3^' * - Ej-r . ws; */:' * Clothing, Stos NEW STO |e|k^.*v~ V I W'~gE%;V' LE CELEBRATED LO BJfiST liN THJtii m * * ' * The Jeffersox FuH Line of Hats Beady to Wear ing. Will sa\ The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, October 22,1902. finu aid mum. \ Wayside Notes 6athered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. Poverty is the reward of idleness. _ i Never monRey wun a vuz& bar j when it it busy. / There was considerable frost last Thursday morning. There is a /emedy for everything but death. Liberal railroad rates to the great State Fair. Experience and observation are our best teachers, hence the necessity to t visit the next State Fair. Judge Dan trier came over from Columbia Saturday and completed the business of the Equity cases. When you sell your cotton remember the Dispatoh with your subscription. The friends of Mr. John D. VAnnmnflr. will doubtless be pleased d.VUMgu.v., to learn that he is doing well in hie new home at Tate, Alabama. : I '' J. S. Mailer, E?q, a prominent member of the Colombia Bar, was in town on Friday in attendance upon the conrt of Equity. Wanted?To buy a first class milch cow, at once. Apply to G. care Dispatch. ; The best makes of farming implements and a general line of hardware, can be fonnd at T. B. Aoghtry A Go's., Colombia. Mr. H. C. Scoffill, a prominent and substantial citizen of Pelion, was in town Monday. His business here was to enter some exhibits in the County Fair. Peonle will eat and they generally A want the best the market affords. For the bast plantation and family supplies for the least money, go to T. B. Aughtry & Co., Columbia: " N. Swinson, a well known colored man, and a faithful and reliable employee at Saxe-Gotba Mills, died at his home in Irene last Wednesday of hemorrhages. i ? 4- y Dr. J. William Boozer, of Columbia, is a delegate to the South Carolina Lutheran Synod form St. Paul church in that city. The Synod will meet at Little Mountain next Fridayn.i vou wish to see the progress ? ? y the farmers of the State are making in diversified and intensified agriculture? If so, visit the State Fair, October 28th to 31st. While in Colombia during Fair Week, type your meals at the Parlor Restaurant. Meals are furnished at all hours day or night. All the delicacies of the season furnished at reasonable prices. Ben David will sure treat you white. I C* UDealers In TT I 1 , Hats aM tti RE, Kaufma xnraTOir, s >NE JACK AN1) 1)1 WORLD FOR MEN, WOMEN AS I Hat, everyone and Caps, all Pric Clothing, and Up re you money on wear. "^hen you come to town to purchase dry good9, groceries, shoes, hardware or anthing in general merchandise line, be sure and call, on H. L Oswald. We learn that the infant child of Mr. Job S. Wessinger, of Chapin, died last Sunday and was buried at that place Monday. Our sympathies are extended to the bereaved parents. Mr. Ed George is now in charge of the repair force of the Columbia ttilman V y-.il flflr'f Kjviwv JJicubixu maunaj* avu ^au u keep the George boys down. Give them a shove nnder and* they are bound to rise sgain. Chief Boiling Berr, of the Iroqua tribe, is at Irene, in the interest of Indian remedies. He is a grandson of the great Indian Chieftian, Bed Jacket,- and is a social and clever gentleman. We enjoyed our annual fall camp fish week before last. The catch was unsually large and Messrs. Walter Derrick and Paul Addy of the Fork, are certainly jolly fellows on a camp fish. Wanted, to sell my complete Steam Saw Mill outfit, with horses, mules, oxen, wagons and carts, machinery at__ i J. ' t_i_ nearly new. aibo several aesiraoie tracts of land on and near the rail ; ' road. W. H. Donley. The County Fair is now under full headway. The crowd in attendance yesterday fully came up to that of the first day of previous fairs and was very encouraging to the managementIn point of exhibits this fair will compare favorably with any yet held. Dr. Gilmore, the dentist, will be at Kamioer Hotel on Tuesday and Wednesday. November 11th, and 12&h. Those neediog immediate service can consult him at anytime at bis Columbia office over Husemann's gun store. Mr. John Shealv, a young man employed in the Lexington Cotton Mill, in this place, in assisting in the serenade of a.newly married couple over the creek last Monday night overloaded bis gun and when it wae discharged it burst, severely, though not dangerously wounding him. A quite home wedding was consummated at the home of Hon. C M. Efird, in this place in the evening of October 20th, 1902, when Mr. D Rufus Haltiwangerof Bates'ourg. and Miss Annie Daily of this place were joined in the holy estate of matrimonj by Rev. J. G. Graichen. pastor of St, Stephen's Evanglical Luth. church. Dr. King's New Life Pills, New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Arnica Salve for Bale at the Bazaar These remedies have a world wid? reputation for the almost instanl relief that give to those who suffei from the diseases for which the} were manufactured. Call and get s | sample. I'ci CnrjhiciliinAici us ruiiiMiu^, nil's Block. L O. [XIEGIRL SHOES, JD CHILDREN. GUARANTEED. ) jes. Men and Boys -to-Date Tailor in view of tne coming Jb'air, MrLever W88 bath to leave the County and only did bo after receiving urgent telegrams from Chairman Grigg*. He reported at Democratic headquarters in Washington last week, and was sent to make speeches in West Virginia. He spoke at Harpers Ferry on Friday and in Charleston on Saturday, being well received at both places. He is now stumping the State of Connecticut in company with Senator Carmaok, of Tennessee. This is a grert compliment to Mr. Lever, for Senator Carmack is recognized as one of the ablest men in the Senate, and an orator whose equal is hard to find. These two young men have been sent into the State of Connecticut, which is now represented in Congress by a solid Republican delegation. We hope they will be able to bring the whole State of Connecticut into the Democratic fold, and send up to Congress a solid Democratic delegation. i 4 i Preamble and Resolutions. Whereas, It bss pleased the Great , Architect of the Universe to let Time use his sickle upon the manly from of the noble son of our brother K. P Kvzer and cut him down in the bloom of youth. And, whereas, we the members of Boylston Lodge, No 123, would per1 pet.uate the sad event, do respectfully Resolve, That we bow in humble i submission to his will, knowing that bis acts are just and that we are all journeying to that temple not made 1 oy hands. i Resolved, That we extend to ; brother K* zer and family our deep 1 sympathy in this their sad bereavement. . Poonlno Ixvcoliiicu, j.uou a iup_? ui lutht! resolutions be embodied in tbe minutes of this communication of Bojlaton Lodge, No 123, and a copy of the same be transmitted to the > bereaved brother and family. Bojlston Lodge, Aug. 16, 1902. I Masonic Meetings. a A REGULAR COMMUNICATION ! ^?5^of Lexington Lodge, No. 152, I ^^^\A. F. M., will be held cn Saturday, October 25th 1902, at 7 I 3 p. m. Brethren are earnestly requested to attend promptly. : By order of the W. M. " G. M. Harman, Secretary. r . > Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. i I RTTflftTFS everything to Workirg for Democracy. 1 The many friends of Congressman Lever will be sorry to learn that he will not be with tbem at their annual County Fair this week. He is such a familiar figure on our streets, and has been so consistent in bis attendance on former occasions like thin, that the Fair will seem incomplete without him. In fact, we think that he may be considered as one of Lexington County's exhibits, and the -people of this Couuty will be proud to know that to-day he is being ex hibited by the National Democratic party, as the boy orator and baby member of Congress. \ A CAE LOAD JU C Ol Gregory 1115 PL February 14?ly LEXINGTON MAKKET. CORRECTED WEEKLX BY THE MERCHANTb Baoon Hams, per ft 12. " Sides, " " 11 " Shoulders." li j Butter, per ft 20 Eggs, per doz. 15 Turkeys, per lb 8 a 10 Geese, perpr 70 a 80 Chickens, per head 10 30 Beeswan, per ft 15 a 20 ' Beef, per ft 10 a 12% Pork, " " 10 h 12% Tallow, per ft 4 5 Lard, per ft 12% . Flour, percwt 225 a 275 Corn, per bu 95 .feas, " " iuu Oats, " " 60 Fodder, per cwt 90 Sweet Potatoes, per bu 100 Rice, per lb 4 a ti VEGETABLES AND FTUJIT, The higest market prices paid for Fruit and Vegetables at all seasons. COTTON MARKET. Lexington,?Middling 8. . Columbia,?Middling 8. Charleston?Middling 8. Augusta,^Middling 8 NAVAL STORES. Savannah, yesterday's market Spirits Turpentine, Arm 53 cents. Rosin, steady. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Court of Common Pleas. , William H. D eher. Laura Dreher, Martha Dennis, Louisa E. P ice, Plaintiffs. against George L. Dreher. Luther B. Dreher, Lemuel Chapman. Hezekiah Chapman, Byron Chapman. Yiola Chapman. Lilian Chapman, Julian Bouknight. Beulah Bonknight, Tallie Bouknight, Homer Bonk- ' night and Virgil Bouknight, Defendants. Summons for Belief (Complaint Served.) To the Defendants above named: YOU ABE BEBEBY SUMMONED and required to answer the complaint in this action, of wnichacopy is herewith served npon you, and to serve a copy of A ? ?- - J ^ ? l** * A AM your answer to me sum cumpmim, uu tuc subscribers at their office at Lexington, 8. C., within twenty days after the service hereof exclusive of the day of such service: and, if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. EFIRf) & DREHER. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Dated September 23th, 1902. To the Defendants:-Jul-an Bouknight, Tallie Bouknight. Homer Bouguight, Virgil Bouknight and Beulah Bouknight: You will please take notice that the original summons and complaint in above stated case are now on file in the office of the Clerk of he Court for Lexington county, at Lexingion, S C. The Detendants -Tallie Bouknight, Homer Bouknight, Virgil Bouknight and Lillian Chapman, Minors, You will take notice that unless they have a Guardian ad Litem appointed for them, or for each of them, within twenty days from the service of the summons ana compiamt herein upon them, exclusive of the,day of service, the undersigned will thereafter move the Clerk of this Court for the appointment of sotne suitable person as your Guardian ad Litem in this action. EFIRD & DREHER, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. I September 23th, 1902 Gw52. Final Discharge. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL J^l persons interested that I will apply to the Hon. George S. Dralts, Judge of Probate. in and for the County of Lexington, State of South Carolina, on the 14th of \Ttto??1 C|09 fr?r a final as Ad ministratrix of the Estate of John D. Haiti wan ger, decaased. ELIZABETH E. HALTIWANGER. Administratrix. October 15, 1902. 4w52. Stops the Cough and Works of the Cold. Laxative Bromo-QuiniDe Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. 1 < __ J J 4 i AND : WAGONS, J ST RECEIVED AND TWO MORE 1 IARS ORDERED. jr Prices the Lowest = Rhea Mu le Co., . AIM STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. 3HEa/,ve "3T'?u. Seena rriTTn r?nn YTTTfyn i nii D?i?j AX V Zi 53.yu Suit Window, j [t is a Eecord Breaker in prices. These snits are worth from $7 00 to $10 50. Marked ^ in plain figures at one price $3.90 FOB THE SUIT. Don't miss this rare opportunity to buy an up to-date Suit for $3 90. Polite and attentive salesmen will serve you. Take a peep at this Window while in Columbia. It will interest you. Their stock is large and complete in every line. Bee Hive low Price Store,; 1554 MAIN STREET, CO LXJMBIii, - - - S- CSeptember 19 ? tf. Money to Loan. m if p 5 WE ARE PREPARED TO NEGOTI- I g| flii If ate loans promptly i. sums of $300 and upward" 011 improved farming lands in j Lexington county. LoDg time and easy nmnimmriTn J terms. No commissions. Borrower pays M actual expcnsMot ^eparation^papers. 1 111\ ?j ~ Columbia, S. C, T 7 aT REMEDIES. 1 Farm for Sale. TT7E OFFEB FOR SALE 133 AOBES Endorsed by some of the Leading Medical A B!L mSm ?D *??? N? ? ?< ? ** Terms easy. icine. but P. B. HAY, p HAY Swnsea, S. C.. September 24. ?3m. NATURE'S PURE REMEDIES. ALL SIS' BOZING EVENTS Wholesale and Betail by G-M- harman. Are Best Illustrated and Described in POLICE ftAZETTE 1 rCSl>aSS lwne#A k 1 B fc A LL PER^ONR ABE HEREBY POSThe World-Famous -A- itively forbidden to trespass in any ? manner whatever, especially by hunting, PatrOVl of Sports cutting wood and roads, hauling straw. ^ * A A 4*1 uiprwA A. 4 A A etc.. upon the lands of the undersigned, ~ S1.00--13 WEEKS-SI.00 adjoining each other, as the law will be ^ r-.oidlv enforced. MAILED TO YOUR ADDRESS. " 'mkS. NANCV COELEY. RICHABD K. FOX, Publisher, THOMAS L^nNTTFP Franklin Square, New York. J E BAILEY ~ ~ ~ ~ ] ... MBS. E. A. GEORGE, PHI Minis Mis, LEXINGTON, S. C. w.TLebe3, 4 LITERARY. SCiNTIFIC AND CLASSI- ? TE\?ArLLETINECAL COURSE. | Jj. gkoege"NE' NEXT SESSION OPEiMS SEPTEMBER 8. October 22, 1902. 4wl. Vocal and Instrumental Music. -p |T|j . -* College Trained Teachers. IPGSDHSS f*0tlCG ^ 206 Students Enrolled Last Session. ^ ^ Expenses per Session $60 to $80. A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FORSend tor Catalogue to .xjL bidden to trespass upon the lands of 0. D. SEAi, Principal, the undersigned by cutting wood and roads, July 30, 1902. bunting by day or night for birds and squir rels. netting, or trespassing in any manner "iyr^\4-| whatever The law will be enforced against ^.1 UliIL'V. all who violate this notice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ^ENRYR. SMITH, Estate ot Benjamin Rawl, deceased, mdo omn v must make payment to the undersigned on SAANN BOT KNIGET. orbefori November 4th next, and those ronumpi 5^' ?^HTH, having demands agaiDst said Estate must 1 p T-r XrVn. i present them, duly attested, bvthat date to ' : ** H. G. H. RAWL, M LUTHER HALLMAN, H. J. RAWL, GEQKGE R. HALLMAN. B. H. RAWL. October 22, 1902. 4wl. T> x j&xecuiors. ? October !5. 1902. 3w5I, Pay your subscription. t t