The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, November 4, 1903. * * Index to ITew Advertisements. Rex Plastere-The Kaufmann Drug Company. When in Columbia?The James L. Tapp Company. For Rent?Mrs. Ber j. Rawl. Land for Sale?Dr. J. F. Mitchell. x Notice Trespassers?J. E. Corley. j Wanted. Persimmon, Dogwood, Hickory, and Holly Logs. Freight paid on carload. James Cockshott, Charleston. S. C. 14. * The Markets. The following is yesterday's quotations except this market which is y today's for turpentine and cotton at the places named: Turpentine?Savannah, 56. MIDDLING COTTON. Augusta, 10. Charleston, 10. LexiogtoD, 9J. * Wanted to Buy. Mr. P. H. Corley announces to the public that he will pay the highest market prices for chickens, turkeys, eggs etc. Tax Collection Light. County Treasurer Shealy informs us that the tax collection up to this L time is lighter than for many years past. No doubt they are awaiting his pleasant countenance at the various collecting points in the county. Meet him promptly. i ' Firs. ^ IKof Ml. { )y y UttVt? UCCU 1U>U1111CU uuau UA4 James W. Eargle, Jr., son of our old friend George A Eargle, near Peak, bad the misfortune to lose his dwelling and contents Tuesday of last week about 12 o'clock. The cause is unknown. We trust his neighbors v ' will assist him in replacing his loss. Osen Wanted. Three yokes of good oxen, to weigh about twelve hundred pounds each, from four to seven years old Write xte at Lexington, S. 0., and name prices, &o. 1 A. B. Meetze. An Accident. We regret to learn that Mr. Ward^ law Kneece, of Batesburg, was very seriously hurt Monday, being run over by a loaded freight car. Mr. Kneece was pushing a car heavily loaded with wood along the track and when he attempted to stop it be was jerked under the car, the wheels ^ passing over both legs. Death. ' ' We are pained to Dote that Mrs J. B. Wiogard found her mother Mrs. S. F. Hutchenson, of Drakes Branch, Ya, dead before she reached her. She was a grand old mother of Israel of eighty eight years. Her many deeds of kindness will long be remembered in her community. She was of high and honored descendents, being a cousin of Senator John M Daniels of Yra. She now rests in peace. - / K / . , Thousand Churches In the United States have used the the Longman & Martinez Pure * Paints. Every church will be given a liberal quantitv whenever they paint. Don't pay $i 50 a gallon for Lin- 1 seed oil (worth 60 cent*) which you do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. 8 and 6 make 14, therefore when you want fourteen g. one of paint, boy only eight gallons of L. & M, and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it. You need only four gallons of L. & M. paint, and three gallons of oil mixed therewith to paint a good sized house. ? - ? j ?.'it n ilOU8<*S paiDiea wua lueso patu?-B never grow shabby, even after 18 * yaaie. These celebrated paints are eold | by W. P. ROOF, 8?34 LexingtoD, S. C. < Uetting of S. C. Synod. The Evangelical Lutheran S^nod | of South Carolina will meet, D. Y , in ics seventy-ninth annual convention id St. phui h church, Columbia, S. C, \ Wednesday before the third Sunday in November, 1903, at 8 o'clock, p. m. j The following is the program of j special speakers: 1. On Education? j Rev. M. G. G. Scberer or Rev. H. A McCullough. 2 On Missions?Rev. W. L Saab rock or Rev. W. A. Luiz. 8. On Ordination?Rev. M. M Kinard ?-? _ TT7 A n w..n ! Of rvev. yt. a. v>. jyiuiict ratte have bt?sn secured. S C Balleutine, Sec'j. Whi'a Rook, 8. C. Our correspondents will please us by letting a? fctve a aeiraj com muni cation from than. i t v, ?????a?????? "Wateree Bipples. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The health of this community is good at this writing, with the exception of colds. Mr. Jas. Eargle had the mis| fortune of loosing bis dwelling by | fire and also a few of his outhouses. | The fireis supposed to have caught ! from the stove flue. Mr. Willie Rister, a student of Newberry college has been home a few days on the sick list, but we are glad to state at this writing, he has returned to his studies. Cotton pickiug is about over and the yeaid is small. ~ " ?-- xi Sowing emeu gram is tut- pnuuipcn work of io day. The most of our hoys have taken in the county, and State fair and also the circus Mr 0. P. Clark and Dr. J. W. Eargle took a trip to Columbia last Thursday on business. Mr. O. P. Clark found on one vine j three red and one white potatoes I and the strangest about it wss a red and a white grew from the same stem. The Rev. Mr. S. P. Koon and Miss Maggie Fulmer were united in holy matrimony last Thursday mcrning at the home of the brides father. Mr. John Amick, our champion hunter has been catchiDg some hoe slick tails this season. The fairs are over and Lexington's fair is not far behind the State fair, is the belief of. Rutty Rufus. Oct. 31th, 1903. Programme of Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of South Carolina, which meets in Columbia. November 8th: Sunday morning, Sermon by Pastor C. A. Freed. AffcernooD: Children's Hour; address by Mrs. C. E. Weltner; exercise?local society. Evening: Address of welcome by Mrs. Charles Cronenberg; response, Mrs. Kate Eargle; address by Rev. S. C. JBallentine. Monday morning: Consecration service led by Mrs. Kreps; formal opening of convention; business; discussioD: Literature?conducted by Mrs. Kate Eargle; paper by Mrs. Alworden, subject, "Bringing in the Tithes". Afternoon: Devotional exercises; business; Letters from Home Missionaries, conducted by Mrs. Kreps; brief addresses by Rev. W. H. Greever and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cronk. Evening: Paper by Mrs. Dingelhoef; address by Rev. W. L Seabrook. Tuesday morning: Bible Read ing, subject, "God's Call," conducted by Mrs. M. Sophia Habenicht; busi -- -ar 1 r\.._ \T "D? 1 ? nes?; discussion: uur xuuu^ x eupxo, led by Rev. C. E. Wdtner; missionary erercise, illustrating a local missionary meeting. Afternoon: Devotional exercise?; business; election of officers; talk by Mrs. Peery; Letters from Oar Foreign Field. Evening: Address by Dr. Peery; formal closing of convention. NOTICE TO DELEGATES. All delegate* to the Woman's Missionarv Convention will please Dotify Miss Amelia Habenicht, Columbia, S C, as early as possible as to date and time of arrival. The Committee. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York. Cure FeverishnesB, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all druggists, 25c. Sample Free. Address Allen S Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. 4 > ? It was our pleasure to enjoy a very interesting chat with our "baby" Congressman, last Friday. And bythe-by, be may be properly termed the baby in size and form, but bis able and active work in the Halls of Congress and outside in the interest of bis constituents, sizes bim up well with any of bis portly colleagues in [ Congress. The county ehaingang under tbe supervision of captain J. ?T. Bickley bas been at work on the Devil backbone and McNary Ferry road for the i past ten days. They are now on tbe Lewiedale and Holly's Ferry road near tbe late Thorns. Draft's place where they will remain for a week or ten days. Mr I. W. Hutto of Swansea came > np Friday to take bis aon, who is a ! student at tbe Palmetto Collegiate I Institute, home to spend Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Hutto who is one of the most successful farmers of his section, while here made us a pleasant call. rr^7o"o I Take laxative Brc Saves MSBes bene aoM fa peat 12 P ^?he> The Centre of Fashion H? j|tv ,.-. two. $7.50, $10.00, $15.00, $18.50, 10 > PrmJon^ F0t ti9 b'7S' AseS 310 1S' -' Mnibh mmi| We have a great line of Nobby Suits: $2. 50, " : $4 00, $5.00, $6.50. M. L. KIiVARl>, the Old. Reliable Clothier*, COLUMBIA, S. C. 1HAAKM UliS MS Now is Your Time! We have the biggest and best stock of Furniture we have ever yet got together. THE VERY BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Solid Oak Bed Boom Suite, $13,50, worth $16.00. Solid Oak Chairs lor 50 cents, worth 65c. ?. a . i An pa a a j aa 11_ ^ a nr? a. ? a*r r A. Solid uaK jBedsteaus, ^^.ou 10 ?i.yo. wor-a ?o u" vu ?< ou i Solid Oak Rockers from SI.00 op $6.00. Besi Quality Rted Rockers, $2 50 to $7.50 each. BLACK OAK STOVES, THE BEST KNOWN. ANY SIZE AND PRICE, ORGANS. TRUNKS, PARLOR GOODS, SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, SHADES, LACE CURTAINS, SAFES, TABLES, LOUNGES, and everything that goes into a home to make it complete at pr oes that you can't beat. COME TO SEE TTS. Maxwell & Taylor, POST OFFICE BLOCK. COLUMBIA, - - S. C. DBS. D. L. BOOZER & SOUS ] KMTOT8,]j|fo if A *TVT fifwn wmm 1010 JGLAJLTt amriM, COLUMBIA, ft. O. ?PHONE 23Q. The Old Reliable, I Trespass Notice. in Prices and Quality. Drugs that are * PKE60NS ARE HEREBY POSpure, flresh and properly made, and tre jl^L forbidden to trespoBH upon the guaranteed, "iearaof experienceassure it. ,, Jftods of tfce undersigned Dy burning or FAJXTTS TO OILS. | * *u? j1""111" J", >* . ?'1! l*i r'trwiilv .?; forced against all who violate Anything in the Drug line. See my line of thin n.-in-e. Tooth Brushes. J. H. 00UNT8, i-T iv v i^k I H NUKAMAKER. .1 . - 1^ I IV I > , A. L. LBITNEE. Tlie Licen-uni Diuo?ist i NUNAMAKER, iUe iiicenfUHi uiuoc>i8.,, TOi>, ^ k'UNAMAKER. ap M ? ? /"> _i ?K? Ol 1OOQ jlw-1 LSESVILiXhtt, - - o. v. ? UCI J-UCi it1 , Jiivu. mi, ore a Cold in One Day mo Q^mmeTaHets.^ &/? ^*5*1 iBBths, Tt?s signature,ww?-PQib33C? J tTHE BEST PLASTER Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthama, Backache and all ACHES AND PAINS. Made after special formula by the V master Best Plaster'Makers in the World. On Your Chest ^Everybody knows that a Porous'? For sale by Sj-sSSS; the wmm drug REX is the best Porous Plaster.^ v flA HPi VIV &,Try it i^The attachment will be liU 111 il?i IJ ' S^Sfor SALE.BY / LEXINGTON, S. C. WHEN YOU PASS THROUGH BATESBURG CALL ON J. C. GLOVER, Where you will always find in stock a full and complete line of seasonable goods in great prolusion. His line of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps Hardware Crockeryware, Groceries, Etc., is complete and his prices will compare favorable with any first class business house in town. In addition to his line of General Merchandise he carries a nice line of I COFFINS AND CASKETS, ranging in prices from $5.00 up to $50 00. Orders in this line attendeded to at any hour of the night. He also makes a specialty of ordering Class JeTxrelx37-,-;:C^-^ from one of the best houses in New York. If you want a ring of any kind for your best girl do not fail to eive him your order. There is nothing that has a tendency to make a woman mad than a poor pair of scissors. Now. if yours are no good go to i. C. Glover's Store and buy a pair of the celebrated Claass Make. Every pair fully warranted for one year. September 9.?lOw. COLUMBIA COME TO SEE ^?5 CJWe are headquarters for a great many goods that. you0O 8JQ require, need and buy and can save you money. We ?j|BARGAINS IN GROCERlES.|j ?5flour, bacon, sugar, coffee,?73 ea meal, salt, lard, grist, canned ?3 69 goods, etc. (ft) iBMGAfflSmiAEDWARE.i JJJgPlowe, Sweeps, WiDgs, Nails, Grass Blades, Barb Wire.jjX BB Builders' Materials, Etc. C9 yy We offer Bargains in Stock Feed, Com, Oats, Hay,^JjJ Sj?We offer Bargains in Paints, and have in stock a mostSK elegant assortment of well known brands. We sell 2^ 1 CP a paint worth $1.50 per gallon for $1 00. C3 G3We offer Bargains in Fruit Jars. Pints, Quarts andJJQ Half Gallons. Fruit Jar Tops, Extra Rubbers, yR Jelly Glasses and Wax Top Cans. JjjJ SS| TURNIP SEEDS, the kind that grows. Large stock.SfSF CC^Fresh goods at prices away down. Now is the time toJIEJ C70buy. When in Columbia come to see us. CfJfl A9IBiaiB9 A AflBBSSfc A BBAIHI 09 pn & SScclVLxao/bia,, - - - S. C.SS NEW YORK RACKET STOBE BATE8BIRG, 8. C. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. "We are pleased to announce that our New Fall and Winter Stock for every department is the most complete we have ever shown. Never before have we been enabled to marshal out such a host of sterling values. Both our large storee are bubbling over with bargains. We are always on tne hunt for bargains and bargains are always on the hunt lor us. This season we have had a happy meeting. Won't yoa come and enjoy it with nai Price is the most potent and powerful argument on earth We make the price so low that it is utterly impossible lor any store to cut under ns without losing money. There is no need for extra frills of language, high sounding words or redundant sentences to express the genuineness of the bargains we are offering, Come and see lor yourself. No misrepresentations, no misstatements. You money back if you want it. Our time against yours if you care to look. A Few Prices to Give an Idea. Best Vinegar, 2oc.: Good Molasses, 10c.: Finest New Orleans Syrup, 33c. Potted Ham, 3e? Shredded Cocoannt, 3c.; Corned Beet, 10c.; Fine Pickles, 7c. to 25c., Box 10c.: Lye, 6c ; Pork and Beans, can. 8c.: Tomato Catsup, 7c.; Spice, 15c.: Cloves, 25c.: Condensed Milk, 7c,; Fairy Soap, 4c.: Tar Soap, 3c,; Duke's Mixture, 4c ; Celluloid Starch, 4c ; Gee Whizz Soap. 4c : Machine Oil. 4c.: Lamp 1 Burners. 5c ; Lamp Chimneys. 4 to 5c.; Stove Polish. 8c.: Padlocks, 4 to 15c ; Siding Spurs, 9c.; Brooms, 10 to 25c.: Wooden Buckets,,15c.; Cedar Buckets, 20c.; Galvanized Backets, 20e ; I Seivee. 4 to 7c ; Turpentine. Laudanum. Paragoric, etc., per bottle; Liver Medicine, 15c,; Dr. King's Eoyal Germeteur. SI size. 08c ; 2>c. Worm Lozengers, 18c.; 25c, Borax, 18c ; 500 Tacks, 6c., Shoe Polish, 8c ; Ladies' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. 5c..; Men's 10c.; Combination Stationery Package. 4c.jJTowels. 4c. up to 50c;; Ink. 3c.; Mucilege, 3c : Envelopes, JU packs lor &.x\ mese Kre oniy a lew 01 me nargams coai we are o?fftr;cg Oi>aje to see us when in Batesburg and inppect oar good3 and learn our prices. Shoes! Shoes!! Infants' Soft Sole, 20c ; iAdiea' Pocha*. 05c.; Ladies' DongoJa. solid leather insole aed ' outsole, 95e.; worth $1.50; K,ing Bee, $3 50; Mad's Shoe. $2 48: Men's Kip English Tie... $1. worth $1.2o: 56-inch Ladies' Cloth, 38 1 8; HeaTj Sheeting, jarfl wide, oo,