'? The Lexington Dispatch. \ ? Wednesday, April 29, 1903. * I la&ex to 2Tew Advertisements. ZDX-SnifcTE SEBVICES. ST. 8TKP HEX'S LUTHKBAX CHURCH. Bev. J. G. Graichen, Pastor. 1st. Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. 1st 8unday, evening at 7:30. Lexington. 0??A>w 11 a m T ATI n ortnn 6UU* UUUVMIJ 44 M 3rd. Sunday 11a. m., Lexington. 4th. Sunday, evening at 7:30 Lexington. Sunday school service every Sunday morning at 9:30. appointments op bev. geobge 8. beabden. Nazareth, E. Lutheran, First Sunday. St. John. E. Lutheran, Third Sunday. Providence, E. Lutheran, 4tfc Sunday. His address is 11U9 Elmwood Avenue, Colombia, S, C., where parties wishing to correspond with him can address him. pbesbttebian sebvices: Itev. Mr. Wallace, Pastor. 2nd. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. LEXINGTON CIBCUIT M. E. CHUBCH SOUTH. Eev. W. E. Babbe, Pastor. 1st Sunday, Hebron 11 am. Shiloh 3? pm. 2d Sunday, Horeb 11am. Lexington 3?pm. 3d 8unday, Shiloh 11 am. Hebron 3? p m A .V. tt T .o-r-in ert.,-?rt it am. Horfeb 34 Dm ZUU uuuuajy ^ Lexington: Snnday school service every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. >? Mothers! Mothers! Mothers! How many children are at this season feverish and constipated, with bad stomach and headache. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children will always core. If worms are present they will certainly remove them. At ail dtnggists. 23 cfcs. Sample mailed. % 27 Visits His Old Horns. The Bateeburg Advocate of last week say8 that Col. C. P. Quattlebaum, of Conway, was in thst town, be having returned from a visit to his old home near Samaria. Col. Quattlebaum is a son of the late General Paul Q lattlebaum, one of Lexington's most gifted eons, and is pleasantly remembered by many people of fhio fntrn whflrfl in hi8 bovhood daV8 " VU19 I W *i ? #% ?? - ? ^ be read law in the office of Major H. A. Meeize. He ie Vice President of the Bank of Conway. For Over Sisty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been in nse for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relievo the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure to ark for Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind, tf Odd Follows' Celebration. 1 Last Sunday was the 84th anniversary of the Order of Odd Fellows in the United States. Both the lo Cil lodges celebrated the occasion with appropriate ceremonies. Those of Bdllentine Lodge being held in the afternoon, duriDg which Mr. L "W. Rjdd made a practical and interesting address, showing the beauties of the Order, its works and its aims. r Mr. C. S. Bradford followed with a thoughtful and well conceived paper reviewing the history cf the Order and what it had already accomplished toward the alleviation of the sufferings of humanity and the elevation of the social standard. The audience was large, the hall being crowded to its utmost capacity and the Mnninrr VftB bhnni t.hfi AVnrftOA ?R I D that beard od like occasions. After the close of these ceremonies a procession was formed and the members paraded the streets wearing the beautiful emblems cf their Order. The inclement weather which, prevailed in the evening, interferred considerably with the programme arranged by Dixie Lodge and as a con" sequence it had to be materially abridged. The Rev. W. D. Quick delivered an eloquent and timely sermon in the hall which received marked attention from the members present The balance of the elaborate programme was omitted for the cause already mentioned. Il'l, f | ?_ f _ ? xL _ . Hilton s LiTe ror tne Liver and Kidneys aids digestion. ? Fresh Fish. I will have for sale an assortment of fresh fish every Tuesday and Saturday at J. W. Long's Old Store. Give me a call when yon want a nice mess of fish. tf John A. Williams. He's At It!?By Sloniiks. O'h Mr. Devil, I bope you will Dot deal too harshly with me for intruding on your eatanic majesty, but I must inform you of your good luck. You remember sometime ago an enemy of yours?one "P. H. C made great pretentious by the "great horn spoon" and around him rallied all the fishermen of the country, including your worthy master. But, elis, for poor dhl! He is but mortal aft9r all, I supposs they all J ment well while they -were pecneu up there in the city away from fcemplation, but out here io the free and open country it is going to be very different. Still let's be honest with them. They miy mean to stand by the truth, but things look mighty fishey to me. No doubt great catches will appear in the paper and they will try to lay the blame on you, but I am here tj see that the Devil has bi9 dues. Below you will find an accurate account of all fishes caught up to Tuesday noon and if they give any other figures it will only prove what I have mildly hinted at. 1600 suckers. The Editor caught all of these with a paper bait. One Jack, or I guess it was a Jack, they were drawiDff him out of the pond \J UU1C auu vuo uvcm UHU VVVU disappeared and jasfc before him there appeared a pair of eyes fifty times as large as the fall moon in May. By a nervous twitchinig of the eyes, which indicated chat he tasted turpentine, the Editor perceived that Udcle George ani the boat had gone the way of Jonah. Now, what was the Editor to do? In a moment all the delinquent subscribers, who had departed this life, appeared before him and glared on him with their hideous, dishonest eyes and he fearad he should soon have to take up hi3 abode with them, but about this time there was another splashing of water and the trout?for so it proved to be?swallowed the Jack and "Traveller," whohad arrived by this time, pulled them all out together. The Editor was washed ashore by the incoming waves. As soon as Uncle George was relieved he did not hesitate to say that that was the biggest thing he ever went into. One eel, which was 74(H feet long and had in its maw 14 mules and 2 cows and a colored man?supposed to be Dr. Crum. Now, I hope your majasty will see that these simdle facts are not exaggerated. Klondike. To Curs a Cold ia Ono Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature i* on each box 25c. Ladies, when you want flavoring extracts for your cakes, pies, custards, etc., go to Harman's Bazaar, where you will find the best and purest brands in 5 and 10 cents sizes. FoleysKidneycdrb Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right r^-TToCi I Take Laxative Broi 1 Seven MBBon boxes sold in pest 13 I * Reunion at New Orleans. For the 1903 lieunion of the Confederate Veterans, the Seaboard Air Line will sell from its coupon ticket stations round trip tickets to New Orleans at the very low rate of one cent per mile for distance traveled short line mileage; the tickets will be sold from May 16ch to 21st inclusive, good for return until May 24th. By depositing the tickets with the special agent at New Orleane not later than May 24tb, and upon payment of 50 cents fee, the return - * ? * --i. ? limit ot the ticKets may do fciteuucu until June 15th. This remarkably low rate to the Crescent City of the South West will no doubt be taken a ivantage of by a large number of people as the rates are open ones and the tickets can be used not or ly by the Confederate Veterans, but by the public at large. Any ticket of the Seaboard Air j Line will give full information as to rates and schedule upon application, or same can be secured by addressing Mr. C. B. Walworth, A. G. P. A. Savannah, Ga. Official Notice Of the Lexington County Fair Association, Lexington, S C., April 27, 1903. The following is a list of Superin nt the trorinna rlwnorfmpnf'R " "* " o with the log chain and windless. They had him out to his side fins, which were red and seemed not to be able to get him any further. However they had sent for "Traveller" to come up with his Tug and tow rope. I saw the dead junipers shaking for about 6 or 800 yards, up to the pond and judging from the thickness of his bod , a: h s first fins 18 feet by 9f incuts be muBt be only a medium size Jack. I bet they try to make a monster out of him in their report. Oae trout. Here the Eiitor has had the most thrilling experience of his long and eventful lift. He and Uncle George Clark were out bobbing. The Editor was paddling and Uacle George was working the bob. They bad several small rises near the d8co, but when they puthed off in deep water there was a sudden orOaot"i on/1 onlaftfin r\f wafer and OpiOOU UUU D^/4WVbV4 V* ft MWV* MM%* when the Editor, who was somewhat dazed?came to himself he saw that TT?/?In /Ifinvna on/4 fVlO Vvo a f ttO/4 Vl tCUUOUlf3 U1 UUV^ VC?? AVM4 v>? ^ of the Association, by ord< r of the President. Field Crop?J. H. Counts. Household?Mike W. Shull. Cattle?J. C. Fulmer. Sheep and Goat?B D. Clark. Swine?J. Walter Dreher. Manufacturing?C. W. Ciugbman. Horse and Mule?W. B. Roberts and W B Taylor. Poultry and Pe-?W. Q M. Berley. Floral?H. J. Rawl. Needle and Fancy Work?H. R. Dreher. Fine Arts?R L. Keisler. .T A TVfnllpr. Secretary Association. You Eaow Wkat You Ars Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay. j 50c. Strike on Magnate'j Farm. Somerville, N. J, April 22.?A committee of strikers on the estate of James Duke, president of the American Tobacco Company, had a conference with Mr. Duke today. Duke told the committee he would not under any circumstances reemploy the men who had caused the trouble at the farm. Tbe other strikers are still in an angry mood. I cnnc TA THC P:AR!FQ rcvuu i v i nu The Eastern Manufacturing- Co., of Chicago, will present to every baby, under one year of age, in this county, one solid silver baby spoon with the baby's given name engraved on same. You do not have to pay one cent nor buy anything to get this spoon. The Eastern Manufacturing Co. are large manufacturers and jobbers of jewelry and silverware, and have taken this method of advertising their goods. Instead of spending thousands of dollars for magazine advertising they have decided to give it away direct & consumers. The undersigned firm has been made distributing agent for this locality. Bring your baby to their store and give its name and age and you will receive one of these beautiful silver spoons all engraved free of cost. This is not a cheap article, but solid silver of elegant design. Don't fail to look over the elegant line of The Eastern Manufacturing Co. 's goods on display at ABLE & ABLE, Leasville. m arnrETHiNfi Cure* Gholera-lnfantum, Diarrhoea, Dyser Any Age. Aids Digestion, Regulates the E TEETHING EASY, Cures Eruptions and i and prevents Worms- TEETHINA Count* Summer's heat upon Toothing Children, i mail 25 oents to C. J* MOFfETT, M. D ire a Cold in On no Quinine Tablets. oentht. This signature, The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. By George S Drafts. E q , Probate -Judge. WHEREAS, MRS. -JULIA C BACHman made suit to me. to g?ant her L ft^s of Administration of theE tate of < and ?fleets ot W. F. Bachman: , These are. therefore, tocit?and admonish all and si. gular the kindred and credi'ors of the said W F. Back maD, d ceased, toat they be and appear, before me. in tte Conrc ot Proba e, 10 he h-ld at Lexington. C. H.. S. C . on the 30th day of April. 190 ;. after publication h-.reof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, o shew cause, if any they have, why the r. said Administration should not be grant d. r. Giv n und?-r my hand, this 14th day of April, Armo Domini 19 3 GEORGK S. IXRAFTS, [L S.] ] Probate Judge, Lexington Cminty. 3 Published on the lMh day of April, a 19C3, in the Lexington Disp tch. 2*24 For Sale. WE OFFER FOR SALE OUR C0Mplete t*aw Mill outfit, consisting ot Lidell *5 Horse Power Engine, One Lorn- J ftrt.Hnrcd Pntrot- On#? (1. Ar. (t. Cooper Saw Mill. Iiachet Head ttiock. One ? ?0-inch Diston Inserted Tooth Saw. 8<) teet of iO-inch BeltiDg. Cut Od Saw,. Shafting, etc., One 20-inch plain-r aad Matcher. All of the above machinery is in perfect working: oreer and is now at work 6 Head of Oxen, 3 Carts, 7 Head of Mules, 2 Wagons. Will sell at a bargain. ALSO 3">0 acres of Land, ten miles sonth of Columbia, with nice 8-room dwelling, store bor,se. 4 tenant houses, good barn, etc. Plenty ot water power and extra good firming land Ab)utlO:> acres m cultivition now. It is a beautiful place for a nice countiy home. Address MILL MEN, Pelion. S. C. Warning, ALL PFRSON* ARE HEREBY WARNed against giving employment toBachmau Geiger. colored as he is UDdi "n inii xijijcj limn 11 ftfl SZBZE3ZDS gl|cclvirra"bia. C9QQC96969( gu" GUNS AND A Gill Nets, Fishing Tac plies, Phonographs pairng of all Kind Rig) W. F, STIEG I 508 MAIN STREE1 ? ft tt * ' Franks job Formerly the well 1554, MAIN STREET is ready for the largest business tl are in and complete. One of the CLOTHING, HATS AND ever displayed in South Carolina, for less money aDd more goods for a R.omfimhflr. B'JUIU U1 liaiuuioiv. T JOBBING HOUSE you not only but a mammoth wholesale depart! to serve you, aDd are always glad you the good things we have if yo the Number, 1554 Main Street, an you kindly for past patronage, ver M. FRANK, 8eptember|19.?tL DEATH. OF IS TO DIE. D FERTILIZER. 8?t. Absolute Death to all insect life. 2d Cheapor thau any other inseticide known 8d. A good fertilizer. 4th. Any chi d can apply it. 5 th. Not dangerous to apply it, Glh, Ready for immediate use.jno mixing. 7tb. Every pound of uniform strength. 3abbage or any garden vegetable is assured CE: 10 pounds - 50 cents 15 pouuds - - -70 cents 25 pounds - $1.10 cents ons how to use. r DRUG CO., VJ* V* 1.0 A tJJ s. e. "^ 3 i 03 $ are gj >west Pricesgg + ? n?l/l T\1 (lnfAVC^^ I CO ClllU. ley. ' m >R PRICES. NOW IS|50> TO BUT. S2| makI SB - ? ^gSS MMUMmON. kle, Base Ball Supancl Records, Res, Our Prices are tit. LIT! PROPRIETOR. r, COLUMBIA, S. C. bins House, known Bee H !ve, 5 COLUMBIA, S. ., ley have ever done. All lines largest and prettiest lines of We can give you better goods the same money than any bnnoe friends, in comiDg to FRANK'S Uotto a retail at.nclr tn select, from iidfO W VVWM __ neDt. Polite and attentive clerks to have the opportunitv to show u want to buy or not. Remember id call early and often. Thanking y respectfully, Proprietor.