THE PUI We beg to annoui stnrfi la,telv OCCUTD marm's Brick Bn CIoIbi, SI? Will carry the 1 offered in Lexingt touch. m. j . G-TT I n i Mb Ifi | V / % The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, September 10, 1902. ^________ PENCIL AND_WOfiS. Wayside Notes 6athered Here and ' There by a Dispatch Man. mi _t t? < J.Dree cneera iur jjauuici. Go to the Bazaar for your school supplies. . > >? ; ' . The finest rain for weeks fell here last night. Don't let your charity cover too many sins. . Sickness is the interest we pay on life's mortgage. Fires are a comfort and a luxurv these mornings. Two milch cows for sale. Apply to J. D. Langford, Ella, S. C.The result of yesterday's primary was a surprise to many candidates. Many a candidate bloomed, but to perish in the blooming yesterday. You can't convince a girl that marriage is a failure until after she tries it < - Mr. Henry V. Risb, a popular and efficient school teacher of the county, is in town. Next Monday the Bazaar will receive a supply of fresh Baker's bread and cakes. The air is cool and invigorating and the backbone of summer has been broken. Read the list of jurors for the second week of court published in this issue. A full line of first class hardware, of all descriptions, at T. B. Aughtry & Co's, Columbia. Expert workmen have gone to Leesville to put in the machinery of the oil mill. Graphaphones have no brains yet they talk fluently?the same thing nan he said of dudes. Good horse and buggy for sale, cheap for cash. Apply to J. E. Smith, Leesville, S. C. The Palmetto Collegiate Institute opened its fall session Monday under the most favorable auspices. A wave of religious revivals seems to be sweeping over the country. They are reported from every section. Bob White, one of our correspondents on Bocky Creek, keeps the polls open yet and is still voting for Lever. ~r~v "VMineinn Mrtfldor UOU b U1J8B LUC CAUUIOIUU Sept. 22. Leave Columbia at 6:30 and join the crowd and take a pleasant holiday. Misses Adams and Herbert, heads of departments in the Leesville College, have returned from a lecture tour through the State in the interest of the cause of temperance. Much good has resulted from these lectures. i ied by Leaphart & .ilding, Lexington, i , Hats iJ fei best and most co: ;on at prices that ? *. \7TE2 "CJS C-A.X A woman will scream at sight of a mouse, but a millinery bill that makes her husband shake in his shoes, never jostles her. State Superintendent cf Education, Hon. John J. McMahan, was in town Monday^ in attendance upon the Summer school for teachers. Grand. Excursion from Columbia to AugUBta, Monday, Sept. 22. The last opportunity this season. $1.00 for round trip. The battle of ballots yesterday was fierce and decisive and the successful candidates have well earned the laurels they have won. If you need a new wagon to haul your produce to market or a new buggy, see the handsome line at T. B. Aughtry & Co's, Columbia. The fog was exceedingly heavy last Monday. It was so dense that some were of the opinion that it, was volcano dust from Mount Pelee. You will find all during the season a nice line of fine apples, bananas and lemons and all kinds of candies . and nuts at the Bazaar. It has been trying hard to rain for the past several days, but it ended in a dismal failure for one moment the sun would be shining and the next it would rain. * TT ? ? /V> j Mr. j. J? rang uneece, toe emcient postmaster at Batesburg, was in town yesterday. Frank is very popular and is a good hearted and jovial fellow and numbers his friends by the score. The young folk o{ this neighborhood will enjoy a delightful picDic tomorrow at Mr. Henry D. Smith's Mill, near Barr's Landing. Dancing, music and other amusements will be some of tbe features of the occasion. Dr. Charles Perryclear, who was head clerk for the Kaufman Drug Company, has given up his situation with this firm and left for his home in OraDgeburg last night, to go iDto business for himself in that place. I The Summer school for teachers, ? ~ 3 .CI,-!-! BiLci. a vcxjr piuepciuuBuuu pruuiauie session will clo3e today and the teacher-pupils will scatter to the various sections of the county to depart to their pupile what they have learned. Rev. S. J. Riddle dropped into see us last Monday and renewed his subscription to the Dispatch. Brother Joe is a consecrated and faithful ambassador of God and is assisting in the revival services at the Baptist church in this place. Ludden 6c Bates, of the Southern Music House, at Savannah, Ga., offers to the lovers of pianos the world renowned ''Matbushek" which is noted for its sweetness and purity of tone. These pianos are offered for cash or on the instalment plan on easy payments. For further information, address the above. M?0????J???? 3RALLY!! ten at once in the ; Drafts in Kauf3. C., a full line of t's Mill, mplete line ever Columbia cannot Mr. James H. Hope, of Hope Station, this county, and wife, have taken up their residence in this place for the winter and are boarding at Drafts Hotel. Mr. Hope is the effi cienfc teacher of the intermediate department of the Palmetto Institute. M. R. Hartley & Co., have rented the handsome brick store in Kaufmann's Block, lately occupied by Leaphart & Drafts, and will conduct a first class clothiDg and gents' furnishing establishment. Call to see them and you will be astonished at such bargains they are offering. Many of the best teachers in our county* schools were educated in Leesville College and it is an honor to our county that we have such an institution in its borders. The demand for teachers educated at Leesville is always good. A diploma from * MI i _ -i l Jueesviue is conorea every wuere. Cohen, the shoe dealer of Columbia, says that he sells the best winter shoes at the lowest prices and that every pair is sold with a guarantee which makes it perfectly safe in buying your supply of shoes at this store. When in the city, call on Mr. Cohen and he will treat you white. The premium list of the Sixth Annual Fair of the Lexington County Fair Association, which will open at the grounds of the Association in this place on Tuesday morning, October 21st, and close on Thursday evening: A copy can be had by applying to J. A. Muller, Esq, Secretary, at this place. Why Violate the Law? Although the law forbids the killing ef partridges before the first of November, many sportsmen are shooting these birds right along in defiance of law. There in no true sport in shooting young partridges. Most any boy can kill them with a rock or stick. Wait until they are fully grown before opening the sport. There is another evil practice that we would call attention to at this time and that is killing fish with dynamite. Both of these are unlawful acts and should be stopped even if an appeal to the law has to be made to stop them. Lorick & Lowrance, the well known grocers of Columbia, gives our read ers an excellent bill of fare in this issue. This firm does a large business in this county and the fair dealing and honest goods, which have characterized this firm in the past will be maintained in the future and its patrons can feel assured that they will get full value on every purchase. When in need of anything in their line give them a call and they will make it to your interest to do your shopping with them. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. BUGGIES A CAE LOAD Jt I o Gregory 1115 P February 14?ly. Wofford College, SPARTANBURG, S. C. H. N. SNYDER, M. A., PRESIDENT. Fnll finlleera Conrses. Favorable sur roundings. The bast influences. Necessary expenses from $160 to $175 for the year. For catalogue or other information, apply to J. A. GAME WELL, Secretary. WOFFORD COLLEGE FITTING SCHOOL SPARTANBURG, S. C. Elegant new building. Careful attention toindividnal student. Board and tuition for year, $110. All information given by A. M. DuPRE, Head Master. July 9, 1902. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY COUNTRY RISKS CONSIDERED. Only First Class Companies Represented. Sea my List of Giants: Assets. NEW YOKE LIFE, of New York 290,743,356. GLENN FALLS, of Glenn Falls, New York 3,605,602.23 PHILADELPHIA UNDERWRITERS, Phil., Pa.. 15,541,066 CONTINENTAL (Fire), of New York 12,0 5,723.72 2ETNA, FIRE, of Hartford, Conn S14,071,945.37 My companies are popular, strong and reliable. No one can give your business better attention; no one can give you better protection;no one can give you better rates. BEFORE YOU INSURE SEE ALFRED J. FOX, General Insurance Agent, LEXINGTON, S. C. November 27, 1901?ly. Thousands Saved By Ids. kisg's hew discover^ Thiswondertul medicine posi-B lively cures Consumption, Coughs! | Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu-I Imonia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La-1 I Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, I Croup and Whooping Cough.! . Every bottle guaranteed. No! Cure. No Pay. Price 50c. &$ 1.1 | Trial bottle free. ALL Bid BOXING EVENTS Are Best Illustrated and Described in POLICE GAZETTE The World'Famous . . . . Patron of Sports. $1.00-13 WEEKS--$1.00 MAILED TO YOUR ADDRESS. RICHARD E. FOX, Publisher, Franklin Square, New York. Warning:. All persons are hereby notified not to hunt, hanl off wood, make roads and paths or trespass in eney manner whatever upon the lands ot the undersigned. The law will be enforced against all violators. nancy danbenyer siby rish. mary ann wingard, ridona rish, August 29, 1902. 4w46 pd. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ail druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box 25c. - 1 AND ^ 1 WAGONS. I 1ST RECEIVED AND TWO MORE J OARS ORDERED. j i ur Prices the Lowest ? Rhea Male Co, ] LAEST STKEET, COLUMBIA, S. C. 1 - 1 i rrei ir i r i ai ; pit iiiiui3iiiiiiju livuiiunu i \ X-eesTrille, S. C. i LEESVILLE stands for Christian cnltnre and character. Ideal location. Healthfulness unsurpassed. Beautiful town. Large and competent faculty. Improved coarse of study moved np cue year. Lecturers and preachers of eminent ability. Superior advantages offered in Kmc, lit, bgnaisn, Biol-kisglap Itcaspigkf, lie., j as well as in the Literary Course. Clcse personal supervision. Expenses may be reduced by work. Pupils encouraged to employ spare time at work. Send for Catalogue to i X-. IB. S, IFr^sIcLent. J August 13, 19u2. 6w46. fl Ml ? W IWI !! IS HEADQUARTERS FOR | FANCY CHINA aid GLASSWARE, AND HAS IN STOCK A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT SUCH AS jfl Covered Dishes, i Butter Dishes, J Preserve Dishes, l Tumblers, Goblets, J Pitchers, Lamps, Vases, | and a large line of other useful articles too numerous to mention. Call and r see these goods. We are satisfied that you will see something that your have long needed and didn't know whereto find it Tn nrdfir to rush them off we have made our \ 1 PRICES VERY CHEAP j Hilton's Lifefor the 'ANDREW CRAWFORD I Liver and Kidneys attorney at law, 1 strengthens weak kid- C0LUMBId- s c 1 c I T)RACTICES IN THE STATE AND m ll"j b? xt Federal Courts, and offers his professional services to the citizens of Lexington i " ; County. WINTHROP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP j 0ctober 18"ly' A ENTRANCE EXAM1XAT10XS. ! 189 never Fails to Bestore Gray r pHE EXAMINATIONS FOR THE ! 1 1 vacant scholarship in Winthrop Col- j Bhreirig * goc, and si-cm at Drugg't* lege and for the admission of new students i ' * 1 ' 1 1 1 1 J ^ ? ? A.. L /VM O /? 1 will oe neia at me coumy uuuii, u-juac uju . Friday, July 11th, at 1) a. m. TTl M OT1 CI T j1 TP 1/11* i Applicants must not be less than fifteen AAAA Ivll O J-JXXvs Ivl jM When scholarships are vacated after July f.llP T ilVftV 9,11(1 TCltl 11th, they will be awarded to those making UW V K/? c*,'LlVL " ^ the highe-t average at this examination OTTO TTT111 m-i v?o The next session will open September 17, JJ.t2 V O AAr Hi. bUI " 1902. For futher information and a catalogue, fi TTOTTOTTOI O address, Uy opUjJOlci. JM PKESIDENT D B.JOHNSON, -M Bock Hill. S. C, . ; *.r? ow iono nd .IAMFS HARM AN. JJIDtJ X?/UW. y w % 9 w m m w 13E1TTA.L S-EGECIT, ^8 CISIILTO^T'S LEXINGTON, S, C., A _ (Office in rear of the Court House.) fl fllfPU P DC TNFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE W U LI 13 1 UUfflLl JL will be in his office every Friday for the M J purpose of doing dental work in all its ? branches. A SYRUP. March 19, 1902. ly. j| Unique?unlike any other cough preparation. The quickest to stop a cough and ????nwfl on.nnoOD f?nm tViQ ltinora ^ H. IU AVXUV/T*? DV40UVD0 J iVUi ?UV ?? " j. ^ ~ ,, THE MURRAY DRUG CO., " 4| COLUMBIA, 8. C. ^ C.S"T I AT THE BAZAAR, ' -A i AND JLIC GENI ice that we will or