The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 11, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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??IIIBMIM?KM The Lexington Dispatch. * ~~ Wednesday, June 11, 1902. "EiiEiniiEr Between the County Commissioners and Lexington Manufacturing Co. Recorded in the Office of R. M. C. for Lexington County, S. C., in Book NN, Page 62, this 2nd Day of January. 1894. H. A. Spann, R. M. C. State of South CaroliD8,) i_ .f t i. <JOUDiy 01 juexiugiuu. ) To AH to Whom these Presents May Come, Greeting: "Whereas, the then Board of County Commissioners of county of Lexington and State aforesaid, in order to permanently reduce the expenses of keeping up the bridges over Twelve Mile creek and Spiller's branch on public road leading from Lexington C. H., to Orangeburg C. H., between the Town of Lexington and Lexington Depot on the Charotfce, "Columbia and Augusta Railroad, did on the 15th day of September, 1888, enter into contract, and had constructed rock butments at said Btream with sufficiently strong timber to support flooring without other support, the one over Twelve Mile * * * '? O/? creefc Demg 01 me span ui oo icci, and the one over Spillers branch being of the span of 20 feet, and had constructed thereon gccd aDd sufficient bridges for the use of the public until 2od day of February, 1891, when the "Lexington Manufacturing Company," being desirous of raising their mill pond water sufficient to secure 'power enough to run their machinery, and in order to do so had to raise the same over the before mentioned public road, butments and bridges to a considerable depth. And* in order to so raise said pond, the then Board of County Commissioners of Lexington county, on the 2nd, day of February, 1891, granted, in wri^g, permission to the said Lexing^Dn Manufacturing Company to raise said water power upon condition that they raise said public road either in dipt or wcod, or both, so as to make a good roadway on top fifteen feet wide at their own expense. And, whereas, under said right granted to them, the said LexiDgton Manufacturing Company, shortly thereafter raised a bridge by benches of various lengths in conformity with the rise and fall of the public road bed and bridge of wood 439 feet by 15 feet. And, whereas, it will be necessary from time to time to repair said bridge to keep the same in safe and passable condition. Now, know all men by these presents that the following agreement is * hereby permanently entered into between the said Lexington Manufacturing Company and the undersigned present Board of County Commissioners of Lexington County, First, The said LexiDgton Manufacturing Company and the said Board of County Commissioners do * - "? 3 3 _ agree to Keep up Baia oriage conpinuy in the following manner, to wit: The Board of County Commissioners hereby agree to keep up, at the expense of the county,- the stringers, flooring and railings' for the distance of fifty-six feet; and the Lexington Manufacturing Company agree to keep up, at their own expense, the striDgers, flooring and railiDgs for the distance of three hundred and eightythree feet, together with the benches supporting said bridge. Second, It is agreed that it shall be the duty of the said Beard cf County Commissioners of said county at any and all future time to look after and keep in good repair the entire bridge at as reasonable expense as possible, and shall keep t. true and correct account of said expenses and at the end of every fiscal year to make an itemized account of the same and present the same to the President of the said Lexington Manufacturing Company for his examination, and that said expense is to be paid by the said Board of County Commissioners and the Lexington Manufacturing Company in the proportion as 56 is to 383, and all repairs and work done on said bridge from time to time by said Commissioners or their successors shall be done in accordance with the rules and ruglations governing said Board v in all such like cases. Third, It is agreed that if it should Illl Ill IIIB?EBMBBaMB?C3Zm^gU?l be necessary to repair any or all of the beeches supporting said bridge at any time the said Board of County Commissioners, then acting for said county, shall give written notice to the Lexington Manufacturing Company at least ten days before said repairs are to be made, and the said Lexington Manufacturing Company shall draw down the water of their pond in order to allow the workmen employed to repair the bench or benches to be repaired and in an easy and comfortable manner. Said Board of County Commissioners to employ a sufficient force to complete said repairs in as soon a time as is possible and practicable. Fourth, It is agreed that should any damsge3 accrue by accident to parties passing over said bridge, and not brought on by any carelessness or failure of performance of duty on the part of the Board of County Commissioners then actiDg for said county, said damages shall be paid both by the county and the Lexington Manufacturing Company in the proportion as 06 is to 383. A settlement of said damages being first set| tied upon by the then acting Board of County Commissioners for said county and the Lexington Manufacturing Company, and any settlement thereon made by one without the " * * * ? * 111 full consent of tne otner snail not be binding; , and this section shall not be construed so as to impose upon the parties hereto any other liability than such as the laws of the land impose vin case of accidents, &c , on other public bridges, under control of the County Commissioners. Fifth, It is agreed that if at any time in the future should the Lexington Manufacturing Company desire to replace said bridge by dirt, that the said Company shall give the Board of County Commissioners then acting for said county, 30 days notice of their intention before they commence operations, and the then County Commissioners acting for said county shall proceed to have two good and substantial butments erected a distance of seventy-five feet apart with winge sufficient to support the dirt embankment, which is to be 15 feet wide on top and 3 feet j above high water mark, and to span a substantial bridge over said 75 feet space out of either wood or iron as they may see fit. The county to bear the expense of building 5G feet of same and the Factory company to bear the expense of building 19 feet of same?and said bridge to be kept up after completion at the expense of the county. And it is further agreed . that if it be necessary to build a centre butment . to support said bridge in the span of 75 feet the said Lexington Manufacturing Company is to build the same at their own expense forthwith upon notice to them by the said Board of County Commissioners. And it is further agreed that the county snail keep in ordinary repair said dirt road after it has been completed by said Lexington Manufacturing Company and accepted by the said Board of County Commissioners then acting for said county. But if said dirt roadway should suffer any material damage caused by the pond water of said Company then the said Company is to repair the same at their own expense. Sixth, It is agreeded that this instrument of writing shall be forthwith recorded in the office Register of Mense Conveyance for Lexington county for the protection of all parties in interest. And we, the undersigned Board of County Commissioners, doth hereby bind ourselves and our successors in office; and we, the Lexington Manufacturing Company, doth hereby bind ourselves, assigns and all nprsnns / O claiming under us, to carry out and faithfully perform the conditions of this instrument of writing. Witness our hand and seal this 1st day of January, 189J S. L. Smith, [Seal.] P. H. Caughman, L. J. Langford, B'd Co. Commissioners for Lex. Co. W, P. Roof, President Lex. MTg Co. Signed and sealed in the presence of C. M. Efird. J. A. Muller. South Carolina, Lexington County. Personally appeared C. M. Efird and made oath that he saw S. L Smith, P. H. Caugbman and Lewis J. Langford, composing the Board of County Commissioners for Lexington county, and W. P. Roof, President of and for the Lexington Manufacturing Company, sign and seal the foregoing instrument of writing for j the intent and purposes therein mentioned, and that he, with J. A. Muller, witnessed the due execution thereof. C. M. Efird. Sworn to before me this 1st day of Jannary, 1891. J. A. Muller, [L. S.] ! Trial Justice. I hereby accept notice of W. P. Roof, President Lexington Manufacturing Company, to construct a new | bridge over the Lexington Manufac- j tuning C:mpany'a pond as herein set j forth. J. Brooks Wingard, Clerk County Commissioners, Lexington County, S. C. August 19, 1901. The above matter was considered by the Board and it was decided to take steps at once to construct a new bridge and fill in with dirt in accordance with the within specifications. O m ^ y-v HH ^ T rTVA 1 OXAXii U? vxii ur j.f Lucas County j s Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 188G. f cr i t ) A. W. GLEASON, ( j" Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. i .13 m t /~it c. /~i. Address, r . o. ^ceiiey oc w, Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggist?, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The Boer War at a Glance. "War began in November, 1899. Total available fighting force of Boers (estimated), 50,000 Total number of British troops engaged from first to last, 500,000. Largest number British troops in field at one time, 280,000. British losses (official statistics to April 1, 1902): Total deaths in South Africa, 1,020 officers, 20,031 men. Missing and prisoners, two officers, 134 men. Sent home as invalids, 2,937 officers, 65.311 men. Total,3,959 officers, 88,476 men. , Boer losses: Prisoners, 27,000. Killed and wounded?no statistics available. Fighting Boers still in field (estimated), 7,000. Cost of war to Great Britain to date, about 81.250,000,000. Cost of war to Boers?no statistics available. Notable engagements?Mafeking, Kimberly, Ladysmitb, Belmont, Gras Pan, Modder River, Stormberg, Magersfontein, Tugela River, Ran&berg, Vener's Srpuit, Spion Kop. Commanders-in-chief of British forces in South Africa?Bailer, Roberts and Kickener. Principal Boer commanders?Joubert, Botha, DeWet and Dtrlarey.? Philadelphia Record. Saved From An Awful Fate. "Everybody said I had consumption," writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambersburg, Pa., "I was so low offor smt mnnfhs of Kfiwro ninknpfis caused by Hay Fever and Asthma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr.'King's New Discovery for Consumption, used it, and was completely cured." For desperate Throat and LuDg Diseases it is the safest cure in the world, and is infallible for Colds and Bronchial Affections. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1 00. Trial bottles free at J. E. Kaufmann's. Columbia wants to be transferred from the Eastern judicial district of South Cirolina to the Western district and then to be made the seat of the court to be created for that district. ?j?i?.L" | jii\\\n rwBTHnTmnmTnTfinirTu 11 inh HI m i? i n Eczema, Ps< Rheum,Tet Belong to that class of inflammatory cause more genuine bodily discomfc diseases. The impurities or sedimenl of poor digestion, inactive Kidneys taken up by the blood, saturating th that ooze out through the glands and scribable itching and burning, and the yellow, watery discharge forms into crusts and sores or little brown and white scabs that drop off, leaving : the skin tender and raw. The effect : of the poison may cause the skin to crack and bleed, or give it a scaly, fish; ft AO/If O 1 UUliaiai ui 1 ii ii uiuv:i auit cxi the face. Purification of the blood is diseases. Washes and powders cai ties pass off relieve the skin. S. S. S. is the onl purifier. It contains no Arsenic. Pot: Write us about your case and our We have a handsomely illustrated hoc free to all who wish it. the swi STotes G-athered by Billy Felix. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The copious showers have come and now we can breathe free and full without inhaling the dust. Crops are splendid and very promising. The timid candidate begins to come out aDd peep about. The small grain crop is very good. Alroo/'lw cnmo linn been harvested and the yiela is a goodly one, and 60on the old horny-band farmer will be sopping fresh flitters ana sweet "lasses. Tho old reliable blackberry crop will be an abundant one. Candidates were quite numerous at the Sunday school picnic and the cute part about it was, they were all Sunday school boys. Mr. Brooks Goclwin ie quite sick with fever. We hope ere loDg he may recuperate and be up and out again. If all the people were as good as the candidates are, or seem to be while on their rounds, the poor preachers would have to quit their business. Generally speaking, the health of our community is good, the happy Felix family not excepted. Miss Dora E Craft is home again to the delight of her many friends. Mr. F. P. Boushee cf Missouri, now working for the post office department, arrived in Gaston the 27th n 1 fimn in fVna inforoaf. r.f tho R.lirftl Lli lilLUU) AJ-I (UV ?w bV/i t/w V v* w Free Delivery. The route going south west to Mr. J. W. Feeder's thence north up the old Lexington road, and east back to Giston, was inspected and an examination ordered by him to be held Thursday, 29th uit. Five applicants stood the examination, the result of which has not yet been known. Mr. Boushee pronounced the boys a jolly set of as j fine boys as he ever met. Billy takes this occasion to thank him for bis flattering comments and would just say that a finer, better, nobler, gentleman I never met than Mr. Boushee. The department can feel safe with such men at the helm. The system will go into operation some time in the near future. We regret to learn that Mr. A. J. Lucas has chills and fever. Trust I mo^ o/-(/-ir> Ko nr/-Vffon rirl nf anrl I tliry i_Li rjkj CUV.'U k/?- gv/vuvw 4?v* V* V i that he will be out again. The candidate who makes his appearance eaily in the race and pushes his claims vigorously all along will ! be the man to get there in August and September. Mr. Editor, if you should chance ! to while away some time with the j candidate while on his rounds and | wander in these parts, make it convenient to call on the contented ana cheerful Felix family where a hearty | welcome awaits you. Trusting that your bank account ! may be wonderfully and amazingly increased by fees of the candidates | till you won't know where you are at is the wish of Billy Felix. June 2, 1002. Hov? To Avoid Trouble. Now is the time to provide your Rplf with a battle of Chamberlain's 'Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over, and if procured now may save you a trip to town in the night or in your busiest season. It is every where admitted to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints, both children and adults. No family can afford to be without it. For sale by J. E. Kaufmann. oriasis, Salt ter and Acne - and disfiguring' skin eruptions that >rt and worry than all other known ts which collect in the system because and other organs of elimination are e system with acid poisons and fluids pores of the skin, producing an inde" I can cheerfully endorse your S. S. S. as a euro for Eczema. I was troubled with it for 25 years and tried many remedies with no good effects, but after using- a few bottles of S. S. S. was entirely relieved. "Wm. Campbell, 313 W. Central St., Wichita, Kan. - appearance; again the eruptions may id pimples or hard, red bumps upon the only remedy for these vicious skin i only hide for a time the glaring S. S. eradicates all poisonous accumu >tes the Uric and other acids, and >od to its wonted purity, and stimulates the sluggish organs, and the irupurithrough the natural channels and y guaranteed purely vegetable blood ish or other harmful mineral, physicians will advise without charge. >k on skin diseases, which will be sent FT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Cuba's New Minister. His Appointment Confirmed by Close Vote in Cuban Senate. Havana, Juno 5?The nomination of Senor Qaesada as Cuban minister to the United States was confirmed by a vote of 13 to 10, one senator not voting. The corfimation was due either to .the influence of President Pal ma or to the desire of the senate not to reject his first diplomatic appointment. It is considered, nevertheless, that Senor Qaesada was morally defeated. The economic corporations have *1 i J .. l! il aeciciea not to continue meir campaign in the United States to secure tariff concessions for Cuba. This action is due to the fact that a Cuban government is now established, and the corporations will assist the government here in any way they can to reach the desired end. &eadlt 2a His STowspaper. George Schaub, a well known German citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant reader of the Dayton Nolkt-zeitung. He knows that this paper aims to advertise only the best in its columns, when he saw Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lame back he did not hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his wife, who for eight weeks had suffered with the most terrible pains in her back and could not get any relief. He says: "After using the Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to me,'Ifeel as though born anew,' and before using the entire contents of the bottle tbe unbearable pains bad entirely vanished and she could again take up her house duties." He is very thankful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment is for sale by J. E. Kaufmann. Sarcasism Indeed. Carolina Spartan. Candidates fcr the United States Senate will do a great favor to the country by jumping on McLaurin and mashing tbe breath out of him. TM U U-.i. -L nay ouuuiu ttitu iiiij ilit? uv;ou[juoco and trusts and grinding monopolies. The people like to hear that. It's all new to us. Then a few sturdy whacks at Maik Hanna, Grover Cleveland, President Boosevelt and D. B Hill will be most enjoyable. Touch up the Mormons and Jake Smith and expansion and trade with the East and commercial growth. There is no harm in that. But da not exhibit any eign or thought, or independence, or knowlede of statecraft. That would jolt us. Never do that. You would be called a crank. We do not want men who think. We want putty men that can be moulded in any shape desirable. We have the material amongst the candidates. Ladies Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after using Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant rc-lief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures and prevents swollen feet, blisters, callous and sore spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for sweating, hot, aching feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Trial package free by mail. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. HI nnm nils, 1 LSXIKGTOIn, S. C. 1 VOCAL |I?MM MUSIC, 105 pnpils enrolled la>t session. Experienced Teachers. Pourd Si to S7. Tuition $1 to $2 50. J Next session begins September 9. 1901. For catalogue, address O. D. SFAY, Principal. August 28, 1901. tt. DR. E, .!, ETIiEREDGE, SUKGKON UlSNTIST, < LEESVILLE, S. C. { Office next door belcw pest office. I Always onband. ! February 12. Vj Sr. G. E. Leapfeart, AND fife aid lie line f pi, \ LEXI&GTGrJ, S. C. V RESIDENT AGENT FOR THE 1 (NEW YORK LIFE I THE STRONGEST INSURANCE COMPANY ON EARTH. Persons desiring a policy written in the above strong insurance company should notify me and I will call upon ihem at their LiUU 11 p.cICIXCUi 12C0 acres of well timbered land, situate rin Black Creek township, about five miles V from a railroad station. There is a good * water power oa the p'ac?. Price, $2,500 - cheap at this price. Titles good. OAA ArKES 0? GOOD FARMING Oww land, 10 acre- o.-e:>, situated % about halt w-y b.-twee a Swansea ano Gas- A t n i*Ld convenient to ra' read. Bniliogs A on t'*?e p ace era in fair condition.. Titles 1 to.d, terxns asy. P.-ice $?'0 00. DR. C E. LEAPHART, Real its-ate and Insurance Agtnt. jWill Hake Affidavit Lease of Life for an Bowa Postmaster. Postmaster R. FT. Randall, Dunlap, la., says: I suffered from indigestion and resulting evils for years. Finally I tried Kodol. I soon knew I had found what I had long looked for. I am better today than in years. Kodol gave me a new lease of life. Anyone can have my affidavit to the truth of this statement." a ; o ttati n THi ic AnJi-hlfiS the I\<JUUI niveau* jvui i.vy\^vx. *1*.^ ?-? system to assimilate supplies,strengthen- t ing every organ and restoring health. Kodol Makes You Strong. Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. The 51. bottle contains^ times theSOc. size^ J. E. KAUFMANN. "When writing mention the Dispatch. Ifilliiril THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN COLUMBIA. UNITED STATES. STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY. Savings Department. Paid np Capital - $200,000 Surplus Profits . - . 70,000 Liability of Stockholders - 200,COO S4TO.OCO Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent. ner annum, payable May lst_ and Novem I bsr 1st W. A. ULAKK. President. Wilie Jones, Vice President and Cashier. December 4?ly. 1111 MB U. ' DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. W. I?. RCOE, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Allen Jones. W. P. Roof, C. M. Efird, * R. Hilton James E. Eendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and. interest at 5 per cent, par annum allowed, payable April and October. September 21?tf CHESTER'S ENGLISH .' Piismom PILLS } Slnfe. A1 wars reliable. Ladies, ask Druggist for 1 *'I* B CHESTER* EKULINH in Red and <iold metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Talie no other, Refusu' dnngerouit sabsli* , tutionsaud inti(ation?. Buy of your Druggist, I or send io. in slarnos for Partlculam, TentiaionialN and "Kellef for ILadies." in lc>ier, by return .Hail. 10.000 Testimonials, Sold by jdl Druggists. CHICHESTEP. CHEMICAL CO. A ?100 JEadisor Scuaro, f*iI5LA., PA, Mention ibis naper. COCAINE""1 WHISKY B MMlui Habits Cured at my Sanatorium, In 1*0 day. Hundreds of references. 23 years u specialty. Book on Home Tvestment sent FKEL Address B. IVi. WOCLLEY, M. D.v Atlanta, Ca. July 25?ly. GEOEGEEaroS MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C., i JEWELER a"d REPAIRER Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A fine line of Spectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, all for sale at lowest prices. Bepairs on Watches first class quickly done and guaranteed, at moderate prices. 50?tf. When writing mention the Dispatch.