III '?&&?//// ta^:es t-e joy of life awa !i II&x3&$* il ??en 10 any disease. As - lIlBBBI/'f s?ror*S purgatives and drug / jjEB&B I !jj leave you in a worse conditio I which help the natural fore ?si^ YV ^ an<^ P^n? HARKEAHPS The Lexington Dispatch, j Wednesday, February 18,1903. General Mizture. Cheap men are dear swindlers in business. True Christianity consists of deeds rather than words. A way to get out of one love affair is to get into two. The better a man gets along in the world the better off he is. Get Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets for biliousness and "cut out1' calomel and other drastic drugs. A month's treatment?25 doses?for 25c. Harman's Bazaar. It costs Uncle Sam ?1,250,000 annually to run the weather bureau. Women who set out to reform rakes end by needing reform themselves. It makes some men prouder to be the friend of a rich man than it makes other men to be rich. Rheumatism troubling you? Nothing better for rheumatic pains, stiff joints and sore muscles, than Ramon's Nerve and Bone Oil. 25 cents. Harman's Bazaar. There may be a lot of comfort in a good character, but one's credit is a good reputation. Women like to drink champagne because there are bubbles in it and it cost more. The truth would seem less brutal if people were better acquainted with it. Men are always looking for some one to back them; but it's different with horses. Hilton's Life for the - Liver and Kidneys tones up the stomach. "Women will never lose there feminine attributes as long as there is a large supply of looking glasses in the world. Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our iov aud tn& dividing of our ? ? V* grief. Some people seem to think the milk of human kindness is poison unless they sterilize it with selfishness. A woman is never happy except when she has spent all her money, because when she has spent it all it has been for clothes. Greenville, Tenn. I have thoroughly convinced myself that Dr. Baker's Blood and Liver Cure is the finest medicine made for Indigestion and Constipation. (I have tried them all) and was cured by the use of this medicine, after all others had failed. I most cheerfully and unhesitatingly endorse it. Yours truly, fl. N. Baker, Mayor. For sale at the Bazaar. Women are so jealous that they envy a woman's being sick, because | it makes so many of her friends call ! to see how she is. i When two men get together each j talks about himself; when two wo- J men meet they both talk about some j other woman. I If three men sat over whiskey and j cigars and talked of the things that j three women will over their embroid- j j ery, the 6kin would scorch til their faces from red hot blushes. n ar.d delicate ,y and makes the syetem N^s\ isiet Nature; do not take 5, which act for a time, but Y\ \W^\\ A m than before. Use a gentle \|\^?\^U JLIVIR PILLS llB | liC PELLETS j Bfjl :es to restore perfect health, jj jM/0^;/!< the roses on the cheeks. Ill J jjj imple at all dealers. //// f // it for 25 days, &c. i s ?a?Kfl An. Ths Deadly Magazine Pistol. i Recently we reproduced from the Newberry Observer, sajs an ex change, a description cf the magazine pistols. It was asserted in this account that the cartridge used carries an explosive bullet. This is incorrect. A full and accurate description has been furnished us as follows, continues the same exchange: "Colt's New Automatic Magazine Pistol ?The magazine holds seven shots, which can be discharged at the rate of Sve shots per second. The cartridges are automatically supplied from a detachable magazine inserted in the handle of the pistol. After the pistol is discharged from a full magazine, one opening movement is made by hand, bringing the first cartridge in the chamber; on pulling the trigger the cartridge is fired, the emotv shell is extracted, a new car7 { triuge loaded in chamber, all automatically. This automatic operation of the pistol is effected by the recoil of the moving parts, and as a consequence the recoil is so absorbed iu being utilized that it has not the usual disturbing tffect." Mysterious Circumstance. One was pale and Ballow and the other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blushiDg with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel good digestion and head off constipation. Try them. Only 25 cents, at the Kaufmann Drug Go's. Stote. Macedonian Reforms. London, February 12?A special Rome dispatch says: Italy was fully consulted in the course of the Lams3 -- -a." n _i.?i u: t UUIU V7U1UUUU WSn.1 UUUICICUCD 1U Macedonia and promised her suppork and to take action in the scheme for reform, which includes a demand for the assembling of an international congress to adjust the details. This will be supported by a demonstration of European warships cff Salonica, where they will remain while congress was in session. Crum Defeated. Washington, Feb. 12 ?Senate committee on commerce today agreed to report adversely on the nomination of Dr. W. D. Crum to be collector of the port at Charleston. The vote for confirmation was six for to eight against. All the Democrats voted against confirmation and were reinfnreerJ hv the votes of Jones, of Nevada, and Perkins, of California, Republicans. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box 25c. Business Enterprise. Customer?What's the price of j sages? Batcher?Den cends a bound al- I I ready. Customer?Indeed! Why, you ] asked 15 ceDts this morning. Batcher?Yaw. Dot vae when I j had some py me yet. Now wen I ! don\i vo8 got none I sell dem for j den. Customer--I fail to see the point. Batcher?Vy, dot makes for me I von repudation for cheap brice?, and I dond lose noddings, ain't it? Rural Mail Regulations. Third Asesistarit Postmaster Gene- | ral Madden has issued a manual of r instructions for the conduct of regis- j try business in the free rural delivery j service. The most important innovation provides that the registration of let- j ters and parcels left in the rural mail j boxes, the carrier leaving the sender's receipt in the box. Formerly it was j necessary for the sender to meet the j carrier on the route. Rural carriers also are required to accept for registration mail matter properly prepared and offered by one who meet9 them while on duty, whether a patron of the rural free delivery service or not. Storekeepers on rural routes customarily receive tbe mail matter of their patrons, delivering it to them at the first opportunity. Registered mail has not been deliverd in this manner in the past, but it is now provided that on the written order which the addressees are required to leave for tbe delivery of their mail to tbe storekeeper, registered mail will also be delivered, except such as is endorsed by the senders, ''Deliver to addressee only/' ^ You Zuow What You Ars Taking1 When you take Grove's Tasteless j Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine ir? o toctclnDi fnrm Mn r nro "NTn T*>iv ! 1U U J 50c. ?? - ? A Compromise Bill. Washington, February 13 ?The Republican Senatorial advocates of a compromise Statehood bill have prepared their measure for the admis- | sion of two States, Oklahoma arid j Indian territory comprising one State and Arizona and New Mexico the other. They will oring it before the committee on territories at the first opportune moment, but are holding it back because of the opposition of the Democratic Senators, and also because some of the Republican supporters of Statehood are not entirely reconciled to the change. There is renewed talk of pressing, the omnibus bill as an amendment to the agricultural appropriation bill, and the advocates of that course contend that they have pledges of support from a majority of the Senators. TT It. ? However, me opiuiuu is otcauujr growing that there will be 110 Statehood legislation at this session of Congress, so strong is the opposition to any two-State compromise. It is thought that the Democrats are intending to keep up the fiilibuster war. ) I Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway almost ending fatally, I started a horrible ulcer on the leg of j J. B. Oxner, Franklin Grove, III. j For four years it defied all doctors j and all remedies. But Backlen's j Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for Burns, Bruises, Skin Eruptions and Piles, i '25c at Kiufmann Drug Co's. store. I Head* All Worth While. A f V* t?'? /? Ar Avrr MJ U UU 1 V tUlO U* VIJ I work that comes out. Egbert ? All the new fiction, I sup- ' pose. "Yes. all of it." "And I am prepared to wager that j she has never read the Declaration of ; Independence." "Well. I don't remember having heard her mention that, but if she hasn't read it I guess you can conclude it isn't any good."?Yonkers Statesman. He Wn? It it'll. Holel Proprietor?Where did you put that ugly old man who just registered? Clerk?Gave him the best in the house. Proprietor? How do you know he can afford it? Clerk?I caught a glimpse of his wife waiting in the ladies' parlor. She's \ young and pretty. -Philadelphia Press, j ?? i Another Point of View. "I><> you know." s:iit! the voting M. D. ! who is inclined to talk shop, "that; j niankiinl is subject to more than w.dOO diseases?" "Yes." replied .Miss t'austique. '"and i I am aNo aware of 11 fact that there ; were only three you? Stella--He talked ahoiit twenty mill- , tiles. Klin ?That's an awfully Ion* time. Stella ?I know il seems so. hut then j you must remember that he is a law- .! yer.?-Philadelphia I.edif*n\ Iblacwaught! 1 THE ORIGINAL f |LIVER MEDICINE A sallow complexion, dizziness, ? a biliousness ami a coated tongue ? are common indications of liver a and kidney diseases. Stomach and fi | bowel troubles, severe as they are, ? S give immediate warning by\pain, fj g but liver and kidney troubles, S6 Anr*Vi 1 r\?-? 1 v??nl of f no ofor?t" OrO CU V) UJ. V JU j much harder to cure. Thedford's & Black-Draught never fails to bene- W fit diseased liver and weakened kid- g ney3. It stirs up the torpid liver ^ to throw off the germs of fever and i? ague. It is a certain preventive || of cholera and Briaht's disease of J? the kidnevs. Witn kidneys re- R inforced by Thedford's Black- V Draught thousands of persons have fi dwelt immune in the midst of yel- a low fever. Many families live in 9 perfect health and have no other ? doctor than Thedford's Black- O Draught. It is always on hand for fi use in an emergency and saves ? many expensive calls of a doctor. ? Mullins, S. C., March 10, 1901. ! have used Thedford's Biack-Draught 9 for three years and 1 have not had to go g to a doctor since I have been taking it. $ It is the best medicine fcr me that is 2 on the market for live;- and kidney J? troubles and dyspepsia and other % complaints. Rev. A. G. LEWIS. ^ A SYRUP. Unique?unlike any other cough preparation. The quickest to stop a cough and to remove soreness from the lungs. 25c. THE MUBEAY DBTJS CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. For Sale at THE BAZAAB. Aug. 18?ly. \\-m& 1 m MIT TREES I . '"CfjQr I I jga C'S That Grow and Bear Fruit. i nfM'iWrite for our 60 page il- ? ilustrated Catalogue and 40 (page pamphlet, "How to ! Plant and Cultivate an Or- , chard," Gives you that injformation you have so long , iwanted: tells you all about : '!*# i those big red apples, lucious j 'peaches, and Japan plums I with their oriental sweetness, ; A all of which you have often ! [wondered where the trees j 'came from that produced j Jw J.fi5 thorn. Mim.EVERYTHING 6000 IN FRUITS. $ p^U Unusal fine stock of SILVER MAPLES,youug, thrifty trees 5 ^vLc m. ^smooth and straight, the kind i Ssg^jf^that live and grow off well, j No old, rough trees. This is ! the most i'aPid growing ma- i Pi0 and one ?*tho tnost beau- ' tiful shade trees. *^fk$in2? Write f?r Prices aPd give H?2g|g^ list of wants. J, Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, NO. | I' WOOD'S I I Garden Seeds i Best for tits "Sunny South," Hp because they are specially grown B ami selected with a full knowledge H of the conditions and require53 mnnk' ftf fVni ^Aiif li T'VAJIt V.fil'O Eg years experience and practical c grov, :ng of ail the ditferent vegeI tables enables us to know t ho very I best, ami to oiler seeds that will J give pleasure, satisfaction and J profit to ail who plant them. | Wood's New Seed Book for 1903 ; (Mailed on request) is full of good : J things, and gives the most reliable gg information about all seeds, both I for the Farm and Garden. I T. W. WOOD & sons, fc Seedsmen, Richmond, Va? | WOOD'S SEED BOOK nlso tells all . about Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, ami all Farm Seeds. H Write for Seed Book and prices of any | Farm Seeds required. Parlor Restaurant j 133G MAIN STREET. COLUMBIA, - S. C., THE . ONLY UP-TO-DATE EATING j House ot its kind in the City ot Co- i lnmbia. It is well kepi?clean Iiuen, prompt and polite service and get it quickly, j rinio* .in.-t /-vr/^y nrPVH.ll. Voil fff*t I what you order and pay only for what you j get. Within easy re;tell ol desirable sleep- ' ing apartments. O^EN .VX.L IS XOIXX. I 3. DAVID, Proprietor. SEEB^?i3@Bsia#a! CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. . EJ Best (-oegh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use g i In time. Sold bv drutrsdsts. gjsEaHfifliafcrfHfBffi ||_ "Union Made Skoes. ;[ ]! 1803, 1 t j jWe extend to our Lexington friends ft hearty welcome to inspect our ike of j.J SS02-S 1 L They have never been equal for the price. On (remnant) lots prices greatly |j reduced. Spring Stock will begin to come on February 15th. ?; CALL AND SEE US BEFORE BUYING. IJ E. F. & F. A. DAVIS, |i I irio MAIN SXIU Zhzr COLUMBIA, C. | j j| February 19?ly. |J j! A Specialty. jj f ATLANTA GRANITE AND M Marietta Marble Works. We have the best equipped plant in the South, with up date pneumatic tools and polishing machines which puts U4 fpP^Sljs in a position to do all kinds of s^l^lrk Marble and Granite Work at the very lowest prices. Estimates marie on all kinds of Cemetery Work, and Building Material. Wholesale and retail. Call on or address, S. G. K03LEY 2s CO., F. W. 3AENES, Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. General Agent, Ridge Springs, S. C. May 8?ly. BLACK LANGSHAN * il m are the best all round Fowls on the market. I have few very fine COCKERELS AND PULLETS for sale at low prices. They are from the purest and best known strain, and have been selected with the greatest care. For further particulars, address. (j. M. Harman, Lexington, S. C. MTUCMOLIM MULE WORKS 1707 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. ijt| MARBLE AND GRANITE HI Dealers South. "We use the best grade material in manufacturing Monuments and Headstones and guarantee our work and fiinish to be the best. When you hear a man complaining that he can buy so much cheaper from some S ififj*'' " little fellow who is anxious to sell anything, you can put it down that he will get cheap stock, I chean work, and of course a cheat) iob. Jla,We can compete with any fair dealer ill thift country, but we cannot suy we will sell as cheap as j jlllj grade stock and work. IRON I WIRE KING, GRAVE LOT COPING, ETC. for pale. Write to us or see our ME. P. B. EDWAEDS, LEXINGTON, S. C. and we will see that you are treated fair. SOUTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS. September 11. 4i?tt H ]>0 WE KEEP P 1 GOOD STOVES? I $ 3$ Yes. and at prices surprisingly low as compared with quality. ijfi? This is oor No. 8 GOLDEN ROD Cook Stove, with 20-inch aSp Oven at $8.00: with 2i icnh Oven. $22. (iO, and these ^ tjk^ prices include a complete set of Cooking Utensils. We also have Stoves and Ranges varying in price Irom $8 to $4o.OO, No more complete stock A to be had anywhere in this State, ;XP> # | There are none better than our Leader and Comfort Air <& ^ Tight Heaters for Wood. ^ ? No. Oir, LEADJiU at S2 2o <3? No. 113 COilPOUT at #3 00 A. J< No. 121 COMFORT at 84 00 X Y No. 120 COMFORT at #5.00 Y ^ 1519 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. .<% March 10?ly. rjg| i