The Lexington Dispatch LEXINGTON, 8. 0., SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.00 Six Months 50 Three Months 25 ADVERTS!NO RATES. 'Regular Advcius. r rir-: insertion, 75 cents per inch; mi.-', insertion thereafter, 50 cents per inch L^ca. uotices, 5 cents per line each insertion; no local accepted for less than 25 cents lor first insertion. Obituaries. Tributes of Respect In Memoriam, Resolutions of Respects, Cards ot Thanks, are charged tor at the rate of one half cent a word for every word over 100. The cash must invariably accompany the copy. In sending copy count the words and send one-half a cent for each word over one hundred. This rule will in no case and under no circumstances be deviated from. Marriage notices inserted free and are solicted. Bates lor contract advertising will be cheerfully furnished on application. Anonymous communications will receive no attention Rejected manuscript will nnt he returned unless accompanied by stamps for the purpose. For any further information call on or addross* G. M. HARM AN, Editor and Publisher. Wednesday, August 12,1903. f The good roads convention, which is advertised to be held in the court ' house in this place on the 20th day of August, is perhaps one of the most interesting, as well as the most important gathering of our people that has ever assembled here. The matter to be discussed is wide spread in its scope and far reaching in its rebuHs. Nearly everybody in the county are more or lees interested in the improvement of the public highways of Lexington county, as they are effected one way or another. For the past several years the complaint about the bad condition of our roads have come up from every section of the county until now the de-* mand for their improvement is urgent. The only question, therefore remaining for consideration is the most effective and at the same time the most economical way of permanently improving them bo that they will be in good traveling condition the year round. The importance of the meeting on the 20tb should induce the people of every section of the county to be present in large numbers so that the views of our leading men can be given and the widest discussion had. We are assured that Senator Latimer and Mr. F. H Hyatt, of Columbia, President of the State Good Beads Convention, will be present and it is possible that Senator Tillman will also be here that day and we trust that there will be a large outpouring of our people. Of course we are unable at this time to forecast the result of the meeting, but we are in hopes that something practical will be thtf outcome. The Columbia Evening Becord rr??bpR fho ntftrtlincr asRArtirm that "insanity is increasing in South Carolina," and then with apparent seriousness, makes the charge that much of the crowded condition of onr Hospital for the Insane can be ascribed to the number of old and decrepit people who are sent there by families who desire to get rid of supporting them by making them public charges. This is a grave accusation not only against families who have unfortunate members as inmates of that institution but also against the officers of the hospital who permits such a disreputable practice Will our neighbor please specify so that the innocent can escape censure and the Board of Kegents have some data upon which to base an investigation. Turkey has refused to accede to the demands of the Powers to withdraw her troops from Macedonia, and by this refusal the Eastern war cloud grows larger and more threatening. The Turkey is in a fair way to have its feathers neatly dressed. Its government is a disgrace to the progress of the Twentieth Century and an open menace to the enlightenment of Christianity. Senator Benjamin Ryan Tillman has done it again, that is a pickpocket out in the west stole bis wallet containing his free railroad passes, and now all the little "me-toos" in South Carolina are kicking themselves all over with glee. From indications it appears that United States Senator Arthur P. Gorman, of Maryland, has the inside track for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency. Death of James B. Oswald. James B. Oswald departed this If* at Saxe-Gotha, August 7tb, 1903, Hg?-d 32 years, 10 months and 29 day a. Brother Oswald was merchandising at the time of his death. Being a man of noble traits of character he will be greatly missed in the community where he lived. He was a member of Summit Ev. Lutheran church, and an eminent Christian. The day before his death was spent by him in prayer and singing. It can be said of him that he never has spent a nickel for whiskey, nor has he ever tasted a drop. Wherever there was sickness or trouble be was there to assist. He leaves a wife and two children besides brothers and sisters to mourn his loss. A single brother from Iowa was on his way to see him but did not arrive in time for the funeral. His remains were interred in the churchyard amid a multitude of sorrowing friends. The sermon was preached by Rev. George S. Bearden and the services at the grave were conducted by the Odd Fellows. He was a brother of Mr. F. W. Oswald of Barrs. May an All wise Providence overrule all for good to the bereaved ones. B. Little Mountain Reunion. There was a very large crowd at the reunion of the students and friends of Newberry college at Little Mountain on Friday and speeches were made by B. W. Wessinger, Prof. S. J. Derrick, Col. E. H. AulJ, Superintendent Wallace of Richland and President Cromer. The Little Mountain Reunion association elected the following officers for the -year: Prof. S. J. Derrick, president; D Frank Efird, vice-president; W. Aug. Sbealy, secretary; W. A. Counts, treasurer. The crowd was composed largely of young people, and it goes without saying, they had a good time. Fine Results. t_ 1 rne excellency 01 tne worn uone by the flouring mill of Mr. E. J. George at Laurel Falls, near this place, on Twelve Mila creek, has gained for this mill a wide reputation. It now numbers among its patrons people from nearly every section of the county as well as many from Richland and adjacent counties. Yesterday Mr. W. Andrew Derrick of near Swansea, brought a load of wheat to be ground into dour and he left for home in blissful anticipation of receiving the blessings of his wife on arriving there on account of the snow white and nutritious bread that will hereafter adorn her table. Favorably Enown. It pays to make your purchases from a responsible house, oue that has a reputation to suBtain therefore cannot afford to allow goods to be misrepresented in otder to effect a sale. One of the most responsible houses iu Columbia, is that of P. H Lachicotte & Co, the well and favorably known jewelers. They have a line of fine watches, clocks, fashionable jewelry and the best spectacles The goods of this house are first class in every particular and they allow nothing to be misrepresented. Every article is sold strictly on its merits and consequently the purchasers can rest assured that they are not buying brass for gold. Spectacles are fitted to the eyes and a perfect fit is guaranteed. Call and see Mr. Lachicotte when in Columbia. Died from Home. The wife of Mr. John Steele died at her home in Georgia last week after a long illness, and her remans were brought to this place last Satur day and carried to Emanuel church, a few miles from this place for interment. She is said to have been a woman of bright Christian experience, a kind neighbor and a devoted wife. The afflicted husband has our deepest sympathy in this hour of his deep distress. Any man who attempts to dodge a bill collector is apt to be found out. THOUSANDS HERALD [Catarrhal Dyspepsia ar Women Th I Florence Allan I ' Systemic catarrh causes nervousness, poor appetite, tired feelings. Peruna cares catarrh wherever located. LETTERS FROM WOMEN. Miss Anna Prescott's Letter. Miss Anna Prescott, in a letter from 216 South Seventh street, Minneapolis, Minn., writes: "I was completely used up last fallt my appetite had failed and I felt weak and tired all the time. My druggist advised me to try Peruna and the relief I experienced after taking one bottle was truly wonderful. " I continued its use for five weekst find am glad to say that my complete restoration to health was a happy surprise to myself as well as to my friends."?Anna Prescott Unclaimed Mail. The following is a list of unclaimed lefcterB at this post office for the ni month of July, 1903: ?j males. 0] N. A. Hobbs, ll M. F. Jackson, Fsq. John John. "Rev. D. P. Tate, (postal) D. F. Tate, (postal). Coot Tomas. f W. P. Weseinger. FEMALES. g Miss Anny Hoover. PACKAGES. a| 1 W. Calvin Smith. je S. J. Leapbart, bi Postmaster. & , , *1 The following extract from a letter written by G. M. HarmaD, editor of 1J i the Dispatch, to the proprietors of Ramon's Remedies is self-explanatory: "There is no pill that equals Ramon's Pills; they leave the bowels and stomach with -such pleasant, t healthful feelings?no bad effects? ai after performing their work so thor- S oughly. I have tried them, and know whereof I speak." 25 cts. ^ P If the town and county will divide costs in sinking a well somewhere be- tl tween the jail and court house, it ^ C( would be a great convenience to the town and country people. d Barbecue. TTTE WILL FURNISH A BARBECUE \ T at Cliapin, S., C , on Saturday, August 22d, 1903. A good dinner, attentive _ service and a good time is promised all who attend. T R. W. FRICK & SON. 1 August 12, 1903. 2w4l. ; } 1 Pina PIfiAA fni* SrIp t JL X 11W X 1UIUV 1V1 N^MXV* y ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO A. acres of land, 50 acres of which are ?* open and fine farm lands: the balance wooded with some timber; good dwelling and 18 ' ontbuildings with a plentiful supply of fine, i , pore water, located in Lower Fork of Lex- j ?e ingtcn county, on the Spring Hill road about j five miles from Columbia known as the in ; Isaiah Haltiwanger Place. ^ ALSO, 8?; I will also sell my property and mercan- si tile business in the Town ol' Lexington. For terms, etc., apply to Ai , J. W. LONG, Lexington, S. C. August 12, 1903. tf. 19 OF FAIR W PRAISES FC id Nervous Prostration tan All Other Diseases < Pe-ru-na a True Friend to Women, Miss Florence Allan, a beautiful Chicago girl, writes the following from 75 Walton Place: "As a tonic for a worn out system, Pcruna stands at the head in my estimation. Its effects are truly wonderful in rejuvenating the entire eystem. I keep it on hand all the time, and never have that 4 tired feeling,' as a few doses always makes me feel like a different woman."?Florence Allan. Peruna will be found to effect an immediate and lasting cure in all cases of systemic catarrh. It acts quickly and beneficially on the diseased mucous membranes, and with healthy mucous membranes the catarrh can no longer exist. mm ???????) For Sale. A farm of ninety acres more or less, ear Ella post office; about 65 acres pen. Good pasture, good water and sry good buildings. Also a young cbard of abcut 15 acres with about 300 young trees. For further particulars and terms Dply to ' J. H. PRICE, July 22, 1903. Ella, S. C. V0FF0RD COLLEGE, STPA'R.TAlTBSm.G S_ C. enry N. Snyder, Litfc. D., M. A, Pres Four full College courses. FavorDie surroundings. Gymnasium. Afchfcic Ground. Lpcture Course. Lirary Facilties. Next session begins eptember 23, 1903 For catalogue pply to J. A. GAMEWELL, Secretary. VOFFORD7 COLLEGE FITTING SCHOOL Spartanburg, S. C. Elegant new building. Careful atmtion to individual student. Board 3d tuition for year $110. All inforiven by A. M. DuPre, Heed Master. IEWBERRY COLLEGE Chartered in 1856. Stands for lorough college work under positive bristian influences, ana at moderate )St. Tuition $40. Twenty thousand allar recitation hall in process of ection. Nest session begins September 23. Address GEO. B. CROMER, President. July 23?tf Newberry, S. C HE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTy OF LEXINGTON. 3y Geo. S. Drafts, Esq., Probate Judge. 'JTJf HERE AS, W. A. GOODWIN MADE rV suit to me to grant bim Letters of ^ministration ot the Estate of and effects Otto and Ellen Lorei.z; These are, therefore, to cite and admonh ail and singular the kindred and credira of the said Otto and Ellen Lorenz deased, that they be and appear, before me, the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexgton, C. H., S. C.. on August 26th, 03, next, after publication hereof at 11 clock in the lorenoon, to show cause, if ly they have, why the said Administration lould not be granted. Given under my hand, this 11th day of agust. Anno Domini, 1903. GEORGE S. DRAFTS, J. P. L. C. Published on the 12th day of August, ('3, in the Lexington Dispatch. 3w41 OMEN )R PE-RU-NA. Makes Invalids of More Combined.] I >^S^>^WVitant prices, \ when for a moderate cost you can get from us a FINE ARTICLE, PROPERLY FITTED, and the fit of a pair of glasses is just as important as the quality. If you I i Need Glasses ! come over and let us fit you properly. The F.ditor of this naner pan fpctitv to onr , ? C I ? skill as Opticians, | P. H. LACBICOTTE k CO, JEWELERS AKD OPTICIANS, I 1424 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. IF YOU WANT | JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, or something for a Birthday or Wedding Present., send for our catalogue. June 3.?ly. Barbecue. T1TE WILL FURNISH A FIRST V\ class barbecue with refreshments, near Midway School House, three miles north of Lexington court house, on the Dreker Ferry road, on August 15. Prices: Ladies, 25 cents; men, 35 cents. Everybody invited and a plea&ant day is promised to all. bachman meetze. July ], 1903, 7w40. DRUGS Abe always a necessity, al- 1 most as much so as food. I am still saving my customers money and my trade still grows, and remember your interests will always be locked after by .T. W. KINARD, The Licensed Druggist, LEESVILLE, - - S. C. .J. H. FR1CK, ATTORNEY A.T LAW, Will practice in all the Courts. Office: Hotel Marion, 4th room, second floor. CHAPIN, ------ s. C. At uosc 6. ly. Barbecue. WE WILL FURNISH A FIRST class barbecue at T. C. Smith's place, six miles south of Lewiedale, Saturday, August 15th. There will be speeches, music by the Brass Band and a good dinner. S. M. & S. P. SMITH. August 5? 2w40 ^ >U WANT ^ , NOTIONS I D I mm goods, i <$> MBER | NC'S I W rs for goods j| se lines. j| RTEOUS ATTENTION. jfj EVERYBODY. . y IE3PECTFULLY SO- M ION GUARANTEED. || ?Best Attention?Call p| te to Us. OONG, i fever's Old Stand. . \ S. C. I HYMN ' F PRAISE comes our excellent PIANOS and CANS every time they are sounded. t lytnon f a oqtt f no f nnr \avjll u uicau iv oaj mau v;ui iuoui u* ts are the only good ones in the world, we do mean that they are unsurpassed give great satisfaction. You know pleasure music gives to every one. te us for catalogues and prices, ress 11SIC HOUSE, . II. C. A., COLUMBIA, S. C. ID oiea-.A-ILTS, * *