The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 17, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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The Lexington Dispatch. ^ Wednesday, September 17, '902. Index to Hew Advertisements. Cotton Oil Company. Shoes?Lever, The Shoe Man. Notice?Andrew and Emma Seawrighfc. Final Discharge?E3tate Andrew J Murdotfk and T. W. Epting. For Sale?W. J. Conway. Gans, &c.?W. F. Stieglitz. Opening?Mutual Carpet Co. * Clothing?M. R. Hartley & Co. Furniture?E G. Cook Sc Co. Gents' Furnishings?M. Frank. DrVIlTS SERVICES. ST. STEPHEN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. V>- Rev. J. G. Graicben, Pastor. 1st Sunday 11 a. m., Lexington. 1st Sunday, evening at 7:30, Lexington, f 2nd. Sunday 11 a m., Lexington, v, 3rd. Sunday 11a. m.t Lexington. 4th. Sunday, evening at 7:30 Lexington. , Sunday school service every Sunday " morning at 9:30. j - APPOINTMENTS OP REV. GEORGE S. BEABDEN. Nazareth, E. Lutheran, First Sunday. St John. E. Lutheran, Third Sunday. Providence, E. Lutheran, 4tti Sunday. His address is 1109 Elm wood Avenue, j Coiumbia, S, C., where parties wishing to correspond witn mm can aaaress mm. * pbesbytebiax see vices: Rev. Mr. Wallace, Pastor. 2nd. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. eextsoton ciecuit m. e. chubch south. Rev. W. E. Babbe, Pastor. . 1st Sunday, Hebron 11 am. Shiloh 3$ pm. 2d Sunday, Horeb 11am. Lexington 3Jpm. 3d Sunday, Shiloh 11 am. Hebron 31 p m 4th Sunday, Lexington 11 am. Horeb 3? pm Lexington: Sunday school service every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. baptist chubch: Rev. Evans Hall, Pastor. l9t Sunday at ll a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m., L. W. Redd, Superintendent. n* Farm for Sale. I offer for sale a farm, upland, containing about 108 acres and buildings For terms sddIv to. ? - - * 4 ? J. E. Kaufmann. tf Lexington, S. C. Jurors for Third Week. G Jacob Wingard, ST Altman, * D Marshall Hook, Cephus Sease, J Walter Sox, C C GoodwiD, Jas J Pound, Corris M Meetze, Jesse B Hook, Fred G Hartley, V Robt N Senn, Williard A Hall, John Miller, G Henry Hallman, John A Dreber, L Archie Frick, J B M Stuck, Daniel J Fry, John Snelgrove, SDN Sox, G H Bawl, Ben N Hook, Jas A Hook, Jacob E Corley, Frank P Bister,- Z A Sturkie, J H Cumalander, Elzie D Long, D T Hare, David H Holder, Wm H Roland, Jno W Lee, Sr. Simon PSbumpert, T E WiBgard, Wm M Long, Geo K Shealy. School Time Zs Here. The Bazaar has in stock all of the school books adopted by the State .Board for use in the public schools, * which are sold a" .he very lowest prices. You can also find at the Bazaar a full and complete line of school supplies and stationery of all . kinds, such as pencils, pens, inks, f - * # tablets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. An inspection of this stock is invited. We want to again remind the public that school books are sold onlv for spot cash, so do not ask for credit. Jotanie Get Your Gun. i The open season to shoot game will soon be here and it behooves the sportsmen to get his gun and ammunition in proper condition. W. F. Stieglitz, the gunsmith of Columbia, informs those interested that he has a full and complete line of guns and ammunition of the best manufacture and can supply their demands at reasonable prices. An inspection of his stock is invited. He also carries ^ a full line of fishing tackle, pocket cutlery and does all Kinds ot gunsmith work in the best manner and t at moderate charges. \ ? j ITew Goods and New Prices. The Ballentine Company informs the public that they have opened a I dry goods and notion business in the fr^Ballentine building, next door to the Kaminer Hotel. They propose to k sell goods as cheap as they can be I sold in Columbia or anywhere else. I New goods being opened up every I week. Cdl to see tbem. Editorials and other interesting matter have been crowed out to make room for a rush of advertisements. *7 Ms Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, and produces SICK HEADACHE, ?. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheumatism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is no better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove. Take No Substitute. Wanted. I am dow dealing in hides and leather and am prepared to pay the highest market prices fcr raw hides, either in exchange for leather or for cash. I sell leather as cheap as any one, or will tan hides on shares. Address, C. B. Lindler, Selwood, S. C. Arrange your plans early to attend the 34th Annual State Fair at Columbia Oct. 28th to 31st. We received a short, but pleasant, call from Editor Hare, of Our NewsLetter, of Summit, Monday. Oar friend. Curtis Hallman, "the sweet singer" and musical instructor of Summit, was in town Monday and handed us his dollar. Our people should not forget our county fair by arranging a splendid I exhibit of the products of their farms and households. Remember, I carry a line of dry goode, Dotions, shoes, groceries, farm implements, harness, saddles, &c. H. L. Oswald. If you have anything to exhibit at the State Fair send to Secretary Kolloway, at Pomaria, S. C., for a Premium list. Do not delay to do bc. My fall stock is complete in all lines and I ask my friends to remember me when sharing out their fall trade. I will take care of my cus- ? tomers in all business transactions. H. L. Oswald. Col. D J. Knofcfs, of Swansea was in attendance upon court J Monday and gave us a pop call, but the jingle of his dollar he left behind sounds in our ears yet. The Mutual Carpet Co., of Columbia, announces a grand fall opening and extends a cordial invitation to Lexingtonians to vis1"* their establishment and see the choice display of carpets, shades, rugs, mattings and other useful and ornamental articles. Read their advertisement and give them a call. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beeland, of g MacoD, Ga, who were visiting the * family of Dr. Julian E. Kaufmann, in 15 this place, were called home sud- 0 denly last week, by the death of Mr. c Beeland'a brother. 0 E B The Public Invited. 1 "We have been requested to an- G nounce that there will be a picnic at Midway, on the barbecue grounds of _ Kleckley & Wingard, on Thursday, the 25th day of September, to which the public is invited. Music rind dancing will be provided for the J young people and Hon. A. Frank Lever will deliver an address on the 1 topics of the day. Come one and all with well filled baskets and eDjoy ^ yourself. Final Discharge. 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL b persons interested that I will apply to the Hon. GeorgeS. Drafts, Jndge ol Probate in and for the Coanty ot Lexington. : State of South Carolina, on the 17th day of - October 1902, for a final discharge as ' Administrator of the Estate of Andrew Mnrdock and T. N. Epting. deceased. SARAH LA VINA STOCDEMIRE. 4w47 Administrator. I C!?1 i1 KJJL Ott ?C7. 1 q9 acre firm with three- j room house, in Newberry county, ! near Kmards. Some of the best farm in? j land in the county. Excellent opportunity i | for investment or farming purposes. For further particulars, address. w. j. CONWAY, 1635 Main street, Columbia, S. C. 4w47 Notice. A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FORJ\. bidden to give shelter or employment to our son, Matthew Thompson. He is under age?less than 15 years of age?and i the law will be promptly and rigidly en- j ^ forced against any person or persons violat- j King this notice. andrew sea wright, emma seawright. 3w4G ( TABULATED OF THE PRIMARY ELL LEXINGTON COUNTY, ? H. A. SPANN, Chairman. || Co. Supvisor. ii ji-or? ! a I ? ! P> 3 i ii ^ | Q PRECINCTS. ' i c si! i. ? i s SL ! ; CT n\\ ! : : I . ' Lexington 213 1291 Batesburg 88 99 Leesviile 80 44 Red Bank j 35 37 Lewiedale j 21 32 Brookland | 221 157 Summit ; 3 311 Gaston 26 86 Samaria ; 20 18 Crout's Store 19 10 j Nates'School House j 21 17 ; Irmo |j 52; 17 j Delingo School House... j 42; 3 ' Hollow Creek No. 1 j 28 8 : Ballentines || 31| 9; Sandy Ron 'j 8 331 Edmund J! 54 20 Pelion !' 13 28 Rishton !; 18 24 Oak Grove 30 4 Bull Swamp No. 1 ! 38 21 Peak !j 52 26 Pond Branch |j 141 4 Pine Ridge i! 15 30 Hilton ji 63: 9j Chapin i. 52, 36 I Piney Woods 411 5; Folk's School House j! 20 7 ' Brook j 25 191 Hollow Creek No. 2 j 20 2oj Boiling Springs No. 1... j 30 19j| Spring Hill || 37 19jl Swansea j 56; 701! Total i;149i loOti! L507 Main St, KHHKaII Ymif it the Follow lice Beds, $1 40 and up. ak Suites, 3 Pieces. $10 00 and up. W< ak Chairs, 50c., 60c., 75c. and $1 0\ ak Bockers, $1, $1 25, SI ?0. $2 and up C Intension Tables, Solid Oak at S3 00. teautiful Kitchen Tables at $1 50 and up, r. 'runks. "11 sizes and styles, CHEiP. ret jou a White Bed from $3 50 up j Sir >e still have some of those 25c. Shades. i Ho me Folding Springs at $1 90. ' We now have M TARMAN, with us fOU 10 hi cine uur a luarters when in C Respectfully, e. a coo: September 17?tf. OTItTI (HUSEMANN'S G I 508 MAIN STREET, DEALE SUNS AND AM AND SPOEISME2 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION A1 >hells Loaded to Order. All Linda of M and Remedies. Edison Phonograph Try us on Pocket Cutlery. Keys ] September 17, 1002?16w. RETURNS ICJION HELD IN SEPTEMBER, 9,1902. JAMES B. ADDY, Secretary, n n >' T?tal Co. Commissioiers j y ^ i !'? r r]~ ? b- i p : I P ! ?! %! i ? ? i ^ I 4 ? i * 1 W : ! ? I 8- ! ?. i W ! 3 i B !. ? i . sb Si* B ; Qu . . a 1 . . I 7* | | . ;l i : ! ! i : i : ll | ; | ; j ; || j 219] 102! 257: 112! 342 92 48; 129 103, 138 44 08 43 10i!l 124 50 9 4oj 47| 73 16 13j 30, 49:| 54 103 227, 227 190! 378 10 17; S 33. 34 82 16' 82 35!| 112 25 10; 6, 35: 38 20 10 15! 13 j 2!) 10 28 8 27j| 38 54 12 63! 101 69 23 27: 32! 8! 45 23 22: lli 16!j 36 17 3 30 28 40 27 29 20! 5 j 41 69 6 48 27! 75 29 9 10! 32 i 41 31' 4 11 <40 j 43 7 7 21 33! 34 47 15 23 31 i 59 21 27- 09 35 78 4 00: 17 151 18 17 12 38 23 45 . 21- 111 59 53 77 27 28. 59 56 88 30 14! 34 14 46 20 3j 23 2 27 27 15! 26 20 44 33 20 19 18 45 14 13' 28 44 49 49 13! 35! 15| 56 99 39: 37! 77! 126 1369|"865|15581347 j 2592 i 9 AA A R Wip ,, Columbia, or Spot Cash ing Prices: SEE ; have some good Second Hand 0.?k Dressers and Bnreaos at rKHiA X Have you seen rHOSE COMFORTS, we sell lor $1 50. lyner Rugs at $2 00. J ?w's your STOVE? We bave SOME GOOD ONES VERY CHEAP. R. LEMMON K. i and he invites tore your head-j Columbia. I K & CO., BGLITZ, " i i \-TJN STOKE.) COLUMBIA, S. C. :k in MUNITION, T'S G-OODS : THE LOWEST PRICES. Metallic Cartridges. Do? Supplies s. Graphophones from $5 up. fitted and Locks Repaired. ALL VARIETIES OF TLRMP S ED \f? NEW CHOP, at KAUFMANN DRUG CO., "THE DRUGGISTS," L.EXIWGTOW, S. . November 20, 1901.?ly. wwmmmmmmmmmmmmmm xSHOES! SHOES!! jgj A WORD TO OUR LEXINGTON FRIENDS ON || % r all and W inter ohoes. f 4> ? i&y We have received the largest and best assorted stock of Baots and Shoes ever shown in Columbia. iigK ^ We are prepared to save you money on every pair you buv. Guaranteed. ^ | SOLID LEATHER SHOES. $ IE. P. & F. A. DAVIS, | OLIVER'S OLD STAND, # S lno MATi 8TKKEJ? COLUMBIA, S. C. |i Mjji February 19?ly. ^ JUST THINK OF IT! Over the above number of the Celebrated Makes represented by M A Malone, of Columbia, C., havn been sold, and chiolly to people of musical culture. For catalogue, pnces and terms on the Best Pianos and Organs, Address P. O. BOX 32, COLUMBIA, S. C. X. B Some special piano bargains always on hand ranging from $65 to $275, Hay 15?ly. A ATLANTA GRANITE Marietta Marble Works. We have the best equipped plant in the Sonth. with up to date pneumatic tools and polishing machines which puts us in a position to do all kinds of Marble and Granite Work at the very lowest prices. Estimates made on all kinds of ripmotorp Work, and Rnildin^ Material. * Wholesale and retail. Call on or address, 5. Or. MOZLEY & CO., P. W. BAENES, Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. General Agent, Ridge Springs, S. C. May 8?ly. te pole^a-tafaiiliffl, DBowd5,"strtKn|^ )?$? Costs Only 25 cents at Brnggists, ^teething easv mill 25 cents to C. J. MOFFETT, M. D., ST. LOUSS, MO. Ofkk e of D. H. Haedv, Secretary of State, Acstis. Tex., Not. 21, 1200. I hare fonnd Dr. Moffett's TEETHINA a splendid remedy and aid for my tee thing children. When my oldest boy was a teething child, every succeeding day warned ns that we would inevitably lose him. I happened upon TEETHINA, and began at once administering it to him, and his improvement was marked in 24 hours, and from that dav on ho reeuneraferi. I have ennstantlv bent it and used it Rinre with mv ehitriren and have fnben creat pleasure in sounding it3 praises to all mothers of joung children, i found it inraiuable even after tho teething period was passed. AIRS. D. H. HARDY, ^ Sft^ j?? THAT WE CARRY A LARGE SUPPLY"OF ft 1 PUMPS, WROUGHT AflD CAST IRON PIPE, FITTING & VALVES, | rnT V nT ? fTtT? saw -L 1 l/AJLJl. fsl /inc. corrER, ? 4* black and galvanized sheet iron. '<%: j3| eave trough and conductor ripe, *f| I ASPHALT READY ROOFING, PIPE, BTC I gotten out to order. ^ m STOVES! STOVES! J 8| stove hollow ware. stove repairs of all kinds. ^ h| fire clay, fire brick and flue pipe and fittings. We are contractors for ^ ni iiudimo umtiun nun onnriun ^ w TLUirioina, nbHiinu Nnunuunnc. sri SEND US YOU 11 ORDEIiS. gg i LEE 1. LIU!Il k t mill., i <?> 1519 MAIN' ST., COLUMBIA, S. C.' ^ March 19-ly. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^