'r'Saffl//!/ terrcT ?* strong mei sII/v&bBiff// ta^es joy of life awa; * //hSSB!II open to any disease. As il!!EStiB8!Ill strong purgatives and drugs I iJagBg HI leave you in a worse conditio: ill which help the natural for? \\Wm\% food the blood and paint \\\\^\\\\ Booklet and free sa XvV^^mXx^. Complete treatmen AND GREE HARMAItf'E Tie Lexington Dispatc'n. | y Wednesday, April 1,1903. Spriag Term for Teachers. The South Carolina College has issued an attractive circular, announcing a Spring Term for Teachers, of ... six weeks, from April 13 to May 22, designed for teachers whose school tflrms mav admit of attendance. By special Act of Legislature, such students are exempted from tuition and v other college fees. Their only expenses will be for board. A number of special courses, ex presely designed for teachers, are offered: In Chemistry, a course in Elementary Chemistry, and in L*bor- { atory Practice; in Modern Lan- 1 guages, English, German, Spanish; * ^ in History, South Carolina History, and Methods of History Teaching; in Philosophy, Psychology and Et,h- 1 ice, Applied to School Problems; in * Pedagogies, a practical course, adapt- * ed to the needs of the class; in An- ? cient Languages, Elementary Litin, 1 and Elementary Greek; in Matbe- 1 matios, a coarse in Arithmetic, and ^ in Algebra; in English, a coarse in r Grammar and in Rhetoric; in Biology, a practical coarse in Botany; in Physics, a coarse of Elementary * Physics, with such apparatus as may be had in schools. In addition to such special courses, ^ teacher-pupils are allowed free alien- " dance upon any of the regular college classes. Courses are open to the free election of teachers, under c proper regulations. These courses of instruction are offered as supplementary to th9 work z of the summer schools, or in lieu ^ thereof, when attendance on summer c schools may not be practicable. Their i purpose is, as in the summer schools, , to elevate the work of teaching in r the schools of the State?an object g which seems especially appropriate ^ in connection with the Normal De- t partment, already establised in the g South Carolina College. t The same circular also calls special 2 attention to the Normal scholarships c e ?of $40 00 each, with exemption f from college fees?recently established by the Legislature in this College. These scholarships will go into effect j next session. s> Chronic Bronchitis Cnrsd. '-For ten years I had chronic bronchitis so bad that at times I 1 could not speak above a whisper," 1 writes Mr. Joseph Coffman, of Mont morenci, Ind. "I tried all remedies v available, but with no success. Fortunately my employer suggested that I try Foley's Honey and Tar. Its effect was almost miraculous, and I am now cured o? the disease. On n v my recommendation many people have usfcu Foley's Honey and Tar, j and always with satisfaction." Sold ^ by the Kaufmann Drug (Jo. Dead Man's Deception. Ooe of the straDgest sights ever \ f seen here, says the Spartanburg Free ] Lance in its issue of the 27th inst., c is that which is attracting hundreds g of people daily to the undertaking i establishment of Green & Thomson ] on Magnolia street, where Joe Kee- 3 nan, the negro hanged in Greenville 3 recently for murder, sits in a pine coffin in a comfortable attitude with a cigar between the fingers of his j i I i and delicate women, y and makes the system \\\ sist Nature; do not take \v\^Sj?raj\\ A which act for a limo, but v\\ ^^^>\\\ a than before. Use a gentl9 w?|j& |1 ; LIVER PIUS | B SC. PELLETS lilmljj es to restore perfect health, l!jj !&&&!/// the rosea on the cheeks. j j j ?jgjj0;j jS mple at all dealers. IJjfcstj&jj jj t for 25 days, 25c. ///thi*j wfq. co. JyjS'/J I BAZAAR. r ght hand, and receives hundreds of callers daily, who come in to witness the strange spectacle. Keenan was brought to Spartanburg last Saturday and the body was carried to Green & Thomson's. The coffin had been opened aod the body seated in an upright position, looking perfectly lift-like and natural The body was embalmed in Green ville and is in a state of peifect preservation. The flesh is soft and altogether like that of a living human beini?. The negro's aDDearance is so U w 4 1. natural that a spectator not knowing the facts in the ca?e would believe that he was looking at a living man. In his right hand Keenan holds a cigar which was presented to him after his arrival here The rear of the undertaking establishment where the dead man is holding his recep [ion for the general public is being visited by dozens of eager spectator* ill day who come to view the rather ghastly spectacle. The remarks of some of the bystanders would make rery readable matter for a comic weekly. It is said that the negro a ceck was not broken by the drop, cut that he died "rom strangulation, rhe embalming fluid used in preservng the body is one of the most pow crful antiseptics and according to Undertaker Thomson, who was discussing the matter, the body would teep indefinitely even were it ex josed continually to the atmosphere. A Demonstration >f What Chamberlain7 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Can Do. "One of our customers, a highly 'espected citizen of this place, had >een for ten years a sufferer from chronic diarrbcei," writes Walden & Martin, druggists, of Enterprise, Ala. 'He had used various patent prepaaticns and had been treated by phylicians without any permanent beDeifc. A few months ago he commenced uking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera mdDiarrtoei Remedy and in a short ime was entirely cured. Many citizens of Enterprise who know the gentleman will testify to the truthulness of this statement. For sale by The Kaufmann Drug Co. Deputy Constables Appointed. Columbia, March 25.?Tne Governor and Chief Constable Hammett his afternoon announced the followng constables to have charge of the espective districts: Greenville?J. C. Hall. Columbia?A. S. Ouborn. Sumter?A. S. Delgar. Beaufort?W. F. Holmes. Pickene?L L. Cureton. Spartanburg?J. B Fant. Charleston?S. T. Howie. Tb-3 last three are reappointed. Che rest of the men are new and the appointment takes effect April 1, with leadquarters at above named dispricte. A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. :new what to do in the hour of need, lis wife had such an unusual case >f stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He bought of and tiied Dr. King's New j hife Pills and sb- got relief at olgu | md was hnaliy cured. Only 25c. at Che Kauftnann Drug Co. It is said that Texas alone markets | >50,000,000 worth of cattle annually. ! i * A General Mixture. i The cz*r ut Kussia has issued a decree for lreedom of religion throughout his dominion and makiug other concessions. Advices from Samoa state that the hurricane which recently swept the inland killed 6u0 people and cuused property loss of $500,000 The question of dispensary or no dispensary will be voted on in Greenwood on the 13th day of Apnl. The dispensary was defeated u year ago. Tne best physic: Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. Easy to take; pieaaalH 1 n tffoCt. For tale by THe Kaufmann Diug Co. Sweden la bald to have tlie lowest deatti rate of any civilized nation. Duting tne last ten years tne annual average liab been only 10 40 per thousand. Iu Greenwood last week Ann Bubb, a negress, wau arrested on tne charge of being an emigrant agent. It la said mat bDe was enticing tne cooka to leave Gieenwood. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder rignt. Don't delay taking. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. _ Tnomas Bruckman, a white boy, convicted iu Spartanburg of stealing a bicycle and sentenced to twelve months, bad bis sentence commuted to six rnonms on recommendation ol the judge* Senator Tillman has accepted an invitation to address tbe graduates of the South Carolina Medical College on the 2ud of April, and the business men of Charleston will tender him a banquet on the occasion of his visit. Foley's Kidney Cure if taken in time bffords security from all kidney and bladder diseases. Supervisor Humbert of Laurens county, has invited bids for working the roads of his county by contract. He has selected certain roads in each of the nineteen townships and will ( give the contract system a thorough trial. Mr. W. L. Hall, of Fort Mill, is the owoer of a hairless mule. Sometime ago the mule showed signs of shedding its coat, and this has gone on steadily until now scarcely any hair is left on the animal. It is , affl cted with the disease known as ] stable mange. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no | opiates, and will not constipate like ( nearly all other cough medicines. , Refuse substitutes. Sold by The j Kaufmann Drug Co. Bogus revenue officers have been ( fraudulently collecting from small j merchants about Columbia. They ( represent themselves as revenue ( officers and claim that merchants have violated the law and thus get money from them. Several persons have been arrested. ] Upon recommendation of Chief Justice Pope Governor Hey ward has ; ( appointed Geo. Duncan Beiiinger i ^ nner?inl .Tndap t.n nreside at an extra I "r " r ; " I < term of the General Sessions to be J ? held at Newberry on April 6th for the trial of a black brute for an unpardon- j able crime. I Ramon's Tonic Regulator is the most popular all round medicine we have ever handled. It is a gentle laxative, a healthful tonic and prompt ^ health restorer. Handsome, large " tin box 25 cts. Harman's Bazaar. J. W. Logan, a white farmer, near Pheonix, the Greenwood slaughter ground, killed himself last week with the aid of a pistol. He was about 50 years old and leaves a wife and four children. There have been four suicides in ten years within ten miles of that place. j State Superintendent of Education Martin will probably issue a call lor a meeting of the county superintendents in Rock Hill in the middle of April. The conference will be similar to the recent conferences held in Georgia and Alabama, under the auspices of the general education board, j j For liver troubles and constipation There's nothing better in creation Than Lntlo E*rly Risers, the famous little pills They always effect a cure and save doctor bills. Lillle Fitly litres are different from j < all other pills. They do not weaken ! the system, but act as a tonic to the j" tissues by arousing the secretions and restoring the liver to the full performance of its functions naturally, j The Kaufmann Ihug Co. i / Mrs. Laura. S. Webb, | Vice-President Woman's Democratic Clubs of Northern Ohio. "I dreaded the change of life which was fast approaching. 1 noticed Wine I of Cardui, and decided to try a bot1 tie. I experienced some relief the fl " C' A ?XL I ly ? ? X /vn liL' inrf Or f/W M Q Iirst II1UI1UI, 5U I l\tpi Ull vanui^ aw >v. _ three months and now t menstruate ff with no pain and 1 shall take it off and | j on now until I have passed the climax." a I Female weakness, disordered | | menses, falling of the womb and 1 f ovarian troubles do not wear off. 1 They follow a woman to the change 1 of life. Do not wait but take Wine of Cardui now and avoid the trou- I ble. Wine of Cardui never fails I to benefit a suffering woman of I any age. Wine of Cardui relieved I 1 Mrs. Webb when she was in dan- I I ger. When you come to the change I of life Mrs. Webb's letter will I mean more to you than it does g f now. But you may now avoid the B m suffering she endured. Druggists s | sell $1 bottles of Wine of Cardui. 1 vwiwlofCARPiiy Safe blowers entered tte store of D. L. Cato at Mouetta, on Saturday night and blew open the eafe with nitro-glycerine. The explosion awakened most of the people, Mr. Cato's home is only a 6hort distance from his store and the men of the place quickly gathered. The iDsidj of the store was a scene of wreckage. The show cases were broken and the door of the safe was blown across the store amoDg the crockery ware. The robbers secured no money as it had been removed from the safe. As yet no clue to the burglars has been found. The surest and safest remedy for kidney and bladder diseases is Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by The Kaufmann Drug Co. German Opinion. Berlin, Maicn 27.?Pres. Roosevelt's refusal of ttie kaiser's invitation for the American battleship 3quadron to accept German hospitality at Kiel brings out various expressions from German dailies this iftfirnnon. Mn9t of them exDress " - - - - * I the opinion that the kaiser has been rebuffed for the second time, and nffer the more or less sarcastic suggestion that perhaps his humiliating ievotion and courteous concessions to "Uncle Sam" will now cease. Sure Will. Constipation and biliousness canQofc be cured in a night?a week; neither can one withstand the debilitating effects of the ordinary "liver pills" for weeks, but the gentle action nf Ramoffs Treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets make one feel gradually improved aa the treatment progresses?no bad times, but a continued, rapid improvement. A nonth'a treatment?one 25c box?will nake the chronic sufferer rejoice. A ;rial will convince you; let ua supply pou. Harmaffa Bazaar, ? ? ?a??? CtEsix-TOtiT's OUGH CURE, A SYRUP. Unique?uniiKe any otner cougu prepaation. The quickest to stop a cough and o remove soreness from the lungs. 25c. THE MURRAY DRUG CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. For Sale at THE BAZAAR. Aug. 18?ly. CHICHESTER'S EKSLISH BEUUViftVfi! ?Ilg? T SSah^STS B Li hi ^ Ei f2 C A ^2ft, ( '.*6* *1^ , ^V*l'l3 /j . . ?>' t~ # ^ 0? \CQK B '/K " v.?f?. Alivav.; r.-I' ii; a-i.< ip-uifttrt for C?i< chests: sr.* E.-M;\.:??si m KC?I mid j 5:?!(3 iiit tnilic t;r>.\fs, si'i.i'-'t wi'ii h'."" ribbon, i'altp Il'l 1)1.. T. JtofSM' tiUMSfHMIl Mjtisif(ntionsni iiailaiiftti>. Ibiy vd'votir (>iiiir:.ist, j t.r sond -Sr. .( st:mi!i> l.>r FaWivnlar*. T?*? *?is*;* 5i:i.*;io?." ir; Ir'.'rr, }iy return 3'iixil. 1<>.:> Tcs'.iii.i.iiiuX !-vid by til! Drdjiyiitis. CHICHPSTSTi CHEMICAL CO. [ biCO u:i Square. X'lrl'.i.li.. IrA. j 1 ?' *? ;.r...->r, I Union Made Shoes. Ji 2803. | We extend to our Lexington friends a hearty welcome to inspect our Ike of j j SZEZEOEEjS i !!They have never been equal for the price. On (remnant) lots prices greatly reduced. Spring Stock will begin to come on February i5th. CALL AND SEE US BEFORE BUYING. E. P. & F. A. DAVIS, J ill no MAIN STREET COLUMBIA, S. C. I j | I February 19?ly. A Specialty. ! j|llk AND |jj' Marietta Marble Works. Wo have the best eqaipped plant in the South, with up to date pneumatic tnols and polishing machines which puts us in a position to do all kinds of f|glgitigA Marble and Granite Work p." -'-;,-I' |i at in0 very lowest prices. intimates made on all Kinds of Cemetery Work, and Building Material. Wholesale and retail. Call on oraddiess, S. O. M03LEY & CO., P. W. BAENES, Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. General Agent, Ridge Springs, S. C. May 8?ly. BLACK LANGSHAN ig * A m 11 are the best all round Fowls on the market. I have few very fine COCKERELS AND PULLETS for Bale at low prices. They are from the purest and beat known strain, and have been selected with the greatest care. For further Dartieulare. address. G. M. Harman, Lexington, S. C. SWT! MHOLIM HUBLE WIRKS 1707 MAIN ST., COIilJMBIA, S. C. fcjl MARBLE AND GRANITE *51 Dealers South. We use the best grade material in manufacturing jl^iSaSSi HMErKilftl Monuments and Headstones and guarantee our work and fiinish to be the best. When you hear a man complaining that he can buy so much cheaper from some iffix little fellow who is anxious to sell anything, you caa Put ^ down that he will get ch*ap stock, cheap work, and of course a cheap job. :kr8p We can compete with any fair dealer in thia country, but we cannot say we will sell as cheap as some as we do not care work. IBilWsWIRBBffirar. (IRHl HIT miw im 1114/11 D II llDUi lUHVAilU} UllllILi LUi tui liHI^ U 1 tit for pale. Write to us or see our "MR. P. B. EDWARDS, LEXINGTON, S. C. and we will see that you are treated fair. SOUTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS. September 11. 41?tf VJ* I ?vr*v? ?t/.v >^,v l>,v- w. * v_ vy,v li.v- u.k w y y/41 I THE HOME BANK,! i]? (INCORPORATED.) 7 I LEXINGTON, S. C. j I DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ? M SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. INTEREST PAID ON SAY- ?f} m INGS DEPOSITS. m) \\k FIRE PROOF SAFE AND VAULT. BURGLAR INSURANCE. YOUR W UM ACCOUNT SOLICITED, $} (117/ F. W. OSWALD, GEO. BELL TIViMERMAN. ALFRED J. FOX, fl/f I//J T> ? 1. v;,.~ T>,*n;An?4. n?L.-._ K/.4I ISK rresiuenu uvoiicowcui, t/tusmer. (jg DIRECTORS: $5 WA F. W. OLWALD. ALFRED J. FOX. J. E KALLMANN, (!)} flM GEO. BELL TIMMERMAN, ' E. W. ROBERTSON, H. L. OSWALD. #K March 18. 1903. Onj. - h ' ; Attam&v at B.atr ft S A X. w-.M >1 fcT.W IliiVli EM. \J T fc*. VT <, ' - *' ; COLUMBIA, ?. C. LEXINGTCK. C. !?.i s. c. Especial attention given to bnsinees enW rr'r PfiACTlCE IN ALL THE wasted to him by bis fellow citizens ol 1L.1j x Lexington county. Courts. i>usmess jt:o . u^ . , Office: LJI(> Main Street. upstairs, cppcnomhor ot the firm v.iil altvay > j gj.e yau irnrniluio bloro. jexington, S. C. 1 r , no ^no!7-6m. , February 28-If.