% The Lexington Dispatch V " Wednesday, September 2,1903. The "Way to Look at It. Editors of newspapers published in large cities can eifc in their offices surrounded by a great population and write editorials condemning the lynching of black brutes who assault white women, but as the Crowfordville Democrat puts it, the fact is they do not understand or appreciate the condition in the rural districts of W innp or-irl rtonoVitprfl IliC DUUIJU> ?I 1TI7Q -IM.U are forced daily to go about their homes unprotected while fathers and brothers are awsy in the fields toiling for there daily bread. The trifling, impude scoundrel steals up to the unprotected home and with his polluted touch despoils the sacredness of a once happy home. And to attempt to wipe out such a crime by the life of the fiend by strong hands is one of the first duties of southern manhood. Yes, we say it with out hesitation and with full knowledge of the meaning of these words, that ? the brute should be given no quarter ?and when he has paid the penalty, placard his dirty carcass with the sworn face that Uthus shall the sacredness of our homes be protected against fiend3 incarnated." Preachers * may preach and writers may waste till the end of time, but the inevitable truth remains that just so long as tteoonlfc nrmfinrifi insfc SO lonpr will HOeuutuw WM ?- w j ? ? CJ lyncbings prevail. The virtue of one pure white girl is worth more to human kind than all the lives of the black brutes who have lived since the world began. In writing what we have about this matter we want it distinfcly understood that it is not through "race prejudice." We have the utmost respect for the law-abiding and energetic colored man. We hope to be of service to him in bettering his condition. He is here through no fault of his, and we would ever assist him in being happier and more contented with his lot. . V.' A Purgative Pleasure. If you ever took DeWitt's Little Early Risers for biliousness or constipation you know what a purgative pleasure is. These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without producing unpleasant effects. They do not gripe, sicken or weaken, but give tone and strength to the tissues and organs involved. W. H. Howell, of Houston, Tex., says "No better pill can be used than Little Early Risers for constipation, sick headache, etc." Sold by all druggists. Some "Bill Arp" Stories. ?- ? r??i.:? r?:.,? tu reruns uives oi\ciuu ui uic uivai Humorist. In the "Kings of Platform and Pulpit" Eli Perkins writes the following breezy introduction, rehearsing some interesting stories of Bill Arp in presenting one of his lectures: The whole life of Bill Arp has been humorous and no man will stop work quicker and more cheerfully than he to hear a good joke. When I asked him one day if he really ever killed many Yankees, he said: "Well, I don't want to boast about myself, but I killed about as many of them as they did of me." Speaking of pensions one day, Mr. Arp said every Yankee soldier ought to have a pension. "But they were not all injured in the army, were they?" I asked. "Yes, they all did so much hard lying about us poor rebels that they strained their consciences." Bill Arp tells of an occurrence in New York when he came here to lecture in Chickering hall. He said he was standing on the step9 of the Astor House one afternoon with a friend, when a man with a decidedly military bearing hobbled up. He greeted my friend as be passed. "That's a fine soldierly looking chap," I said. "Yes; he's a veteran?Colonel Jones, of the G. A. R." "Did he lose his leg on the battle field?" 4kYes; at Gettysburg." 44Ah! Repelling Pickett's charge, I suppose.'' "Nc; a monument fell on it." They tell this story in Rome, Ga., about the major. They say that in the summer of 1863 Bill Arp was in the Richmond hospital. The hospital was crowded with sick and drjiDg soldiers, and the Richmond ladies visited it daily, carrying with them delicacies of every kind, and did all they could to cheer and comfort the suffering. On one occasion a pretty miss of sixteen was distributing fbwersvand speaking gentle words of encouragement to those around her, when she overheard a soldier exclaim, "Oh, my Lord !" It was JBili Arp. Stepping to his bedside to rebuke him for his profanity, she remarked: "Didn't I hear you call upon the name of the Lord? I am one of his i daughters. Is theie anything I can j ask Him for yon?" Looking up into her bright, sweet face, Bill replied: "I don't know but you could do something for me if I wasn't married." "Well," said she, "what is ilf > KaisiDg his eyes to hers and extending his hand, be said: "As you are a daughter of the Lord, if I wasn't married, I'd get you to ask Him if He wouldn't make me Hisson-in-law." Major Andrews, a Yankee captain, was telling some jolly rebs in Georgia about his experience at Bull Run. "The only time that I ever really felt ashamed in my life was in that Bull Run battle," said the major. "My horse fell under me, and I was obliged to ride an army mule during the rest of the engagement, and he finally carried me clear into the rebel lines." "Yes, I remember the incident well," said Bill Arp, who was standing by, "I found that mule, with a XJ. S. brand on him the next day after the battle." "You did, reall}?" said the msjor, ott cvrtosifinnr fr? ho pnrrnhnrat'fid JJOLUAJ w \j wv vw?* ? bo promptly. "Where did you find him?" asked the major. Bill saw that there was no door wide open ae he replied, "Stone dead behind a rail fence." "Shot?" "Nc; mortification." Bsautiful Women. Piump cheeks, flushed with the soft glow of health and a pure complexion, make all. women beautiful. Take a small dose of Herbine after each meal; it will prevent constipation and help digest what you have eaten. 50c. Mrs. Wm. M. Stroud, Midlothian, Texas, writes, May 31, 1901: "We have used Herbine in our family for eight years, and found it the best we ever used for constins tion, bilious fever and malaria." Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Has Entered Suit. J. E. "White, a citizen of Columbia, has entered suit against the county of Lexington for $100 damages which he claims to have received while riding along a road in Lexington county. "White in his complaint alleges that he was riding in tlie rear of a wagon with his feet haging over the back. There was a Btump about 18 inches ' high which the wagon passed over all right, but which caught Mr. White on the ankle, breaking some of the bones." If Lexington county has stumps 18 inches high in the middle of her roads, sue must have almost as bad roads as are in Newberr^ r county. The suit is a very good argument for good roads.?Newberry Herald and News. A Precaution. "What did you do with that letter that was on my tablet" asked a man of the colored boy who dusts his office. "I tuck it to de post office, sah, and put it in de hole." "What did you do that for t Diden't you see there was no address on the envelope?" "I saw there was no writing on de 'velope, but I lowed yew did dat on purposs, so'a I couldn't tell who yer was writin' to./?New York Tribune. Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy. I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for more than twenty years - - > i - : l: . r. ? t: SIIU U I-ab glYtLl eunrti HtlUBlttUUUIJ. I have sold a pile of it and can recommend it highly.?Joseph McElhiney, Linton, Iowa. You will find this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It alwayB affords quick relief and is pleasant to take. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. To Fix Alaskan Boundary. Keidlberg, August 28?Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, who is here, has received a dispatch from Mr. Choate, the Americau ambassador to Great Britain, notifying him that the first meeting of the Alaskan Boundary commission will be held in London on* September 3 Mr. Chcate requested Senator Lodge to notify Senator Turner of tbe date of the meeting', as the ambassador did not know his whereabouts. Bubonic Plague in Mesico, Washington, ^ug. 27 ?The marine hospital service has been informed of the appearance of three cases of bubonic plague at Sequeros and three cases at Bagio, Mexico. Both these places are in the vicinity of Mazatlan, where there was a scourge of the disease last winter. The plague infection is supposed to have been carried to Mazatl&n from San Francisco. The latest reported case of bubonic plague at San Francisco appeared on August 9. Question of Negro Suffrage. New York, Aug. 28?An inquiry sent by the Evening Post asking the views of leading Democrats North on the question of negro suffrage remains unanswered by Bryan, Hill, Parker and all others excepting Cleveland and Edward M. Shepherd. Cleveland bluntly declined to discuss the question. Mr. Shepherd stated that he would regard it as calamitous to the nation if the North undertook through the federal government to enforce on the South the right of the negro to vote. Neglected Colds. Every part of the mucous membrane, the nose, throat, ears, head and lungs, etc, are subjected to disease and blight from neglected colds. Ballard's Horehound Syrup is a pleasant and effective r#medy. 25c. 50c, $1.00. W. Akendrick, Valley Mills, Texas, writes: 4'I have used Ballard's Horehound Syrup for coughs and throat troubles; it is a pleasant and most effective remedy.'' Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Mississippi's Primary. Jackson, Miss!, Aug. 27 ?the state primary for the governorship Missis sippi, held earlier in the month hav ing failed to give either candidate the necessary majority a second primftrv is hfiinor hfiid tndav. The two "w a ? ?j - ? ? candidate are James K. Yardaman and F. C. Critz. In the first primary Yardaman had 126 electoral votes and Critiz 116. The necessary number is 161 Doctors Could Not Help Her. 'T had kidney trouble for years," writes Mrs. Raymond Conner, of Shelton, Wash., "and the doctors* could not help me. I tried Foley's Kidney Cure, and the very first dose gave me relief and I am now cured. I cannot say too much for Foley's Kidney Cure." The Kaufmann Drug Co. Tobacco Lien Despondent. Richmond, Ya , Aug. 26 ?Tobacco men here throughout the State are predicting that the crop next year will be smaller than any grown for eome years past. Their opinion is based on the ground that the farmers have come to the conclusion that prices will be poor, owing to the lack of competition for the weed. They see that the American company and the companies allied with it will not buy in competition with the Imperial company because they use different grades of tobacco, and therefore there will be no competition to send the prices up. m ' ? o /Jnf r\nn/^ XODaCCU ^tuweio iaac a ucc ent view of the future uutlook, owing to the monopoly of the market secured by the trusts, and it is probable that more and more of them will turn attention to other crops. In some sections of Virginia, where in recent years tobacco was the staple crop, very little of it is grown, and farmers are paying all attention to corn and other grain crops. Avoid serious results of kidney or bladder disorder by taking Foley's Kidney Cure. The Kaufmann Drug Co. Sic destroys sense. Selling is easy if the price is right, j None can surpass the devil in | orthodoxy. To boast of one's honesty doesn't always prove it. There is genuine piety in simply ! being happy. A coastwise steamer is one that keeps eft the rocks. "When troubled with constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Th^y are easy to Uke and j produce no gripiDg or other unpleasant effict. For sale by The Kanf mann Drug Co. A Bweet expression covers a multitude of freckles. Hearts are playthings that are very easily broken. A large saving make3 a wide circle of attention possible. The performance of the amateur musician is often a music rack. I A sense of failure is the moefc universal failure of mankind. Even the business of the contractor has been known to expand. Self admiration is ample proof that there is no accounting for tastes. A little learning is less daDgerous than the belief that you know it all. We have in our shelves many remedies for constipation and biliousness, but the never failing, common sense cure is found only in Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets. This Treatment cures by relieving the cause of the trouble; the PiDk Pill arouses the liver, while the Tonic Pellets tones up the organs and insure natural and healthy conditions. Complete Treatment?two medicines?full directions?only 25 cente. When a business man lets up on Vi J e kncincca lol 11 n auvci llCIlig U1D UU C1ULOS >1 U1 *VV u^l on him. The other half usually has to live on what the better-half knows how to cook. A philosopher is very often a man who preaches what other people should practice. If constipated or bilious, call for Ramon's Pills; complete treatment? 25 doses?25 cents. There are folks who are so careful that they dodge the shadows of their own making. Women go calling in a grand opera kej; they stay at home with the family to rag time. A STew Jersey E&itrc's Testimonial. M. T. Lynch, Editor of the Philipsburg, N. J., Daily Post, writes: "I have used many kinds of medicines for coughs and colds in my family but never anything so good as Foley's Honey and Tar. I cannot say too much in praise of it." The Kaufmann Drug Co. T- - !- 11 . ? XI Its KOLLiei/IJmeO W "II LU ICLUCill UCi that if you don't say a thing you will have no occasion to unsay it later. Traveling baths oa one of the Russi&D railways are the latest provision for its employee's comfort in the outlying districts. Even in ordinary life the unselfish people are the happiest?these who work to make others happy and who forget themselves. The dissatisfied people are those who are seeking happiness for themselves. The census of 1900 shows us that the busy bee contributed to the wealth of the United States as follows: Value of bees, June 1, 1900, 810,186,513; value of honey and wax produced in 1899, $6,664,90-1. Used for Pneumonia, .Dr. C. J. Bishop, of Agnew, Mich., says, 'T have used Foley's Honey and Tar in three very severe cases of pneumonia wick good results in every case." Refuse substitutes. The Kaufmann Drug Co. No man is always right?and if he is a married man it's ten to one mat he's never right. Udess a man has plenty of money or a wife who can cook eating is a nuisance. It would never do for a burglar to go into politics, because he wouldn't have nerve enough. The toy pistol in South America would make those revolutions far more dangerous than they are. ?WEBB??P>I7PBWMi MBBBUE BPMMBHBflf 11 " ^ ~ ^ """' ^ ' ^ Hn^K^gg the uNE FOR pleasure' I THE LINE FOR ALL THE BEST 1 OH THE SUMMER RESORTS | ^ fOUTHEliN ~"~ ~ ^ Complete Summer Resort Folder j| 2*' Mailed Free to Any Address. W.A.TURK. S. H. HARDWICK, W. H.TAYLO2, ' ^ Pass. Traffic Mjjr. Gen'1 Pass. Agsr.t, Asst. Gen' 1 Pass. Art. r WASHINGTON, D. C. WASHINGTON, D.C. ATLANTA, GA. jj ?A? i seaboardT I AIR LITVE RAILWAY. % N ORTIi-SOU TH-E AST-WEST. | Two Daily Pullman Vestibule Limited Trains Between | SOUTH AND IVJEW YORK. J First-Flass Dining* Far Service 1 The Best Rates and Route to all Eastern Cities Via Richmond and NVasIiinsfton, or via C IV orfolk and Steamers to .Atlanta. IN asliville9 NIempliis. Louisville. tSt. Louis. C li icago, IS ew Oi'leaiis. and ^ All Points South and Soutnwest?to ^avannah nvt/J V n ^ 1 r w-v xri 11 o o nrl o?11 r?nmto in I a Liu _* ii^jjLvr5V/ki v m. SEAY. Piineioal. Drug Cj. Juh 2'J, 1"03. .