The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 10, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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WBaWjrogOTCTOgagWKCTIIWBBt !KUW wtumg f/f/Ms&rf //// ^kes the joy of life aw f Ijtt&M(iff ?^cn t0 ^y ^:vSfcaso..' A /1Ifa&%*! i jf stronS purgatives and druj g{ ^ ^eaVC ^?U ^ a WQrSG coxc^t' vr^!ic^ kelp the natural for VV'S\\\ feed the blood ar.d pain \\v^j^v\ Booklet and free ? V \ vK Complete treatme AND ORE HARMAlff'i The Lexington Dispatch. & * Wednesday, June 10, 13C3. ^ i A General SfSizture. A man's temper improves with disuse. A will wisher is one who invests his coio in oil lands. The will of the people disenherits a good many candidates. Self reliance lifts h man up; con ceit drags him down. Poverty may pinch an honest mac, i but it never destroys him. Nobility of birth does not always insure nobility of character. On the first indication of kidney trouble, stop it by takiDg Foley's Kidney Cure. The Kaufmann Drug Co. Eve's fondness for apples was a mighty good thing for tailors and dressmakers. , The labor question will never be solved until the necessity for work is eliminated. A wise man doesn't believe all he hears and a fool believes a good many things he doesn't hear. No good health unless the kidneys are sound. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kidneys right. The Kauf maim Drug Co. The brass band that plays the loudest don't make the best music. A family tree is more generally known by its decayed branches than its good fruit. The happiest home is often the one that is closed up for the summer months. Why is it that the more bald a man becomes the more faith he has in hair restorei? There is no tonic equal to Ramon's Tonic Regulator. It is a Tonic that tones the whole system, purities the blood and gives one vim. 25 cts. Harman's Bazaar. When some men have to walk home on a very wide street it takes them all night to get there. If a man wants to get a line on his popularity a3 a speaker let him hire a hall and charge 50 cents admission. Of the twenty-five men who have been President of the Uaited States ten have to-day no descendants. Chronic bronchial troubles and Bummer coughs can be quickly relieved and cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. The Kaufmann Drug Co. Harsh measures are not always ! best?as the woman who marries a I man to reform him is apt to discover to her sorrow. 1 It serves a man right if he marries a woman because she has more sense than he has if she never allows him to forget it. During the summer kidney irregu larities are often caused by excessive drinking or being overheated. At- | tend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney Care. The Kauf- J mann Drug Co. - ^ Th9 Barber?The fools are not a 1 1 dead yet. The Broker?No, but ' there are a lot who dye every day, 1 aren't there? First Mamma?uDo you think that ! J it is safe to let the baby play with those j matches?"' Second Mamma?"Yes; ! , they are safety matches." i ^ fOLEYSHOMMAR i' _ Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia _ I en and delicate z'j and cakes the system .ssist Nature; do not take wA Wj^\\\\ js, v.-bich act for a time, but t\\\\ ca than before. Use a geatle ^|V?|| |l \ 5 L0ER FILLS Si! ?iG PELLETS f/fji/ ?ces to restore perfect health, A/ j ill I t the roses on the cheeks. Jf jIf ample at all dealers. M/jHB&&jl/J nt for ^ 5 BAZAAR. Mrs. Lydia Lmthan', of Chester, Pa., recently celebrated her ninetythird birthday. In the family reunion were sixteen children, seventyfive grandchildren end an even hundred great-grandchildren. Every thoughtful wife has a suspicion that a million dollars may fall into her husband's lap any minute, and she has the list of the things she will buy then all made out. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what you need when you have no appetite, feel dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They will improve appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. A twenty-five story building is to be erected in New York city, 100 feet square, and on land worth 8100 a quare foot, or 81,000,000 for 100 square feet. The building, 325 feet high, will cost only $1,400,000, only forty per cent more than the land. Offices are expected to rent for $2 a square foot?$800 for a room twenty feet square. ? Praying for Bain. New York, June o?On account of the immense forest fires which are eating up millions of property all over the east'prayers for relief from the forty-nine days drought are being offered today in all Catoolic and Episcopal churches in Greater New York upon the order of Archbishop Faitey and Bishop Potter. Washington, June 5.?Smoke from the forest fires in the Northern States has drifted Leyond,Washington. This morning a heavy fog, augmented by ; smoke, hung over the city. The odor | of burning wood is distinctly perceptible. Glens Falls, N. Y, June 5 ?Better conditions prevails today in the Adi- j rnn ^ o r?l*c favacl?f o JL OUUbVOO iWUCUO. lilC U2HO AiU LUVJ&C? or less under control, but cannot be i extinguished until rain falls. There j has been practically no rain in this region for Sfiy days. For Over Sixty Years. Mrs. Winslow's SootbiDg Syrup has been in use for ever sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect j success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggitfc in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure to ask for Mrs. "Winelow's SoothiDg Syrup," and take no other kind, tf McLaurin's Misfortune. New York, N. Y., June 4.?James W. Osborne, couneel for Senator McLaurin said today. "I am about to state that the senator is not as bear broke as at first reported. His liability, however, is fully $115 000. This sum is represented by ?10,000 in cash, which my client advanced to Frank A. Umstead, j in addition to three different notes on which he went security. One of i these is for $2,000, another for $25,- j J00. The first note fell due a few ; :i?ys ago and was promptly met by i Senator McLaurin, who then secured i in attachment for the face of note on i stock of Umstead in the Mohawk j Valley concern. CTWWHBBSB'I'KWMgSnwraWBBPBgMCIBHapOgglBWBglMI Jsv^s "Will Dcfsnd Themselves. Berlin, June 3?Advices received here from Oiessa under date of May 28 eaya the Jews there sre now prepared to defend themselves iuteliii * gently. Several thousand revolvers have been imported since the Kiachintff massacre so that a' present I almost every Jew, man or woman, is 1 armed. Those who were unable to buy weapons received them as gifts from the defense committee. A system cf communication has aiso been agreed upon so as to spread a warning throughout the city when there is au outbreak of violence in any quarter. Families residing near each other will concentrate for defense and everv second man will ioin what %/ J might be called an expeditionary corp3, to take part in aggressive defense where rioting is actually going on. The Jewish safety committee is also reported to have arranged wiih the workingaierra associations for aid of the event of outbreaks. Arms have been distributed from Odessa to the Jews in other cities of Russia. The Tageblatt today print-' a dispatch from St. Petersburg announcing that a law sv^s published there this day giving a list of 101 towns in Russia in which Jews are allowed to acquire land and live whithout restriction. Jews are temporarily forbidden to buy laud outside of these places where they will be legally settled. ? Worst of All Experiences. Can anything be worse than lo / ? . ? 7 * : 11 l_ _ ieei mat every minute win oe jour last? Such was the experience of Mrs. S. H. Newsoa, Decatur, Ala. "For three years" she writes, "I endured insufferable pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Eiectric Bitters and the .result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I'm completely recovered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaranteed by Tiie Kaufmaon Drug Co., Boasting of Fine Cows. Jackson, Miss., May 29 ?Remarkable cows are being made tne subjects of boasts by farmers in the agricultural columns of the country puet-B this week. L. B. Sojourner, of the Gallman neighborhood, Copiah county, posses a cow which he claims averages 37 pounds of strained milk each day and 17 pounds of butter for a 6even day period. Dr. Sheperd, of Holmes county, boasts of a cow on his plantation which has produced six calves within three years, all females. Moody to Leav the Cabinet. Washington, June 3.?It was announced authoritatively tonight that Secretary Moody, of the navy, would not remain in the cabinet longer thaa the present term of President Roosevelt. Mr. Moody expects then to resume the practice of law. Eo&cl G-ives Strength By enabling the digestive organs to digest, assimilate ?nd transform all of the wholesome food that may be eaten into tbe kind of blood that nourishes the Derves, feeds the tissues, hardens the muscles and recuperates tbe organs of the entire body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Catarrh of the Siomac.h and all sfomach disorders. Sold by all druggists. Wreck Near Sumter. Sumter, S C, June 3 ?An excursion train, running from Nichols to Columbia, was wrecked, this morning with a result of five dead and thirtythree injured. The train was taking a large crowd of people to Columbia. When eight miles from Summer, going at full speed, it plunged into a deep washout. The engine, the baggage car and three coaches were thrown into a heap, ana the crew ana passengers in the wreck. Conductor J. I. Cements and four negroes were killed outright. E&giueer George Wilson and Fireman Mack Douglas wt-re badly hurt, but not fatally. Thirty-three wsre i/ jured, eight of them very Leriouniy. The dead and injured were brought here by relief train, which was quick- ! ly dispatched. \%mmm1 i/ P^Irs. Laurac S. Webb, ^ | | VJce-PivstfleKt Woman's Praio- | cr.Uic t'Sabs oi ^oriiiem "1 dresocd the change of life which I was fast approach inc. ! noticed Wine 8 of Cardui, and Gec.o'ed to try a bot- , ^ lie. 1 experienced some relief the ? first month, so 1 kept on taking it for a three months and now 3 menstruate ? with no pain and 1 shall take it off and jj on now until i have passed the" F Female weakness, disordered | menses, raliinsr of the womb and \ ovarian troubles do not wear oft. | Th#y follow a woman to the change I of life. Do not wait but take Wine 8 of Cardui now and avoid thetrou- J bie. Wine of Cardui never fails I to benefit a suffering woman of fl any age. Wine of Cardui relieved B Mrs. Webb when she was in dan- B ger. When you come to the change I of life Mrs. Webb's letter will 3 mean more to you than it does R now. But you may now avoid the 1 suffering she endured. Druggists n seil $1 bottles of Wine of Cardui. a Grief That 77as Natural. The boy came into the bouse weepinsr, and bis mother was naturally solicitous. "What's the matter, Willie?" she asked. "The boy across the way hit me," he replied. "On, well, I wouldn't cry for that."' she returned. "Show that you can be a lit'le man." "I ain't crying ior tea:, ne retorted. "Then what are you crying for?1' "He ran into the house before I could get at him." Roosevelt Endorsed. Columbus, June 4 ?The Republican convention reassembled this morning to hear the platform prepared by the committee. Gen. Chas. Dick read the report, which favored Roosevelt's nomination in 1904 and Manna's return to the senate. The report praises the achievements of the Republican party in national and state affairs. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merits for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, money back if not cured. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co., Druggist. Ha Got 12 Cents for Cotton. A cotton mill man who was in Charlotte recently attending the meeting of the Cotton Spinners' Association sold 1,500 bales of cotton to a New Orleans firm. He got 12 cents a pound for the cotton. He furnished the 1,500 bales out of the stock which he held in his warehouse. The State Supreme Court Friday finished the business of the April term aDd receded from business until the 23rd of next November, uriless called together before that time. "I have been troubled for some time with indigestion and sour stomach,'' says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass., "and have been taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets whieh have helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before I couid not." If you have any trouble with your stomach why not take these Tablets and get web? For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. /-v. * r .1 t i.. t vja monuay eveuiuy, uaue i:?i, jira. John Soiree, c;f Perry, was killed by j lightning. Mis. Spires wa8 attending to her usual household duties and * it is supposed she had stepped to j the door to observe the storm when a bolt of lighmicg rleecended killing her almost instantly. \ 6kg Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use ^ in time. Sold by (Iruzfc'ists. {*3 cBJaWari 2 Sa ifl l^J to jmMi 1 % !| Union Made Shoes. _ i i: 1003. j We extend to our Lexington IrLnds a Ln-rty welcome to inspect our 11 :e ol irvrr UIK rrmt.?*. , Sai-V wduTsln W i They Lave never been equal lor the pri.-e. Or: ^remnant) lots prices greatly reduced, fining Stock wiii begin to come on February loth, ' CALL AND SEE US BEFORE BUYING. jjE. P. & P. A. DAVIS, | ijino MAIN STREET COLUMBIA, S*. C. Jbebruary 19?ly. !! A Specialty. ! JL 17 are the best^^^^ound Fowls oil the market. I have few very fine as* n n nsi xo\ rm ? m a ya m *** n a. I'Ul'KtKtLS km PULLETS for saie at low prices. They are from the purest and best known scram, and haye been selected with the greatest care. For farther particulars, address. G. M.Harraan, Lexington. S. C. 1707 MAI3T ST., COLIJ31BIA, S. C. ^Wmarble and granite ;:*lI Dealers South. We use the best grade material in manufacturing Monuments and Headstones and gaarantee our work and hinish to be the best. When you hear a man complain Hi*'-' "c tnu uuy so mnuu cneapsr iroru some little lei low who is anxious to sell anything, you ^JbK3 can Pui: down l^af- kQ will get ch^ap stock, cheap woik, and ol coutse h cheap j >b. Is caa C0DQhet:e wi& any lair dealer ? ln **"* country, but we cannot Sfty W8 WlU S-H ?'Cb6aP ^ grade stock and r^SW',<ffw!8F*M^? do shabby work. IRON b WIREFICli, GRAVE LOT t'DPIML. ETC., for RaJe. Write to us or see our MI?. P. B. EDWABDS, LEXINGTON, S. C. and we will see that you are treated fair.; flATTmTT f\ A HAT TIT A HIT k TITST T! uUUlXi {jRWhiim IllillilJliL WUIiJliX september 11. 44?tf i THE HOME SANK. I m * (incorporated.) fly 'I LEXINGTON, S. G. a 1 DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. | bf? safety deposit boxes for rent ixteres! paid on say- k\! lift INGS DEPOSITS. ill m fire proof safe and vault, burglar insurance, your y,u account soj icited, fif, ll# f. w. oswald, geo. bell ti^jiermax, alfred j. fox. (}} President. vic=) President. c&shier. ( ( ]k directors : ,)(> f "w. ot/walp. alfred j fox. j e. kaufmann. w fjm geo. belo tim4ierman, e. w. robertson, h. l. ooivald. #l( ^ march 1h. 1903. on. ?)y 0. M. EFIKD. P. E. Ereher | gQDQL digests what you eat.' EFSBO & DREHER, KODOL cleanses' Purifies- strengthen! Attorneys at Law, ? ZZZZZLEXINGTON, C. H., S. C. ali stomach and boweI troubles. WILL PBACTICE IN ALL TEE gQJJQJ^ accelerates the action of the gasCourts. Business solicited. One trie glands and gives tone to the member of the firm will always be at office, digestive organs. Lexington, S. C. tine 17?6m. KODOL relieves an overworked stomach i. of all nervous strain gives to the heart* a full, free and untrammeled -n. A <r M 9 a**?* 1 Ann I ;_T } 5L EHI&f ft 5J ?1 I ?5 ^ S? I S E action, uourisr.cs tuc ncrvuua ayaicui <iuu CtiflRAV L. M^SIIbLr feeds the brain. / Attorney at Law, KODOL is the wonderful remedy that is making so many sick people well LEESVILLE, S. 0. and weak peopie strong by giving to their Practices in all the Courts. bodies all of the nourishment that is conButjiness solicited. tamed in the food they eat. ept 30? 6m. Bottles only, 51.00 Sire ho!d!n? 2rA times the trial size, which sells for 50c. (IliOPvCrlD BBUITSI r"?mi * * v.A";CSKm ,). ej. liauj iua^nin. MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C., When writing mention the Dispatch. JEWELER "d REPAIRER n? F i- , . Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, "i *' L 1 blocks and Silverware. A fine line 01 SURGEON DENTIST, spectacles and Eyeglasses to lit every one, x^cvtt t t o n dl for sale at lowest prices. 1j?jJi,o V1LD ti, s. U JS&8- Bepairs on Watches first class Office next door below post office, quickly done and guaranteed, at moderate Always onhand. rices. 50?tf February .12. L