trimmings, Buttons, Laces. Erabroidies, Ribbons, EjgiDgs, Ef.c. Childrens' Clothing and Gents' Pants that will please all. Men and boys Hats. OUR STOCK )f Fancy and Staple Groceries will compare with any one. Nellie King and ether grades of best Flour, that can't be beat in quality and price. We buy Cotton, Cotton Seed, Cross Ties and Country Produce. 30ME TO SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL OR BUY. Dec. 2, 1903?3m. 7 The Centre of Fashion *U ^ou^ Carolina. CLOTHING, HATS, UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, NECKWEAR. FANCY VESTS. UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, SUIT CASES. all from the most reliably and fashionu^le houses in New York City, Philadelphia. tn Jy ? S^Sj^ts ^frtfflflrl R6l Baltimore and Chtawo. Men's Single and Double Breasted Worsted fe'Pt^-S Suits, 88.50. 87,50, 88.50, 810.00. I Men's Fancy Worsted, Cheviot and Black II i'/. ^Sfi r^ :y\ y.n'fo 41.1 nn li.) r.n *4>.i- iv? ' I I uulli,? "w.wi v 1-../V iu g^Aw, ppjyfci I l'|| m Men's Prince Albert and Fall Dress Suits at Iwws I ? Hid riglu pri!es' jisMjf ffiZjjf & ?/?*,,.* V^w Large line Fine Black and Gray Overcoats. !W K/ rm 50, $10.00, $15.00, $18.50. M fey hTu n ' For the beys, Ages 3 to 16, Jgr Bftf | it\2 Prmceton JPL* * . :/ n?P9. We have a great line of Nobby Suits: $2.50, :$?? .?4's %.fe?EJT ^ ^ tj ciJr,3-1 $4.00, $5.00, $6.50. M. L. IilIV^L>J.l>, the Old Beliahle Clothier, COLUMBIA, S. C. SAVING yr~t Combination that^will Open WEALTH. I jggjlferA Vhy not start an account with us and place |'|jj ^ I your money whero it will increase steadih? ! w ;gjjfiIr We pay 4 per cent, interest in our ij f |gj|g\ Savings Department, j ^ \ mifiiFiii go., COLUMBIA, 8. C. Wm. H. IYLES. President. JULIUS H. WALKER, V. President J. P. MATTHEWS, Secretary. July 15?ly Notice. j A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY POSI- 1 TeSpaSS JNOtlCe. tively forbidden to trespass upon the mds of the undersigned by hunting or I LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOTIrespassing in any manner whatever. The i\. tied not to trespass upon the lands of tw wid be enforced against all violating the undersigned by hunting, day or night, lis notice. fishing, takiDg wood or in any manner H J Miller, G- F Miller, whatever, as the law will be strictly enforcMarshall Clemens, W. F. Roof, ed against all persons trespassing upon Noah Taylor, P W Shealy, said premises. G. A. Shealy, A. J. tshealy, R. N. Senn, M. R. Marchant, R. S Shealy, J. L. Shealy. Harris W. Shnll, I. M. Mathias. November 30?4w7pd. November 20 -4w7pd. v