The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, January 21,1903. v Index to 2Tew Advertisements. For Rent?Lever, Tbe Shoe Man. Clothing?The Bee Hive Store. Drags?J. W. Kinard. SERVICES. ST. STEPHEN'S IiUTEEBAN CHTJBCH. ^ Bev, J. Q. Graichen, Pastor. 1st, 8unday 11 a. m., Lexington. 1st 8unday, evening at 7:30. Lexington. 2nd. Sunday 11 a m., Lexington. 3rd. Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. 4th. Sunday, evening at 7:30 Lexington. Sunday school service every Sunday morning'at 9:30. I appointments of bev. oeobge 8. beabden. Nazareth, E. Lutheran, First Sunday. St. John, E. Lutheran, Third Sunday. Providence, E. Lutheran, 4th Sunday. His address is 1109 Elmwood Avenue, Columbia, S, C., where parties wishing to correspond with him can address him. pbesbttbrian services: Eev. Mr. "Wallace, Pastor. 2nd. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. lehngton circuit m. e. church south. Bev. W. E. Babbe, Pastor. 1st Snnday, Hebron 11 am. Shiloh 3? pm. 2d Sunday, Horeb 11am. Lexington 3ipm. 3d 8unday, Shiloh 11 am. Hebron 3? p m 4th Sunday, Lexington 11 am. Horeb 3\ pm V Lexington: Sunday sohool service every CnMj^An mnvninn of. Irt rtVWt feJOUUOJ iUWALUUg MV AW v wawvMM Masonic Notices. A regular communication of vSft Pomaria lodge, No. 151, A. F. M., will convene in Masonic hall I Peak, S. C, Saturday, February 7th, 1903, at 7 p. m. Brethren will please be prompt in attendance. Fraternity invited. John C. Swygert, Master. ft A REGULAR COMMUNICATION v of Lexington Lodge, No. 152, A. F. M., will be held on Saturday, February 7th, 1903, at 7 p. m. Brethren are earnestly requested to attend promptly. By order of the W. M. Samuel B. George, Secretary. Judgment Sustained. The Supreme court has banded down its decision, sustaining the judgment of the lower court, in the case of Myrtle Edwards, respondent, vs. Va&tine Wessinger et al. appellants. Removal. n *n , h M. ?i. Jiaruey & uo., win occupy the store belonging to J. W. Long, lately occupied by H. L. Oswald, and beg to state that they will continue the cost Bale of goods on hand now to make room for a large line of clothiog, shoes, hats and gentB' furnishings to arrive in a few days. When in need of goods in their line give them a call and you will save money. Suildiag a Tramway. ^ ' The Santee Lumber Company is building a. tram way near Sandy Bun creek, waters of Congaree river, from their mill out to the Baker tract of land, a distance of about eight miles, on which is a large body of fine timber. This company employs a w large number of hands and is in a prosperous and thriving condition. Don't Neglect This Matter. w There are quite a number of subscribers residing in and around town who are indebted to us ior subscription. We do not wish to send out bills to them or ask them to settle for same hoping that they would call and settle but io many instances we have hoped in vain. Subscribers near here will greatly oblige us by dropping in and paying the amount due at their earliest possible convenience. ICemlers of Committees. The members of the House of Representatives from this county have been made members of the following committees: P. F. Efird?Ways and means, orvrinnltrirA. OUVft ? John Bell Towill?Public printing and education. J. Brooks Wingard?Privileges and Elections and engrossed bills. Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys ?o AA-ncfirvn uveruuiiie? uuiiotijjtt? ' tion. Two Noble Men Dead. Maj. A. H. "White, of Rock Hill, the President, and Col. Thomas W. Holloway, of Pomaria, the Secretary* of the State Agricultural and Mechanical Association, both died on yesterday at their respective homes. ??BCT?B?B8PB3M?BtB?BB?wmsaam A Worthy Cause. The Lord Loveth. a Cheerful Giver, i During the morning services at St. Stephen Evangelical Lutheran church ! on February 1st, a special collection will be taken up, tl proceeds of which is to go toward the expenses of the new iron fence around the cemetery. It is hoped and expected that a large congregation will be present on this occasion and that each one will go prepared to give something toward this public spirited enterprise. The committee having this work in hand report that they need about $100 to pay the cost of the fence and they are very anxious to raise this 6um so that they can pay the entire bill as soon as the work is completed; they, therefore, urge the entire community to make a contribution, no matter how large or small it may be, to enable thera to do this. Remember Sunday February 1, and the object of the collection is to go toward putting up the fence. Good Work Done. We can be found in our shop all the time ready to make cr mend any kind of work; wood or iron; over-haul cotton gins; steam engines; ? Torn milon ur Ct Liy UtUCi Uia^UlJJCl J* *nu muvo northwest of Lexington, C. H. Lee Snelgrove & E. D. Hailman. 12pd . A Florishing School. The school at Swansea is in a very flourishing condition under the able management of Prof. Sam. J. Derrick. He is a teacher of experience, culture and refinement and his management has given general satisfaction. He is assisted by the accomplished Miss Isabella Brooker. The school has grown so in the number of pupils that the services of Mrs. Derrick has b?en secured in order to give a more efficient service. The school is greatly in need of more improved and modern furniture, which the trustees j will no doubt soon put in. At and Below Cost. The Bazaar has a quantity of fancy ' and plain china and glassware left I over from the holiday trade which j they do not wish to carry in stock until next Christmas and in order to j rash them off quickly have made big reduction in Drices. Parties desiring to purchase anything in these goods would do well to call at once, inspect these goods and make their selections. They have also big bargains to offer in other lines and the purchaser wi 1 save money by calling at The Bazaar. Dolm&r Dots. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Prof. D. A Q'lattlebaum went to Saluda Saturday eta business. Mr. W. H. Hare is home from his school at Perry. He dismissed his school the first of last week on account of smallpox. Messrs. J. 0. Eargle and Henry Snelgrove went to Columbia the first of last week to see about getting work. We have not heard from them since. win laciinaie me wont 01 me pot-ii master at Leesville and will avo:d the delays in our mail. Jan. 19, 1003. Loyd. ? ? ? Mr. James H. Tillman has tendered his resignation as Lieutenant Governor. f To o I Take Laxative Bro I Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the newspapers is sure to know of the wonderful u jj j j cures made by Dr. ?j Kilmer's Swamp-Root, j ?reat kidney'kver E foXzrjj li; and bladder remedy. - | [f&Sl ,'rS It is the great medi^ L/v ^ cal triumph of the nine\U \ 11 teenth century; disY, j 11 covered after years of t* i 1 ' scientific research by '' Dr. Kilmer, the emiU. ? " nent kidney and blad dci* specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid troub'es and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to purchase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement hss been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a bock telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and fC'rK*/~ n send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Binghamton, N. Y. The^^?i|gg? regular fifty cent and Home of Swamp-Root, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Our correspondents will please send us the news from their section sipeisoin. Strength is one of the distinguishing attributes of a healthy man. In one of the most beautiful poetic flights known to literature, the inspired singer finds no finer figure to express the sun's majestic rising than "rejoicing like a strong man to run a race." Who has not known such a man, the picture of health, hardy and athletic, suddenly begin to fail? At first he has a slight cough, which he laughs at. Presently the cough becomes deep seated. The scales tell him he is losing fles&. A little later and the lungs bleed. He grows weaker and more and more emaciated. Each day sees some circumscribing of his activities, until at last he does not leave the house, and friends shake their heads and say, "Poor fellow ! Who would ever have believed it possible?" But what are the doctors doing all this time! Doing their best probably, but usually doing no lasting good. The emaciation grows more marked, the weakness more apparent, until at last the sick man hears the sentence, "There's po hope." It is just at this very point of hopelessness that the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has proven the first step to health to many a sufferer. It cures the cough, stops the hemorrhage, heals the lungs, puts sound flesh upon the body, and sends the man back to the activities of life as strong as ever. It's a wonderful statement, but it is literally true, that " Golden Medical Discovery" has cured time and time i again when all other means had absolutely failed to benefit. There is no alcohol in the " Discovery," and it is absolutely free from opium, connr\ nil nth^r narcotics. Dr. Hifce is confined to his room with what may prove to be pneumonia. Prof, and Mrs. D. A. Qaattlebaum are now occupying the Rev. J. D. Shealy house. They are conveniently located near the church and school. The members ot Mt. Hebron met at the church Saturday evening and sat out about eighty trees on the church ground. The pest office at this place was discontinued on last Thursday. This section will still retain the name of Del mar. Now, that we have free delivery we should do all we can to make it as convenient for the carrier and ourrelves, as we can. To insure the prompt delivery of our mail we should use our route number. This Persons suffering from disease in chronic form are invited to consult Dr. R. V. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is private and the confidences of the sick are guarded with professional privacy. The success of the methods and medicines of Dr. R. V. Pierce, may be inferred from the fact that of the thousands treated by him and his assistant staff of nearly a score of physicians ninety-eight per cent, have been perfectly and permanently cured. "A SURE CURE." nI beg to state that I have used three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery since my correspondence with you, and find great improvement in my case." writes Mr. A. F. Novotny, of New York, N. Y., Box 1437. "I feel that I am in need of no more medical assistance. When I started to take your medicine I had a regular consumptive cough, of which I was afraid, and everybody cautioned and warned me concerning it. I was losing weight rapidly, was very pale and had no appetite whatever. Now my condition is changed entirely. I do not cough at all, have gained eight pounds in weight, nave recovered my healthy color, and my appetite is enormous. I can recommend your medicine to everybody who may be in need of the same, as it is a sure cure, no humbug as are most other pr * :nt medicines, and is far superior to all similar medicines." lift UUlfiun n/io rvnutm "When I commenced taking your medicines, eighteen months ago, my health was completely broken down," writes Mrs. Cora L,. Sunderland, of Chancyville, Calvert Co., Md. "At times I could not even walk across the room without pains in mv chest. The doctor who attended me said I fad lung trouble and that I would never be well again. At last 1 concluded to try Dr. Pierce's medicines. I bought a bottle of 'Golden Medical Discovery.' took it, and soon commenced to feel a little better, then you directed me to take both the ' Golden Medical Discovery' and the 'Favorite Prescription,' which I did. Altogether 1 have taken eighteen bottles of ' Golden Medical Discovery,' twelve of the ' Favorite Prescription' and five vials of ' Pellets.' I am now almost entirely well, and do all my work without any pain whatever, and can run with more ease than I could formerly u/alk." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adv'ser, 100S large pages and 700 illustrations, is sent free on receipt of stamps to defray expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the book in cloth binding, or only 21 stamps if paper covers are desired. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ore a Cold in Oi mo Quinine Tablets, a months. This signature, ^ STATE OE SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, In Probate Court. B R. Shull. in his own right and as Administrator of the Estate of Miss Mary W, Shall, deceased, plaintiff against Mrs. Alsen B. Leaphart. Mrs. Nina Senn, "Weter W. Shull, defendants. Sale of Land in Aid of Assets and Partition. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER IN above stated case. I will sell before the court house door at Lexington, S. C , on the first Monday in February, 19l3, the following real estate, towit: All that piece, parcel, or tract of land situate, l.\iDg and being in the County of Lexington, State of ^o. Ca , containing ninety acres, more or less, bounded on the south hv the Anonsta road: east bv lands ct D. J Griffith, north by Jsnds of J W. Drehtr and perhaps others, and west by Edwin Price TERMS OF SALE?Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. The order of sale further provides that immediately said land is knocked down to the highest bidder said bidder sh-.ill pay down in cash the sum of twenty-five dollars as an evidence of good taith. and should the bidder fail to pay down said sum of money the land will be immediately recried tor sale at the risk of the former purchaser. And it is farther ordered that the balance of the purchase money represented by said bid shall be ptid into the hands of the Probate Court within ten da>s from the date ot sale, and it the purchaser fails to comply with these terms and conditions the lands will be re*advertised for sale on the first Monday in March, 1903, at the risk cf the former purchaser. GEORGE S. DRAFTS. Judge of Probate, Lexington Co, f. I luuntrr cv OIUIMC, auuiiicja. i c. m. Efird. f. e. dreheb EFhiJ & DREHER, Attorneys at Law, LEXINGTON, C. H., S. C. WILL PEACTICE IN ALL THE Courts. Business solicited. One inember oi the firm will always be at office, uexiDgton, S. C. June 17?6m. DENTAL NOTICE. DB. L. L. TOOLE, of North. S. C. will be at Swansea, S. C , on the second Wednesday ot each month, aud at Gaston, S. C.. on Thursday lollowing. Oct. 29 ?6m J. II. FRICli, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice in all the Courts. Office: Hotel Marion, 4th room, second floor. CHAPIN. ------ s. C, A^uusa 6. ly. Money to Loan. WE AKE EEEfAKEJJ TU JNEfiULlate loans promptly io sums of $300 and upward< on improved farming lands in Lexington county. Long time and easy terms. No commissions. Borrower pays actual expenses of preparation of papers. THOMAS & GIBBE8, Columbia, S. C, October 1. PUItE DRUGS are essential in order to get therapeutic action, bat, HOW IS YOUR LIVERP USE Kinard's Life Tablets. for >our Liver and Kidneys. A trial convinces. Price 25c, per box. sample by mail for 10c. in stamps. J. W. KINARD, The Licensed Prescription Druggist at Leesville, S. C. December 3, l?02. ly. -r? - ... r r? /a _ I: ? I ne Diaie OT oouin uarunna, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, Mrs. Rcsanna Connor et al. Plaintiff,s vs. Charles W. Connor. Administrator of the h sr?t" of John W, Conner et. al.. Defendants. IN OBEDIENCE TO THE DECRETAL order in above stated case, I hereby give notice that all the creditors ot the Estate of John W. Connor, deceased are hereby required to render and establish th ir seve ' ral demands before me at my office at Lexngton, S, C., within sixty days Irom the tth day of December, 1902; and upon their failure so to do they will be barred of the >enefit ot any decree to be hereafter renlered in above stated proceeding. FRANK E. DREHER, t-pecial Referee. December 23rd, 1902. 8wl2. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Court of Common Pnas. Paul E. Hntto, Plaintiff, against J. Fred Jefcoat, Defeidmt. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN execution in the above stated case, I will sell at public outcry to the highest ' ,5 ? 1?1 C*r\n.t TTnnao rlnnr at. Jiaaer, ueiure mo v. Lexington, 8. C.. during the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in February, 1903: All the right, title and interest, of the said J. Fred Jefcoat, in and to all that cerain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in said County and State, Bull Swamp Townshij), containing One Hundred and Sixty-four acres, more or ess, bounded by Estate lands of Elijah Jefcoat, Estate lands of Benjamin Jefcoat, Estate lands of Lewis Hoover and Estate lands of Jacob Laird. TEllMS OF SALE.?Cash. Purchaser to pay lor pip-rs. T. H. CAUGHMAN. S. L. C. Jannarv 13. 1903. 3wl9. le Day 1 pjj on every I : box, 25c. j We Manufacture the Best Cough Remedy, W. P. COUGH BALSAM. It is 25 cents a bottle. 32 Doses. Guaranteed pure and safe. KAUFMANN DRUG CO., "THE DRUGGISTS," IJEI/.TCTO.V, S. C. November 20, 1901.?ly. McCBEERY'S Until further notice we will give a discount of 25 per cent, throughout our entire stock of JrJLNC UJCiX WUUO, MILLINERY, CLOAKS, SUITS, SKIRTS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, AC. Goods all marked in plain figures, thereby enabling customers to see for themselves that they are getting what we advertise to give Full 25 Per Cent. Discount | Our past reputation is a guarantee to the public that we mean just what we say. During the Discount sale our terms ARE STRICTLY CASH. NO APPROBATION-NO CHARGE. McCreery Brothers, MAIN AND BLANDING STREETS, COLUMBIA, - - ' - - S. C. HUSEMANN'S GUN STORE J <1 | WE HAVE Parker, Lefevers, Smith, Ithaca, Forehand, Pieper, Baker and Winchester Repeating Shot Guns. The Ithaca Guns are guaranteed to shoi-fc all kinds of Smokeless Ponders; never becom# loose or shakv. Prices from $21 up. "We keep the best makes of Single Barrel Gnus. All kinds of Rifles and Air Gans, Powder, Shot. Wads, Primers, Shells, Loaded Sheila in all sizes. Edison Phonographs, and Graphaphones. We do all kinds of Repair Work. Headquarters for Hunters' Sapplies. W, F, STIEGL'TZ, proprietor. I 508 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. a?i?i7 i a no UnpiOLUUCi i. If JL %J J Vi?. BIGClearance Sale, It will pay our friends of Lexington County to call at the Bee Hive They are selling all heavy Weight Goods at a sacrifice. Cost no consideration. The winter stock must make room for early spring shipments. YOU CAN BUY A $12.50 SUIT FOR $ 7.50 810.00 SUIT FOR $ G 00 $ 7.50 SUIT FOR 8 4.90 Overcoats Half Price. DON'T FORGET 1554 Main Street, * WHILE IN COLUMBIA FOR |BIO VALUES. September 19.?:f.