The Lexington Dispatch I Wednesday, April 29,1903. Got. Taylor Planned Murder. Henry Youfcsey, one of the principals in the Goebel murder, testified that after the shooting of Goebel he passed through the State house basement and a few minutes he came back into the executive bilding from ? ' i - e L tne ease Side oi Hie euirauue. UI staid in the office of the Assistant Secretary of State Matthews," said he, "and saw Matthews break open Caleb Powers^ desk and find the guns that had been left in there." Youtsey said that at the time of the shooting he was private Secretary of Auditor Sweeny, but that while his political status wa9 notdefi, nitely fixed, it was understood that he was to have a place under Taylor. "Governor Taylor," said Ycutsey, "decided everything we did, We regarded him as t)ur leader, and he was morally responsible for all we - ^ .1 did. We knew we naa trie vxovernor and the pardoning power behind us, and we were not afraid of punishment for killing Goebel." During Youteey's testimony Howard sat with his eyes riyited on the witness. His wife sat beside him. Howard did not change his expression. Youtsey on cross examination said that after he was arrested and later sent to the penitentiary he still had hope of getting his liberty. He thought Yerkes would be elected Governor and would pardon him. He was defeated, however, and about a year 8go he dicided to talk and did tell his story to Prison Physician Tobin. Youtsey said farther that he had an additional incentive to tell his story as Taylor, Powers and others nnai) Vk*w% a a j% aot'a tr\QTO q uau UOCU UUU OS a vail o uua CI scapegoat and then deserted him when he got into trouble. A Prominent Minister Recommends Chamberlain's Colic Choiera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Rev. Francis J. Davidson, pastor of the St Matthew's Baptist church and President of the Third District Baptist Association, 2731 Second St, New Orleans, writes as follows. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for cramps and pains in the stomach and found it excellent. It is in fact the best cramp and cholic remedy I have ever used. Also several of my parishioners have used it with equally satisfactory results." For sale by the Kaufm?n Dm? ffci Sill, Boss of New York. Albany, N. Y., April 23?If the New York delegation to the next Democratic national convention dees not turn up solid for David B. Hill it will be because he does Dot want ths nomination in that way. If Hill wants the New York delegation he can have in for the asking. Those who are inclined to treat David B. Hill as a brokendown politician do not know the man and are ignorant of the political situation. He is more of a factor than ever before, bis personal machine is simply impregnable, and there has been no time in the last dozen years when his hold on the party has been more i~i.~ n?,\ CUUipioiOi -oi 10 iu juugmuuf deposed , defeated and discredited. Cleveland is in New Jersey, retired from active politics, a potential tradition, bat inconsiderable as a political possibility. Ex-Senator Murphy, Hill's treacherous enemy, is under the political sod. Tammany is under still another Murphy, friendly to Hill's upstart machine. The Republican majority is dwindled to the danger line. HILL A CONTROLLING FACTOR. And so, at 90 years of age, strong, self-reliant, dominant, David B. Hill Annlvnllinn I JUKUD UilUOCtl KUC wumvtiitig luvwi in Democratic politics in the greatest state of the Union. Hill's friends are in the saddle, but are acting with extraordinary caution and are doing nothing to stir up antagonism. Not a word is spoken to throw cold water on the Parker | boom. Why should there be? Park- , er is a Hill man through and through. | He was first appointed judge by < Hill, and the two men have been j good friends ever since. Parker | managed one of Hill's successful ] campaigns for tbe governorship, and was rewarded with the best judicial appointment the governor had in stock. It' Hill's mind is made up to run for the Democratic presidential nomination Parker will not oppose him. If Hill sees he can't get the nomination, or if for any other reason he decides not to make the race, hi3 strength and solid delegation from New York will go to Parker. DEMOCRATS CLAIM STATE FOR 1904. Every Democratic leader of any consequence in the state believes New York is certain to go Democratic of fUo Pi-ooi^cnfiol clortfinn ail tuc UUAU JL lUOlUVUwiUl VAWVVAVf I They have figures at hand to backup their belief. McKinley's plurality of 268,469 in 1896 dropped to 143,606 in 1900, although the candidates and the issues were the same. Roosevelt's plurality of 17,786 in 1898 was small enough in all reason, but it was whittled down to 8,803 for Odell in 1902, with anything but a strong democratic candidate. La9t fall the eociel Democrats vote was 39,286, and the Prohibitionists polled 20,490, so these scattering elements amount nearly to seven times Odell's plurality. The combined Democratic, Socialist and Prohibition vote shows a clear majority of 50,973 over the total Republican vote. Until the campaign of last year the democrats had been beaten steadily since 1892, with the single exception of the election in 1897, when Jfarher was elected to his present place on the bench of the court of appeals by 60,8S9 majority. That, however, was not really a political election. What beat Coler last year was the indifference in democratic ranks, due to the habit of defeat. WatchiDg the great tidal wave for McKinley in 1836 recede until Odel found himself in a minority of 50.000 it is no wonder David Bennett Hill sit8 grimly in his office on Albany's Broadway and reaches out to grasp the fruits of victory he sees ripening before his eyes. Hill is as forceful today as he was ten years ago. His sixty years have passed lightly over him. To a man who neither drinks nor smokes, whose personal habits Qra nnr fr? fho nninf nf onoforiftr sixty years are as nothing. To David B. Hill three scorce years seem to have brought merely intricate experience. Those who remember the courageous ^ght Hill made at Chicago in 1896, and who later saw him when he stood up before the howling mob and converted it into friends at Kansas City and refused the second place on the ticket; will be at least interested to learn that he has lost none of his splendid vitality, none of that impassive political bravery which won for him the respect of the wildest populistic cranks at Chicago, and which subsequently resulted in the remarkable demonstration at Kansas City. ?^ >4 4 Dreadful Attack of Whooping Cough. Mrs. Ellen Harilson, of 300 Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo., writes as follows: "Our two children had a severe attack of whooping cough, one of them in the paroxysm of coughing would often faint and bleed at the nose. We tried everything we heard of without getting relief. We then called in our family doctor who prescribed Foley's Honey and Tar. With the very first dose they began to improve and we feel that it has saved their lives." Refuse substitutes. Sold by the Kaufmann Drug Co. Lemon for the Toilet. On every washstand a lemon or two should be kept. Nothing is better for the toilet than the juice of this fruit. It is refreshing to the taste, and it is cleadsing to the skin. A few drops squeezed into the water with which the teeth are cleansed not only will aid in keeping the tartar away from them, but it will also make the breath sweet. Lemon juice rubbed on the face aids in keeping the skin soft and fresh. If persistently used, it will remove freckles, and when applied to the hands it will whiten them. An at. cellenfc thing for the nails is to cut a lemon in half and dig the fingers vigorously into the pulp. This is a far better way of removing stains than by too hard sorubbing with a brueh, which injures the nails. Not Wanted There. A movement is on foot to urge upon the Dominian government the placing of a duty on cream separators About 8500,000 worth of cream separators or their main parts was imported into Canada last year. A duty of say 30 per cent, would mean that the farmers and dairymen of Canada would pay a tax of 8150,000 a year, on the separators they buy. Price* in Canada would go up just the amount of the duty. A Cf A J A BAU One of the Baddest tragedies that ever occurred in Kershaw county took place Monday of last week. It is said, that evening at the home of Mr. C. Tiller, near Camden, Leila, one of his twin daughters, aged 14 years, it is alleged, had an altercation with her brother for which their father chastised them both. The girl took the punishment so to heart that she procured some strychnine and ended her life. The BobbedG-rave. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: "I was in an awful condition. My skin wa9 almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters; to my great joy, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents., guaranteed, by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Resignation. Rev. H. J. Mathias has tendered bis resignation as pastor of St. Luke's church, near Prosperity, S. C., to take effect Sunday, April 26th, having accepted a call extended him by the Lincolnton charge (Tennessee Synod), Lincolnton, N. C., where he mill foto nhorrra r\n fVi/a oanrtr\A Snn_ TT All VUAV VUHlgg UU UUU k/UU" day in May.?Lutheran Visitor. A Great Sensation. There was a big sensation in Leesville, Ind. when W. H. Brown of that place, who was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. He writes: ikI endured insufferable agonies from Asthma, but your New Discovery gave ne immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure." Similar cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c. and Si.00. Guaranteed by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Trial bottles free. Wants Valley to Himself. San Francisco, April 22.?The ticket agents of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company in this city have been directed to sell not more than seventy-five tickets to the Yosemite Valley during the time the President will be there. The President has asked for as much privacy as possible during his stay in the Yosemite. DR. E, J, ETHEREDGE, SURGEON DENTIST, LEESVILLE, S. C. Office next door below poet office* Always onband. February .12, IMiT*?"i' MW- Mb III hWli Thomas Lawrence, a Pettis county (Missouri) farmer, was knocked twenty feet by a train a year ago and escaped injury. Last August he was struck by lightning and recovered. Five months ago he fell from a barn roof and was not hurt. Last week he stumbled over a 2months-old pup and in falling broke hie back. MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C., JEWELER "d REPAIRER Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A fine line of Spectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, all for sale at lowest prices. Bepairs on Watches first class qnickly dene and guaranteed, at moderate prices. oO?t f W. A. BEtiKLIM, j&JlESTISGT, COLUMBIA, S. C. IS NOW MAKING THE BEST PICtures that can be bad in this country, and all who have never had a real fine picture, should now try some of his latest styles. Specimens cun be seen at his Gallery. up stairs, next to the Hub. When writing mention the Disnatch, KODOL digests what you eat. KODOL cleanses, purifies, strengthens and sweetens the stomach. KODOL cures indigestion, dyspepsia, and all stomach and bowel troubles. EODOL accelerates the action of the gas" trie glands and gives tone to the digestive organs. EODOL relieves an overworked stomach of all nervous strain gives to the heart a full, free and untrammeled action, nourishes the nervous system and feeds the brain. EODOL is the wonderful remedy that is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by giving to their bodies all of the nourishment that is contained in the food they eat. Bottles only, $1.00 Size holding 2lA the trial size, which sells for 50c. Prepared only by E. C. DeWITT 4 CO., CHICAGO. J. E. KAUFHANN. When writing: mention the Dispatch. DeWOTs O Salvo" For Piles; Bums, Sores* fSiEliETli uiiiiULiiiii nniiuiuiL unmi, , THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN COLUMBIA, UNITED STATES. STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY, Savings Department. Paid up Capital - $200,000 Surplus Profits . - 70,COO Liability of Stockholders - 200,000 $470,000 Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, payable May 1st and November 1st W. A. CLARK, President. Wiuz Jones, Vice President and Cashier, December 4?ly. [[Ill SAVINGS MIL DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. I W. P. ROOF, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Allen Jones, W. P. Roof, C. M. Efird, E. Hilton. James E. Hendriz. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and npwards received and interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. September 21?tf || MM OOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOO III DRIER'S I FEMALE ? sauK 11 A New Discovery for the j|j|| Prevention and Cure of j Ijilll Female Diseases. i ! ill It is a permanent cure for all 11 i III Womb. Bladder and Urinary Dis- II :;;!l!jj'S eases and fema\z Weaknesses. 11 flU Leucorrhoea or Whites. Irregular II ? I ill ?n<^ Menstruation, &c j ' L^jl Ladies will find it of specie! I I valueif taken with regularity du- II ring Pregnancy or the Change I I f j of Life. ^ ]| $?) Price. $1.25. 1 " -II f :;si ~ u ?PREPARED BY DR. C. BAKER. I TSE LSOISUT MOHHTitH 10 CO, ' tiArvf Acrvms aid soli nortizTots. 1 GREENEVILLE. TENS. mL^Ji 1 On. U/AAllaulc SENT FREE to all t Uli flUUllBj S users of morphine, * daiiii ceo opium, laudanum, ? . h elixir of opium, co- _ PI I 11 B caine or whiskey, a ? 11 111 HH large book of parWr III IWI tlcularson home or 1 I 11 |l| sanatorium treat H B nient. Address, B. ? AND M. WOOLLEY CO., | Whiskey Cure ! MlMta,ry0*&eorgL^ j I CRACK GOES THE WHIP ? Irflf F i IN COME THE ORDERS * I itfirpliria&Alfc iJfv4' SELLS THE VERY BEST GRADES OF / ) \ FERTILIZERS / { | AT THE VERY LOWEST COSj / J It pays to fertilize your lands wj^n A ! THE VIRGINIA-CAROLINat CHEMICAL COMPANY# i PRODUCTS. ( I botie iissmi-giioun | ( Tho Virgfnia-Carolina ? Co. } HEMICIL GOMPIB! j i CHARLESTON. S. C. 6 ? "The Largest ( Manufacturer of g/ v -i> ^ Fertilizers on Earth" ? Forty odd \ Manufacturinpr plants I | J )*" ( f \T? Wholesale purchasers | _^?Uv' '\ ^''1 rargest :mrtersf i Concentration of g f Management j [the Tho Great Highway of TRADE and TRAVEL THROUGH THE SOUTHERN STATES. 3 Excellent Service Quick Time Convenient Schedules Any Trip is a Pleasure Trip to those who Travel via THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY. n \ ? The Finest Dinin^-Car Service in the World. | I For detailed information as to TicKets. Rates and Sleeping-Car rc-ser- lj vations address the nearest Agent cf THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY. W. A. Tl'aK. S. H. KARDWICK. W. M. TAYLOE. Pr.m*r\tirr T r Afftc Ccncr*l P?ucn^er Afl?n!. Aisi?t*nt C?n. pAtftengor Agent, ^ I SEABOARD I AIR LINE RAILWAY. I NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. I Two Daily Pullman Vestibule Limited Trains Between SOUTH AINU NEW YORK. First-Class Diiiiiig Car Service [ The Best Rates and Route to all Eastern Cities Via Richmond, and Washington, or via IV or-folk and Steamers to Atlanta, IV ash. ville, Memphis:, Lonisville. JSt. Louis, Chicago. IS ew Orleans, and All Points South and Southwest?to Savannah aDd Jacksonville and all points in Florida and Ckxba. Positively the Shortest Line Between NORTH AND SOUTH. infnrmo Hnn rafos fir?Viorbi]pfl Bnllman I /*-&?/ X' U1 UClUUtU lUlUlUiUViVU) ...www, WVXWUV..W, _ reservations, &c., apply to any agent of The Seaboard Air Line Railway or to J. J. Puller, Travelling Passenger Agent, Columbia, S. C. C. B. WOLWORTH, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.i SAVANNAH, OA. DBS. D. L. BOOZER & SONS DENTISTS. H J Ai 1515 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA., ..S.