/vial wmW wea fi^^^^Bi/j rerrorof strong r l!Ijffl&m ft// takes the joy of life a\ '! I'^vZ&i jV ?Pcn 60 any disease, J A" //r stron6 Purgatives and drc ^ '^sl *eave ^0d ^a worse. ??d^^ which help the natural fo V\^^5&YyV lil? bI??^ pai HARMAF! The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, June 17, 19C3. A General Mizture. Even a truthful man can pose as a successful bait digger. * Some women can keep a secret easier tbaa they can keep money. Degrees of love are like degrees of women?too many to couot. MEYXHONET TAR Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumonia The universal idea of a level headed man is one who agrees with you. If a man's first love is himself be never finds a satisfactory successor. Banna has capitulated and will pull in the same harness with Rooseveit. On the first indication of kidney trouble, stop it by taking Foley's Kidney Cure. The Kaufmann Drug Co. At the age of thirty a woman regrets that her past didn't begin a few years later. JWhil? you are sympathizing with a ben pecked husband also sigh for bis next door neighbors. Professors of physical culture lack the nerve needed to recommend the wood saw and wash board. The producers of agricultural machinery claim that they are being 3 1 1L !-.i? i.L ... ruineu uy unrty-iuree trusts. No good health unless the kidneys are sound. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kidneys right. The Kauf mann Drug Co. There is a great difference in the way a woman tells you how she likes you and the way she proves it. All waves are more or less dangerous?and the waves of a pretty girl's handkerchief are usually more so. What the governmental departments at Washington need is a thorough cleaning out with a Democratic broom. Cnronic bronchial troubles and summer coughs can be -quickly re lieved and cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. The Kaufmann Drug Co. Toe fathers of large families would have more time to rejoice over tbe size if they could devote less time to meeting the bills. / The oldest man in Ohio has just died at the age of one hundred and ten, leaving a one hundred and six year old widow, to whom he had been married for eighty-five years. There is no tonic equal to Ramon's Tonic Regulator. It is a Tonic that tones the whole system, purifies the blood aod gives one vim. 25 cts. Harman's Bazaar. The exhibit of the Rice Association of America at the World's Fair, St.* ? 1 AL . L ?. Louis, will D6 me greater ever known. A rice kitchen, costing over $20,000 will be constructed. An extensive exhibit of models of the d fferect machines used in the rice industry will be made. An interesting exhibit at the World's Fair, St. Louis, next year will be the police exhibits. The exhibit will show the evolution of the policeman, a gallery of noted police officials and also types of the various grades of criminals. The exhibit will also include a display of police equipments, stations, etc. MEBKONEY^TAR tops the coo^h and heals longs oen sr.d iray and makea the system \\s\^iaKB>\\\\ Assist Nature; do not take \\\li8a^\\ igs, which act for a time, but V\\ ^fyf&\\\\ ,ion than before. Uso a gentle vUk||||i \\ S LIVES PILLS Iffl j NIC PELLETS rces to restore perfect health, j j J i i at the roses on the cheeks. If j EffiSfiij f i Paper gloves andstockiDgsare now being manufactured in Europe. As to the manner in which the former is made little is known, but the stockings have been carefully examined by experts, and they are loud in their praise of them. It is claimed that they will laet almost as long as ordinary stockings. News received from Hopkins, Congaree and Weston, in the iower part of Richland county, this State, indicates that the planters in that seetion have lost thousands of dollars from a destructive hail storm which swept over that section recently, and that an immense amout of stock and poultry were killed. During the summer kidney irregularities are often caused by excessive drinking or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney Cure. The Kaufmann Drug Co. Hereafter, owing to an agreement between the Audubon society and the Millner Jobbers' association, song birds will not be used to adorn the hate of American women. This is excellent as far as it goes, but the proscription should be extended to protect all birds against slaughter for fashion's sake. 4 Postmaster General Payne asserts that he is carrying on the po3fc office investigation relentlessly, and in the same breath ridicules a man who has yielded to Mr. PayDe's request for information which will assist in the investigation. Painful it may be to the Postmaster General, the public will still believe that actions speaks louder than words. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what you need when you have no appetite, feel dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They will improve appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food. For pale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Governor Heyward has expressed himself as pleased at the dispensary situation in Charleston. Reports from the constabulary department show that the blind tigers in that city are not so bold as they were. The constabulary has been more than self supporting during the last quarter, a record which it is believed has not been excelled at any other time during the history of the d.spensary law. CUBES WHERE ALL ELSEFAILS. J3 jy Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use ygf E In time. Sold by flrugrrlsts. W? Tne department of Agriculture's crops bulletin lately published shows the condition of cotton to be 74 1 The acreage planted is 28,907,000 an increase of 1,029,000 over last year 3 7 per cent. The condition now reported is for the cotton belt as a whole. For Georgia, Alabama and | Texas the lowest condition, ever reported at ihis season of the year, prevails. The crop almost everywhere is ten to twenty days late. Drivan To Dos-neration. Living at an out of the wsy place, remote from civilization, a fami'y is often driven to desperution in case of accident, resulting in Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. 25c, at Tne Kaufmann Drug Co., Items Around Hilton. To the Editor of the Dispatch. Rain, raiD, plenty of rain. We thought we had Gen. Green captured, but if the lain continues a few days longer, he will capture us. But hay is Si 25 a hundred and I guess we could make good profits any way. Cotton and corn is looking well, though there is not raore than half of the corn crop planted as yet. A large crop is being put iD. The farmers are beginning to realize the fact that they must not have their corn cribs in the west, but have them at home and well filled. The grain crop will soon be all harvested. It is a fair crop g Messrs P. W. Addy and J. K. Swygert are getting up hands to go out with their threshiDg machines. Theso two gentlemen know their business and do good work. H* ct T /"II _ _ 1_ 1 J ? jir. o. u. *jiarK returned irom Charleston the other day. He was juror to the United States District Court. Rev. B. D. Wessinger returned from Philadelphia on Friday and on Sunday he started the good work in the Master's vinyard, at St. Peter's, (Piney Woods.) Prof. H. J. Fulmer is home resting from his professional labors. Well, "Sikes," you want to know where "Papa's Little Man" is. He is down on Wateree swamps, hunting small try and rabbits. Mr. C. M. Eargle and family, now of Newberry, were down last week, harvestiog and visiting friends. Grain Fields. June 7. 1903. Worst of All Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last? Such was the experience of Mrs. S. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years" she writes, "I endured insufferable pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At leDgth I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I'm completely recovered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaranteed by The Kaufmann Drug Co., May Be Warnings. The Anderson Mail says the most callous and indifferent of men muet be impressed by the great destruction of life and property by wind and lightning and high waters, and involuntarily the question will come. Why are these things permitted? We may rack our brains for an answer, and there can be but one answer: Tney are sent by the Almighty for his own purpose. Ic may be that they are sent to warn us as individuals and as a nation that God reigns and his presence and his wraih are always at hand. .It may I seem to human minds to be a terrible and costly method of warning, but most cf us will ail too 6oon forget it within a short tim9 after it has passed. We are all hushed and eil6nfc while the warning is upon us. | ? Mow few tnere are who, in the time of storm and disaster, can look up to God and say: "I am not afraid." How sweet and restful it will be when the storms have passed and we can again see the sunshine and the bow of promise. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Mills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merits for bick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and build up vour health. Only 25 cents, money back if Lot caied. Sold by Toe Kaufmann Drug Co., Druggist Abolish Rural Routes. The investigation made by Fourth Assistant .Postmaster General Bustow ot the hfi'jirs ot the free delivery | division, formerly conducted t>y aui perintendent 31acheu, who was summarily diamibeed and arrested on a charge of bribery j ist u week ago, baa resulted in the dioCuvery that in order to restore the service to a proper state it will be nece&sary to abolish one-third of the rural free de | MR.S. L. S. ADAMS, | Of Galventon, Texas. 31 "Wine of Cardui is indeed a blessing | i a to tired women. Having suffered for r 3 seven years with weakness and bear- 1 I ing-down pains, and having tried sev* g j n eral doctors and different remedies | | with no success, your Wine of Cardui I I I fSo onItr wVioVi A IM rr uj uiv viiij uiiik^ niuvu iuv) h | and eventually cured me !t seemed to |3 5 build up the weak parts, strengthen gj B the system and correct irregularities." | i By "tired women" Mrs. Adams fi H means nervous women who have |1 I disordered menses, falling of the II IS womb, ovarian troubles or any of |8 I these ailments that women have. Bg You can cure yourself at home with 18 | this great women's remedy, Wine j | of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has I I cured thousands of cases which 8 | doctors have failed to benefit. Why | j not begin to get well today? All I druggists have $1.00 bottles. For fi any stomach, liver or bowel disor- 8 der Thedford's Black-Draught J should be used. For advice and ltteratnrc, address. giving Q g 1 symptoms, The ladles'Advisory Depart- Bg went, The Chattanooga Medicine C<- HI B Chattanooga, Tenn. ? la fcASaevasEs A era U livery routes now in operation in the Southern States and about one-fifth of those established iu the Northern States. The investigation shows that routes have been established without any possible excuse save as a matter of favor to members of congress, and that money appropriated by congress for this purpose has been expended with almost criminal extravagance. On many of these routes the receipts do not average $5 a month, and on others the receipts do not begin to justify the existence of the routes. The Southern States which will suffer the most from the abolishment of the routes are South Carolina, dnnfnia Ttnnoa ana \f iaHIBfiinm" and CVl ^ tc*5 A WUUVDWVV) ? ? Alabama. In the North, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire will be deprived of about one-filth of the routes now in operation. Other Northern and Eastern States will lose routes but in smaller proportion. But few changes will be made in New York state. Postmaster General Payne said this afternoon that no action would be taken to reduce the number of rural routes until a full test has been made of each individual case and the results noted. Then, whatever routes are found to be unwarranted will be discontinued. Atpresenthe declined to make an estimate as to the probable number of these routes. For Over Sixty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been in use for over sixty years lw millinnq nf mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It 60otjes the child, soften3 the gums, allays all pairi, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relievo the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure to ask for Mrs. "Wiualow's Soothing Syrup," and take do other kind, tf Cloudburst in Tezas. El Paso, June 10?Seven bodies, the greater portion of which were those of women, have thus far been recovered at Clifton; Ariz , after the torreDt from the cloudburst of Tuesday after it spent its fury. The property loss will estimate $100,000. I Houses and stores were swept from their foundations and the persons caught in the flood were drowned. Eight miles of the Arizona and Mexico railway track was washed out and the evening passenger train was blown over into the canal. Telegraph communication was cut off and word was sent to surrounding towns by runners. You You Ad Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Union Made Shoes. ;j 1903, jl i1 j We extend to onr Lexington friends a hearty welcome to inspect onr ll:e o* SHO^S I ? :! I They have never been equal for the price. On (remnant) lots prices greatly reduced, Spring Stock will begin to come on February 15th. ! CALL A 2ND SEE US BEFOIiE BUYING. E. P. & F. A. DAVIS, jj 1710 MAIN STREEI COLUMBIA, C. February 19?ly. A Specialty. ii mJm i.itcotsw M *5 are the "best all TOund Fowls on the market. I have few very, fine COCKERELS AID PULLETS for sale at low prices. They are from the purest and best known stram, and have been selected with the greatest care. For further particulars, LIUU I OU? g. m. Harman. Lexington, s. c. 1 i ..I in iii ii?? 1707 MAO ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. The Largest Retail ^Mmarble and granite Dealers Sonth. "We^ise the best grade material in manufactnring Mouuments and Headstones and guarantee our work and fiinish to be the best. When you hear a man complaining that he can buy so much cheaper from some little fellow who is anxious to sell anything, you y j&tfeS can put it down that he will get ch?ap stock, cheap work, and of course a cheap job. We can compete with any fair dealer ln country, but we cannot Trm say we will sell as cheap as some as we do not care work. IRON I WIRE FENCING, GRAVE LOT COPING, ETC, for sale. Write to us or see our ME. P. B. EDWAEDS, LEXINGTON, S. C. and we will see that you are treated fair.; SOUTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS. September 11. 41?tf 1 THE HOME BANK, 1 W} (INCORPORATED.* 2}U 1 iiExinrGTonr, s. c. : .4 I DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. | SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOB RENT. INTEREST PUD ON SAV- KH \(\ JNGS DEPOSITS. (jl\ >\K FIRE PROOF SAFE AND VAULT. BUtfGLAR INSURANCE. YOUR $11 MS ACCOUNT SOLICITED, flf] W F. W. OSWALD, GEO. BELL TI^MiKMAN, ALFRED J. FOX. J7/J M Presiient. Vice President. Cashier. vW m DIRECTORS: hi] m F. W. Or.WALD. ALFRED J FOX. J E KAUFMANN. m\ fjW GEO. BELL TIMMERMAN, E. W. RuBERTSUN, H. L. O -5 ?v ALD. tfK m March IS. 1W3. 6-n. C. M. EFIRD. F. E. Dreheb I trnnnf . HUUUL digests what you eat. DREHER, KGDOL ckanscs' Puri'ics- Strengthens ittaracvs at Law, ?Z"ZZ?Z2~ " ' IVU1JUI/ ^Uiwo niutgwuvtif uj ?M