The Lexington Dispatch. ' ? Wednesday, October 15, '902. Index to New Advertisements. County Fair. Cotton Oil Company. Husemann's Gun Store. Clerk of Court's Sales, k State Election Notice. Federal E'ection Notice. ( Final Discharge?Estate John D. Haltiwanger. Dry Goods, &3.?Ballentine & Co. Executors' Sale?G. H. Rawl and (Others. Warning?J L Johnson. v Kotice?G H. R*wl and Others. Election of Dispensers?J. Weir Addy. ?? Farm for Sale. _v'.. I offer for sale a farm, upland, containing about 108 acres and buildings [For terms apply to. J. E Kaufmann. tf Lexington, S. C. r Additional Pensions. , The following additional pensions ft have been sent to Clerk of Court, ft Saml. B. George, for delivery: ^ Martha Miller, ?28 35; D. T. Barr, $28 35; Annie Fry, $28 35; Eiiza Keisler, ?19 05. t I Ton Snow What Yon Are Taking "When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle show| ing that it is simply Iron and Quinine [ n a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay. I 50c. I Wanted. Standard yellow pine ties 6*9x8. ?j Anderson Lumber Co, HEV 2m5 Charleston, S. C. The open bird season will soon be nere and sportsmen should get ready to enjoy it by making their purchases of gun and ammunition from W. F. Sfcieglitz, Husemann's Gun Store, Columbia. The most reliable goods r for the least money is what he will. I do for you. See the description of the property advertised by the Clerk of Court. " * * * j a 3? m Parties wanting to oe me aispenserst Peak, Cbapin, Lexington and | Lewiedale, should file their applica[ tion with J. Weir Addy, Clerk of the L Board of Control |B Lexingfconians are cordially invited to pnt up at the wagon yard of Wm. Piatt, whil9 in Columbia, and also to Rnake their purchases of dry goods, notions and millinery cf him. He carries a nice stock of the latest fashionable goods in his line and bis prices are consistent with the quality of his goods. B Mrs. Alice Sawyer opened her ?1 ? ? * Mnndor SVia 0BCQ9O1 Kk iununiij juvuuwj< assisted by her daughter, Mies J Marie. These are accomplished teachers, the former having taught in this county for a number of years f and the latter is a receDt graduate of | the Palmetto Collegiate Institute. The track in the arena at the Count? Eiir grounds is being put in first class order and will be completed by Saturday. Mr. W. Q M. Berley oztends an invitation to parties wishing to do so, to drive on it ao as to pack the road bed. Mrs. Martha Ann Mahaly Son, died at her home on Factory Hill, in r this place, last Wednesday in the 70tb year of her age. Her remains were interred in the graveyard at Cedar Grove church, the pastor, ? ? - * ' A Bev. W. H. lioof, omciaiiDg. & mother in Isreal baa gone to receive her reward. It has been some time since we e have jogged the memory of subscribers, who are in arre are, that it is time that they were settling up. We are in need of every.dollar due B us to meet our obligations and we do r not think it is asking too much for ^ those who are in arrears to pay a ^ portion of their dues, if they cannot B pay all. If you are not coming to | town send what you can by some f friend, or send by money order, or registered letter. If you live in town drop in and pay up. The Lexington Brass Band has been eogaged to furnish the music at ' the County Fair. in I NOTICE OF ELECTION. For Representative in Congress Siveath District. State of South Carolina ) County of Lexington. J Notice is hereby giv- n that the General Eleciion lor Representative in Congress will be held at the voting precincts fixed by law in the county ol Lexington, ol. Tuesday. November 4, 1992. said day being Tuesday following the first Monday, as prescribed by law: The qualifications lor suffrage are as follows; Residence in the State for two years, in the county one year, in the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months, and the payment six months before any election of any poll tax then due and payable: Provided, That ministers in charge ot an organized church and teach U /v-xlr, ssl-kstll Kt? fr\ I ers Ol puuilU syiiuuio ruan MO muwiamu W vote alter six months' residence in the Stat-, ot-.?rwise qualified. Begistration. tayrn nt of all taxes, including poll tax, assessed t?"id collectable daring the previous j ear. The production of a certificate or of the receipt of the officer authorized to collect such taxes shall be conclusive proof of the pa> ment thereof. Before the hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks must take and sabscribe the Constitutional oath. The Chairman of the Board of Managers can administer the oath to ths other Mauagers and to the Clerk; a Notary Public must administer the oath to the Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. ^ - * - - ? i n Jfoiis at eacn voting place must uu opeueu at 7 o'clock a. m., and closed at 4 o 'clock p. m., except in the city of Charleston, where they shall be opened at 7 a. m . and close at 6 p in. The Managers have the power to fill a vacancy, and if none of the Managers attend the citizens can appoint from among the qualified voters the Managers, who alter being sworn, can conduct the election At the close of the election the Managers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes and count the ballots there in, and continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make a statement of the result tor each office and sign the same. Within three days thereafter the Chair man of the Board, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commis- j sioners of election the poll list, the boxes containing the ballots and written statements of the result of the election The following managers of election have been appointed to hold the election at the various precincts in said county: Lexington?D, E. Ballentine, T. C. Sturkie, J. Ed Bar re. f1 J "Draffs?D. TV Tbirr D_ S. Mvzftr. H. N. Kaminer. Lieesville?D. L. Gunter, M. Crouch, Levi Pool. Lewiedale?J. F. Leaphart, S. E. Taylor, George R. Sease. Gaston?D. E. Craft, J. P. Goodwin, C. C. Goodwin. Laird's Mill?W. Q. Jackson, J. j. Bole3, Jesse Yon. Irmo?D. F. Lorick, j. K. Leitner, A. N. Dreher. Ballentine?s. F. Shealy, H. A, Bickley, N. D, Shealy. Chapin?S. D. B. Lever, W. P. Betchman, Noah Frick. Efird's Store?C. S. Matthews, D. A. Kleckley, L. B. Frick. Peak?0. L. Mayer, Jno. A. Eargle, James 1XT T? 1 ? if. xMir&ie. P. W. Shealy's Store?S. J. Miller, Jr., J S. Beeder, B. D. Clark. Hilton?j. C. Fulmer, j. j. Haiti waoger, Joseph Epting. Samaria?A. j. Boatwrieht, j. W. Grandy, T. B. Barr. Batesburg?H. A. Spano, C. B. Kneecc, j. C. Glover. Swansea?I. W, Hutto, L. P. Smith, Henry Sharp?. Rod Store?j. j. Mailer, J. E. Saylor, Lee Muller. Kuffmann's Burnt Mill?j. F. Lyles, E. A, Smith, L. C. Dunbar. Brookland?R L Slmler, I P Smith, J S Gunnel. Spring Hill?j P Richardson, James L Slice, M B Eleazer. Folk's School House?j M Meetze, j E Folk, Lonnie Eleazer, Red Bank?James M justice, Jacob A Gautt, James FLown. * Brook?A L Hite, D L Taylor, 0 B Addy. S: Andrews?G F Leitsey, P E Huffman t\ W "U " **vva. Edmund?J A Kyzer, G >1 Lucas, J W Coogler. Pellon?HC Seoffili. D W Bans. Murphy Hutto, Crout's Store?George Oxner, 0 0 Drafts, John B Drelier, The Managers of each precinct named above are requested to delegate one of their number to secure boxes and blanks for the election. They can be secured on Saturday, November 1st, 19o2 at the grand jury room in thscoart house fromM P. George, Clerk, S. P. GEOBGE, H. A. LOBICK, J. P. ABLE Commissioners of Federal Election for Lexington County, M. P. GEOBGE. Clerk. October 13, 1901. G-51. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, Court of Common Pleas. W. P. Koof, Assignee, Plaintiff, vs. P. B. Edwards. Joel i> Edwards, The Columbia Land aud Investment Company and A. E- Fugle, Trustee. Defendants. , Foreclosure of Mortgage By virtue of the judgment in this case, I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington. S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in November next: All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, ljing and being iD the county of Lexington and State aforesaid, containing one hundred and twenty five (12o) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of D. 25. BalleDtiue, M. L. Taylor, W. W. Barre and porh<*ps others. TERMS ?Odo-half cash; balance on a credit of one year, with interest from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises sold. Purchaser to pav for papers. * SAMUEL B. GEORGE, Clerk of the Court Lexington. S, O., October 10, 1IV2. Messrs. Efird & Dreher, plaintiffs attorneys. W. H. Lyies. Esq., attorney for defendant Company. 3* 51. flr October 21, %% 23. m i , * n j T _ u H _ .Entry isooxs 01 tne air will be opened at the law office of Meetze & Sturkie, pel Lexington, S. C., from Octo- j || ber 10th, to October 18th, and 13 at the Fair Grounds October 20th until 5 p. m. when they will positively be closed. EJX T?C X BLiiil Ik? iii -* 4555 are now ready for distribution, and the Secretary will take pleasure in forwarding them to any one desiring him to do so. All entries must be j made upon these blanks and signed by the exhibitor. The Fair promises to be a success iii every respect this year, and the managers are putting forth their best efforts to make the exhibition a perfect success. , We have tlie promise of a good line of SIDE SHOWS, Ferris Wheel, Merry-Go-Round, and, in fact, every and all attractions that go to make up a first class entertainment. Arrangements have been made with a first class Aeronaut who will make I BALLOON ASSENSIONS and PAEACHI7TE all three days of the Fair. In addition to the above attractions the ! following will be special features for special days: T'TTESID.A/S". OCTOBEE 21. I invisibles. The Association desires every young man in the County, who will do so, to take part in this feature of the entertainment, and those wishing to take part will be gladly informed of all necessary features in connection with the same, and will be afforded any and all j assistance and suggestion that may be in their power by the Committee of the Association, to wit: ^lessrs. T. P. Meetze and T. II. Caughman, of Lexington, S. ( . I I WEOTTES:3D^-*3T, OCT, 22. I SCHOOLS. I ; It is the intention of the Association to put forth their hest efforts j to make this day interesting for the Teachers and Children of the j County. And 011 this day all teachers of the County will bo j admitted to the grounds for If) cents at the gate, and children at If) j cents. And the Managers of the Association will be glad to co-oper- j ate with the teachers in getting up something for the special enter- ! tainment of the children for the day, and would be glad to hear from j any and all parts of the County in reference thereto on or by the I loth of this month. ! | | T2TXTIE2S OCTOBEE 23, j I | J5AJ5Y SHOW. This Baby Day will be the crowing feature < !' our Fair. Come lone! Come all and brim: your Babies and let them take a hand in j the contest for the Silver Cup and Gold Bracelet. Every baby will be | entitled to a nurse free ot gate charge, or the mother bringing the. i baby will be given free admission if so desired. The Secretary must ! be informed of this fact when he is notified of the entry of baby, ! which entry must \hs made the same as any other entry. There will j he a premium for the boys and one for the girls. Babies of either | sex will be given entries from one to three years old?three years i being the limit. The age and weight of each baby must be given J with entry. The prizes will be awarded on weight, according to j age and good looks. F. A, MI LLER, Secretary. t J^SHBLrtita BAGA All VARIETIES OF TIBIP SEEDS, IffSW CEO?, at KAUFMANN DRUG CO., "THE DRUGGISTS," EEXIJYG TO.T, S. C. November 2U, 1901.?ly. wimmmmmmmmMmmmmm kae m * aajm ncsnBW /h\ pw jbbjh m jv&h min Bnm fl&n m I SHOES! SHOES! 1 i$l A WORD TO OUR LEXINGTON FRIENDS ON | Fall and Winter Shoes. I We have received the largest and best assorted stock of Baots and Shoes |^' ever shown in Columbia. We are prepared to save you money on every pair you buv. Guaranteed, U SOLID LEATHER SHOES. I 8 E. P. & F. A. DAVIS, | fl OLIVER'S OLD STA3ND, irio MAIN STREE VCOLUMBIA, S. C. M P^P February 19?ly. pg| atTanta cRliirrc w niiir9iin w s gran a b b #3^ AIV3D M Marietta Marble Works. We have the best equipped plant in the South, with up to date pneumatic tools and polishing machines which puts us in a position to do all kinds of Marble and Granite Work at the very lowest prices. Estimates made on all kinds of Cemetery Work, and Building Material. Wholesale and retail. Call on or address, S. 0. 2C0ZLE7 & CO., P. VT. BAENES, Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. General Agent, Ridge Springs, S. C. May 8?ly. I ^ THAT WE CARRY A LARGE SUPPLY OF ^ i I PilHPS, WROUGHT JIID CAST iflOS PIPE, FITTING 4 VALVES, f < 4> TIN PLATE, Wm \m ZINC. COPPER. ?? #> BLACK AND GALVANIZED SHEET IRON. <9 EAVE TROUGH AND CONDUCTOR PIPE, jJSj | 1 ASPHALT READ! ROOFIil, PIPE, ETC I GOTTEN OUT TO ORDER, ^ g| STO"V:ESI STOVES! jf STOVE HOLLOW WARE, STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL RENOS. wg FIRE CLAY. FIRE BRICK AND FLUE FIFE AND FITTINGS. ?g Sjp j We aie contractors for 4 PLUMBING, HEATING ANDROOFING. I ||? SEND US YOUR ORDERS. |g| i LEE I LORICk t III.. I 1319 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. * Wk |p March 19 -ly. t WM. PLATT, DEALER IN Dry Goods,, Millinery and Iotas, i NEA3LY OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, i * 1 nO-LTT^EETA. - . - . S_ CJ_ MAIN STREET. I ; We have received and have placed on oar shelves ono of the most beautiful a* well as th? most complete iine ot cab b Aiyn wintercnnnc I Hkb HilU JWiSIEfi.SB UWVIIU ! , ever >hown in the city. These are all standard goods from the most reliable manufac? turers and are recommended for their stylish and nobby appearance and the beauty of pattern. A full line of outing and dress goods of all descriptions, as well as lovely creations in fashionable fall and winter millinery. Come and see these goods belore purchasing. 1 will make it to your interest to do so. October, I) ?Xin. f e