The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 14, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, January 14,1903. t fhcil and scissors. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Bead the land sales in this issue. Hon- W. H. Sharpe was in town Monday. Even the lard trnst wants to "live off the fat of the land." Mr. W. B. MoDaniel has given hood and is now out on bail. Mr. Frank Kleckley killed a bog 8 months old Monday weighing 248 poonds net The finest gnnpowder tea. and ether fine grades of teas at the Bazaar. Mr. D. E Ballentioe has been confined to his room with sickness for several days. ' There are several notices in this issue which a^e of especial interest to trespassers. W. H. Lyles, Esq, a prominent railroad attorney of Columbia, was in town last week. 1,000 bushels of ootton seed want el Highest market prioe paid for same. W. P. Roof. Mr. Austin Boof now oocapies the cottage lately vacated by Superintendent of Education Jno. S. Derrick. If yon need congh medicine read the advertisement of The Kanfmann Drag Company in another column. Mr. I. J. Schwartz, who resided near Chapin, has moved to town and will make this place his future residence. Two good farm mules for sale cheap, apply to A. N. Dreber, Selwood, S. C. 3*10 A bon 4 belonging to Mr. George Sawyer died last Saturday. Tms makes the third horse he has had to die in the recent past. 5? - r ' "4 In consequence of the removal of Mr. P.,fL Corley back on his place in the- suburbs, the Parlor Eestauant baa been closed. Miss Irene Weed, who has been visiting relatives in town since Christmas, returned to her home in tha UnnHftv. - Several days daring the past week tire weather was intensely cold and the wind ? biting. Many people did nothing bat hagged the fire. FRESH GARDEN SEED?Best rarities, just arrrired and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Call at The Bazaar. The new Board of Coanty Commissioners took charge of the coanty government last Tnuraday and elected Mr. J. A. Mailer olerk. Mr. Frank Meetze, of Virginia, and his charming bride, while on their bridal tonr, stopped over last week to visit Maj. H. A. Meetze, the ancle of the former. Daring the year 1903, it will be oar Dumose to collect money due us closer in the future than we bave in the past, thereby reducing the number of those who beat us. Mr. Bufus Sox, who has been confined to his home for sometime by sickness, is, we are glad to say, convalescing. We have missed him and hie contagious laugh on the streets. A. postal dated from Manila, P. I, December 2nd, 1902, informs us that Mr. B. F. Able, who is connected with the Auditor's office there, is returning heme on account of ill health. Treasurer F. W. Shealy lost his fine traveling horse ''Meddler'' last Wednesday night from blind staggers. The week before Mr. C. M. Efird lost his old faithful horse "Dandy." We learn that cholera has broken oat among the hogs in this vicinity, and are informed that one gentleman j had 35 hogs to die from this Jdisease, j another 4, and all the hogs of another j are sick with it. Kinard, the Old Reliable Clothier, j of Colombia, invites the people of Lexington to make his store their headquarters when in the city. He has made a sweeping reduction in suits, overcoits, stylish hats, heavy underwear, shirks, white and colored, ? and fine neckwear. See advertise- j sent in this issue. j Auditor G. A. Derrick has moved ! to town and dow occupies the dwell| iDg of Mrs. Sarah Rawl. on upper Main street. Mr. Thomas L. HarI man occupies the dwelliag vacated I by Mr. Derrick in the suburbs. Rev. Mr. Hay will hold Episcopal services in the chapel in this place next Sanday morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7:30 o'clock The public generally is invited to attend these services. Mr. C. F. Snyder, who conducts a large picture enlargiDg agency in Florida, is in town riding the Royal Bumper of Dixie Lodge, No 52, I. O O F., and visiting at the home of bis wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M D. Harman. We are requested to announce the marriage of Miss Carrie LjuanDie. is daughter of Mr. and Mrs H. P Roberts, to Mr. Willie Aughtry Smith. The ceremony will take place in Providence churoh, at 10 a. m., on January 25th, inst. Everybody invited. Lorick & Lowr&nce, of Columbia, carries the largest stock of seeds of any house in Columbia. They sell either in bulk or package to suit purchasers. They also represent large manufacturers of standard brands of fertilizers. See their ad vertiaement in another oolumn. Annie Lee, the little four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B Floyd, died at the heme of its parents, on Faotory Hill, in this place, last Wednesday, January 7tb, after an illness of about four .week*. Another lamb has entered the heav enly fold and now gambols in the warmth and sun light of GodV presence. Bemember the editor is out on hi> rounds in the southern portion of the county and next week will start at Edmund and wind up at Frank Keisler's. Think of your dues to the Dispatch before leaving home to meet the Auditor, and be ready for him with the spondulicks. Look at the dates that he will be near you. Senator B. B. Tillman proposes to deliver within the next two weeks a red hot anti-trust speech, which, it if said, will be the most extensive and carefully prepared one that he will deliver thin OARftinn. The Sanatnr regards the bill prepared by Attorney General Knox, wbioh has beeD favorably reported apon by the Judiciary Committee, as "absolutely worthless so far as remedying the trust evil is concerned." This is a good season of the year to purchase dry goods, notions and millinery, and the place to get standard goods in these lines is at Wm Piatt's, Columbia. In fhis establish ment will be found every thing needful to make a fashionable dress woman. ^All his goods are of the latest styles and patterns and are sold at as low prices as are consistent with the quality of the goods. When you want goods that will wear go to Wm. Piatt. + Officers of Dizie Lodge. The following are the officers of Dixie Lodge, No. 52,1. 0. O F, for the ensuing year: M. D. Harman, Noble Grand. J. E. Kaufmann, vice Grand. S. B. George, Secretary. A. J. Fox, Treasurer. Rev. W. D. Quick, Chaplain. J. E. Rawl, Warden. S. J. Leaphart, Conductor. T. L. Harman, Right Supporter to Noble Grand. J. B. Oswald, Left Supporter to Noble Grand. W. P. Roof, Right Supporter to Vice Grand. Horner Woods, Left Supporter to Vice Grand. D. W. Corley, Right Senior Supporter. Frank Clark, L9ftSeniorkSupporter. J. J. Bickley, Outside Guardian. S. H. Harman, Inside Guardian. The Lodge meets regularly on 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights at 7 o'clock. All visiting brethren welcomed. Trespass Notice. All persons are hereby forewarned against trespassing npon my lands know as the "Old Kreps Place'" in any manner whatever. The law will he enforcei no matter who the violator may be. GEORGE W. P1UGE. -January 11, <903. 4wl3. pd. Loss of Flesh When you can't eat breakfast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have aeen living on a milk diet and vant something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat at Scott's Emulsion is a Iron f .faHener a rfrMf W*AV IV4VVV1IW1 | strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for convalescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and comfortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you ^ a free sample. 6c sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. scon & BOWNE, 409 Pearl Sl.N.Y. 50c. and $11 all druggists. Galvani'a Discovery. . It Is to the wife of Professor Galvini of Bologna that is due the credit of having discove. 3d the electrical battery which bears his name/' Some skinned frogs lay upon the table, and, noticing a convulsive movement in their limbs, she called her husband's attention to the strange fact, who instituted a series of experiments, and In 1791 he laid the foundation of the galvanic battery. Their Lack. ,K "Just my luck." said Boreni; "She's always out when I call." "So she was telling me," said Miss Pepprey. "She told you the same thing, eh?' 'Yes. Only she said it was Just her luck."?Philadelphia Press. Hard Lack. She?Bee&use I cannot many you do not be disheartened. You must face the world bravely. He?It isn't a question of the world; I've got to face my creditors. Trne Courage. Spartacus?What is the greatest act of bravery that ever occurred within your specific knowledge? Smartacus?A man with only half a dollar in his pocket went iuto a swell cafe and ordered 40 cents' worth of food right out loud, so that people at the next table heard him distinctly.? Baltimore American. Tli? Delineator for February. The number of The Delineator for February is replete with interesting and valuable matter. The display of fashions is inviting and up to date, and the literary contributions are of a high ordar. In fiction, two admirable short stories are presented: A Change for the Better, a Western tale, and Pamela's Great-grandmother. The price of this excellent msgezine, known as the "Ladies ! Favorite," is only 15 cents per copy, j or Si 00 per annum. COUNTY OFFIGSAL NOTICE. Notice ts hereby gives' that applications for the Keeper of the Poor House and the Superintendent and Guard of the County Chain Gang, will be acted upon by the undersigned Board of County Commissioners lor Lexington county, on Saturday, the 21th day of January, 1903, at 10 o'clock a m. All applications for said places must be filed with the Clerk of our Board, J. A. Mulkr, on or before said date. GEORGE A. SHEALY, Supervisor, i JOHN W. FRY, GEORGE W REED EE, County Commissioner*, j January 14, 1903. 2wl. | NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All persons indebted to the Estate oi D. Drayton Loner, deceased, will make payment on or before the 10th of February, 1003, and those having demands of any kind against the said Estate will present the same, duly attested, to the undersigned as Executors. walter d. long. JOHN F. LONG. EDWARD L LONG, \ Wm. I>. LONG, THOMAS 0. LONG. Executor*. |- January 3, 1903. 3*12. 1903. Mules and Horses Buggies and Carr Wagons AND MOE 6Y MAKING HEAVY PURCHASI C The Wise Ms Many Wise 1 Another Wis Gregory -I < -1 ^ T> lilt) jr. February 14?ly. Trespass Notice. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT? J3I all parties are lorbidden to hnDt, hail off wood making roads, or trespass in any manner wh*te\er upon onr lands The law wi>l positively be enforced against all trespassing npou our lands W. A GOODWIN, G. A. GOODWIN, T M. GOODWIN, A K. STGHTLEB, J. H PoUND J. C. BUftBrK. Janua-y 12, 1903. 4wl3. pd. ESTATE NOTICE. All peesoNvS indebted to the Es ate of Julius E. Lorick, deotased, vni ma<e immediate payment to the under signed, and all persons to whom the said Estate is ind bted will present the same, iuiy attested, to t c tinrvv J o* ULVV/Ai ' Admr. Fstate of Julius ?. Lorick, December 20, 1902. 3wl0.pd. Mio Collegiate 111, LEXINGTON, S. C. LITERARY, SCINTIFIC AND CLASSICAL COURSE. NEXT 8ES8I0N OPEN 8 SEPTEMBER 8. j Vocal and Instrumental Music. College Trained Teacher-?. 206 Students Enrolled Last 8ession. Expenses per Se.sion $60 to $80. Send lor Catalogue to O. D. SEAY, Principal. Ju'y 30, 1902. Trespass Notice.! TTTE HEREBY NOTIFY THE PUBLIC VV that anv Dartv or Dartit-s hunting or trespassing in any way on tbe tract ot jand in and around Irmo. owned by P. C. Lorick, shall be punished to the lull extent oi the law. Reward offered for trespassers. December 31st, 1902. 4wll. Money to Loan. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO LEND money at 3, 4, o and 6 per cent, in terest per annum on lirst mortgages given on town and city lots and also on first class farming laud*. Parties wishing to borrow money would do well to call on us. MULLER & STURKIE, Attorneys, December 31. 1902. 6wl2. LEXINGTON MARKET, CORE-'ICTED WEEKLI BY THE MEECHAXT8. Bacon Hams, per ft Sides. '* " 1034 Shoulders. " 12 Butter, per ft c. 20 Eggs, per dos 20 Turaeys. per lb 8 a 10 Geeee, perpr 70 a BO Chickens, per head 12M a 30 Beeswax, per ft 13 a 20 Beef, per ft ? 10 a 1234 Pork, " " io a 1234 Tallow, per ft 4a5 Lard, per ft 1234 Flour. Dercwt 200a2:0 Corn, per bu 03 Peas, " " oo Oats, " " 60 Fodder, per cwt Sweet Potatoes, per bu 33 lllce. per lb 4 u o VEGETABLES AND FLU IT. Thehigost market prices paid for Fruit and Vegetables ui all seasons. COTTON MARKET. Augusta.?Middling 8 11-16 Charleston?Middling 8->s. Columbia,?Middling s'\. Lexington.?Middling H'K. NAVAL STOlCKS Savannah, yesterday's market; Spirits Turpentine, llrm 33 rents. llor-in. steady. I Grove'! : I has stood the test 25 year; II bottles. Does this record t % 1SC3. alj (a fall km 3 - - - - 3 Car Loads, iages, - 3 Car Loads. - - - - 3 Car Loads, j !E BOUGHT TO FOLLOW. 1 ?S AND PAYING CASH, WE ARE ALWAYS ON THE INSIDE AND AN GIVE YOD THE BEST PRICES. 1 in BpgiDS to think cow, about the purchase of his mules, or horses, buggy* carriage or wagon for the coming season. ?That's Intuitive Sense* tlen Have made themselves contented and satisfied by purchasing of us. ?That's Economical Sens*. ;e Man (Yonrgeli'O Should visit our place of business, look over our enormous and com^ plete line of goods we carry in stock and let us fit him out. ?That's Dollars Gnd uent?. If we haven't jaat what you wan't we'll get it lor you?Wtj'u please you somehow. y ?And that's our kimd of businoss senst-, 1 Mule Co,, I LAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. j * jj FlTZMAURICE FlTZMAURICE \ SB 1704 AND 1706 MAIN STEEET, i COLUMBIA, - - - S. C. To our friends in Lexington we extend a special invitation when in Columbia to come and see us. We will do as we say?save yonr hard earLed money. aod save a heap of annoyance in lookirg for what you want It will be impossible for "ton to bay goods as cheap or as good from anybody else It is an hourly occurence to hear people t-ay I am sorry I bought. Bat too late for that time, I but not too late for this time. See us ior your wants in our line, as - , we tell you. DRESS GOODS. SILKS! SILKS!! . 50 pes Half Wool Henrietta, only 10c a yd. 30 pcs|Fancy Waists and Dress 8ilks, 75c, ^ 30 pes Fine Plaids, 30-incn, on y 10c a yd. sold at $1 00. 20 pes Fancy 40-inch Suiting. 20c a yard. 35 pes Black Silk, Armures, Peau De 8oie, 30 dcs 36-inch All Wool Henrietta, 25c a yd m ^9ro^r*sr,\iji n L w - _. _ _ , ?? Taffetas toi Wedding Costumes. We can 20 pes Whip Cords, only bOc., sold at <oc. flx up any kind of a dress. 4 20 pes All Wool Granites at 50c. Domestics sold at co?t. -IP? W m in this Mouse Merchants Sold at Wholesale Only. J&nnarv 15. BLACK LANGSHAN are the best all round Fowls on the market. I have few very fine 4 COCKERELS AND PULLETS < for sale afc low prices. Tbey are from the purest and best known strain, and have been selected with the greatest care. For further particulars, address. '< G. M. Harman, Lexington, S. C. ; DR. F. C. GILMORE, j Albert M. Boozer, i t ..Zln! Attorney at Law, j I 1 o'er Hasemacn'.s Gun More, Colum- | TTirm * ^ ^ I bio, s. C? whrn b? will be glad to see bis ! ' O. ] iormer as well us new patients. Especial attention given to business enBr. Gilmore will be ut {Drafts Hotel in j trusted to him by bis ieliow citizens ol Lexington 011 Tuesday and Wednesday, j Lexington county. A February 10th and 11th, to accommodate J tillG Mam Street, up-dairs, oppo* J patients who find it inconvenient to call at . i,j e Van Metre's Furniture More \ | bin Columbia office i Febmanr 28-tf. , ! January 2J, lbUl?ti. 1 I * _ j I OeWiti's Sf Salvo ; OneS!MeGooghCore J j For SHSes, Burns, Sores. i For foMjghs, Colds and Croup* l rTasteless ChiB Tonic""" Average Annual Sales over One and a Half MilHen 8 sf merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. I aide is a Ten Cent* package of Grove's BJcck Root* Liver Pills^ ^