The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, March 18, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, March 18,1903. Indez to Hew Advertisements. The Home B*nk?A.. J. Fox. Black Deatk-Tbe Kaufmann Drug Company. Final Discharge?Estate L. W. Poole. Notice?Elzie Poole. Honest Paint?Shand Builders' Supply Co. Life Tablets?Kinard. Clerk Sales. Ooenins?Price & Kood. IDXVXIfcTE SEBVICES. st. Stephen's lutheban chubch. Rev. J. G. Graichen, Pastor. 1st Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington, r 1st Sunday, evening at 7:30. Lexington. 2nd. Sunday 11 a m., Lexington. 3rd, Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. 4th. Sunday, evening at 7:30 Lexington. Sunday school service every Sunday morning at 9:30. appointments op bev. geobge s. bsabden. . Nazareth, E. Lntberan, First Sunday. Ht John. E. Lutheran, Third Sunday. Providence, E. Lutheran, 4th Sunday. His address is 1109 Elrnwood Avenue, Columbia, S, C., where parties wishing to correspond with him can address him, pbe3bytsbian 8ebvices: Rev. Mr. Wallace, Pastor. 2nd. 8nnday 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. eexinoton cibctjit m. e. chubch south. Rev. W. E. Babbe, Pastor. fst Sunday, Hebron 11 am. Shiloh 3$ pm. ?d Sunday, Horeb 11am. Lexington 3?pm. 3d Sunday, Shiloh 11 am. Hebron 3A p m 4thSunday, Lexington liar.u Horeb 3$pm Lexington: Sunday school service every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Soard to Meet. The County Board of Equalization will meet at the Auditor's office, at LexingtoD, C H., on Tuesday, March 24tb, 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m. G A Derrick, Auditor. Harried, Oa Sanday morning, March 15, 1903, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Thomas R>of, by the Rev. J. A. Cromer, Mr. Milledge Kleckley and Miss Addie Roof. All 01 JjeXIQglOQ. Oq March 15, 1903, at the residence of the officiating minister, Bsv. A B Taj lor, Mr. Junius Sbealy and Miss Amanda Shumpert. All of Lexington county. A Certain Cure fcr Chilblains. Shake into your shoes Alien's FootEase, a powder. It cures Chilblains, Frostbites, Damp, Sweating, Swollen feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c Executioas Issued. The time for paying county and State taxes having expired with the first of March, executions have been issued and are now in the bands of the Sheriff for serving. Taxpayers who have not paid their taxes will now have to settle with the Sheriff, together with the costs and penalties. The Treasurer says that the list of delinquents is larger this year than he has ever known it to be. Fine Watermelon Seed. We are now offering Jones, Triumph, Dr. Joe Harman's Mammoth, Eclipse, Dr. Blue Mountain Joe's < Choice watermelon eeed, as well as a fall Hue of Cauutelope seed for sale. These eeed have been acclimated and improved upon and selected with great care by Mr. Joe Harman aod has for the first time been placed upon the market. They are recommended for their dilicious flavor, red meat, size and shipping qualities. Give them a trial and you will be pleased with the results. For sale only at Harman's Bazaar. For Sale. Two good yotmg work mules, one mare, ten full Essex pigs ten months old. For cash. Apply to B. B. Swygert, LexingtoD, S. C. 19pd A Military Company Wanted. Col. John Bell Towill is bubbling | over with military enthusiasm since his appointment on the staff of Governor Heyward and wants a company organized at Batesburg. Friend John is right, however, as there is Uaffor Hftu fn hrinor out and UU Ml-l/iut .? .. ~ 0 develop the social characteristics of the youDg men than for them to feel the elbow touch of their companions in a military company. Batesburg has some excellent material to make good and gallant soldiers and we > trust the efforts of Col. Towill to organize a military company at that place will meet with success. Bight face! Preaching at Bethlehem. Rev. S- T Hallman, D. D, will preach at Bethlehem church, Black Creek, on Sunday, the 29ib, and his many friends around the old church of his childhood are cordially invited to enjoy that eervice with him. It has been over 30 years since he preached in that church, around which cluster bo many sacred memories. He will be able to spend only a few days in the community and will therefore be glad to greet bis friends at the church. For Over Sizty Years. ' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been in use for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teethiDg, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens th? gums, allays nil pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggist in every part of the world Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure to ask for Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind, tf Now Church to ho Built. The members of New Bethel A. M E church, are making strenuous efforts to raise funds sufficient to i? u ?r UUUU tt Ut)W UUUll'U UU LUC DUl/C U1 the prese; * one, at the foot of Depot street. It is the purpose of the officials of this church to erect a haodsome edifice at an estimated cost of $1,000. They have inaugurated what is to be known as a building fund rally to be held on the third Sunday in each month as a means of raising a part, if not all, of the money necessary for this purpose. So far, two rallies have been held, the combined receipts of which amounted to $117.00. The third rally will be held on the third Sunday in April and it is the wish of those interested to make the collection as large as possible and in order to do so, it is hoped that every one will come prepared to contribute as largely as their means will admit In the meantime contributions will be thankfully received from outsiders, both white and black, who are willing to contribute toward this worthy cause. J. S. W. Harper, Pastor. A. W. Johnson, Secretary Board Trustees. Fitznaurice Is the best place in Oolumbia to buy dry goods, wholesale or retail. I don't say this because my daughter is clerking there, all that I ask is for you to go there and see for yourself. Aside from a large wholesale trade, u ? j i 4.?:i u. : _ j ue uuws a large reiau uuhiucbs auu sells the best goods for the least money. Take my advice and don't buy until you eee his goods and learn his pricea. If you want a good ready-made suit cheap, go there. Yours very truly, P. J. Rucker, Columbia, S. C. A Rhode Island feminine pedagogue began to punish the 180 pound captain of the school football team; r j i j * i. u: i i. ms menus rusueu iu assist mm; uui ebe knocked one down with a s^aight shoulder blow, and tben blackened another's eye by an upper cut. The muscular woman has her uses on occassion. Our Methodist friends are haviDg a double row of trees set out down the avenue leadiog from the church to Main street. 1 THE HOB plW (INCOHI I LEXIN61 | DOES A GENERAL safety deposit boxes for WA INGS E % fire proof safe and vault account \vfr f. w. oswald, geo. bell t President. fig DIXfcEH wa f. w. olwald. al: mm geo. bell TIMMEBMAN, E. \ >]# March 18, 1903. To Ci I Take Laxative Bro I Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 Obituary. Harriet Precilla Seigler, Dee Ellisor waa born in Lexington county, S. C.. October 22, 1825, and died March 7, 1903, aged 77 years, 4 months and 15 days. She and William Seigler were married Jan. 8, 1856, thus making the union last over 57 years. Nine children, 42 grand children, and 17 great grand children were born to them. She was catechised and confirmed in the old Ellisor Lutheran church. That having been removed, she united with Shady Grove, M. E Church, and here remained until called to the church triumphant. Those who knew her well speak of her as industrious, kind, patient, attending strictly to her own affaire, andtletting others, if they would, do the same. She was laid to rest last Monday in the old family burying ground. S C. B. You Znow What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle show ing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Pleased with Lezington. Messrs. J. A. Axson and Elzie Poole, from the Edisto section, were in town Thursday and called to see us. Mr. Axscn is originally from Orangeburg, but having seen the fertile lands of Lexington fell in love with her and decided to make this county his future home. They are both good, honest, hardworking men and useful citizens and we were glad to shake hands with them. "Wanted. A man to sell Sewing Machines. A No. 1 contract to the right kind of | a man to start on with chances for promotion. (JhII on or address, Tbe Singer Mfg, Co., 1326 Main Street, 22 Columbia, S. C. "Watch the fijns. At last the dogwood aud tbe maple are in bloom and tbe Editor of this paper is as happy as a June bug on a peach as bis thoughts turns toward the dark cool waters of tbe Edisto, wherein hides the trout, the jack, the bream and the sucker. Uncle Jake has been over and these two old fishermen have talked the matter over together 8nd an early trip to the waters of the Edisto may be looked for. To Sure a Cold in Oae Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggiets refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box 253. Mr. Robert Doyle was released from jail last Thursday on a $1,000 bond for his appearance at the June term of the court of General Sessions. The State resisted the motion for bail on the ground that the killing of Bundrick was an act of criminal negligence. We hereby warn ail persons, without exception, who are in arrears to ' ' - I"*: L * tUr.4 I LDP L/lbpubcu iur ci jcqi ui luuicj iuav if some settlement is not made within fifteen days, their paper will be stopped and the account placed in the hands of a Magistrate for collection. We regret to resort to this harsh measure, but we need the money and are forced to do so. We cannot afford to send the paper to those who do not pay promptly. IE BANK. I ORATED.) ' W BANKING 'BUSINESS. I RENT. INTEREST PAID ON SAY- ?[) EPOSITS. il{\ BUKGLAR INSURANCE. YOUR W SOLICITED, <&J IMMERMAS. ALFRED J. FOX. /)){ Vice President. Cashier. 1MJ DTORS : m FRED J. FOX. J. E. KAUFMANN, (Ji V. ROBERTSON, H. L. OovVALD. 0K Oui. Kjls are a Cold in On mo Quinine Tablets.^? months. This signature, ITTTTirmWI? BWLH?WMMBB?H?M beeswaxwanted" IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES TTTE WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARVV ket price ior clean and pare Beeswax. Price governed by oolor and condition. THE BAZAAR. LEXINGTON. S. C THE STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNT! OF LLXINGTON. Court of Common Pleas. Jesse J. Wessinger, Plaitiff, against Walter C. Slice, Defendant. Foreclosure of Mortgage. IN OBEDIENCE TO THE JUDGMENT of the Court in this case. I will sell to highest bidder at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington. S C , during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in April text: "All that pluutation, piece, parcel or tract of land, contaiuing eighty-three acres, more or Jess bounded by lauds belonging to J P Bickley, J. J Derrick. J. 0 Lindler, Mrs Sue Henry, B B. Bickley, and S. F. Bickley. The above lands are situated, lying and being in Lexington county, in the tork of Broad and baluda rivers, and iu the State aforesaid, and hath such marks as the plat lor the satn8 will more Judy represent " Tfc.ltMS-One-third cash; balance in two eqnal annual instalments, with interest from day of sale, secu^d by bond of purchaser and mortgtge of the premises sold, with leave to pay ail cash. Purchaser to pay lor papers SAMUEL B. GEORGE, Clerk of the Court. Mirch 1*2. 1903 3*21. Ernest U Shealy, attorney for plaintiff. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Court of Common Pleas, P. M. Frick, Plaintiff, against J. J. Koon, Peter Koon, Ernest Slisb and George Koon, 'Irustees of fct John A. M. Church. Defendants. Foreclosure of Mortgage. IN OBEDIENCE TO THE JUDGMENT herein. I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcrv, before the court house door in Lexington, >S. C . daring the l^gul hours of sale, on the first Monday in April nt-xt; All that piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being within the incorporate limits in the town of Cbapin, in the 8tate aforesaid, containing oue-halt of one acre (?), bounded by laDds of M*s, L. A. Caapin, Oh the east by lands of Mrs. L. A. Coapin, and on the south and west by lands ot Mis L. A. CLapin. reference to a plat of same made by G A Derrick will more fully show IE RMS OF SALE?Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. Samuel b. george. * Clerk of tbe Court. March 9, 1903. 3w21. J. H Frick, Esq., plaintiff's attorney. 5 FRUIT TREES 1 M tSr That Grow and Bear Frail. Write for our 60 page 11W&tf'iaB? lustrated Catalogue and 40 xfef g^sr page pamphlet, "How to ^ Plant and Cultivate an Orchard," Gives you that information you have so long wanted; tells you all about those bfg red apples, lucious peaches. And Japan plums with their oriental sweetD ess, I * all of which you have often wondered where the trees came from that produced I J&them. ? EVERYTHING GOOD IN > FRUITS. CJnusal fine stock of SILVER MAPLES.young, thrifty trees . w ^ smooth and strai ht, thokind that live and grow off well, old, rough trees. This is *b0 m?st rapid growing ma- ' pie nnd one of the rnostbeautiful shade trees. Write for price? and give list of wants. J. Vail Liodley Nursery Co., Fomona, N 0. . Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys overcomes constipation. OR. GJ. OUVEROS, specialist oK "^^H^oEYEe EAR' *OSE s'" Throat and Lungs. GUARANTEE offi3e and Resldecce? FIT OF GLASSES 1424 aa3 1420 Marion- st> March 15?ly. COLUMBIA, S. C FOLEYSKIDNEYCURE Makes KHneys and Bladder Right Money to Loan. TT7E ARE PREPARED TO NEGOTI V ate loans promptly io sums of $300 and upward < on improved farming lands in Lexington county. Long time and easy terms. No commissions. Borrower pays actual expenses of preparation of papers. THOMAS ? (tTBRRS. Columbia, S. C, A v> Pva? I TO EAT THEREOF IS TO DIE. BUG KILLER AND FERTILISER. I 8*t. Absolute Death to all insect life. VJTVx\^J^ I 2d Cheaper thaT any other inaeticidekaovra I ; 3d. A good fertilizer. [ 4th. Any child can apply it _ ______ j I 5th. Not dangerous to apply it iOT l\ rTS ' Ready for immediate nse, no mixing. V/lll hJ) j ) 7th. Every pound of uniform strength. The Potato Bug is killed. Cabbage or any garden vegetable ia assured The Tobacco Worm meets the same fate. PRICE: 1 pound . - - - - .08 cents 10 pounds - 50 cent* 3{pounds - - 20 cents 15 pounds - - -70 cents 5 pounds , 30 cents 25 pounds .... Sl.tOcenta With full instructions how to nse. HAUi:'PlAI>JJ\ UJtlUlrUU, "TJBL& DRUGGISTS," JjJEXIJYGTOW, S. C. November 20, 1901.?ly. &$*?*?*$*& m gpccu H llrish Pofatois! ?3 as we are ?3 gCAR LOAD BUYERSg ^ ffcy 7! jft ff gaean name Lowest Prices?? s? on best quality of {?( VU^HsnvassBaim, ?*0 SBand save merchants and plantersSB I#!WRITE US AT ONCE FOR PRICE3. NOW THE TIilE T0 BUY- ittff ILOM ft LDWRANCEI 22Bvaiavai w n? 11 ? ! BO 'BO ?g SBEDSMEIT. g? SgCclTj.rr2.l0ia, - - - S. C.SS mravowvOvdcacdcdcdvQcd llllMVimtUIl hJ VMM MIVI Vf 8DIE All ANDimH. Gill Nets, Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies, Phonographs and Records, Repairng of all Kinds, Our Prices are Right. W. F, STIEGLITZ, PROPRIETOR. I 508 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. _____ mm m mm. a sa It will pay our friends of Lexington County to call at the Bee Hive They are selling all heavy Weight Goods at a sacrifice. Cost no con sideration. The winter stock must make room for early spring shipments. YOU CAN BUY A $12.50 SUIT FOE S 7.50 S10.00 SUIT FOB $ 6 00 ? 7.50 SUIT FOR S 4.90 A TTADOAQ 4"C? Wolf V K2JL A JL AV\y? DON'T FORGET 1 Sft4. Wain Slrftftf. AW Jk VA W V ^ WHILE IN COLUMBIA FOB ;BIO VALUES. k ember 19.?tt