The Lexington Dispatch. ? . i ' ' Wednesday, January 14,1903. r? We Told You So. The Supervisor of Richland Makes His Estimate for 1903. The newly elected county board of commissioners met at noon yesterday, cays the Columbia Stale, of January 6th, present Supervisor Owens, Commissioners Daugiag, Haakell, Caughman and Touch berry. * * * The following report submitted by the Supervisor was received as inInrmth'nn* Gentlemen: Oa account cf tte fact that the time for the payment of taxes expired only a few days ago, and that a large number of checks have been received through the nails, for which receipts have not yet been iaeaed the County Treasurer will not "beready to report the amount of bis collections until your next regular -meeting: consequently I cannot today give yon an exact statement of the ftoascial condition of the county. Ail of. the claim8 for 1902 that have been audited end proven by your predeeesaore, and ell of these have befn or warrants made oat for their payment Our assets for the year 1903, from eneoUeoted t ?xes of 1902; dispensary profits, estimated on the basis of 1902; eotteetiona from that source; taxes of 1903, on the b ?sie of the assessment end levy of 190?; road taxes, fines licenses, etc., es*'mated on the same - basis, will be sufficient to pay off all ot our standing indebtedness, and the running expenses of 1903; provided the latter do not exceed the estimates. Yon are, of course, aware : of the fact that all estimates for fu * fere expenses can only be appropriately correct To illustrate, we cannot tell in .advance what this year's sourt expenses will be. They may to more. They may be less than last year's; and so on throughout the other departments of the connty gov enuneot > ESTIMATES FOR 1903. Oar estimates for the running expenses for 1903 are as follows: County Auditor $600 00 Gennty Treasurer.. 600 00 Soperrisor, County Comctisjuoners eud^Serk.. 2 600 Q0 -CSounty Vdeqaalizatiori.. '300 00 Saperintendent of Education and school board.. 1,300 00 Jurors and witnesses.... 4,500 00 Clerk of Court,., ... 1,200 00 Sheriff ;%i....$.600' 00 Magistrate* ^onetables.. 3,500 00 Coroner 400 00 Poorbouse 3,000 00 Roads, bridges and chain , pang........... .. 20 000 00 Poblic buildings 3,000 00 Books, stationery and printing 600 00 Contingent expenses.... 3,500 00 Total. $49,900 00 With the assistance of the Clerk of the Board I have gone carefully over the estimates for 1903 to see if there could be any cut that would enable us to ask for a smaller levy than mills for county purposes, and it is my decided conviction that the only reduction that can be made in this year's taxes is the -reduction of J mill in the special levy for payment of interest and retirement of bonds issued by Columbia township id Did ox toe construction of tee Columbis, Newberry end Laurens railroad. A large proportion of these bonds hare now been retired, making the annual interest less; and tbe outstanding bonds have some years to mature, and the levy for this purpose can, I think, be reduced by | mill. THE CHAIN GANG The above estimate of the running expenses of 1903 embraces $20,000 for the maintenance of tbe chain gang and repiir of the roads and bridges. Considering the fact that there is still a large teirifory to be worked by the chain gang6, and there are a number of new roads that have been chartered by your predecessors that have not yet been opened to the public it will be impossible to meet the public expectation in regard to road work with a smaller sum than the estimate calls for and it will take -close calculation to meke that sum suffice. The remainder of the estimate is fcr salaries atd fees fixed by law, court expense?, repairs and other expenses of pnblio boi'dings, maintenance of poor, lights, fuel insurance, frieghte, advertising, printing, stationery and other miscellaneous expenses. As to the first two named items, this board has no power to reduce tbem. It has simply to provide means for their payment. As to the public buildings the sum estimated will all be required for it will be necessary . to make sanitary improvements at the court bouse and jtii in order to con nect with the sewerage system of the city, and some other repairs and refurnishings are absolutely necessary. * * * Seafness Cannot be Cured By heal applications, as they canDot reach the deceased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. DeafnesB is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect i t t # ? bearing, ana wnen it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destoyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) thst can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., ^ : Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Castro's Sepl7. . London, January 9?The third secretary of tbe United States em bassy, Craig Wordaworth, presented Castro's reply to the powers, accepting the arbitration conditions, to the foreign office this afternoon. The reply is regarded as having much more finality than was expected. The Secret of Long Life Consists in keeping all the maiD organs of the body in healthy, regular action, and in quickly destroying deadly disease germs. Electric Bitters regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood, and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders in curing Kidney Troubles, i Female Complains, Nervous Diseaees, Constipation, Dyspepsia, and Malaria. Vigorous health and strength always follow their use. Only 50c., guaranteed by Kaufmann Drug Co. Bowea Comiag Some. Caracas, Jan. 3.?Minister Bo wen sails tomorrow for Washington either on the cruiser, Cincinnati or Albany, fcn nrppflnt the Venezuelan , para fn r the Anglo-German ambassadors. ' ' + Dislocated Her Shoulder. Mrs. Johanna Soderhoim, of FerguB Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had eeen Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised for sprains and soreness, and she asked him tpbuy her a bottle of it, which he did. It quickly re- | lieved her and enabled her to sleep i which she bad not done for several days. The son was so much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that j he has since recommended it to many ! others. For sale by Ko.ufmann Drug ; i ! L saves from Hood's Branch. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The health in our community is extrpmely good at this writing. Xma8 and the holidays are in the past, with their pleasant memories. Misses Deseie and Carrie Gantt spent Xmas eve night with their couBin, Miss Clara Gantt. They are pleasant and charming as summer fl >wers. The school is still flourishing at Hood's Branch under the care of Mr. W?Hie Rish who is liked by his patrons and pupils. There are two more happy hearts in our country. Mr. David HaltiwaDger of Pelion and Miss Sallie Scoffill of near that nlace. Thev were Made man and wife on Dec. 28, 1802, at the home of the bride's father. Miss Carrie Gintt who has been attending Lapsville College spent Christmas at borne. Success to the good old Dispatch and its maDy readers. Dupont. Finds Way to Live Long. The startling announcement of a Discovery that will surely lengthen life is made by editor O. H. Downey, of Churubusco, lad. "I wish to state," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that I have ever known for Coughs, Colds and Grip. It's invaluable to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread I Pnanmnnia nr O.nnonmnhnn Tfa rc- I JL UVUUJVUIW ut. WUUUUi^iiVU* AW * v. lief is instant and cure certain." Kaufmann D ug Co, guarantee every 50c and SI 00 bottle, and give trial bottles free. ^ ? Southern Cold Wave. Louisville, Jan. 8.?The blizzard conditions which prevailed yesterday and last night in Kentucky and Tennessee are in evidence today with diminished force, in Tennessee, Georgia and North Carolina, and along the Atlantic coast. Snow is general east of the Mississippi river. The freezing temperatures extended into the southern half of the cotton belt. Snow fell all night in the mountains of Tennessee and Western North Carolina. Train service through the ' *J _ t 5 i mountains is namperea. A Scientific Discovery. Kodol does for the stomach that which it is unable to do for itself, even when but slightly disordered or over-loaded. Kodol supplies the natural juices of digestion and does the work of the stomach, relaxing the Devous tension, while the inflamed muscles of that organ are allowed to reRt and heal. Kodol digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich, red blood. Kaufmann Drug Co. Our Negro Question. London, Jan. 9?The action of President Roosevelt in relation to the political rights of negroes in the South is attracting attention in England. The sentiment is clearly in favor of President Roosevelt, but the Globe, which often makes unfriendly criticisms of the United States, says the American people are far more competent to judge of the qualifiea tions of the negro than nations whose populations are free of his presence. It is safe to assert, the Globe declares, that no civilized country in Europe would welcome African immigration on a large scale. Croup. The peculiar cough which indicates croup, is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children. No time should be lost in the treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has received more universal annroval than I A. Chamberlain's Cough Keinedy. Do not waste valuable time in experimenting with untried remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommend- j ed, but give this medicine as directed | and all symptoms of croup will | quickly disappear. For eale by Kaufmacn Drug Co. Augusta. Go., plumbers have struck for ?4 a day of eight hours. They have Ikcu getting ?3.50 for nine hours. JUST c 0NE ? S? D tha* word Is !t refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with indigestion? Sick headache? Virtigo? Bilious? Insomnia? \NY of these symptoms and many others indicate inaction of the f "'Fn You Iffeedl ^ Take No Substitute. Happy Life of a Farmer's Wife. Chicago lleview. A city girl writes: It is a food drpam nf mine tn heenmA a farmerV wife and meander with him dowD life's pathway, says an exchange Ab, yes, that is a nice thing, but when your husband meanders off and leaves you with out wood, and you have to meander up and down the land pulling splinters off the fence to cook dinner, and when you meander around in the wet grass in search of the cow, till your shoes are the color of rawhide and your stockings are soaked, and when you meander out across twenty acres of plowed ground to drive the hogs out of the cornfield and tear your dress on the barbed wire fence; when you meander back home to the house and find that the billy goat has butted the stuffing out of a child, and find the old hen and forty chickens in the parlor, you'll put your hands on your bips and realize that meandering is not what :? l _ l. is jb uiauaeu up tu ue. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the ! civilised world. Your mothers' and grandmothers'never thought of usiDg anything else for Iodigestion or Bili ousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of'Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the I matter with you. You can get this reliable remedy at Kaufmann's Drug Store. Get Green's Special Almanac. i o X 4* Uf Strike Investigation. Philadelphia, Jan. 9?Chairman Gray who was unable to attend the session of the strike commission today on account of slight illness, and Brigadier General Wilson acted as chairman. The non-unionists counsel presented indictments and plaes of guilty of certain union men for acts of lawlessness and showed that members of the miners UDion invariably became their bondsmen, Rev. Carl Hauser testified that strikers spat at cofiin, non unionist, exclaiming at the same time: "It's a shame to bury a scab, throw him to the dogs." One Hundred Dollars a Bos; Is the value H. A. Tisdale, Summerton, S. C, places on DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He says: "I had the piles 'for 20 years. I tried many doctors and medicines, but all failed except DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me." It is a combination of the healing properties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics and emollients; relieves and permanently cures blind, bleeding itiching and protruding piles, sores, cuts, bruises, eczema, salt rheum and all skin diseases. Kaufmann Drug Co. f!r*nw TTTin Washington, January 7.?Several j friends of Dr. Crum, who were seen this morning stated that he will make a bitter fight for confirmation in the Senate. These predict that drum's nomination will be reported favorably from the commerce committee. The ; chief contest will be in the Senate, I not in the committee. EDWARD L. ASDILL / Attorney at Law, LEESVILLE, S. 0. Practices in all the Courts. Business solicited. Sept 30?6m fli|33 H/URRBALSAM fm^sSESSk^:JhB Clctntei and beautifies the half. I +& MW Proir.otea a luxuriant growth. ^IjJever Pails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scaip^di?ea?;j & hair iolling. Ll'DDEiY & BATES PIANOS, o NOTED FOR SWEETNESS AND PURITY OF TOME, P^WER atm minini. itu U UU^PQIUII. Best pisno frr this trying climate, stards iD tone longer than others, constructed of best materials and most artistic workmaDship obtainable. Upto-date in every detail and ur eqnatied. o Sold by Us Continuously for Many Years Without a single failure. If you want a piano for a lifetime's service Buy the Ludden & Bates! o Prices as low as is consistent ?ith qaal'ty. Cash or on easy terms. Sent on 15 days' trial. We pav treight. Write for prices TODAY. Ludden & Bates SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, savannah - - - ga. JNO D. MURPHY, Manager. establishf:d, isro, D. A. FRESSLEY? MANAGER BRANCH OFFICE. COLUMBIA, - - 8. C. September 10, 1903. ly. Thousands Saved By p. KING'S NEW DISH? Thiswondertul medicine positively cures Consumption, Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, LaI Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. Every brttle guaranteed. No Cure; No Pay. Price 50c.&$l. Trial bottle free. ENGINES BOILERS. Tanks. Stack* Stand Pipes and Sheet-Iron Work; Shafting. Pulleys, Gearing, Bone* Badger* eta Mill Castings. SVCast every day; work 200 hands. mhb1bd iron works * supply os augusta, axoaesA. | January 27?ly Alfred J. Fox, | I Life and Firej | Insurance and! J mmmm m " jReal Estate. | ! | Agent, | i Lexington, S. 0 i Only First Class Companies Repre; sented. My companies are popular, strong j I and reliable. No one can give your j | business better attention; no one can i i give you better protection; no one can j I givo you better rates. ; Prompt and careful attention given ! j to buying and selling Real Estate, j | both tovrn *nd country properties, j | Correspondence respectiulysolicited. I CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ! I a&RKKitiMnAisaD saio A ' r&NraTKU TAL rlLLS | fl^J +S& | ??_ Af_J? "s I Suf>. A Iwava reliable. I.adic*. Drirri** (br j 4'!UCn??TElt'.V KX4.J.iSIJ in HUmJ uM rv>Id metallic bo.x ribboa. { 'J':i!tr na othov. Itefnuc j latiomnnd lint(alinii?. lJuyuf your I>rur*iit, I or scti?l ic. it* stamps for S?:?rticnlia;->*. 'J'cwti- , r.tooiai* a:i?r. i j ifav, M, k0 >3 cove. ! ' i W A Kfi KLL\(i, AETIST, COLUMBIA, S. C. IS NOW MAKING THE BEST Pictures that can be bad in this country, .md all who have never had a real fine picture, should now try some of his latest styles. Specimens can be seen at his Gallery. up stairs, next to the Huh When writing mention the Dispatch, Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys strengthens weak kidneys. SEORGE BRUITS MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, 8. C., rnWETVO " escape such consequences. A dose of a good digestant like Kodol will rolive you at once. Your stomach is simply too weak to digest what you eat. That's all indigestion is. Kodol digests the food without the stomach's aid. Thus the stomach rests while the body is strengthened by wholesome food. Dieting is unnecessary. Kodol digests any kind of good food. Strengthens and invigorates, Kodol Makes RSnh Red Rlnnd. Prepared only by E. C. De Witt & Co., Chicago. Toe $1 bottle contains 2% times the 50c. slse. J. E. KAUFMANN. When writing mention the Dispatch. CHI Nllll BANK, THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN COLUMBIA. UNITED STATES. STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY. Saving's Department. Paid up Capital - $200,000 Surplus Profits . - - 70,000 Liability of Stockholders - 20v 000 $470,000 Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, ner annum, payable May 1st and November 1st W. A. CLARK, President. Wmra Jojtks, Vice President and Cashier. uecemoer 4?iv. LEXINGTON li BANK. DEPOSITS BECEIYED SUBJECT TO CHECK. W. P. ROOF, Cashier. DIBECTOBS: Allen Jones, W. P, Boof, 0. M. Efird, B. Hilton James E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. September 21?tf DR. E, J, ETHEREDGE, SURGEON DENTI8T, LEESYILLE, S. C. Office next door below post office. Alwr.yn cnhand. February 12 iliilEMIMil! . I I'M I ' ill 11 DH. BAKU'S j | ' f M GHSA.T i| mum. ! I jjij jjF^EE Jl SURE i|l ros lil RHEUMATISM \ ;|i| : SCROFULA, j M ] I SYPHILIS, i m b^?. mmi 'illijl-B A ^ vo-'it . .j j :ijji B!cod, liver and Kidneys \ ?i| a c:-zri'fic !?::?.!5.ry to?: .fl 1