GLASS FOE WINDOWS THE METHOD AND THE MATERIALS OF ITS MANUFACTURE. Enough Arsenic I-n the Windows of an Ordinary House to Kill a Regiment of Men?Process of the Tankhouse and the Pothouse. People who have glass windows in their homes do not know that the glass contai "S enough arsenic to make it a deadly poison. Glassmakers say that the windows of an ordinary home contain enough of this poison to kill a regiment of men. The popular supposition that glass is made of sand is a correct one, but a quantity of other articles enters into its composition. Winrirm- pp As a conse- wSpzpi quence many a work- (r*? ing man develops some 1/ ^ form of stomach 1 trouble which interferes with his health and reduces his workKvhere there is indigestion or Aanv other indi ease of the stom- I/ ach and its eg' r allied organs of ?\\. digestion and nu- 7 SaA^T trition, the use of / Dr. Pierce's Golden / ' p-^f Medical Discovery I wr? will almost invari- / 7 \ W-31 ably produce a per- / IV (??"9 feet and perman- ) I V * ent cure. W tVJ Mr. Thomas A. Vyil Swarts, of Substation MTj'M gMl C. Columbus, O., Box Jo 103 writes: "I was ift' taken with severe i I l| headache, then cramps * ? in the stomach, and my food would not digest, then kidney and liver trouble and my back got weak so I could scarcely get around. At last I had all the coiuplair.ts'at once, the more I doctored the worse I got until six vears passed. I had become so poorly I could only walk in the house by the aid of a chair, and I got so thin I had riz-en up to die. thinking that I could not be cured. Then one of ray neighbors said, ' Take my advice and take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and make a new man out of yourself' The first bottie helped me so I thought I would get another, and after I had taken eight bottles in about six weeks, I was weighed, and found I had gained twenty-seven (27T pounds. I am as stout and healthy to-day, I think, as I ever was." Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Hijgh Temperature. Tommy had had pneumonia, so had been for some time in hospital, where they treated him so well that he was much averse to the prospect of being discharged as "cured." One day the doctor in charge was taking his temperature, and while Tommy had the thermometer in his mouth the doctor moved on and happened to turn his back. Tommy saw his chance. He pulled the thermometer out of his mouth and popped it into a cup of hot tea, replacing it at the first sign of the medico turning. When that worthy examined the thermometer, he looked first at Tommy, then back to the thermometer and gasped: "Well, my man, you're not dead, but you ought to be!"?London Chronicle. Nature His Hired Man. It was in the far south. "How's times?" asked the tourist. "Pretty tolerable, stranger," responded the old man who was sitting on a ' stump. "I had some trees to cut down, but the cyclone leveled them and saved me the trouble." "That was good." "Yes. and then the lightning set fire to the brush pile and saved me the trouble of burning it." "Remarkable! But what are you doing now?" "Waiting for an earthquake to come along and shake the potatoes out of the ground."?Chicago News. Darned Stockings. Tender feet are often made so by the use of much darned stockings. Wear light woolen stockipgs, and let them be of the cheap kind, that you will not mind discarding directly they become worn. To harden the skin it is a good plan to rub the soles of the feet with methylated spirits every day or to wash them over with salt water. Happily Not So Sure of It. Raynor?This fortune telling business is all humbug. One of these professors of palmistry told me a little while ago to look out for a short, blond man. Shyne?I don't know about it's being all humbug. I'm blond and I'm short. Lend me a ten, old fellow, will you?? Chicago Tribune. English kings called themselves kings of France till a century ago, and Tr,>/ /lollo/l fliotncrilvoc lrinor?a 1 1C11\.U IViiiijO VUllVU LUVIAIUV* ? Vkj of Jerusalem until the revolution. The Best Liniment for Strains. Mr. H. F. Welle, a merchant at Deer Park, Long Island, N. Y, any?: 41 always recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm as the best liniment for strains. I used it last winter for a severe lameness in the side, resulting from a strain, and was greatly pleased with the quick relief aDd cure it effected." For sale by J. E. Kaufmann. In a Higher Position. "Me darter Nora is goin' to marry Casey, that wurrucks in the basemint iv thot buildin', but Oi do be tillin' her that she moight hev looked higher!" "Indade?" "Yis. She cud hov hod Murphy, that wurrucks on the top story iv that same skoiscraper."?Baltimore Herald. PnttJnK It Gently. "But is she pretty?" "Well, I don't believe in talking about a girl's looks behind her back. Ilor father's worth about $20,000,000, end they've taken her to Europe twice without bringing back any titles, so you can form your own opinion."?Chicago I tecord-11 era Id. Even if a boy is ahvay whistling "I Want to Be An Angel" it is just as well to keep the raspberry jam and cheese cakes on the top shelf of the | pantry. : i I IIP J .III $)! .u Freaks of Fortune Which Land Men In Congress. How Some Statesmen Achieved the Goal?De Armond of Missouri Won When He Swapped?Aspired to Be a Supreme Court Judge?General Clark Was a Compromise Candidate. Luck Better Than Riches Sometimes?Garfield's Pclitical Start. [Copyright, by Champ Clark.] Of course, in the very nature of tilings, there are many ways of getting 1 tn r-n nTIo find the MiS i-JLl t U IVq ^ LUV^l UO V"V \-*v^ ?? sissippi river will stick out several hundred miles over the gulf of Mexico." Hepburn came back at me in this pleasant fashion: "Mr. Chairman, I venture a suggestion or two to the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. Clark) with a great deal of diffidence. I see that he has studied the question of navigation and hydraulics and understands it thoroughly. lie has overcome a difficulty that engineers have never yet been able to over- j come to their satisfaction, lie has <1 is- ' covered that the slope of a river and the extraordinary currents that may result from an excessive slope do not interfere with navigation, because, while it may be difficult to get up, yet you can slide down so much easier that the thing is balanced. "As boys we used to think there was a great deal of delight in sliding down hill. We would even draw a sled back for the pleasure of the swift motion downward. Hut that plan has never yet been adapted by men to transportation. as I understand. According to the gentleman's theory, Niagara falls tire not an impediment to the navigation of the Niagara river. It might be very difticult to get up. but you would come down so fast that the thing would be equalized." CHAMP CLAKIv. g ?-??1 K J ALL | STEVENS RIFLES AND PISTOLS flREGUARANTEEOTO BE SAFE, DURABLE AKD ACCURATE. \imFAVORITE RIFLE Iis an accurate rifle and puts every shot jM vhere you hold it. Weight 4i pounds. *1 Made in three calibers?.22, .25 and .32 Kim Fire. price: ^ No. 17, Plain Sights, $6.00' No. 18, Target Sights, . 8.50 "Where these rifles are not carried in stock by dealers we will send, express prepaid on receipt of price. Send stamp for catalog describing complete line and containing valuable information to i I shooters. j The J. Stevens Arms and Tool Co. P. 0. Box 1736. CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. April y, 1902. mi. W. A. RECKLING, COLUMBIA, S. C. IS NOW MAKING THE BEST PICtnres that can be had in this country, and all who have never had a real fine pic- ' tnre, should now try some of his latest styles. Specimens can be seen at his Gal- ? lery. np stairs, next to the Hnb. When writing mention the Dispatch. PGINES BOILERS. Tanks. Stacks, Stand Pipes and Sheet-Iron Work; Shafting. Pnlleya, Gearing, Boxes, Bangers, etc. Mill Castings. BT"Cast every day; work 200 hands. LOMB1BD IRON WORKS * SUPPLY OS AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. f t Janaary 27- ly ?. BEESWAX WANTED IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARket price for clean and pure Beeswax. Price governed by color and condition. RICE 2. HARMAN, At the Bazaar. Lexington. S. C. EDWARD L. ASBILL, ' Attorney at Law, LEESVILLE, S. C. Practices in all the Courts. Business solicited. Sept. 30?6ra ALL BIO BOXING EVENTS Are Best Illustrated and Described in P9LICE GAZETTE i The Worlds Famous . \ . . . Patron of Sports. $1.00-13 WEEKS-$1.00 MAILED TO YOUR ADDRESS. BICHABD K. FOX, Publisher, Franklin Square, New York. THE 3 ' SPIRITTINE REMEDIES. J Endorsed by some of the Leading Medical fl Profession. No Quack or Patent Med- : icine, but NATURE'S PURE REMEDIES. ? - ? i T. . ?i t__ o If TT t "DAT A YT fl wnoiesaie ana ixeiau uy vr. jii. aajaauu^, ? Fire id lilt Ins* l? I COUNTRY RISKS CONSIDERED. M Only First Clsss Companies Represented. See my List of Giants: Assets. m .ETNA, FIRE, of Hartford, J Conn $13,357,293 M CONTINENTAL (Fire), of New York 10,638.271 ^ PHIL A DE LPHI * UNDER- 1 WRITERS, Phil., Pa.. 15,541,066 .ETNA LIFE, of Hartford, J C ld in one Piay L j