n n s n tt r??? "I -MR. \\t* Z BOWSER'S K Z NATAL K ? DAY ??????? [Copyright, 1902, by C. B. Lewis.] " T>ATiror ><}>4><^^>^j^^-''^ 3> ^ ** His Fifty-seventh Ar- g*| ^ rives, but He Insists j| or Celebrating the $ | %% Fifty-third?Calls Bi- ^ ble Record False..... %| A f ++ $ 4 <$Xj> <$X$> '3>^-^^5><5.-^.' -j> pay, of course; but I don't expect that you are going to knuck in with the gas company to rob me. How much of a whack do they give you out of this bill?" His query was treated with silent contempt, and for an hour he sat on the doorstep and smoked. Then a bet ter feeling took possession or mm ana he decided to forgive Mrs. Bowser for her l'ecklc-ss extravagance. It was too late to chase lambkins o'er the dewy fields, as the dew had all been sucked up, but they could ride out to the park and view the gondolas and feed the squirrels. "That's more like you," replied Mrs. Bowser as he told her to get ready. "I knew .you would not blame me about the gas bill." "I was just put out for a minute," he said with a laugh. "If you hadn't said I was fifty-seven years old"? "Fifty-three, dear: I misspoke myself. Fifty-three years old, and you didn't look younger at forty." He kissed her for that, but, alas. Nemesis was again at the gate. It was a he Nemesis In the guise of a butcher boy. He had a little bill for a dollar and odd, and he thrust it under Mr. Bowser's nose. Mrs. Bowser gasped and waited. It came: "By the ears of my grandmother, but what does this mean? I. give yc*i money weekly to pay all bills, and yet here is one unpaid!" "It's made up of trifling balances that have been running for weeks," she replied, "and I have got the money in the house to pay it. Don't let this put you out." "But it does put me out, and no wonder. We will not go to the park. We will not view the gondolas or any other blamed thing, and we will feed no squirrels." They returned to the house, and while Mrs. Bowser removed her hat and sat down to a book in the sitting room Mr. Bowser took a seat on the front steps again. After a couple of hours he entered the house, and he announced a trip toythe theater for the evening, with a little supper at some restaurant to wind up the entertainment "I?1 didn't mean to be cross," he said as they returned home. "I expect it was your saying that I was fiftyseven years"? "I said fifty-three," she interrupted. "Well, I understood you to say fiftyseven. The idea that you thought me an old mossback rather hurt my feelings. Of course you are not to blame about either the gas or the butcher bill. and if I lost my temper"? "But you didn't." "Thanks. You are just the nicest woman on the face of this earth." "And you are the best man." Mr. Bowser decided to run down and obtain the tickets before dinner, when Deadwood Dick^ struck ttfeir trail again. The cook came upstairs and exultantly announced that there was not enough coal in the house to cook breakfast. If she had made the announcement to Mrs. Bowser, it would have been all right, but she went to the wrong head of the house, - i i | | J V vi i 1 Ik i! PPEXED?" SHE EXCLAIMED. ! and she hadn't got back to her kitchen when a long drawn moan called Mrs. j Dowser downstairs to find a bald head | and 200 pounds of humanity stretched on his back on the lounge. "What on earth has happened?" she I exclaimed in considerable fright. "Woman," said the bundle of humanity without onening its eves or | stirring a finger, "I know all. and fur: ther deception is useless! If I die, ! wrap me up in an old bedquilt and ! chuck me into a hole in the back yard. : If I live"? "W-what!" "Telephone your lawyer to meet my I lawyer here iu the morning to arrange j the details." ! And as the night came down and the ' wind sighed and moaned pedestrians passed the gate on tiptoe and instinctively murmured: "Poor, poor Mr. Bowser!" M. QUAD. jf j m ^ W" been written of ? g | [ I 1\\\ ^gic mirrors in ) | I | \ \ which the future ( ? I 1 I v was revealed. If " such a thing were possible many a bright - faced bride would shrink from the revelation of herself, stripped of all her loveliness. If there is one thing which would make a woman shrink from marriage it is to see flip' ranid -nhvsical deterioration which W?w i J comes to so many -wives. The cause is generally due to womanly diseases. Lost health and lost comeliness are restored by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It cures irregularity and dries weakening drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. ?It is with the greatest pleasure that I tell you what Dr. Pierce's Favonte Prescription and ' Golden Medical Discovery' have done for me," writes Mrs. Emma L. Bankes. of-f952 North 7th Street, Harrisburg, Pa. "Thev have done me a world of good. I had female weakness for she years; sometimes would feel so badly I did not know what to do. but I found relief at last, thanks to Dr. Pierce for his kind advice. I have this medicine still in my house and will always keep it." If you are led to the purchase of "Favorite Prescription" because of its remarkable cures of other women, do not accept a substitute which has none of these cures to its credit. Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Or for cloth-bound volume send 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. THE MILKY WAY. A System Which Gives I's a Vague Idea of the Eternity of Space. The Milky Way. the grandest feature of the "firmament which bends above us," the hazy path which so majestically bands the whole fabric of the skies together, is uow known to be composed of a grand aggregation of at least 18.000,000 suns, each as large as or larger than that which makes vegetable and animal life an earthly possibility. ' One is apt when allowing the mind to revert to the contemplation of these misty and indistinct astronomical subjects to measure their magnitude or attempt to measure it by making terrestrial comparisons. It is obvious, however, upon more mature reflection that such comparisons are worse than "odious." The bulk j of our sun exceeds that of the earth 1,200,000 times, being GOO times great- j er than that of the bulk of his whole train of planets taken collectively. This kfkn /.Hou nfhot hocic en n tvp nsp UClUg LLlt LttJC, OUUk Ir.tu.w vu.. ... _ for calculating the magnitude of 1S,000.000 suns. each, as I have said before. probably larger than that which gives us heat and light? The infinite number of suns which, taken together, make up the Milky Way are not set at a uniform distance from our earth or even from our sun. In fact, they appear to work altogether independently of either this mundane sphere or our "glorious orb or j day." The majority of them are planted at a distance too remote to be even imperfectly measured or understood. Some of them are so near (?) that light which travels at the rate of 185,000 miles per second, would cross the distance between us and them in the period of about an even ten years. Others, however, are so remote that it would take a full thousand years for their light to reach us. A Fine Liver Cure. Greenville, Tenr. T have thoroughly convinced znt ? ? - o * self tbat Dr. Baker's Blood and Liver Cure is the finest medicine made for Indigestion and Constipation. (I have tried them all) and W86 cured by the use of this medicine, after all others had faileri. I most cheerful'y and unhesitatingly endorse it. Yjurs truly, E. N. Baker, Mayor. For sale at the B>"5aar. The Lust Word. j ;h T1' -' ' /V & "A woman is never happy unless she gets the last wonl." '"That's a mistake. A woman always insists on a man's having the last word, hut it must come in the form of an apology." If the Saby is Cutting Teeth. Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It soothes (he child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. It is the best of all. AN UNQUIET SPIRIT. """ The Mysterious Llgrht That por Year! Haunted Cape ftoir. For raanv years 011 Cape Noir, the western point of Maria, a strange light was seen, dancing and moving about in the most unaccountable manner. At one moment it would rise like a column of fire into the air, and at another time it would fall like a meteor. Then it would seem to leap over the point and drop into the sea, afterward appearing again in the same spot on the hillside. The habitants tell this story about it: In the time of the war for the possession of Canada a French vessel, pursued by an English warship, steered its course into the bay at this point for refuge. A boat was lowered from the side of the richly laden merchantman, and in this thirteen men swiftly rowed to the shore. Their object was to secrete a chest of gold which they had brought with them. On reaching the point they drew lots to ,see which of the men should remain to guard the treasure. The one to whom the lot fell was forced to swear a solemn oath, Dy lana ana sea, night and day, by the ruler of the nether world, that he would be faithful to the trust through life, unless relieved by his returning comrades, and even after d#ath would haunt the spot should no one come to take his place, says a writer in the Era. To secure the fulfillment of this vow his wicked associates then and there put him to death and buried him with the treasure. The ghostly light was supposed to be the spirit of the murdered man, and many persons who, tempted by the hope of recovering the treasure, ventured into the haunted spot fled in terror and told blood curdling stories of the horrible phantoms and frightful sights which they had witnessed. The light is seen no longer. Perhaps some adventurer bolder than the rest succeeded in discovering the gold, carried it off and thus gave rest to the unquiet spirit Pan a Tea Penny Nail Through His Hand. While opening a box, J. C Mount, mi v v Ui AUioo ULLJIO -L , inu a icu penny nail through the fleshy part of his hand. "I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would cause me," he says, "and immediately applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and occasionally afterwards. To m; surprise it removed all pain and soreness and the injured parts were soon healed." For sale by J. E Kaufmann. The German Wife's Vacation. It is a common practice in Berlin for the wife to stay at home when the husband and family go to the seaside. In this way the wife enjoys her own holiday, for there is no housekeeping to be done. She foregathers with friends? "grass widows," like herself?and they take their meals at restaurants, spend their afternoons and evenings at popular places of entertainment and thoroughly enjoy themselves.?London Express. * Yes, Indeed! When a man gets tired ont and ill, he goes fishing, returning shortly with three wall eyed pike, restored health and a blister on bis nose. When a woman feels that way, she hangs around the house and cries if anybody looks at her. It must be lovely to be a man.?Chicago Record-Herald. Wonderful. He?She holds her age well, doesn't sheV She?Yes. She doesn't look a day older than she says she is.?Philadelphia Record. Noiae and Fury. "I'ze observed," said Uncle Ephe, "dat wif er good many men lung power an' brain power am in inverse proportions'?Colorado Springs Gazette. I THE GREAT 1 JtoMiiY medicine) Thedford's Biack-Draught has ? I saved doctors' bills for mere than H I sixty years. For the common fam-B I ily ailments, such as constipation, ra I indigestion, hard colds, bowel com- K B plaints, chills and fever, bilious* B I ness, headaches and other like B I complaints no other medicine is i; necessary. It invigorates and reg- S I ulates the liver, assists digestion, J I stimulates action of the kidneys, R m purifies the blood, and purges the ?j m Dowels of foul accumulations. It 1/ cures liver complaint, indigestion, j ?$ sour stomach, dizziness, chills, W 7 rheumatic pains, sideache, back- | I ache, kidney troubles, constipation, 1 I diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard | I colds and headache. Every drug- ; I gist has Thedford's 13lack-Draught | I in 25 cent packages and in mam- B moth size for 31.00. Never accept | I a substitute. Insist on having the ~ original made by the Chattanooga ? 8 Medicine Company. ? I believe Thedford's Black-Draught r I is the best medicine on earth, it is I good for any and everything. I have E j a family of twelve children, and for r four years I have kept them on foot n and healthy with no doctor but Black- B A Draught. A. J. GREEN, lllcwara, La. M SEND YOUR CATTLE, SW^ ATLANTA'S Enter you horses at the gre ous Seventh Cavalry will 1 pJay of horses ever seen in RACES EVERY DAY. F Vanity Fair?Vivacious, But Not ? One building filled with hicles, Machinery and Fcoc ONE BUILDING FILLED WITH Many Free Attractions. LOW RATES GN For premium lists and information v 1 E. G, UWJ 1507 Main S Will Sell You FURMI at, the Follow Nice Beds, SI 40 aud up. I Oak Suites, 3 Pieces. $10 00 and up. Oak Chairs, 50c., GOc., 75c. aud $1 0\ Oak Rockers. SI, SI 25, SI 50. $2 and up Extension Tables, Solid Oak at S3 00. Beautiful Kitchen Tables at SI 50 and up. Trunks, ail sizes atd styles, CHEA.P. Get you a White Bed from $3 50 up We still have some of those 25c. Shades. Fine Folding Springs at SI 90. We now have ] HARMAN, with i you to make our quarters when in Respectfully, EP1 September 17?tf. TAX NOTICE. I WILL ATTEND THE FOLLOWING meutioned places for tiie purpos * ot receiving taxe? for the fiscal year 19(?2: Lexington C. H., from the loth of October to the 1st of November. 1902 Edmund, Monday morning, November 3 Gaston, Mouday afternoon. November 3 Cross Roads, I uesday morning, Nov. 4 J. J. Mack's, Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 4, Swansea, Wednesday, all day, Nov. ri. Red Sto* e. Thursday morni. g Nov. (>. Archie Wolle's, Thursday- fternoon Novfi W. N. Martin, Friday mornng, Nov 7. Brookland, Saturday, all da>. Nov 8 Pelion. Monday, all day, November 10. Jacob Wil iams. Tuesday morning. Nov 11 Wm. Westmoreland, Tuesday aft Nov li Batesburg, Wednesday, all day, Nov. 12. Leesviile, Thursday morning, Nov. 13, Summit. Thursday afternoon. Nov. 13. Crap's Mill, Friday rnorni g Nov. 14. Keisler'd Store. Friday afternoon, Nov 14 Lewiedale, Saturday morning, Nov. 15 Red Bank, Saturday alteinoon, Nov. 15 Irmo, Monday, November 17. White Hock, Tuesday morning, Nov. 18. Hilton, Tuesday afternoon, November 18 Spring Hill, Wednesday morning. Nov 19 Peak, Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 19. X Roads, Thursday morning, Nov. 20. Chapin, Thursday aitemoon Nov. 20. Cnapin, Friday morning, Nov mber 21. Josh Shealey's, Friday afternoon, Nov 21 Grout's Store, Saturday morning, Nov 22 The balance of the time at Lexington C. H. until December 31st, 1902, after which time the penalty will be added accrrding to law. The hours for closing the tax book will be at 11 o'clock for the morning and 4 o'clock for the afternoon appointment. TAX LEVY. For State Purposes 5 Mills For Ordinary County Purposes.. 3A Mills For Special County Purposes ... X Mill For Constitutional School Tax.. 3" Mills Total 12 Mills Special Sccool Levy, District IS 3 Mills Special School Lew, District 37 2 Mills Poll Tax *.. SI 00. Parties owning property in more than one Township will so state to the Tre?s* i iritnm Jlhnil art r. ana wueu wiiuu^ concerning taxes always give name in lull. FRANK W. SHEALY, Treasurer Lexington County. September 24, 1902. Final Discharge. | "Y'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL | persons interested that I will apply to the Hon George S. Drafts, Judge of Probate in and for the County ot Lexington, S ate of South Carolina, on the 21st day ot October, 10)2, tor a final discharge as Administrator ol the Estate ol John W. Stone, deceased. SAMUEL B. GEORGE, as C. C. P. and G. S., Administrator. September 24, 29* 2. 4w49, IE SH E anc^OULTRYg ^ \ big fair! :at Horse Show. FamD6 there. Greatest dis- g the South ATLANTA MANl?ACTURES. 1 I , t., Columbia, j for Spot Cash a ITURE | cuing Prices: f. SEE We have some good Second Hand Oak Dressers and Bnreans at Have yoa seen 1 THOSE COMFORTS, M we sell lor $1 ?0. Smyner Rags at S2 00. How's your STOVE? We have SOME GOOD ONES VERY CHEAP. MR. LEMMON K 1 us and he invites 1 store your headColumbia. j 3K&CO., | jpl For tli at I if (Millionaire | Ijf Feeling i STRAUSS BROS I * Good Taylors for 8 ruiruno them. Near- I Satisfaction S| See the com* plete line eit * the store of EFFECT Wo P. ROOF, I LtXIJGrON, s. c. Lgftfe TRESPASS NOTICEj^H I llbaWI I IW w i LL PERSONS ARE HE! EBY PO^^J j\. itiveiv forbidden to trespass upon the lands ol the undersigned by passing through, making road<. bsuliug wood or straw, hunting, with or witbont dogs, by j day or by night or in any manner what- J ever as the law will certainly be enforced t| ;ign;->ct all persons caught violating this Mk notice. B. F. NEESE, H, W. NEESE, H. W. MAKTIN MRS, il. E LECKIE, M S. P P. HAhsEY, P. C. A MICK. MPR* L. MARTIN, B P. NEECE. fiB October M, 1602, 4wol. flH Kodol Dyspepsia Cure V Digests what you eat. S