The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 04, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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The Lexington Dispatch Wednesday, November 4,1903. Political Issues. The coming Fall elections are im/T_ portaDt as showing the drift of public opinion on political issues, and especially how the voters of the states in which elections are held view the erratic course of the Republican administration. If the Republicans hold their own, it must be taken for granted that. the majority of the voters of the United States are satisfied to continue the extortion of the .1 TV 1i I trusts. Jtsy endorsing tne xiepuoncans, the voters will sanction the program that the leaders of their party have agreed upon, of allowing Congress to take no action other than to pass the appropriation bills and adjourn at the earliest day practicable. That would mean the transcontinental railroads have sufficient influence with the Bepublican leaders to prevent the building of the Panama or Nicaragua Canal; That no action will be taken upon treaties which President McKinley so ardently wish ed to see ratified; That the muchagitated labor legislation is again to be postponed, and that the promises . made in the Bepublican platform are again to be broken; That no investigation of the frauds in the departments is to bs undertaken; That the financial legislation that has been de ? ?o clared so necessary to prevent a panic will not be attempted, and that Secretary Shaw can continue to loan the surplus, without interest, to favored banks and continue to disobey the law for the protection of the Uaited States by receiving doubtful security in phce of United States bonds, which the law plainly commands. Why is this Republican administration afraid to legislate on these and other matters? Being in league with the trusts and combines, they dare not legislate against them. They < fear the people. Chambarlaia's Cough Remedy. No one who is acquainted with its good qualit ies can be surprised at the great popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It not only cures colds and grip effectually and permanently, but prevents these diseases * from resulting in pneumonia. It 13 alBO a certain cure for croup. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this remedy is given. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. It is also pleasant to take. When all of these facts are taken into consideration it is not surprising that people in foreign 1 lands, as well as at home, esteem this remedy very highly and very few are willing*to take any other after having once used; it. For sale by The Kaufmanp Drug Company. ||^^JEscaped Assassination. Tiflis, Russian Trans-Caucasia,Oct. 28.?Prince Galitzin, governor general of the Caucasus, bad a narrow escape from assassination yesterday on the outskirts of the town. Three natives stabbed him thrice and fled, but werefsubsequently shot down by CossackB. The prince was driving with his wife. He is popular, because of the interest he takes in the inhabitants. Indignation over the outrage is great. He attended a reception after his wounds were dressed. It is stated that Ex-Governor Crane, of Massachusetts, is likely to be Mark Hanna's successor to the Chairmanship of the Republican national committee next year. While waiting on a customer in his store, in Greenwood, on Thursday night, Mr. W. B. League dropped dead. Mr. League was 65 years of age and heart failure was the cause of his death. Cures Winter Cough. J. E Gover, 101 N. Main street, Ottawa, Kan., writes: "Every fall it has been my wife's trouble to catch ajsevere cold, and therefore to cough all winter loner. Last fall I got her a bottle of Horehound Syrup. She used it and has been able to sleep Boundly all night. Whenever the cough troubles her, two or three doses stops the cough, and she is able to be up and well." 25c, 50c, 81.00. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Company. Missd Pickles. A man's religion in the shop is worth two in the church. Selling goods is only a ein when a man sets his soul out on the counter. A bride is highly prized, yet she is given away. It's easier to make a tool of a dull man than a sharps one. The heart without the offering is better than the offering without the heart. MEY$HONEY >TAR tops tho cougH and Heals lungs The man who thinks his wife is blind to his faults is entitled to another think. Once there was a pretty woman nr?f Irnnw if,, hnf shfl was in a picture book. Foley's HoDey and Tar cures coughs and colds and prevents pneu- ^ monia. Take no substitutes. The Kaufmann Drug Co. It is easy to discourage a man who realizes that he gets all the troubles in sight. ] Many things may be preserved in ] alcohol, bub law and order are not on the list. ' No danger of consumption if you * use Foley's Honey and Tar to cure that stubborn cough. The Kauf- : mann Drug Co. I Shrewdness enables a man to 1 catch on and wisdom enables them 1 * to iet go." 1 CoDgress will be asked for over $100,000,000 for the navy by Secretary Moody. If troubled with a weak digestion ^ try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver i Tablets. They will do you good. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. 1 Women are fond of bargains, yet a cheap man is never popular with the fair sex. True happiness consists in the pursuit of a thing rather than the ( oafflioronf The woman who knows how to } manage a man also knows how to < keep him from knowing how she ] does it. ; Ramon's Relief is a cure for Neuralgia, Toothache, Cramps and the like that we can recommend to ail 1 our customers. Try a 25 cent bottle. Some people look so intently at the dark clouds of life that they are unfitted to stand the bright sunshine * of success when it comes. Both plague and cholera are raging at Pei-tang, North China, where 2,000 deaths have occurred during the last two months. ' Does your system need toning up? , Is your blood tainted, digestive , organs weak, or the bowels irregular? , Ramon's Tonic Regulator gives better results in such troubles than any medicine we ever handled. Large 1 tin box 25 cents. ] The trial of James H. Tillman, Bays The Orangeburg Patriot, seems to * have been transferred from the bench to the pulpit ^ As the result of the attempt of three officers to arrest three negroeB at Glassport, Pa., last week a constable and one of the negroes were shot ' and killed. I Have you Rheumatism? Stiff Joints? Sore Muscles? An old sore, a burn, bruise or any tlesh wound? Ramon's Nerve and Bone Oil cures i such afflictions. Remember the name ?Ramon's; 25 cents. The report of the Postoffice Department Auditor showed postal ' transactions in the last year of more than a billion dollars; the deficit was ( 1 A i A A A A A A more man $4,uuu,uuu. Over in Georgia a negro gave up his eon to the authorities, who had been convicted and sentenced to death. Then he claimed the reward of $150 offered for the capture. Dieting Invites Disease. To cure Dyspepsia or indigestion it is no longer necessary to live on milk and toast. Starvation produces such weakness that the whole system becomeB an easy prey to disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to 1 i nil ^ ^ aiiu ooomiuato e?ii ui biic wholesome food that one cares to eat, and it is a never failing cure for indigestion, Dyspepsia and all stom- 1 ach troubles. Kodol digests what you eat?makes the stomach sweet. Sold by all druggists. A curious day's happenings at HutchisoD, Kas., was an invasion of thousands of grasshoppers. The following morniDg they had disappeared, where none knew or cared. A telegram from Columbus, Ga, to the Augusta Chronicle says fifty persons have been dropped from the rolls of the Broad Street Methodist church because they lauea to pay anythmg. A majority of the school board of the State of Kansas are women. They were elected on the issue of the right of teachers to CGurt and be courted. Cures Chills and Fever. G. W. Wnrt, Nacogodohea, Texas, Bays: "His daughter bad chills and fever for three years; he could not find anything that would help her till he used Herbine. His wife will not keep bouse without it, and cannot say too much for it." 50c. Sold by The KaufmaDn Drug Co. It used to be asked by a young man seeking a wife: "Is she accomplished and pretty and entertaining?' Now the question: "Is she industri3us and can she cook and milk aDd do general housework?" The only thiDg that makes a wife madder than for her husband to want to know all about another man's photograph, which she has had for a long time, is for him not to care a rap about it. Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost Fatal attack nf whooninc coueh and k- o o bronchitis,'' writes Mrs. W. K. Havi[and, of Armonk, N. Y, "but, when ill other remedies failed, we saved ber life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who bad Congumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well" Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other cnediciLe on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and 81.00 bottles guaranteed by Kaufmann Drug Co. A New York church that keeps 9ilence respecting its wealth in the Dutch Collegiate, which is reputed to bave an income from investments of ?400,000 a year. Trinity Church has in income from its investments of over Si,00,000 per annum. Bronchitis for 20 Years. Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, [11., writes: "I had bronchitis for twenty years and never got relief until I used Foley's Honey and Tar which is a sure cure." The Kaufmann Drug Co. The ice in Greenland is melting more rapidly than it is formed. Comparison of the descriptions of the Jacobshaven glacier shows that its 3dge has receded eight miles since I860, and it has lost twenty to thirty feet in depth. "Watch the Sidneys" "When they are affected, life is in Sanger," says Dr. Abernethy, the great English physician. Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys. The Kaufmann Drug Co. One hundred and fifty-three whales were blown ashore on Newfoundland one night recently during a gale, rhe big creatures were unable to get out of the shallo.. water, and the fisher people killed them with axes and spears. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box 25c. The son of a Philadelphia millionaire has mysteriously disappeared in the mountains of West Virginia and it is supposed he was kidnapped by mountaineers. A reward of $25,000 has been offered for the recovery of the boy and over a thousand men are searching for him. i ? * You Know What Yon Arg Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Women as Well as Men I i Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the r.iind. discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor I <f. . and cheerfulness soon j C*Q disappear when the kidne^s arc out ot* orc*er cr diseased. - Kidney trouble has ' : become so- prevalent U ^ *s no* uncommon // f?r a child to be born /%' afflicted with weak hidneys. If ihs child urinates too often, if the ! urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child i reaches-an age when it should be able to ! control the passage, it is yet afflicted with } bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of ihe difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of | ihese important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miserable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sola , by druggists, in fifty- .i cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Homo of Swainp-Root. ing all about it, including many of the } thousands cf testimonial letters received ; from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer | & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and t mention this paper. SEWiNS MACHINES! Wheeler & Wilson; No. 9 BALL BEARING Marvplously Light Running and Noisless. (a No. 300 spool cotton thread for a belt will run it). One-third faster; one third easier than any sbnttle machine. bave about ONE SAY IN THREE. A GRE V.T "FAVORITE WITH DRF.: S MAKERS.' AND B 3COM IN G MORE FOfULA Vt ALL THE TIME VETIMIH ETAl! ill IHPIlftlN ALbUbLO iVU it lib JLibULIUJi REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. WORK GUARANTEED. ATTACHMENTS, SHUTTLES, ETC. In bringing Machines to be repaired it is only necessary to bring the head?Leave tte table at home unless it needs repairing toe. sDRdAPJS. High Grade Parrand Organs. Before 3 on bay call and see rue. J. EL ISO! MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C Aprii ], 1903. 3m DeWitt's O Salve For Piles, Burns, Sores. i Thousands Saved By | SIR. KING'S EW OiSCOIiERYi g This wonderful medicine posi-S | lively cures Consumption, Coughs I | Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu-j gmcnia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La-B I Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, B I Croup and Whooping Cough. 8 |Every britle guaranteed. Noi gCure. No Pay. Price 50c.$1.0 B Trial bottle free. I FOLEWHONKMAR Cures Colds; Prevents Pneunonla KODOL digests what you eat' KODOL cleanses, purifies, strengthen? and sweetens the stomach. KODOL cures indigestion, dyspepsia, and all stomach and bowei trouDles. KODOL accelerates the action of the gas?? trie glands and gives tone to the digestive organs. KODOL relieves an overworked stomach of all nervous strain gives to the heart a full, free and untrammeled action, nourishes the nervous system and feeds the brain. KODOL is the wonderful remedy that is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by giving to their bodies ail of the nourishment that is contained in the food they eat. I Bottie3 only, 51.00 Size holdln? 254 the trial size, which seiis for 50c. b j i p r n.u/TTT 0 pfl phipika rrcpiroB vuiy aj l. v.. wcniu ?t wv?, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS When writing mention the Dispatch. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PSLLS ?' Safe. Always reliable. Ladles. ask Druggist for CHH'HBMTER"* E>'<?MS!I ia Red and (iold metallic oox^s, sealed with blue ribbon. Take no other. Refuae daiiKeroun anb?-tltuiiuntunrt imitation*. Huy of your Druggist, or send 4c. in stamps for Particular*. Teat'monial* a i.l - Relief for Ludie*." iaW by return .Tlali. 10,000 Testimonials. Isold all Druggists. CHICHE3TER CHEMICAL CO. 3200 ffladiaon Square, Flit FA. ^ Mention thla s&cer. ] r?> ?yi^inn/Bwi niiTA^TTr^if um^aonu.i^fwfwiin^. I Alfred J. Fox J Life and Fire in in i wmmtmammm I | i Insurance and ! Real Estate ?mmmaommamm?mmm wmmom ?m > ? ! ? mvm | Agent, j: Lexington, B.O;j ? ? I Only First Class Companies Repre- I son ted. a . . Jdv companies are popular, strong (and reliable. No one can give your business better attention; no one can \ give y--u better protection; no one can | give you better rates. Prompt and careful attention given to buying and selling Real Estate, i | both town and country properties, j 'JurrespondeDce respecttulysolicited. i i t 1 Money to Loan. WE ARE PREPARED TO NEGOTI ate loans promptly ie sums of $30 ind upwards on improved farming lands ii Lexington county. Lorg time and eas; terms. No commissions. Borrower pay ictual expenses ol' preparation 01 papers. THOMAS & GIBBES. Columbia, S. 0, HAM ? B Bp SB ?TWO HXJNDREI J& KgJ 9 Sn a 9 young: men am flSa BuE h 9H SJS ^a<:lies *? WW ir^IW! 8 Sob 0ES/ for naying posi uons. If you are interested, write us fo :>ur handsome illustrated catalog. [BE LANIER SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE MACON, GA. November 19, 190-2?ly, HAiRRLALSAM CleiZKei fciid beuaiifics the hsir. IjKlilfever^Faila^o Eestore Gray Hair to its youthful Color. Cure a scalp diseases & liairialling. Iff = " ' ? RUMMER -)f? THE fl^TEi THE OH THE SUMI | J8JUTHERH ^ff&LWAY w.A.T-JKK. ^ r' Pass. Traffic Mg WASHINGTON. D. ?^4IsiiAi AIR LINE NQRTH-SOUT Two Daily Pullman Vfestil south Arsr First-Oass ilii The Best Rates and Roi Richmond and IN"or*folk and Steamei I vme, iviempnis Louis. Cliicag-o All PoiDts South and Sou and Jacksonvilh (la and Cuba. Positively the SI NORTH A UafFor detailed inforinati reservations, &c., apply to Air Line Railway or Passenger Agent, Columb CHARLES F. STEW/ SAVAN MALONES N OPPOSITE 1235 MAIN, ST., P'l^XTOS JL1 Uay 15?ly. iiiitm- b?i1ti w i i ! ! ii in mwmmn iwimtwinn Willi ?S,i wills, LEXINGTON, S. C. LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL COURSE. | j NEXT SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 7. J t Too*! Instrumental Music. ) j h ! -ration. ) | C 11-1_:?-Trained TeHeber;. j j Mudruis Er.roiieo L?i.*t Se--*on. i j Expense pt.-r Session SGo u> $Si-. 5 ; Send lor Catalogue to 0. D. SEAY, Principal. J j July 29, 1903. 1 an nil bank, THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN COLUMBIA. UNITED STATES. STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY. Saving's Department. Paid up Capital - $200,000 ~ Snrplns Profits . 70,000 Liability of Stockholders - 200,000 $470,000 Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent. D per annum, payable May 1st and Novem2 ber 1st W. A. CLARK, President. y W ilie J ones, Vice President and Cashier. 8 December 4?ly. > LESION fflIB Mi. i 7 - DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO r CHECK. W. P. ROOF, Casliier. DIRECTORS: Allen Jones, W. P. Roof. C. M. Efird, R. Hilton. James E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $i and upwards received and ! interest at fi net* ner amirm altrrarAd payable April and October. September 21?tf LINE FOR BUSINESS, LINE FOR PLEASURE, j LINE FOR ALL THE BEST ? 4BR RESORTS yy-i. aw???a? ??BEB??gPO nplete Summer Resort Folder iled Free to Any Addreo. S. H. HARDWICK, W. H. TAYLOB. j. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Asst. Cen'l Pass. Agt. C. WASHINGTON D.C. ATLANTA, GA. SOARD I 7 R A TT.W A V H-EAST- WEST.j 3ule Limited Trains Between ^ > new york. ilng Car Service | ite to all Eastern Cities Via j; Washington, or via :s to Atlanta , ]>' asli5, Louisville. fcSt. ] , IV ew Orleans, and | thwest?to H avannah a and all points in Fior*i- "i lortest Line Between ;i jvi> south. 1 on, rates, schedules, Pullman : any agent of The Seaboard ? to J. J. Puller, Travelling | ia, 8. C. j| IRT, Asst. G. Pass. Agt.| IV AII, GA. I L HYMN )F PRAISE 'elcomes our excellent PIANOS sad RCANS every time fcfaey are sounded, 'e aon't mean to say that our instruenta are the only good oDea in the world, it we do mean that they are unsurpassed id give great satisfaction. You know e pleasure music gives to every one. rite us for catalogues and prices. 1 rl rpco IUSIC HOUSE, V. 11. C. A., COLUMBIA, S. C. flTD OEG-AUS,