The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 07, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, January 7,1903. Xnios to New Advertisements. Pianos?M. A. Maione. Shot Gans?W. F. Stieglilz. Drugs?J. W. Kinard. Land Sale?George S. Drafts. Ready to Sell-Greg ory-Raea Mule Company. Want to Buy?Shand Builders' SuddW Comnanv. CA V A ? 2DXT7TILTIE SERVICES. st. stephen^ luthebax chubch. Bev. J. G. Graichea, Pastor. 1st Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. 1st Sunday, evening at 7:30. Lexington. 2nd. Sunday 11 a m., Lexington. 3rd. Sunday 11a. m.t Lexington. 4th. Sunday, evening at 7:30 Lexington. Sunday school service every Sunday morning at 9:30. appointments op bev. geobgz s. beabdex. Nazareth, E. Lutheran, First Sunday. St. John. E. Lutheran, Third Sunday. Providence, E. Lutheran, 4th Sunday. His address is 1109 Elm wood Avenue, Columbia, S, C., where parties wishing to correspond with hiai can address him. pbesbytebian 8ebvices: Bev. Mr. Wallace, Pastor. 2nd. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. lexington cibctjit m. e. chubch south. Bev. W. E. Babbe, Pastor. 1st Sunday, Hebron 11 am. Shiloh 3* pm. Ed Sunday, Horeb 11am. Lexington 3$pm. 3dSunday, Shiloh 11 am. Hebron 3|pm 4th Sunday, Lexington 11am. Horeb 3J pm Lexington: Sunday school service every St n lay morning at 10 o'clock. Cost Sale. On account of removal January 15, we will sell our entire stock of Men and Boy's Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Shoes and Hats at cost. These are all new goods and are excellent bargains. M. R. Hartley & Co., LexiDgton C. H. Store. Commissioners in Session. Tbe County Commissioners were in session Monday attending to various matters of public interest and \_ __ winding op the affairs of their office preparatory to turning over the office to their successors on next Thursday, the 3 th inst. The members of the retiring board have performed their onerous duties faithfully and conscientiously, and while they have not, perhaps, come up to the demands of an exacting public in every instance, they have done as well as could be reasonably demanded of them, and will retire from office to the shades of private life carrying with them the well done of their many friends and will leave the county in excellent financial condition. Peasioa Notice. All new applicants for pension will meet the Pension Commissioner in the Auditor's office at Lexington, C. H., on any Saturday in January, 1903, to receive blanks, and must be attended to during the month of J^nnarv. The Commissioner will give farther instructions. The representative of each township will report to the County Board all deaths of those who drew a pension on the last roll and have since died or moved out of the county or have remarried. All new applicants will meet the County Board on the first Monday in February to be examined, &c. S. M. Roof, Char. Co. Board Lex. Co. Married, By Rev. W. H Roof, December 21, 1902, at the home of the bride's father, Mr. D. U. Addy, Mr. Pierce Risincer and Miss Belle Addy. ? o Also on December 24,1902, at the residence of Mr. E. J. Price, by Rev. W. H. Roof, Mr. Jacob Price and Miss Annise Keisler. On Dec. 25, 1902, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wise, Miss Ada Wise to Mr. Forest M. Sharpe, by W. H. F. Rast, Esq. Also on December 28, 1902, in ~ " ? . t TT7 XT Swansea, S. U., at resiaence ox v*. j-l. F. Rast, by him, Mr. Gary Jefcoafc and Mies Maggie Jefccat. December 24, 1902, afc tbe residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. J. A. Cromer, Mr. Alvin Roof and Miss Minnie Mathiae, the former of Richland, S. C, and the latter of Lexington, S. C. December 31, 1902, afc the residence of tbe bride's father, Mr. A. D. Shull, by Rev. J. A. Cromer, Mr. Henry Buff and Miss May Shull, all of Lexington county, S. C. 'Sank Organised. The persons interested in the formation of a new bank in this place met in the offioe of Alfred J. Fox, where the books of subscription to the capital stock were opened. After which the name of "The Home Bank", was authorized and an organization was effected by the election of the following Board of Directors: F. W. Oswald, A. J. Fox, George ! Bell Timmerman, H. L. Oswald, J. E. Kaufmann. At a subsequent meeting of the Board, the following officers were elected: F. W. Oswald, T"' 1 ? 1 ^ Unit Timmo?man cresiaem; vjeurge uuu jLiuuj?uuut , Vice-President and Counselor; A. J Fox, Casbier. It is reported that the bank will be opened for business about the 1st of February. The Board of Directors is composed of some of our most solidf young business men possessing large and wide experience, while the President has made a brilliant financial success of all his business affairs and it goes without saying that with such a strong combination of capital and experience the new bank will be a success from the beginning. The bank has purchased the store now occupied by M. R. Hartley & Co, in the Kaufmann building and will fit it up with modern furniture, vaults, etc. A Deplorable Tragedy Occurred near the home of Mr. Wesley Spires, who liveB near tne mill site on Mr. Albert Taylor's plantation in Congaree township, on last Friday morning between 12 and 1 o'clock, in which Charles Hutto, a young man about 24 year9 of age, lost his life at the hands of Mr. Wesley Spires. The particulars of the tragedy are very meagre and some of the details are unfit for pub lieation. For sometime Hutto had been paying marked attention to Spires' wife and had been repeatedly warned by Spires to keep away from his fSpires''] home. The warning was unheaded and on this fatal morn- i ing Hutto, during Spires' absence, made his appearance hut left before Spires returned. The t*o men, one armed with a rifle and the other with a shot gun, met in a little wood land near the Spires home. As soon as Hutto saw Spires, he opened fire, the ball outting a bough from a tree just above Spires' head. Spires returned the shot, the load of buckshot went true to the aim and killed Hutto almost instantly. Spires came to Lexington Saturday and surrendered to Sheriff Caughman and is now in jail. An inquest was held at Brookland by Coroner Wilson, but for the want of testimony the inquest was adjourned until more evidence could be obtained. Col. J. Brooks Wingard has been retained as counsel for Mr. Spires. Tou Know What You Aie Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Desperately 111. Mrs. Sallie Drafts, of the Ella section is seriously ill and the most hopeful have but little hopes for her recovery. Many of her immediate family spent Saturday night watcbinor at. tier ViAdoide. Thnnoh the pad "& ? "v* .W. n? hour of dissolution did not arrivs their hearts are very sad over her severe suffering. Sill the Germs. Nothing is so deadly on the germs or disease as good health. Good health for the lungs drives out consumption. Scott's Emulsion makes a specialty of supplying good health to diseased lungs. ? The weather yesterday morning was very unpleasant. At times some snow fell but in the afternoon the clouds rolled by and the day closed clear and bright, but very cold. r^Toc I Take Laxative Brc I Seven Million boxes sold in past 1< HER FIRST $100. " . I What the Delightful Creature Did With It After Much Advice. How she acquired it it does not really matter?possibly by teaching school, painting fire screens or washing. Anyway when she found herself in possession of the sum she set about to see what she could do with it. Certain amiable friends told her it would be very nice to buy some new dresses, hats, gloves, shoes and such. But she had a full assortment and didn't require anything of the sort. An aunt told her to invest it in a certain telegraph stock that would bring in good interest. "But I want my hundred dollars all to myself, you know." "Poor, foolish dear, it will all be yours, just the same. You can use the Interest just the same. I know where you can draw?why, G per cent." "Wh-at? That is only $G a year! I Six dollars is awfully small by the | side of this. I'm going to count it again. Maybe some of it is gone." The very thought of such a thing made < the little creature chatter. For the tenth time that day she sat down and 1 counted the talismanic roll of bills? four twenties, one ten and two fives. ( It was all right, and her pulse resumed its normal bea-t. Suddenly she gave a little shriek of delight and jumped up and cried: "I know just what I shall do! I'll get it?busted. I think that's what they call"? "Child, what are you talking about?" "Talking about finance, auntie. I'm going to make this stingy little roll into a big one. It doesn't show off at all." "Vnn nro nnoor floor " JL VU UJL \]UVV.J.t ViVu&? "I'm going to get it all in five dollar bills. I think the pictures on the fives are ever so much prettier." Life seemed more rosy after the delightful creature ' possessed twenty nice, crisp fivcf*. She counted and recounted them when an- , other fancy came. "I'm tired looking at these common bills. They don't jingle and ring. I'm 1 going to get five nice, clean, new twenty dollar goldpieces." No sooner was it said than done. The table rang for two days as she tossed the bright yellow pieces about like jack stones. Even then she wasn't quite happy. The litt tie pile of twenty dollar yellow boys ! looked so small. Then she scouted 1 about and got together 100 silver dol! lars. She polished every one daily and played with them. Next she got 200 fifty cent pieces. But life was still an aching void. She at last owned $100 In twenty-five cent coins. Surely she must be satisfied now. But, no; she broke into one of the quarters, felt discouraged after that and was quite unlike her old self until she found one little nickel left, the very last coin of the hundred dollars that had caused her so much trouble. ? Philadelphia _ _ I Ledger. Snnken. There exists among many persons a belief that snakes are creatures of more or less defective organization. Deprived of legs and reduced to effect their movements by sinuous windings of their elongated bodies and tails, they have an appearance dT helplessness which may by itself excite compassfon. Yet no mistake of the kind could well be greater. The principles of evolution suffice to make it evident that the structure of serpents must be tolerably good or else they -could never have survived nature's many destructive agencies. But, in fact, their structure is a marvel of admirable contrivances and accurate adjustments, so that we must affirm them to be as perfectly adapted to their requirements and peculiar modes of life as any other animals.?Quarterly Review. Iconoclasm. "Well," said the man who had come in from the remote wilds, "I suppose you've took your seat in congress ag'in." "No. You remember, I had the misfortune to be defeated." "You don't say: Ana aner me uavelln' forty mile to vote fer you! The folks out our way will shore be surprised. So you ain't join' to sit in congress no more?" "I'm afraid not." "Well, well! Things are certainly goin' queer these days. I reckon they'll be inovin' the Washington monument next."?Washington Star. A Thongrhtless Sister. Mrs. Getthere ? Such impudence! Here's Sister Matilda proposing to come here with both her children and make us a long visit. Mr. G.?But you spent half last season at her home in the country, and you had four children and a nurse. Mrs. G.?A different thing altogether. She has no servants, but she knows perfectly well that we have several and that every one of them will get mad am! leave if the family is increased.?New York Weekly. Pedoffogy. "But," objected the visitor, "quite a number of your pupils have broken down and become imbeciles." "True," replied the eminent educator. "but we confidently expect better things in the future. The bacillus of overstudy having now been identified and a serum for its destruction devised, we look for no further trouble of the kind you mention."?Life. The Sta'e Legislature will convene in annual 9( ssion in Columbia next Tuesday. are a Cold in Oi >mo Quinine Tablets, I months. This signature,*? di'ATS OF cOUIH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, In Probate Court. B R. Shull. in his own right and as Administrator of the Estate of Miss Mary W. Shall, dtceasea, plaintiff against Mrs. Alsen B. Leaphart Mrs. Nina Senn, VVet?r W. Shull, defendants. Sale of Land in Aid of Assetsand Partition. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER IN above stated case. 1 will sell before the, court house door at Lexingtou. S C , on the first Monday in February, !9o3, the ollowmg real estate, towit: All that piece, parcel, cr tract of land situate, lying and being iu the County ot 1 exington, Stnte of -"o. Ca . containing novaei /M? IACO \\r?T1 T) A ntl 1 h H. uiucm nvico, tuui\j ui <vo ' v? ? south by the Augusta read: east by lands of 1). J Griffith, north by U.nds of J W. Dreher and perhaps others, and west by Edwin Price TERMS OF SALE?Cash. Purchaser to pay lor papers. The o?der of sate further provides that immediately said 'and is knocked down to the highest bidder said biddt-r sh-11 pay down in cash the sum of twenty-five dollars as an evidence of good lattb, and should the bidder tail to piy clown said sunt ot money the land will be immediately recried tor ea'.e at the risk of the former purchaser. And it is fu-ther ordered thai the balance of the purcba-e money reprtseated by said bid shall be pud mfo the hauds of the Probate Court within ten da\s lrom the date ot sale, and ll the purchaser fails to comply with these terms and conditions the lauds will be re-advertised for sale on the first Monday iu March, 19U3, at tne risk of the former onr^has r GIORGE S. DRAFTS. Judge ot riooaie, Lexington Co, Muller & nturkie, attorneys. 3w.2. IDXSTJO-S. A bright and prosperous New Year to all. When making your New Year re?olut ons, resolve to go to the New Drug StOie at Leesvil'e for all yonr Medicine wh? re yon will find Pure Drugs and anything in the drug lin*. Some specialties are Kinard's Life Tablets lor Liver and Kidneys, 25c. per box, sent postpaid anywhere on receipt of pri^0 ptiniDS For a spring tonic use Kinard's Elix Alterative Clorides with Sarspariiia, ihe oest blood purifier sold any whtre. I guarantte my goods as represented. Eye Glasses, Stationery, Garden feeds, Soaps. Perfumery, &i., then see that your resolution is carried into eft'ect. Yours lor faithful and honest service, ?J. W. KINABD, The Licensed Prescription Druggist at Leesville, S C. December 3, 1901 ly. DENTAL NOTICE. DR. L. L. TOOLE, of North, S. C. will be at Swansea, S. C., on the second Wednesday ol each month, and at Gaston, S. C.. on Thursday following. Oct. 29-6m .1. H. FRICK, ATTORNEY AX LAW, "Will practice in all the Courts. Office: Hoiei Marion, 4th room, second /J noor. CHAPIN, ------ S. C, AfcUU&l 6. ly. Money to Loan. WE ARE PREPARED TO NEGOT1ate loans promptly io sums of $300 and upwardi on improved farming lands in Lexington coanty. Long time and easj terms. No commissions. Borrower pays actual expenses of preparation ot papers. TH0HA8 & GIBBE8. Colombia, S. C, October 1. Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys overcomes constipa tion. The State of South Carolina, ' COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, Mrs. Rosanna Connor et al. Plaintiffs vs. Charles "W. Connor. Administrator of the K?r?it.A nf John W, Conner et. al.. Defendants. IN OBEDIENCE TO THE DECRETAL order in above stated case, I hereby give notice that all the creditors ol the Estftte of John W. Connor, deceased, are hereby required to render and establish th- ir seve ral demands before me at mv office at Lexington, S, 0.. within sixty days trom the 4th day of December, 1902; end upon their failure so to cfo they will be barred of the benefit of any decree to be hereafter rendered in above stated proceeding FRANK E. DREHER, bpecial Referee. December 23rd, 1902. 8wl2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. In the Probate Court. B, R. Shull, in his own right and Adminis trator. Plaintiff, against u Mrs. Alsen B. Leapbart, et. al., Defendonts By virtue of a decretal ok der now on file iu the Probate Conrt tor said county and State, under above pro ceeding, notic} is hereby given that al parties holding claims against tba Estate o Miss Mary W. Shull deceased, shall presen the same to the Probate Court for the sai< county and State, duly itemized and at tested, Jon or before the 10th day of January 1003. Upon which day by the decretal or ! der of said Court a hearing will he hai j upon the same. B. R. SHULL. i Admr Estate of Mary W, Shuli. deceased J Decern ber 22, 1002. 3w9 leDay dox. w^c? ??I??? ? Holiday Presents, Open for Examination, Things for Old and Young. Prices Bight?-List Too Long To M-i!- 411 117 ~ lueuuoii ah \\ c nave. KAUFMANN DRUG CO., "THE DBrCrCHSTS," LEXI.Xli TO A", November 20. 1901.?ly. IcCREEM'S GENUINE DISCOUNT SALE. Until further notice we will give a discount of 25 per cent, throughout our entire stock of FINE DRY GOODS, t MILLINERY, CLOAKS, SKITS, SKIRTS. HOSIERY, GLOYE3, UNDERWEAR, HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, &C. Goods all marked in plain figures, thereby enabling customers to see for themselves that they are getting what we advertise to give Full 25 Per Cent/Discount Our past reputation is a guarantee to the public that we mean just what we say. During the Discount sale our terms ARE STRICTLY CASH. NO APPROBATION-NO CHARGE. T" " *1 - Tfc 1_ - ~ imreer) uroiucrs, MAIN AND BRANDING STREETS, COLUMBIA, - - S. . HDSEBAM'S GUN STOBE WE HAVE Parker, Lefevers, Smith, Ithaca, Forehand, Pieper, Baker and Winchester Repeating Shot Guns. The Ithaca Guns are guaranteed to shoot all kinds of Smokeless Powders; never become loose or sbakv. Prices from $21 up. We keep the best makes of Single Barrel Gans. All kinds of Kifles and Air Guns, Powder, Shot. Wads, Primers. Shells, Loaded Shells iu all sizes. Edison Phonographs, and Graphaphones. We do all kinds of Kepair Work. Headquarters for Hunters' Supplies. W. F. STIEGLITZ, PRI I 508 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. September 17, 1902?16w. GRAND Clearance Sale, - - i r\ TV For the Next 2U ltays. ALL WINTER : Clothing and Heavy Weight Goods \ MUST MOVE. \ and the prices I have marked them down to will move them. I will sell ycu a Suit of Clothes or Overcoat 50 per cent, less than you can buy elsewhtre in the city. I keep anything you need in ! Clothing and Gent's Furnishings. Bee live Low Price Store, 1554 MAIN STREET, COr-TJ2^BI^, - - - S. Cfci.piember li#.?tl.