The Lexington Dispatch LEXINGTON, S. C., SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.00 Six Months 50 Three Months 25 ADVERTISING RATES. Regular Adveris; w -first insertion, 75 5 cents per men; ?insertion thereafter, 50 cents per inch Loua; notices, 5 cents per line each insertion; no local accepted for less than 25 cents for first insertion. Obituaries. Tributes of Respect In Memoriam, Resolutions of Respects, Cards of Thanks, are charged for at the rate of one half cent a word for every word over 100. The cash must invariably accompany the copy. In sending copy count the words and send ore-half a cent for v 3 TViio miIA eacn worn over uuo uuumA .. ? will in no case and under no circumstances be deviated from. Marriage notices inserted free and are solicted. Rates for contract advertising will be cheerfully furnished on application. Anonymous communications will receive no attention. Rejected manuscript will not be returned unless accompanied by stamps for the purpose. For any further information call on or address. G. M. HA KM AN. Editor and Publisher. Wednesday, August 19,1903. , There is a growing demand for opening up a public road leading from this place toGaston and beyond. As it now is those people are put to unnecessary inconvenience to reach the Court House when business calls them to make the trip. Just the ?- J? W. \AI A Anndwin hnv. UbUOf UBJf iltl> If VX W v? T. ?? , mm-m . ibg-business here, started on bis journey and on arriving at the James Taylor mill found the dam washed away; there being no? crosson the creek, either below or at the Jefcoat Mill he was compelled to go above Edmund, and until he came to the public road leading to this place. It was like going all the way round the elbow to get to the mouth. A good road should be laid out and kept in thorough repair for public travel. It has been suggested that the road start at this place and go to the Beven mile post on the Orangeburg road, near the residence of County Supervisor Sbealy; thence by the James Taylor old home and cross the creek; thence direct to W. A. Goodwin's mill, and leaving Gaston about half a mile to the right, and thence by the West Harsey place, Piei oe Taylors, and thence to intersect the old State road near Sandy Kan or at some good place in that locality. This route is feasable and the road can be opened at a comparatively smell expense. We understand that Supervisor Shealy has expressed himself as being favorable to this project and is willing to meet the citizens interested and assist in laying out the road. Now is the time to act. Delays are dangerous and wisdom would suggest to strike while the iron is hot. Let the people come together, make an appointment with County Supervisor Shealy and have the road laid out at once. The Administration is |onsidering the proposition of constructing a system of railroads in the Philippine islands amou iting to some 600 miles. It is proposed to build a line from Manila north through Luzon to the harbor at the northernmost end of the island. Another proposed line is from Manila south to Batangas. The Secretary of War believes that the _ construction of these roads would be of immense benefits and would settle for all time the question of possible insurrections in the island of Luzon. William Monroe Trotter, editor of the Boston Guardian, Granville Martin and Bernard Charles, the "colored persons" who are alleged to be responsible for the recent disturbance at a meeting in the Columbus Avenue A. M. ? Zion church, Boston which was being addressed by Booker T. Washington, have been convicted. The Sultan of Turkey has issued an order calling out fifty thousand more troops from the European provinces of Turkey in consequence of the spread of the insurrection in Macedonia. The war department is evidently preparing to repel any invasion of Turkish territory by the Powers should such an attempt be made. The acting war minister has ordered the government powder factory and small arms and ammunition depots to prepare large quantities of | ammunition immediately. j The proposfcion to remove the place for holding the State Fair from its present site to another one in a different part of Columbia is, in our opinion at least, without rhyme or reason. A no more eligible site for the holding of the State Fairs can be found in the city than the present ?ne. The grounds are sufficiently comsaodious to meet any damand that m-ry be made upon them for years to come; their nearness to the centre of the city with a splendid street car and hack service makes them conveo/lmirfthlv ndanted to the LI1CJ-1U OUU uuui?wvj ? J. purpose for which they were intend* ed. Stalls, outbuildings, electric wires for lighting purpose and water mains are already on the premises and besides all these improvements the Seaboard has its tracks passing through the grounds which is a convenience to exhibitors that should not be lightly overlooked. The only reason that we have seen for the proposed removal is that the United States government might at some future day want the grounds for the | location of a permanent camp for its troopB. Everything considered the ! fair grounds are located just where they should be and we trust that the officers of the association will decline to consent to the removal of the place of holding the annual State fairs. ? ? ?? 1 ???a ni Ona^Ati T?or .LLlfc) XIHVeu jJttiauo nv vjokw on August 17, was a brilliant pageant and was reviewed by the President, Admiral Dewey and other distinguished persons. The lighting ships, which occupied over a square mile of water in Long Island sound, were res'viewed by the President from the deck of the Mayflower, which passed between a line of the finest array of battleships "ever before the eye of the nation's chief magistrate." The assassination of the Russian i consul at Monastir, and the reported assassination of his successor at the same, place, has aroused the ire of the Russian. Bear against the "Terrible Turk." A Russian equadron consisting of four war ships, five destroyers and six torpedo boats has been sent to Turkish waters. It is expected that Russia and Turkey will soon be involved in another war. Much of the property of the Pacolet Manufacturing Company, which was supposed to have been lost during the recent storm which demolished its three mills, is being recovered by the officers of the com-1 pany, who are going about through the country, ar^ompanied by a Magistrate, in wagons, reclaiming their property wherever found. A contradicted announcement has come from the Navy Department that it has been determined by the powers that be that hereafter no negro will be allowed to enlist in the United States navy. One by one the "doors of hope" are being shut against the Brother in Black. i It is fully time that something was being done toward the establishment of a cotton seed oil mill at this place. There can certainly be no question about such an enterprise paying a handsome dividend on the money invested. While boating at Lurich Station, Ya., on August 17th, a party of children consisting of seven girls and i __ n i f r one Doy ranging in age irom o 10 10 years, the boat capsized and five of the girls were drowned. Lieutenant General Miles, of the United States Array, having reached 65 years of age, the age limit for active service, has retired to the shades of private life. He has been succeeded as commanding general of the army, by General Young. The latest mentioned Presidential possibilities are W. C. Whitney and Carter Harrison. We opine that, to be successful, the Democrats will have to go further than Wall Street for its presidential timber. Caleb Powers, ex-Secretay of State, who is on trial on the charge of murdering Governor Goebel of Kentucky, on oath says that Henry Yout88y fired the shot that killed the Governor. - Hod. H. D. Money has been elected to succeed himself as United States Senator from Mississippi. By all means let us have a pump on Main street between the court house and jail. The Filipinos are still fighting for the independence of Luzon. Another fine rain visited us yesterday. To Fight The Tobacco Trust. Florence, Aug. 15.?A mass meeting of the citizens of the county of Florence held at the court house on the 11th inst., after perfecting a permanent organization, passed the following resolutions unanimously: Resolved, That we will not purchase any manufactured tobacco or cigars put on the market by the tobacco trust; or any other goods manufactured by trusts where others manufactured by independent concerns can be purchased instead, regardless of any drop in price on the part of the trusts. Setond. That the chairman of this organization appoint a committee of three to visit all the merchants of Florence to urge on them not to purchase or sell any trust manufactured tobacco, or other trust goods where others oan be purchased. Third. That the chairman appoii t a committee of three to prepare a complete list of all tobacco products * it-- i i- J < 1 L manuracturea oy me truata nuu ium this list be given to the press. Fourth. That the chair appoint a committee of three in each township to solicit membership in this organization. Fifth. That this meeting urge on all other communities to perfect organizations looking to cooperation with us on these lines. Sixth. That a committee be appointed by the chair to confer with the merchants of Florence looking to making arrangements to procure the sale of oil from independent companies. Seventh. That these resolutions be given to the papers of Florence, to The State, the News and Courier and the Columbia Becord, and that all the county newspapers be especia'* ly requested to copy. T Cures Eczema, Itching Humors, Pimples and Carbuncles. Cost Nothing to Try. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is now recognized as a certain and sure cure for eczema, itching skin, humors, BUUUB, BUBUUB, WUIOIJ UWOLCiD, piLUpiCD, aching bones or joints, boils, carbuncles, prickling pain in the skiD, old, eating sores, ulcers, etc. Botanic Blood Balm taken internally, cures the worst and the most deep-Beated cases by enriching, purifying and vitalizing the blood, thereby giving a healthy blood supply to the skin. Botanic Blood Balm is the only cure, to stay cured, for these awful, annoying skin troubles. Heals every sore and gives the rich glow of health to the skin. Builds up the broken down body and makes the blood red and nourishing. Especially advised for chronic, old cases that doctors, patent medicines and hot springB fail to cure. Druggist $1. To prove B. B. B. cures, sample sent free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble, and free medical advice sent in seal letter. Annual Holiness Association. The fall meeting of the South Carolina Holiness Association will be held at Leesville, S. C., Sept. 8tb, 8 p. m. and will continue through Sunday: Let's have a large attendance. This meeting will be of utmost importance to the Holiness cause of South Carolina. Free enL A * A !ll 1- - A_ -11 tertainmenc wni db given 10 uu visitors. Reduced rates has been secured on all railroads. Pray much and don't fail to come. W. P. B. Kinard, Pres. of S. C. H. A. Epworth, S. C , Aug. 11, 1903. The Bamberg cotton mill has shut down for one month "for extensive repairs and inprovements." The Attorney Genaral, filed an opinion in which he holds that baby carriages constitue articles of baggage when the baby was on board. Sprinkle plenty of lime around your premises. i i A TRUE How a Young Wife E W. E. Birch, Afton, Va., an extensive fruit grower of that place, writes the following letter to the Peruna Medicine Co., or Columbus, Ohio, We print the letter in full: Afton, Va^ June 4,1900. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen?"The country is so flooded with patent medicines of every kind that are worthless and a humbug, that I for one, am glv to be able to say I have found one that is everything and more than is claimed for it. ** My wife was very much run down and out of sorts in every way. She had a pelvic disorder which left her very nommfl And no ftrmetite at all. "One day I happened to be at my father's storo, 8. A. Birch, Coresville, Alb county, Va., and noticed you* medicine he had there for sale. " 1 thought it might help my wife, so I brought a bottte of it home and within a week she commenced to eat and now | she is hungry &H the time and not half the medicine has been taken. We both agree that it beats any medicine to bring on an appetite and to put the nerves in good shape that we have ever had anything to do with. Wo had our family doctor to give he? medicine and he did I all he could, but she did not improve the It is reported from Florence that the tobacco sales during the past week have been exceptionally large but that the price has been very small. For Sale. A farm of ninety acres more or less, near Ella post office; about 65 acres open. Good paeture, good water and very good buildiDps. Also a young orchard of about 15 acres with about 1600 young trees. For further particulars and terips apply to J. H. PRICE, July 22, 1903. Ella, S. C. W0FF0RD COLLEGE, SFABTA2TSEB0, S. C. Henry N. Snyder, Litt. D., M. A, Pres Four full College courses. Favorable surroundings. Gymnasium. Athletic Ground. Lecture Course. Library Facilries. Next session begins September 23, 1903 For catalogue apply to J. A. GAMEWELL, Secretary. WOFFORD7 COLLEGE FITTING SCHOOL Spartanburg, S. C. Elegant new building. Careful attention to individual student. Board and tuition for year $110 All inforgiven by A. M. DuPre, Heed Master. NEWRERRY COLLEGE Chartered in 1856 Stands for thorough college work under positive Christian influences, and at moderate cost. Tuition $10 Twenty thousand dollar recitation hall in process of erection. Next sessicn begins September 23. Address GEO. B. CROMER, President. July 23?tf Newberry, S. C THE STATS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNT ? OF LEXINGTON. By Geo. S. Draits, Esq., Probate Jndge. WHEREAS, W. A. GOODWIN M\DE suit to me to grant him Letters oi Administration oi the Estate of and effects of Otto and Ellen Lorenz; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Otto aud Ellen Lorenz deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, io be he'd at LeziDgton, C. n., S. 0.. on August 26th, 1903, next, after publication hereot at 11 o'clock in the lorenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 11th day of August. Anno Domini, 1903. GEORGE S. DRAFTS, J. P. L. C. Published on the 12th day of August, 1903, in the Lexington Dispatch. 3w41 STORY. I; i Legained Her Health * sauty. 1 least. She has con- y/jtSky sumption in her fam- V 1 ily and she was in Vr t such bad shape; so J r n n down, nervous, ^/jR\ weak, and could not yT^ eat, that I had begun ' to get very uneasy, but your medicine made an entirely new woman of her. I believe she eats and feels better now than she has for years. "/ have not the slightest doubt bat that your medicine has saved her from a long spelt of sickness, if nothing more, Alt my family bad begun to get uneasy, butt of courser she did not know it and I have only Just told her of it since she has improved so much, I bad no idea it would do halt what it has and don't think there is another medicine made that will begin to compare with it."?W. B, Birch, Fruit Qrower, Afton, Alb county, Va, If yon do not derive; prompt and satisfactory resnlts from the use of Perana, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will . be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. i Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. Tbe State Department at Washington is in receipt of information that tbe Panama canal treaty has been i ejected by tbe Colombian senate. jjf ' ^ ^ WHEN TO | DRY GOODS ijj ANI | GENT'S FURNIS p: p BEMEI I vou: 4 jf Headquarte: jt in all the 4 mm" nnnnn nnm ??> all ntw uuuud. uuui J ONE PRICE TO m YOUR PATRONAGE I ^ LICITED. SATISFAC1 ^ Best Service?Best Goods jpf on Us?Wri IN. A. Y: 1603 Main 8treet, L U COL.UMBIA, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * a OPPOSITE Y. 1235 MAIN, ST., - IFI.A.1TOS May 16?ly. The following extract from a letter j mfcten by G. M. HarmaD, editor of | he Dispatch, to the proprietors of | lamon's Remedies is selfexplana- I ory: "There is no pill that equals 1 lamon's Pills; they leave the bowels J nd stomach with such pleasant, tealthful feelings?no bad effects? iter performing their work so thortughly. I have tried them, and mow whereof I speak." 25 cts. WHY ? ? ? rill you buy worthless Spectacles and j Eyeglasses from irresponsible peddlers J and pay them exhorbitant prices, < when for a moderate cost you m can get from us a V FINE ARTICLE, 1 PROPERLY FITTED, md the fit of a pair of glasses is jnst as important as the quality. If you ' Need Glasses come over and let us fit you properly. The Editor of this paper can testify to our skill as Opticians, P. H. LACHICOTTB & CO., JEWELERS AND GPTICIANS, 1424 MAIS STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. IF YOU WANT JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, or something for a Birthday or Wedding Present., send for our catalogue. June 3.?ly. * J. H* FRICK, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice in all the Courts. Office: Hotel Marion, 4th room, second i floor. CHAPIN, ----- - S. C, Aguust 6. ly. Fine Place for Sale. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO acres of land, 50 acres of which are "J open and fine farm lands: the balance wooded with some timber; good dwelling and outbuildings with a plentiful supply of fine, pure water, located in Lower Fork of Lexington county, on the 8pring Hill road about five miles from Columbia known as the Isaiah Haltiwanger Place. ALSO, I will also sell my property and mercantile business in the Town of Lexington. For terms, etc., apply to J W. LONG, * Lexington, S. C. August 12,1903. tt. .. i 11. Jm r "WAWT .NOTIONS I comes our excellent PIANOS and CANS every time they are sounded, don't mean to say that our instruts are the only good ones in the world, we do mean that they are UDenrpaesed give great satisfaction. You know 4 pleasure music gives to every one. :e us for catalogues and prices, rees JSIC HOUSE, M. C. A., COLUMBIA, S. C. ID OD5G-^DTS, j m 5? | iHSNG GOODS, I IIBER $ NG'S | rs for goods S se lines. m gk * RTPnilfi ATTFNTMN. 2 II tawww " ' . jjn EVERYBODY. M tESPECTFULLT SO- M 'ION GUARANTEED. J, ?Best Attention?CaH te to Us. OUNtr, I over's Old Stand. - s. c, I HYMN j F PRAISE